ri Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 17, 1952 Page 3 Social Happening Plans Outlined For Union Missionary The executive committee of the Union Missionary Society met Friday afternoon in the parlors of the Christian church to out line plans for the coming year. Newly chosen officers include: Mrs. Jesse C. Payne, president; Mrs. Harvey Wilhite, vice-president; Mrs. Pearl Devine, secretary, treasurer.. The program commit tee includes, Mrs. Sybil Wells from All Saints Episcopal church', chairman; Mrs. Opal Briggs, rep resenting the Methodist church and Mrs. Ethel Ziements of the Christian church. This year the World Day of Prayer will be ob served on Friday, February 29 and is to be held in the Episcopal church. o All Saints Auxiliary Plan Pancake Lunch The Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal Church held its regular business meeting in the Parish House Thursday afternoon. Plans were made for the annual Pancake Luncheon which will be held on Shrove Tuesday, February 26 this year in the Parish House. Mrs. Ethel Adams and Mrs. Hazel Mahoney were hostess for the social hour following the busi ness session. Coming Events Friday Jan. 18 San Souci Re- bekah lodge. Monday Jan. 21 Chamber of Commerce, noon at O'Donnell's. Rainbow for Girls. Tuesday Jan. 22 Bookworms. Degree of Honor. Thursday Jan. 24 Soroptimist, noon at O'tonnell's. All Saints Episcopal Auxiliary. Elks. ' Friday Jan. 25 Ruth Chapter No. 32, OES. MARRIAGE TOLD H. A. Schultz of Heppner was married January 10 at Walla Walla to Mrs. Irene Wilson of De troit, Michigan. They will make their home here. Mrs. Wilson has not lived in this area previously, though she had visited here in the past. 9 J v? ;ah wnmen all V Clftlll'W"-"'"' , over America have discovered Hollywood Breads mimuauic ,.;knimn tn their low- calorie menus. Hollywood Bread is baked witnout snonenuig, onodness is ac- cented with nutritional impor tance. Try it. you u iuvc m BAKED WIIHUUi anunik""'- NO FATS HUUtu Bated mJusWFOI YOU bj , Walla Walla Baking Co. Mrs. McNamer Is Honored By Birthday Party A birthday party was given Tuesday night January 15 at the home of Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, in honor of Mrs. Sara McNamer. Canasta was played during the evening and the retresnmenis featured a birthday cake. Those present were Mesdames Sara Mc Namer, Lucy Fvodgers, Frances Mitchell, Oma Cox, Mary W right and Mary Van Stevens. o Soroptimists Hear John Ernsdorff Speak At the Sorontimist Club lunch eon Thursday noon in O'Donnell's Cafe, John Ernsdorff, superinten dent of the Pioneer Memorial Hospital, gave a talk on Social ized Medicine and explained the defects of the system and the dis satisfaction it has aroused in England where it has been used for the past several years. 'Mr. Ernsdorff gave a resume of the work at the local hospital and of how funds are raised for its oper ation. The sister club at Tamworth, England sent three dozen fine linen handkerchiefs to be award ed to local Soroptimists as Christ, mas gifts. . o Mrs. Lulu Kleinegcr arrived the last of the week from Grants Pass and will remain here for a time to look after her sister, Mrs. Alice Gentry. l.j n :.t anil La or e uuiuc Past Matrons of OES Honor Worthy Matron Preceding the regular session Friday evening at the Masonic Hall, the Tast Worthy Matrons Club of Ruth Chapter, OES, en tertained with a potluck dinner complimenting Mrs. Frank David son, incoming Worthy Matron. Mrs. Davidson was presented a lovelv planter by the members of the ciub. This is on annual event and this years dinner was ar ranged by Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, president of the Past Worthy Ma trons Club. o Rainbow Girls Elect Officers Rainbow For Girls held election of officers at their meeting on January 7 in the Masonic nan. Those taking office are Mary Ann Jensen, Worthy Advisor; Nancy Ferguson, Worthy Associate Ad visor; Dolores Keithley, Charity; Meredith Ann Sorlien, Hope; Sharon Becket, Faith; Mary Ruth Green, Recorder; Tcggy Wight man, Treasurer. A public installation will be held at 7:00 o'clock Monday even ing, January 21. . o Lex Garden Club Meets At Padberg's The Lexington Garden Club met in the home of Mrs. Oris Pad berg on Tuesday January 8. The following members were present; Mesdames Gena Leonard, Bernicc Lolt, Edna Munkers, Katie Pad berg, Nellie Palmer, Emma Feck, Cleo Van Winkle, Maxine Cox, Edith Miller and Millie Evans. Guests of the day were Mrs. Fan nie McMillan and Mrs. Mae Mc Call. After the meeting lovely re freshments were served by the hostess. o Missionary Society Meets At Parsonage ThP Missionary Society of the Christian church met Wednesday January 16 at the parsonage. Thorp wore 15 members present and refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank E. Parker and Mrs. Ron Anderson. Mrs. Marvin Smith gave the program which was on Spotlighting South America. Mrs. Emma Jones gave the devotional. March of Dimes Lassie 'ft 1 ' v.' . v ON DISPLAY SATURDAY "Brilliantly New For '52" l I:. 4 XL'tlS. Ok claads FOR THE LADIES Something for the Kiddies & Pop. Too HODGE CHEVROLET CO. HEPPNER 4 "If r it li Six-year-old Oiiyle Surine, of West Linn, Ore, can hold her doll next to her now that she is out of an iron lung. March of Dimes funds have provided all care in her two-and-a-half year fislit against polio. January is March of Dimes month. 1952 Chevrolet To Be Shown Saturday A brilliant array of smart, new colors, a richness in passenger compartments never before achie ved in the low-price field, an eas ier ride and readier power re sponse headline an impressive list of advances in the 1952 Chev- rolets, to be displayed Saturday at Hodge Chevrolet lo. Distinguished in styling and performance, the new Chevrolets meet in every respect the exact ing standards that have won the company it's dominating position in the automobile industry. In 1951 Chevrolet sold more cars than any other make for the twelve conservative peacetime year. Specifically, the new models on disulav January 19 offer: Greater comfort through radically re-engineered power mountings and re-design of shock obsorbers. Im proved performance under ex treme operating conditions through refinements in carbure tion. A wide variety of solid and two-tone color exteriors combined with harmonizing interior fab rics that give the customer an amazing 129 choices. The models to be shown here are representative of eleven body types comprising the Chevrolet passenger car line for 1952. 4-H CLUB NEWS THE HAPPY SEW AND SEW CLUB The Happy Sew and Sew 4-H Club members met Saturday, January 12th, at the home of Mrs. Lucy Peterson, Heppner. Members of this new clothing club made needle cases and pin cushions. Every member brought a well equipped sewing box. The girls are learning to wear a thimble. Mrs. Harold Peck, club leader conducted the demonstration and discussion. Officers conducting the meeting were: Alice reterson, president ;Connie Anderson, vice (Continued on Page Four) Penneys WEEK-END SPECIALS 25 WOOL Dimes Drive On At Boardman By Mrs. Flossie Coats The March of Dimes is under way in Boardman with the dime cards being mailed. For further nformation contact Mrs. Leo Root the local chairman. Boardman Yellow Jackets played the first league game on tht local floor with the Umatilla Vikings Saturday evening, win ning with a score of 38-37. Don Gillispie, Boardman forward was high point man. The Boardman B team also won 39-34. Friday evening the Jackets nlaved Rufus on the Boardman floor and lost 57-53. Stan Shat tuck, forward was ill and unable to play in this game. Gillespie was high point man. The girls volleyball team played the pre- iminary game, losing witn a score 37-35. The basketball boys and the volleyball girls have new satin suits of blue and gold. Both teams wearing the new suits Fri day evening playing with Rufus. Mr. and Mrs. Arnin Hugg ana Wanda motored to Seattle and Kent Saturday to spend several days. Miss Wilma Hugg went to Kent Wednesday with her bro ther Dale, who had been home lor visit. Miss Hug will return home with her parents. Miss Jean Scott accompanied the Hugs to Seattle being called home by the serious, illness of her mother who under went a serious opera tion Saturday morning. Mrs. Ely and son Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Zivnev and family! also Miss Marlene Fisk motored: to Pendleton Thursday. Mrs. Kenneth Peabody of Star Trairie, Wyo., is a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Gene liar- wood and to visit her new grand son baby Harwood who is oniy a few weeks old. The Boardman town basketball team heat the Lexineton townics Monday evening on the Boardman floor with a score 78-39. H. E. C met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Glenn Carpenter with a potluck dinner at noon. Twenty-one ladies were present. Mrs. Jeff Haves and infant son have arrived home from the hos pital and are at the home of the grandparents M,r. and Mrs. Wal ter Hayes. Mrs. Frank Cole was pleas antly surprised on her birthday Thursday when the neighbor ladies Fathered for the afternoon and brought a big birthday cake. I BLANKETS Solid color Single Blanket 72x84. Satin bound, assorted colors. 25 Wool, 75 Rayon. 677 MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS Generous Slie 10 for 1 .00 CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8:00. Church School 9:45. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11:0(1. Holy Communion on Wednes day at 10:00. Junior Choir practices on Wed nesday. Boys, 2:45 to 4:00. Girls, 4:00 to 5:00. No Adult Choir practice this week. o 1 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH R. Knauft, Pastor, Phone 3-152 Sabbath services at Chapel of Prophecy: Sabbath School 10:00 a. m. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at pastor's home. Dorcas Society meets every Tuesday at 200 p. m. at home of Mrs. H. S. Huber. All Welcome. Remarkable Savings DURING NORAH'S Norah'g great January Clearance offers you unheard-of values in fino apparel I Just think, dresses at 2 for the price of 1; a reduction of one-thlrd on coats and children's apparel. You'll make your dollars really stretch if you hurry to Norah's tomorrow. CORDUROYS WOOL JERSEYS VELVETEENS CREPES 41 2 Dresses Reg. 12.95 to 29.95 FOR PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Anderson's Builders' Supply, Heppner Omar Rletmann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Frelghtways 1 -WOMEN'S Winter Coats 1-3 OFF """Itteay. SAVEI- REDUCEDI Millinery Vz PRICE Close-Out CHILDREN'S COATS E-3 2S Children's Skirts b Jumpers Corduroy and Wools Sizes 6 to 12. Reduced 1-3 SALE STARTS FRIDAY