Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 28, 1951 CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8 a. m. C hurch School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon 11 a. m. Holy Communion Wednesday morning at 10. for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOE No archery classes on Saturday, June 30. Congregational-Christian Church Lexington, Oregon L. G. WetzeL pastor We know not what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. Friday, June 29, demonstration program of the vacation Bible school at the church. Sunday, July 1, Sunday school hour 9:45 a. m.. Worship service 9:45 :.. m. (out by noon.) Evening Bible study H p. m. Wednesday. July 4, Uible study and prayer service at 8 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister 1 MAKE YOUR LAND PAY More PROFIT CNffclJO '-Vi mm IRRIGATION We'll Help You Plan Our Field Technician will vilit your farm and help you plan the right layout for your farm and crop requirement!. Increases Yields Saves Wafer The Leader In Features Coupler Locks from Carrying Posi tion. Savei Stooping and Walking. "Loks-in" SH-Draining Gaskil Can't Blow Out. Wain Lin Valva kttps water In Main line WWe Moving Sprinkler Lints. Get the Facts... Mail Coupon Today! cm:.. j DEALER N A tA E ! AND ADDRESS J Send me complete information about I WADE' RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation Nam Addrns City Stale dtitafueto YOU GET CLEANER SEPARATION WITH THE MASSEY-HARRIS Thousands of acres of grain bar Tested under the most varied con ditions have convinced owners every where that Massey-Harris combines get cleaner grain and more oi it 9 ft fi. From cutter-bar to grain tank every unit in a Massey-Harris is in correct proportion for most efficient threshing. Size, design and position of each has been carefully engineered to give you controlled feeding coordinated operation. The result is cleaner grain, more grain saved . . . a more profitable harvest. Next fme you're in own sfop in or complefe details. Logan Implement Service lone, Oregon Morning worship and sermon 11 a. m. Sunday Church school 9:45. Dinnor (pot luck) after the 11 o'clock service honoring Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boyer, who are leav ing for Evanston, 111 where Mr. Boyer will begin his studies for the ministry. All are invited. o Jepsen-Lieuallen Vows Exchanged In Pendleton Sunday The wedding of Miss Suzanne Lieuallen, daughter of Represen tative and Mrs. C. L. Lieuallen to Robert H. Jepson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepson, was solem nized at 4 p. m. Sunday, June 24 at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Pendleton. The Rev, Eric O. Robathan performed the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white marqui sette gown with long lace-trimmed train, and fing'er-tip veil held in place by a lacehalo. She carried pink rosebuds and flowers' of love on a white prayer book. Mrs. Frank Lieuallen, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a peach taffeta dress with net overskirt and halo to match. The bridesmaids were Mrs. John Clerf a cousin of the bride wearing blue, Mrs. Richard Patton wearing orchid and Mrs. Robert Green wearing yellow. All four carried nosegays. The best man was Frank Lieu allen and ushers were John Clerf, Richard Patton and Robert Green. A reception followed in the parish house. Several attended from here. Those attending the Morgan family reunion in The Dalles Sunday were Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and family, Earl Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mr.a nd Mrs. Wallace Matthews and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and family and George Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson and family of Los Angeles are visiting relatives here. Mr. Dav idson is the son of Mrs. Ella Da vidson. o A WORD OF THANKS I am truly grateful to my friends for their visits and for the cards, letters flowers and oth er gifts sent me during my re cent illness. Please accept my sincere thanks. Mrs. John Saager o Marcel Jones will leave. with his big farm truck Sunday for Burns to haul the household goods of the Earl L. Sowards fa mily to Heppner. Mr. Sowards is the newly elected minister at the Church of Christ and will oc cupy the pulpit Sunday, July 8 as the beginning of his charge here. o FOR SALE One baby basket and stand for home or travel, with pad and liner, $6.00. Us ed three months. Also one baby buggy in good shape, used little over 4 months. See Mrs. Bud Peck or phone 2325. 15p WATERFRONT NEWS Lest you forget, we still have that speci al on electric water heaters. Baker Plumbing & Heating. Phone 2892, Heppner, Ore. 15c WILL THE PARTY who picked up tire, tube and wheel at S. Court St. bridge please return to Rosewall Motor Co. Eva Duran. 15p NOTICE I To Our Friends and Customers:.... S&H Green Stamps will be giv en on accounts only when paid IN FULL within the month fol lowing purchase. Gilliam & Bisbee WILL HAVE FOR SALE 50 tons baled alfalfa hay, second and third crops. A. C. Keene, lone, Oregon. 14-15p BENEFIT DANCE Sponsored by Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion for Junior Legion Baseball Uniforms Saturday, June 30 County Fair Pavilion Tony Whitman's Dance Band Admission $1.25, tax included THEN UP STEPPED MIGHTY CASEY ! i n i m m mt m 1, A person standing in the area of the Oregon Vortex, located near Gold Hill, inevitably as sumes a posture that inclines toward magnetic north. Lates figures show that there are 882,773 acres in 32 individual tree farms in the Douglas fir re gions of OTegon. WAKE UP BUSINESS A By Advertising In Drink More Milk .you'll Feel Better and look Better HEHMISTON Phone3571 PENDLETON Phone 1211 Over 63,000 acres of Oregon's I been set aside by the highway most beautiful countryside have commission as state parks. Get New Tires for Summer Driving-NOW!-while our stocks are complete We still have a few white sidewalls left. Jack's Chevron Station Jack Van Winkle RPM Lubricants Atlas Tires Phone 802, Heppner, Oregon WILL YOUR CROP BE RUINED? Hail comes so quickly and with such finality . . Play the game safe . . INSURE NOW! Hail Insurance costs surprisingly little. Phone us. 152 TURNER, VAN MARTER Cr CO. PENNEYS END-OF-MONTH i K : I 'vi i !'',.' 4 V - 1 Starts FRIDAY Every department contributes to this Clearance! Tables of bar gains for everybody - Check these hard-to-beat Values! 33c Q Cotton Marquisette Yd. Q Drapery Yardage Yd. 33c to Q Piece Goods Clean-up Rayon Satin, White Twill, Rayon Crepe, Neddle-N-Thr'ead Broad cloth "Prints, Applique Prints Yd. ill Sash Curtains .99 & 1.44 Plastic Drapes Loop Rugs Non-skid backing 24x45 Chenille Spreads Only a few of these 1.00 3.00 4.44 House Frocks The same Brentwood Cotton We just have top many 2 racks ! Chenille Robes Only a few, but what a value ! Nylon Hose-Pr. Clean-up of dark shades Q Men's Nylon Sox Fluorescent diyed yarn Pr. Q Mens Casual Shoe Elostic sides, slip-on Pr. Boys Polo Shirts Fancy Jacquard knit Q Garment Bags Colored plastic, holds up to 15 gar ments. Store your winter cothing 2-44 3" 44c 66c 2-99 99c 2-oo LOTS MORE ITEMS! Boys Sweaters Girls Panties Men' Sweaters Women's Blouses Women's Dresses Towels Wash Cloths Remnants