Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, 'June 21, 1951 NOTICE To our friends and customers: S & H green stamps will bo gi ven on accounts only when paid IN FULL within the month following purchase. Gilliam & Bisbee. o FOR SALE good used Thor washing machine. 20.00. Mrs. C. C. Dunham, ph. 25S3. 14-15p NOTICE Dr. O'Shea will be out of his office from June 25 until July 9. o CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for remembering me with flowers, visits and cards during my recent hospitalization. Mrs. Mable Burkenbine. Give aLAR CEDAR CHEST v $ More Gif1 pfSS"'"1.: VW No 25-Dm,Wvemodo VVi . blonde oak Tr,y lift, wi,h ZZZi. v" . Junrwiy? wlnuu 59S 'w Sxl YIP m! AvvkI No JS9J-SireamIind Waierfall in t 3ltAAvAs walnut and paldao.SeU-risinsira. No, 260i Pcriud Manogaoy, leu-minf tray. 5y.y5 Case Furniture Company cPtbOttytrtOp YOU GET CLEANER SEPARATION WITH THE MASSEY-HARRIS Thousand of acres of grain har vested under the most varied con ditions have convinced owners every where that Massey-Harris combines get cleaner grain and more ol it. Mm I) From cutter-bar to grain tank every unit in a Massey-Harris is in correct proportion for most efficient threshing. Size, design and position of each has been carefully engineered to give you controlled feeding coordinated operation. The result is cleaner grain, more grain saved . . . a more profitable harvest. Next time you're in own slop in for complete details. Logan Implement Service lone, Oregon LETTER TO THE EDITOR Cecil, Oregon June 17, 1951 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner Oregon. Dear Sirs: Your column "The American Way" has some very good read ing in it and I especially enjoyed the publication telling about the train robber and murderer tak ing control in Russia, the frus trated paper hanger taking con trol in Germany, the disgruntled coal miner taking control in Eng land and the bankrupt haber dasher handling the affairs in America. This appeared in your issue of about May 24, 1951. It was my intf.rtion to save this item but it got away from me. Can you please send this column to me? Following is a copy taken from the "Just Thoughts" column of the Condon Globe Times: "My thoughts this week seem to turn toward the seniors who are grad uating from the two Gilliam county high schools this year. They are the first to graduate in the second half of the 20th century. Some of the older folks can look back a half century and recall the many advancements that have taken place since 1900. For general use there's the tele phone, radio, television, automo bile, airplane, radar, atomic energy as well as hundreds of other improvements, to say noth ing of our ability to control the sun in its orbit by a mere procla mation of the governor." I would like to compliment the Condon editor for his column and at the same time send him a copy of the above referred to item of your paper. Yours very truly, Grover C. Curtiss Mrs. Leonard Pate is enrolled WILL HAVE FOR SALE 50 tons at the normal school at Ellens burg, Washington for the sum mer course of nine weeks. baled alfalfa hay, second and j third crops. A. C. Keene, lone, Oregon. 14-15p Corner-Post Anchor Made From Cld Harrow Disk We heard about this clever corner-post anchor (below) that will stand a lot of fence pull-prevent sagging. Thought it might interest you. ' k liiiliM HkKXC'r oir III ; Mm POST .t(w-IIH! FASTS w OH v:tks?:k5 OK IAS SCW- Incidentally, you can add years to the life of any fence post by dipping it in Standard Wood Preservative. It seals the pores in all types of wood touching ground fights the causes of wood decay. Apply it the same as ordinary creosote to grapestakes, fence posts, mud sills, underpinning, hop poles, etc. You'll find it pays to apply Standard Wood Preservative a foot above the ground to retard fungus and rot. Call us about it. Serving your needs promptly is our aim as local businessmen. Standard Oil Company el California Product Distributed by L. E. DICK IONE Continued Mrs. Fannie Griffith returned Monday from Boston where she visited her son-in-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hau- gen. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Lois Howk of Trout-dale. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice and son Bobby returned last week ited her sister, Mrs. Tony Martin, from Sacramento where they vis ' Mrs. Arlie Rahn of Seattle is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cecil Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom and sons Walter and Roland went to Seattle to visit Lt. Com. Arthur Bergstrom who is in command of the naval reserve base at Ever ett. Monday Walter took a plane at Pendleton for San Francisco and will leave soon for Pearl Harbor. Mrs. Walter Jepsen returned from Longview, Wash, where she visited the Maloni family. Mrs. Maloni is her sister. She was ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Joe Berns of Portland. COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from page 5) Empire Machinery Co. 242.95 Omar Rietmann 2.50 Morrow County Electric Co. 206.55 Russell's Shell Service 19.75 United States National Bk. 474.10 Contractor's Equipment Corporation 272.68 Sunset Motor Co. 48.65 C. J. D. Bauman 2.25 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND: Joseph Baltreanas, Rodent Fund 198.84 Carl McDaniel, Rodent Fund 255.18 First National Bank of Portland, Rodent fund 44.20 John Duffy, Coyote Bounty Fund 60.00 Frank Wilkinson, Coyote Bounty Fund 48.00 Franklin Lindstrom, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: 1 Austin Wilson 42.00 BENEFIT DANCE Sponsored by Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion for Junior Legion Baseball Uniforms Saturday, June 30 County Fair Pavilion Tony Whitman's Dance Band Admission $1.25, fax included him More Milk ...ycu7J Fee Better Get New Tires for Summer Driving-NOW!-while our stocks are complete We still have a few white sidewalls left. Jack's Chevron Station Jack Van Winkle RPM Lubricants Atlas Tires Phone 802, Heppner, Oregon HERMISTON Phone3571 PENDLETON Phone 1211 r i i5 WILL YOUR CROP BE RUINED? Hail comes so quickly and with such finality . . Play the game safe . . INSURE NOW! Hail Insurance costs surprisingly little. Phone us. 152 TURNER, VAN MARTER Cr CO. the Willys in people have During the pas; four years jj-or P bought iHys Stauon Wag saleS ComeMoroRcoa;Tehyitis Road.tcSt the WiUys , ,tU J Amerrka t, f smooth" iding car for j comfortable, smo (of loads to n seats lift out to give Paf(;RRrc7lNE Engine g Khigh-compression iM saves you tires, f:-comein Drive your car in today and get our extra high appraisal -no obligation! If it is of average value, it will probably more than make your down payment. Farley Motor Company