Page 10 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 14, 1951 I'VE INSURED MY GROWING GRAIN. I HAVE YOU? We can arrange proper and complete protec tion on your growing grain . . don't delay . . . act now ! See Us For f rw Dependable J, Insurance V Protection C. A. RUGGLES P. O. Box Gil : Phone 723 Heppner, Oregon Drink More Milk ...you7J feel Better rA and loot Beti n Telephone HEKMISTON Phone3571 PENDLETON Phone 1211 Increased Crop Yields I WADE RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation is revolutionizing oil types of crop production by boosting yields, improv ing quality, and projecting against crop failure. The Leader in Features increases ft Cr.unUr larlt (ram Carrvlna Paf. CrOpS (ion. Save! Stooping and Walking. "Lokt-in" Stli-Draining GaiWf Can't Slow Out. f Main line Voir kpi wafer in J Wain lint VVnlJ Moving Sprinkltr J Stnd m complel. information about 100 Aluminum Light Wtighl. WADE'RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation ! DEALER NAME AND ADDRESS lasy to Carry. Get the Facts... Mail Coupon Today! Norn. . , AJdrtti. City .Sfofe. Omar Rietmann :- lone, Oregon 11-4 11 57 .... .r ' - x- on the Union Pacific Old-fashioned hospitality, friendly service, fine food all add to the homelike atmos phere on Union Pacific trains. You'll enjoy cheery lounge cars. ..the privacy of Pullman accommodations ; ; ; comfortable, modern coach seats. Convenient schedules, low fares; Accommodation: B.rtfut roomtti, bedroom compart mnfi ond oVowmo roomi... om ftl-tny coach fatu REST AS YOU RIDE TO AND FROM THE EAST StWfuiUvt "CITY OF PORTLAND" "PORTLAND ROSI" "IDAHOAN" Lt$ t htlp plan your trip Local Aaenr Biological Warfare What kind of germs and poi sons might be used in biological warfare? That would depend upon what the enemy hoped to get out of the attack. If he wanted to kill large numbers of people, he would use plague, typhus, chol era, or smallpox. But an attacker might want only to make people sick rather than kill them. That would cripple both our fighting and our production forces. It al so would tie up doctors and hospitals. There are many diseases that could be used to attack the dif ferent animals upon which we depend for both food and cloth ing. Examples of there are an thrax, or wool sorters' disease, and glanders. Fowl pest and newcastle disease might be us ed against poultry, and rinder pest against cattle or sheep Many kinds of plant plagues and nests could be used to attack food crops. The kinds and effects of bio logical agents that might be used asainst us are well known to scientists. What about new germs and poisons? Forget about new "mystery" germs and poisons. During the past few years, a great deal of foolish talk has been heard about supposedly new types of germs and poisons so powerful that ev en a thimbleful could kill mil lions of people. You might as well talk of dividing one aspirin tab let evenly among the 11 million people in the greater New York area. No kind of biological warfare could kill or sicken every person in a large area or city. rOR DIPINDAILI TRANSPORTATION... SV SltCit... Stty UNION PACIFIC RANDOM THOTS .... Continued from Page 1 them. They just seem to step over three strand fences as if they were not there. Two beautiful does were seen in Emile Grosh en's lower field Tuesday evening. They watched the car for a few seconds and then trotted briskly up to the fence, hopped over, crossed the road, ran up a steep bank, took the measure of the hillside fence, jumped a line fence and took off up a big hol low where they must have a bedding ground. It is not un common for the animals of the forest to wander down into the farming districts, especially if feed is scarce in their native ha bitat. Perhaps they feel that the domestic livestock are eating their forage so they have to come down and help themselves to the hay and grain crops. Whatever the reason, it is a beautiful sight to see the graceful animals rac ing over the countryside to re move themselves from the pres ence of mankind. What's happened to the patrio tic spirit of our people? So far there has been no announcement of a 4th of July celebration in these parts. Did the anti-firecracker law remove what enthu siasm there was for observing the nation's birthday? We didn't think this one up we copied it out of a book. Mother "Now, Junior, be a good boy and say "Ah" so the doctor can get his finger out of your mouth." o METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship at 11 a. m. by members of the Church school and Bible class. Oliver Creswick, superintendent, in charge. Sunday Church school at 9:45. Does Your CHILD HAVE Correct Posture ? If not See Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Case Apt. Building Phone 2572 No "mystery" germs can cause terrible epidemics. And, even if one were caused, we probably could stamp it out quickly. The reason plagues used to sweep through whole populations is be cause our ancestors did not have the fine health safety systems we have today. o Mrs. Clara B. Gertson was in The Dalles Wednesday where she attended a meeting on Civilian Defense. Forty men and women were present. Talks and films were used throughout the ses sion. Betty Moyer had her tonsils re moved Monday at the Pioneer Memorial hospital. o MINISTER IN TROUBLE Roy Joseph McKowen, former Heppner minister, was taken in to custody here Tuesday evening on complaint issued by the town marshal at Echo. State police picked McKowen upland he was held here Tuesday night and ta ken to Pendleton Wednesday and lodged in jail. The complaint Involves an eight-year-old Echo girl. With his wife, McKowen left Heppner last week to return to Kansas and it was somewhat of a surprise to learn that they had not yet left the state. o TO THE PUBLIC: All communicable diseases, such as mumps, chicken pox. measles, etc., are subject to quar antine, and all such cases must be reported to the proper authori ties .Failure to comply with this law, either in reporting cases or staying in quarantine the pre scribed time, makes offenders liable to prosecution under the statute governing the public health Dr. A. D. McMurdo County Health Physician Dr. C. C. Dunham City Health Physician Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey, Mr. Mrs. Ned Sweek and son are leaving at 4 a! m. Saturday for Beaver Lake, B. C. They expect to be away a week while indulg ing themselves in fishing and resting. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. MeCurdy Sr .are relaxing at Ritter Springs this week. M. R. Wightman drove to Port land Wednesday to spend a few days on business. Returning the end of the week he will be ac companied by Mrs. Wightman's mother, Mrs. L. A. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schunk are spending a week here visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schunk. They came from Mill City where Herbert taught the past year. He will teach in Hawaii next year. Guests the first of the week at the Fred Tarrish home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skuzeski of Yamhill. They were enroute to Salt Lake City on a vacation trip. o NOTICE To our friends and customers: S & H green stamps will be gi ven on accounts only when paid IN FULL within the month following purchase. Gilliam & Bisbee A Firsff HtifloitcfS Home Mortgage Loan Primitive Methods Need Not Be ., Followed A A in Advertising AA ir" Be Modern ADVERTISE HERE!! Like the magic carpet in the fairy tale, a First National Home Mortgage Loan can whisk your new home from a dream to a reality. Lowest interest rates are available... repay conveniently from regular monthly income. A First National loan officer will be happy to furnish you with up-to-the-minute information. See First National FIRST! "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" HEPPNER BRANCH Ndvral Dpoth Imwkmc Coiporattttt l?HE37 NATIONAL BANK ( S OF PORTLAND fm Quick Delivery! YIS, I Willy, has .ec Come In Today . . . Road-Test the Willys Station Wagon! See how much more a Willys Station Wagon gives you EXTRA LONG MILEAGE High-compression HURRI CANE Engine squeezes more miles out of every gallon! LOWER RUNNING COSTS Less oil 4 quarts fills it! Longer tire life! -SMOOTH-RIDING, EASY HANDLING Roomy comfort for six adults. Easy to park. DOUBLE USEFULNESS Rear seats removable to give big load space for cargo up to a half-ton! Farley Motor Company