Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 07, 1951, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8
Heppner Gazette Times, Thu rsday, June 7, 1 95 1
Drink More Mm
...you'll Feel Better
PENDLETON Phone 1211
Our Fiold Tech
nician will vii
It your farm
end help you
plan the fight
layout for your
form and crop
Dry periods or extended drouths
hold no fear for the former with
WADE1 RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation. Am
ple moiilgre fot pll crop of oil linni
meoni Bigger Yields & Better Quality.
Coupler loefc from Carrying Position.
Savot Stooping and Walking.
"Lokt-ln" Sotf'brolnlng Gatktt Con'l
How Ovt,
Mom line Vofve koops wofer In Main
Lino Wnife Moving Sprinkltr Linti,
S for
Get the
Moil Coupon
for Literature
giving full Jfl
formation obovt
Nam. .
Send me complele information obout
WADE RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation
Omar Rietmann -:- lone, Oregon
June 7, 1951
To all that I have had the privilege of
serving this past year, I wish to extend my
sincere gratitude. Even though it has been
impossible to always supply all of your re
quests, I appreciate the opportunity of try
ing. As the years continue, my wish is to con
tinue to serve Heppner and Morrow County
to the best of my ability and to think of you
all as "my friends."
Clauclien C. IVtghtman
(Continued from page 2)
"These federal benefits aren't
charity, of course; we pay for
them in taxes or in depreciation
of our dollars, and we could stop
them at any time. In our role as
taxpayers, we demand economy,
but in our role as beneficiaries
we insist that the ax fall some
where else. Theresul t is that it
usually doesn't fall anywhere;
once they're established, pen
sions and similar gratifications
are seldom curetailed. It is un
likely that even a change of ad
ministration will effect any per
manent cut."
It would be hard to state the
American dilemma more clearly
than this. Each of the pieces of
socialism that we have accumu
lated in the last 20 years was
represented as a benefit to some
special group. Once the law was
on the books, someone had to
pay the bill.. If it couldn't all be
paid in taxes, the government
would simply operate in the red
for a while, printing as much
money as it needed. Each phony
dollar diluted the value of the
good ones. One way or another,
we're paying the bills, if not in
taxes, then with the part of our
savings that inflation eats away.
But complaining about high tax
es and rotten dollars is not the
way to stop the march of social
ism and big government.
For what the government
spends is not determined by what
it gets but by what it does. The
way to stop it is by cutting func
tions, by rejecting the socialist
idea of "getting it from the gov
ernment." As long as Americans
continue to run to Washington
for handouts, the government
will grow. You won't stop big
government by cutting taxes.
This is a sure-fire way to as
sure the socialists a victory in
the United States. The only win
ner in the race to Washington
for handouts is the bureaucrat.
There are more than two million
of them now, and if the people
continue to depend on Santa
Claus government for the things
they want, there will be many
more. And their power over our
lives is increasing all the time.
It's time to take a stand. If you
have decided to live with social
ism, I suggest you get a copy of
"How to Get It From the Govern
ment" and start getting yours.
If you have decided to fight I
suggest you write to your con
gressman demanding a stop to
the handout state, to special pri
vileges, to this idea of mail-order
government that is bound to
destroy us, our form of govern
ment and our traditional liberties.
Heppner enjoyed some free ad
vertising recently following a vi
sit here by Wm. Moyes, B. Mike
columnist o f The Oregonian,
Moyer happened in here just pri
or to Mother's Day and was im
pressed by the display of cakes
in the Heppner Bakery window.
Cooperating with Mary Van's
Flower Shop, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Aalberg of the bakery decorated
their special Mother's Day cakes
with orchids. It is not remem
bered if B. Mike said anything
about his fishing success, but he
paid Heppner a nice compliment
in the following paragraph:
"HERE'S ONE for the Oregon
Chamber of Commerce book.
While on a fishing trip in eastern
Oregon over the week end, I no
ticed the bakery in Heppner was
selling Mother's Day cakes with
a real orchid on top. Looks like
the mothers in that town really
rate. And who says Oregon is
a backward state? I'll bet Cali
fornia can't even top that."
George Noble is in Heppner on
his second annual visit, coming
here from Portland today after
spending a few days in the- City
of Roses. He is busy looking up
acquaintances made during the
CCC days when he was one of the
boys on the field work. He is on
vacation and will remain here
until the middle of next week.
His home is at Foxboro.Mass.
where he is employed in a state
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been duly
appointed Administratrix of the
Estate of Charles Ray Marple,
deceased, by the County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, and all
persons having claims against
said deceased are hereby requir
ed to present the same with pro
per vouchers duly verified by law
to the Administratrix at the law
office of Bradley D. Fancher at
Heppner, Oregon, with in six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this
7th day of June, 1951.
Velora A. Baldwin,
Administratrix of the Es
tate of Charles Ray Marple,
Bradley D. Fancher
Attorney for the Admin
istratrix Heppner, Oregon 12-16c
To Our Friends and Customers: ...
S&H Green Stamps will be giv
en on accounts only when paid
IN FULL within the month fol
lowing purchase.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Frank W Turner made a busi- try Monday. He visited Monu
ness trip to the John Day coun- ment and vicinity. That section
was getting a good rain along
with the rest of this part of the
Q)c(t6e 0mn deluxe Ranfje
m S Xfi 111
II W ! if
w t-r ' sfjn
p-jfe-ig m
This Range will he on
display at the
R. E. A. Open House
Saturday, June 9
See it there
Case Furniture
Look at triese Magnificent
Montag Features
Fully automatic
electric cooking with
automatic timer and
Attractive high back
panel protects wall
Two big ovens
Four quick-heating
Montag elements
Selective Switches
choose any heat you
want from simmer
to full boil
M&& Jihm,iiMWim ZiWm
The high-compression 1IURRI
CAE Engine gives you long
mileage on regular gas. And just
4 qts. of oil fill the crankcase!
The Willys is built to last! Low
cost Willys service will keep it
performing its best and saving
you money every mile.
Drive in today
for a Road-Test of the WILLYS Station Wagon
and Appraisal of your old car -without obligation
Farley Motor Company
The Willys Siation Wagon is
two cars in one a smooth,
comfortable passenger car and,
with seats removed, a cargo
carrier for loads up to a half-ton.