" " U v&ap U U U MM-...,! fcl Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 31, 1951 NOT SO MERRY MONTH OF MAY ! f THE VOTERS toCy-iflr JTthem again ) IONE ITEMS Continued from Page 3 week-end in Forest Grove where she attended the graduation of her son, Charles, from the Pacific University. Due to conflicting dates, the father-son banquet scheduled for June 17 has been postponed. The Wate Crawford and Omar Rietmann families are making many improvements on their re spective properties. The Craw fords recently built a new flue and are making yard improve ments. The Rietmanns have built a fine woven wire fence around the back of their lot, cleaned away cheat grass and brush. A fireplace is in the process of be ing built. The E. C. Helikers also erected a fine" fpnna nrnimH tVioir I town lot and built new cement walks. Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Thoerson, teachers in the high school de partment, are leaving this week for their homes in North Dakota. Mr. Thoerson will enter the Uni versity of North Dakota for the summer term, while Mrs. Nelson will spend the summer in Gree ley, Colo, where she will enter Teachers' College. Harry Yarnell and son Alton are spending a few days in Cot tonwood, Ida. They left lone Sun day morning. Hap Woods and family are guests of his sister, Mrs. Lana Padberg. Laxton McMurray is spending a few days in lone as guest of the Oscar Lundells. He will re main until after Decoration day. Attending the meeting of the Federation of Garden Clubs, Blue Mountain district, from the lone. Garden club last Saturday were CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship and sermon, 11 o'clock Music by the choir, Oliver Creswick, director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. A class for every age. Youth Fellowship class and Adult Bible class at the same hour, Mrs. Neva Wells, Youth Fellowship counsel lor and Mrs. Lucille Owens, Bible class teacher. Choir practice at 7:30 p. m, Thursday. Mid-week prayer ser vice 7 p. m. Thursday. Daily vacation Bible school open at 9 a. m. Monday, June 4. Pre-school and first through 4th grade at the Methodist church; other grades at Church of Christ. CONGREGATIONAL - CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lexington L. G. WETZEL, Pastor Bible school 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Worship service 10:45 a. m. Out by noon. Mrs. W. R. Wentworth, past pres ident; Mrs. O. L. Lundell, presi dent-elect; Mrs. Harry Yarnell and Mrs. Sam Esteb. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Savage of Dorris, Calif, were lone visitors over the week-end. After gradu ation, Jim went home with his parents for a few weeks visit. He plans to return for harvest. The Clifford Carlsons were ho nor guests at a farewell party at the Charles Carlson faim home Saturday evening. A sumptuous buffet supper was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs, Gar Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lind strom, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O'Con nor, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefanl Sr., the honor guests and the hosts. Pi nochle was enjoyed. Winning high for ladies, Mrs. Clifford Carlson; low, Mrs. Adon Hamlett; high for men, Merle Baker, low, Clifford Carlson. The occasion was also the fifth wedding anni versary for the Clifford Carlsons. The public is cordially invited to attend OPEN HOUSE at the R-E-A building, North Main Street in Heppner Saturday, June 9 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. This event will mark the official opening of the new home of the Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative and it offers an opportunity to look over the building. Every one is invited to call during the hours from 10 till 4, especially all R-E-A members. The ladies of the Rhea Creek Grange will serve refresh ments throughout the day. Evening Bible study 8 o'clock Wednesday, Bible study at 8 p. m. o MRS. ROBINSON'S ARABIAN STALLION PLACES HIGH IN JUDGING SCHOOL EVENT Mrs. Merle Kirk and Mrs. Don ald Robinson motored to Pullman May 24 to attend the three-day U. S. C. Open Horse show and light horse judging school. Taken along was Jeahal, Mrs. Robin son's purebred Arabian stallion. Competing in the class of Arab ian stallion three years old or older, Jeahal placed third in a large field from the four north western states. At the same time the honor was presented to Mrs. Robinson by Prof. C. E. Howell of the University of California for having displayed the best showmanship of all the halter classes. Another ribbon awarded Jea hol was second in Arabian west ern pleasure horse class ridden by his owner in this event. The ladies attended lectures and classes and were much im pressed with the magnificent ar rangement of buildings and the progress made in the treatment and hospitalization of animals of all kinds. o DONATES BLOOD Cpl. Herbert G. Settles. USMC. of Heppner, was one of a group of U. S. Marines serving aboard the heavy cruiser USS Saint Paul operating in the Far East, who donated blood to wounded com rades at the U. S. Naval hospital, Yokosuka. Jarjan. The marinp Hp. tachment, upon arrival at Yoko- suKa, learned That some of their buddies who were recently woun ded in the Communist enrinor nf. fensive south of the 38th Daral lei, had been transferred to the naval hospital. o Mrs. J. A. Brock and Mrs. Frank Gentry of Portland are visiting in Heppner this week. o WANTED Housework to do by the hour. Tuesdavs. Thursdavs Saturdays. Housework or ironing. rnone lixz or see Mildred Tucker. 11c Churches To Open Vacation Bible School Monday Morning Plans are well under way for a week of Union Vacation Bible school, to start with enrollment at Sunday school June 3, and close with a program Sunday evening, June 10. A very inter esting course has been secured, and as usual there will be songs, games, handwork and Bible sto ries. Cooperating churches are are Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Episcopal and Methodist. On Monday, June 4, the pri mary children (including those in the first, second and third grades this past year) and begin ners, who have not yet attended school, aged four and over, will meet in the Methodist church from 9 to 11:30 a. m. The juniors and intermediate grades will meet in the Church of Christ. Department superintendents are Mrs. R. B. Rice, Intermediate; Mrs. Robert Walker, Junior; Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien, Primary and Mrs. Robert Evans, beginners. Other workers include Mrs. Mat- tie Green, Mrs. Carl Vincent, Mrs. Whitmar Wright, Mrs. Fred Hos- kins Jr., Dianne Van Horn, Don na Hudson and Meredith Ann Sorlien. CARD OF THANKS To the Student Body of Heno- ner High School: We wish to say we were deeply touched by the dedication of your annual to the memory of our darling son Harold, and thank vou sincerelv for the beautiful' copy presented to us. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hampton I'VE INSURED MY GROWING GRAIN. HAVE YOU? We can arrange proper and complete protec tion on your growing grain . . don't delay . . . act now! See Us For Dependable Insurance Protection C. A. RUGGLES P. O. Box 611 : Phone 723 Heppner, Oregon a 0 -1:30 p. m.' Tuesday, June 5 at Heppner Sales Yard ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Bring in what you have for sale JOHN VARNER Auctioneer HARRY DINGES Clerk HAROLD ERWIN, Manager Edward Chinn. former HeDDner resident and now propietor of the Shanghai Cafe in Hermiston, was a brief business visitor here Tues day. NEWI ENCHANTED HOLMES &. tS- 52 PC. SERVICE FOR l-igil Peterson's Jewelers For every type of farm financing see First National First. We speak your language are familiar with conditions and requirements in this area. Discuss your financial needs with us. ."LETS BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK dJ OF PORTLAND Member Federal Depoill Insurance Corporation YVIIdl yUlf lUll a smart, sleek, snappy convertible with quick- ') (I m , . on-the-draw V-8 power. And It rides silky smooth fW, five it horn a t Annul wi,h Ford'1 new A 9 control -J i ' (( WMw MIIVC II HUmC TOUIiy pooh-poohing the bump,. Stops are" ' w super-smooth, super-simple, too, with I v weotherproofed King-Size brakes. Jfr-sNi ' J". -jawto,8iro mwhhmih mm nowiiw COME IN fOR A "TEST DRIVE" And It'i easier to own than you've ever dreamed j possible. Imaglnel A V-8 for hundreds lest than most sixes . u A V-8 that keep on saving, ' with its Automatic Mileage Maker squeezing all the power out of every drop of gail Yes, this Ford beauty's your best buy at any prfcelj You can have the keys In your pocket tonightl So why wait? Come In now. Look It over . . . "Test Drive" i J and you'll want to own It. And you can get a Ford convertible with just the drive you prefers Fordomatle, Overdrive or Conventional drive. jeOpMonf of IKln cull. Fcrdomalk ovolloblt en V.J'i onJn Uaufewrf, occiiori and trim ubjqf fa change wfnouf mMoh YOU CAN'T BUY BKTTIR THAN Rosewall Motor Company m