Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 31, 1951, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 31, 1951
are pleased to announce to our
customers that we once again have an
electrician and we can take care of
your electric troubles.
is now service man for
Heppner Hardware
and Electric Co.
COTTON is the Answer
SKIRTS Swish and swirling
Prints, Stripes, Flowered
BLOUSES Linen, Pique, Plaid,
with or without sleeves
colors or white.
DRESSES Every day, play or dress
Swim suits to match
Just a few suggestions for your summer
time needs a storeful to choose from. Try
Claudien 4
4Jowb Mice goocfieefione SeMoe em heifer. .
. teiwwt'' srmmnrL'it
6y speed bn$ Distance
rail A ruimftpr
wn retve
In these busy telephone days, when so many calls that help build
our nation's strength are going over Long Distance lines, you'll
find your operator can give you much faster service on your out-of-town
calls if yon give her the number you want rather than
Just die name and address. That Way, yon see, you won't have to
wait while she calls "Information" to get the number you're calling.
So why not start your own out-of-town number list right away?
6e$t way H keep
out-of-town numbers is in a handy
booklet, kept near your telephone.
One way to get the numbers is by
asking your friends for their number
whenever you're in touch with them.
Pacific Telephone
I ftTVw f SP01?? I VE4-C0NTROU5
5 1 rK0N.v V ANmiNl3? J I OVfE THE POlWCM 1
1 frti, tyn. T5 I PlANNERi WHO I
Control The Controllers
Lexington Class
Bows Out in Friday
Evening Exercises
Commencement exercises were
held at the auditorium at 8 p. m,
Friday, with the following pro
gram: Processional, Betty Lou
Messenger; Invocation, L. G. Wet.
zel; salutatory, David Buchanan;
piano solo, Mrs. Barbara Lieual-
len; valedictory, Patty Majeske;
gift presentation, John Edwards;
presentation of awards, Mr.
Schwab, with the Beach citizen
ship cup going to David Bucha
nan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Buchanan; the citizenship plaque
to Pat Majeske and John Ed
wards. The Babe Ruth plaque
went to Asa Way and Dorothy
Lowry. The grade school citizen
ship cup went to Phyliss Nolan, j
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. V.
Nolan. Vocal selections were
next with the high school chorus
singing "Just a Memory" and
"Dear Land of Home." The com
mencement address was deliver
ed by R. E. Lieuallen, registrar
of Oregon College of Education.
The awarding of diplomas fol
lowed, Adolf Majeske, chairman
of the board, presenting them to
the foilowign graduates: Pfc
Floyd Breeding, David Buchanan,
John Edwards, Alene Shannon,
and Patty Majeske. The follow
ing eighth graders were awarded
diplomas: Donna Lee Robinson,
Phyliss Carol Nolan, Nancy Lee
Harrah, Patricia Jean McMillan,
and Larry Earl Groves. Benedic
tion was given by L. G. Wetzel,
and recessional, Betty Lou Mes
senger. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harrah re
turned from Montana where they
motored to attend the graduation
of their oldest daughter, Rebekah.
Their two children, Jim and Sal
ly, remained for a visit, their
daughter Nancy returning and
will remain at the C. C. Jones
home until later in the month
when she will return to her home.
At present her parents are living
in Portland.
The Lexington high school
spent Monday at Lehman Springs
where a picnic was enjoyed.
The first and second grades
had their picnic at the Bernard
Doherty home where they had a
fine time. There were also 10
parents present.
The third and fourth grades
and the fifth and sixth spent the
day in the mountains with the
7th and 8th going to Langdon
Lake. Archie Munkers also took
a car of youngsters to Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and
family, Nancy Harrah, Pat Mc
Millan and Mrs. George Irvin left
for Union and Cove to spend Me
morial day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall
and Mrs. Chas. Breshears attend
ed eighth grade graduation ex
ercises in Pendleton at St. Jos
eph's academy where Deanna
Steagall was graduating.
Mrs. Annie Keene. Mrs. A. F.
Majeske, Mrs. Wm. Smethurst,
and Mrs. W. E. McMillan returned
Friday from the Rebekah conven
tion at Klamath Falls. While
there Mrs. Keen was given the
degree of Chivalry and Mrs. Ma
jeske was installed as one of the
guardians for the state conven
tion next year.
Mrs. Eugene Majeske returned
to her home Saturday after a
stay in St. Anthony's hospital in
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall,
Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding and
family and Mr. and Mrs. O. G.
Breeding visited relatives and
friends in Spray Sunday.
Mrs. Truman Messenger Jr. is
visiting Mr. Messenger's parents
for a few days.
Mrs. Elsie Beach has returned
to her home after a visit in Port
land and Gresham at the home of
her son, Laurel Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Goodell
spent the week-end in Cove.
Mrs. Mark Rands motored to
Portland Monday taking her
daughter Barbara to their home
The William Van Winkle chil
dren are ill with the measles, as
is the small daughter of the Ken
At the quarter horse show in
Pendleton Friday night Mrs. Her-
Lexington Airport
Saturday, June 2
Admission: $1.25 per person
Sponsored by
American Legion
man Ziegler (nee Betty Smeth
urst) won first place in the geld
ing class, and also crand cham
pion of the geldings and got the
trophy given bv Nail's cafe. This
is a beautiful trophy of bronze
ana a big silver horse on top.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lieuallen of
Oregon Colleere of Education
were visitors in Lexington and
lone Friday, renewing acquaint
ances here. He is a graduate of
lone high school, class of 1933.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Darnielle,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding. Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Way attended the
runeral of Deb Bellenbrock at
Monument Tuesday. Mr. Bellen
brock was the father of Mrs. Roy
Martin of Lexington.
Mrs. George White, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester White and danphtpr
Judy called at the Barnett home
Mrs. Audra White. Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Grogan and children of Her-
miston were visitors at the Bar
nett residence Sunday.
Public School Over,
Daily Bible School
Opens at Boardman
Daily vacation Bible school od-
ened at the Community church
Monday and will run through
June 8. The enrollment for Mon
day was 53 students with several
new ones Tuesday. There are
nine teachers and helpers all un
der the superivision of Misses
Wanda Needles and Jean Scott.
The public school closed its
doors for the summer vacation
Friday. Commencement was held
Thursday evening, with seven
seniors graduating. Friday morn
ing the GAA girls and the boys'
athletic clubs received awards in
general assembly.
The following teachers have
signed for the coming year: Supt.
Forbes from Ukiah; Ronald Black,
Walter Turner and Mrs. Ruth Stu
der, high school teachers: Mrs.
LaVern Partlow, Mrs. Edith Part-
low, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Zoe
Billings, grade school. Mr. Forbes
will also be the band leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harwood left
Sunday for a two weeks vacation
going to Baker and from there to
the coast.
Mrs. Frank Cole left Sunday
for a week with relatives in Ol-
ympia and Portland. She will al
so attend the wedding of her son
Bill Sunday, June 3, in Vancouver.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shannon
and daughter Lorna. and Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Erickson scent the week
end in Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Maromhpr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alberv Mammhor
of Arlington motored to Grand-
view Sunday, decorating the
graves or the Macomber boys'
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillpsnip anr.
ton Donald motored to Othello,
Wash. Monday where they at
tended the graduating exercises.
Gillespie's niece. Mrs. Vp Wil.
kie, was a member of the gradu
ating class.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber
of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Root were Sunday evening dinner
guests at the home of Mr. anH
Mrs. Max Deweese.
Dr. and Mrs. Verner E. Ruedy
of Portland were guests Friday
and Saturday at the George Sic
8rd home. Mr. and Mrs. Sicard
yvere receiving congratulations
on their 25th wedding annivers
ary, which was May 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball Jr. and
baby daughter of Portland were
week-end guests at the home of
Ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller left
Wednesday for a 10-day trip to
South Dakota where they will at
tend a family gathering of Mrs.
Miller's relatives.
Varicolored Vacation View
hit SSns
Out of the misty, purple depths of Grand Canyon of the Colora
do in Arizona rise varicolored mountains more than a mile high.
This panorama from the north rim shows the view summer vaca
tionists receive of the age-old efforts of erosion. The play of bril
liant sunlight and soft shadows on the red and brown rock produce
ever-changing scenes that awe the beholder with its beauty and
immensity. On the very edge of the north rim comfortable accom
modations at reasonable cost are provided in cabins and Grand
Canyon Lodge. -union pacific railroad photo
Mall Coupon
Today for
awatur: -
Increases I
Crops hkP&'
WADE 'RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation will giv. your
eropi Madly the right amount of molslure, wh.n
fh.y n.d hi Bumper cropi and greener pastures
mean MORE PROFIT. No crop losses due to drouth I
that Save Time, Water, Walking, Stooping
Coupler lotkt from Carrying foifon,
Sovi Stooping and Walking.
"Lokt-tn" StU-DroMng Gaifctr
Con'f Slow Ovt.
A4oin lint Vovt stops waitr in Main
Lin Wfifft Moving Sprinkltr linti.
100 Aluminum Ugfif Wtioht,
toty fe Qerry,
Plan Now...
Our Field Technician will visit your farm
ond help you plan the right layout lor
your farm and crop r.quirem.nls.
Send nit complete
Information about WADE1 RAIN Sprinkler Irrigation
J Nome.
I ' j
J Cil Slat.. , ;
lone, Oregon
The Western Livestock Journal's
Oregon Beef Tour
F&May, JJime 8
We cordially invite you to visit our ranches and see our
purebred Hereford herds which will be shown at the
following times:
A-l Ranch, Floyd Worden 2 p. m.
Frank Anderson-Hereford Ranch, 3 p. m.
Sandhollow Hereford Ranch 4:30 p. m.
Kirk & Robinson