Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 10, 1951 Page 3 ... j ; I 25th Anniversary Observed Sunday By Truman Messengers Mrs. Gene Cutsforth entertain-1 ed several ladies at a sewing beei Thursday afternoon at her home. Those attending were Mrs. Irvin 1 t Rauch, Mrs. Kenneth Nelson, Mrs. Delwin Nelson, Mrs. Bob Kilken ny, Mrs. Gene Majeski, and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers attended the wedding of a niece in Baker Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle Jr. had the misfortune to cut her fore finger quite badly last week. Mrs. Bill Marquardt entertain-, ed with a dinner at her home Sunday honoring her parents' 25th wedding anniversary. The three tiered cake was decorated with white roses, doves, silver leaves and topped with a minia ture bride and groom. Present unrp VranUlin MpSPnppr. FrpKnO Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mes-1 senger and family from Ord nance; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, and E. T. Messenger, all of Boardman Mrs. Frank Hammell, The Dalles Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, Walla Walla; Mrs. Wm. Zinter and son lone; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hugh es, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar quardt and son Carl and Miss (H HI II 11 Itll I II 1 1 Ml HUH Will 3 For the 191 Graduate SAMSON ITE LUGGAGE Ladies' Train Case - - - 17-50 Ladies' Vanity - - - - 17-50 Ladies' Overnight - - - 19-50 Ladies' Wardrobe - - - 25-00 Colors: Green, Saddle Tan, Ivory Men's Overnight - - - 17-50 Men's Two Suiter - '- - 25 00 Colors: Saddle Tan, Rawhide Cordovan ... No Charge For Initials. . . Jantzen Tee Shirts The Kind the Boys Want! $2.95 $3.50 Sport Shirts ALWAYS GOOD $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $7.50 Interwoven Socks NEW SPRING COLORS 55c 75c 85c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Arrow Shirts WHITE AND COLORED $3.95 $4.95 Hickok Belts Western Shirts INITIAL AND PLAIN $4.95 $9.95 $1.50 $4.00 f San Juan Slacks Billfolds by Hickok $9-95 $19.95 $3.50 $8.50 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR . "The Store of Personal Service" May 5 to 19 . May 5 to 19 Gas Range Round Up $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 I will allow up to $100 for good gas ranges on any of the following appliances: ACT NOW Norge Electric Ranges Norge Refrigerators . . Hamilton Dryers . . . Siegler Oil Heaters ' Complete Stock to Choose From Round Up Ends May 19 Norge Freezers Ironrite Ironers Heppner, Oregon L. E. DICK Phone 2902 Iris Miller, Mr. and Mm. L. G. Wetzel and family of Lexington and the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger Sr. and their children Betty, Carroll and Jerry, Miss Inez McFadden visited over the week-end in Boyd. Mrs. Eugene Majeski returned Monday from the hospital in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wagonblast wer e The Dalles visitors a couple of days last week. Mrs. Barbara Heliker of The Dalles visited at the C. C. Jones home Tuesday. The board of directors and the chairmen of active committees of the Lilian C. Turner Founda tion held a meeting at the school Wednesday with the following in attendance President Paul Brown and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Al Fetsch, Orville Cutsforth, Pine Thorn burg and Mrs. C. C.Jones. Monument Citizens Consider Plans For Garden Irrigation By MILLIE WILSON John Day baseball team came to Monument last Thursday, but again proved to be too much for the local squad. However, it was an interesting game to watch. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes are moving from the Fred Page place to the Fred Gassner place . down the river. Clifford Adams of Bend was here last week holding Stanley parties, to introduce his Stanley products. His sister, Ouida Cork, will be his agent in this territory, j Betty Simas and Mary Lee Les-, ley, Ona May Leathers and Ethel Leathers held parties last week. This week, Joava Enright and Pearl Stubblefield will have parties. A meeting was held Tuesday night to consider ways and means of providing water for ir rigation for the town of Monu ment. Like all public projects, it takes a lot of planning before anything can be done. At least it is a step in the right direction for the people here surely need irrigation water. A Monument Co-operative As sociation meeting was held at the grange hall Saturday eve ning. Every one present signed their shares over to the REA. The long-waited-for REA power will soon be on its way. A meeting of the county court and all concerned with the pro posed road to be built up the river from Monument was held in the grange hall Saturday. Ev eryone feels confident that all land owners will be satisfied and the road will go through. Mrs. Lydia Capon entertained the MMM club at her ranch home Thursday. Mrs. Lois Hill was co- hostess. Mrs. Georgia Capon was tne guest or honor. Mrs. Louise Fleming and Mrs. Grace Stirritt carried off the prizes. Mrs. Mar tha Matteson won the white ele phant brought by Delsie Sweek. Refreshments of cake, coffee and ice cream were served by the hostesses. The next meeting which will be the last this sum mer, will be at the home of Mrs. Clara Strecker. It is hoped that a good crowd will be out. A dinner in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Harris who plan to leave Monument in the near future unc served at the grange hall Tues day. Mrs. Lula Spttle was a husinpsc visitor in John Day Thursday. Mrs. Nora Rover marto a huci. ness trirj to Portland last weplr Mrs. Darlene Boyer took her to Dayville where she caught the bus to Portland. John Kine and wife of Lonr Creek visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon. John was a Student in Mnnumpnt hitrh school when Mrs. Capon was the principal. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork got 1500 babv turkevs this week. Mrs Mildred Johnson of Bend is here helping to get the baby turkeys started. She is Cork's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steen and baby of Seattle are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork this week. Mrs. Bill Morgan has been quite ill at her home near Monu ment. Mr. Morgan is a patient at the veterans hospital in Portland. Daisy Simas, Ellen Patzer and Pat Brenner were business visit ors in Pendleton Saturday. They returned home by way of Her miston and Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Riechen of Portland spent the week-end with their daugter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cork and children. The HEC is sponsoring a dance after the graduation exercises on May 18. Everything will be do nated and the proceeds will go to little Johnnie Musgrave who is suffering from an incurable disease. He is now in The Dalles. His mother and father are with him. Laura Lee Shank spent Sun day at the ranch with her father, Fred Shank. MOVE TO PORTLAND Mrs. Jack Forsythe, accompan ied by Mrs. B. C. Forsythe of Cas cade Locks, drove up from Port land Tuesday to be on hand for loading out the Jack Forsythe furniture for removal to Portland. Jack now bears the rank of cap tain in the Air Transport service. He has been located at Portland since reentering the service and may remain there for a year. On the other hand . he might be moved out within two months. , Rangers Office Open Offices of the supervisor and ranger offices at county seats will be kept open for half day on Saturdays beginning Mayl2, ac cording to an announcement by C. M. Rector, supervisor of the Umatilla national forest. Rang ers offices at Heppner, Walla Walla and Pomeroy will be open from 8 a. m. till noon with one person on duty to serve the pub lic. Likewise, the supervisor's of fice in Pendleton will be open from 8 a. m. until noon. Hereto fore all offices were closed on Staurdays. The action is in furtherance of the national policy to provide service to the public on more than a five-day week basis dur ing the national emergency. The Gift That Says "I'll Always Remember" Roses for Mother . . . they're a wonder ful tradition a gift from the heart, they say more than words can tell. Far above the commonplace, they say not just "what does she want?" but "how best can I tell her I love her?" Heppner Flower Shop Phone 312 r Last Call For Busy Shoppers Remember your very best girl friend Sunday GOWNS .... SLIPS .... LINGERIE . . . HANKIES PURSES ... A SCARF Claudien' Oi. .Wi -LI ?-!?) ) Sin! IX COME IN OFF THAT HOT STREET THIS MINUTEI . . . and seat yourself at the counter in our cool inviting store ! Then enjoy one of our super-delicious sodas! Can't you just feel that smooth ice cream sliding down? And taste those wonderful Saager flavors? What a pick-up on a hot day! Or a cool fountain drink! Saager's Pharmacy lHiiiiiimiimiiiiiii n