Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 26, 1951, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 26, 1951
Lexington News . .
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning for Stephen
Gregory, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Doherty.. The baby
was born Saturday morning at
Pioneer Memorial hospital and
died 12 hours later. He weighed
seven pounds, five ounces.
Mrs. Bob Kilkenny was hostess
to a Standley party at her ranch
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
and daughter Pt, John Spence
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and fa
mily and Mrs. George Irven of
Ordnance attended the funeral
of Mrs. U. E. Haynes of Union
Saturday. Mrs. Haynes was an
aunt of Mrs. McMillan and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smethurst
are vacationing at the coast and
way points. They visited last Fri
day in La Grande with their
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Hermann Ziegler Jr.
The Truman Messenger home
was the scene of a party Sunday
honoring the 25th anniversary of
the following Rebekah lodge
members: Mr. and Mrs. Messen
ger, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smeth
urst Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMil
lan, and the 30th anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Majeske. The
table was centered with a three
tiered cake beautifully decorated
with white roses and silver leaves
and a miniature bride and groom
on the top. On each side were
silver candles in triple holders.
Miniature candles and sticks
were the place cards for the hon
orees. A mock wedding was giv
en, using the following children:
Linda Van Winkle as the bride,
given in marriage by her father,
Joe Palmer to the groom, Lee
Padberg, attendants Terry Mun
kers as maid of honor and Don
ald VanWinkle best man, with
music played by Betty Messen
ger with Carroll Messenger per
forming the ceremony.
The Lexington PTA held the
regular meeting Tuesday night
with new officers being elected:
Mrs. Armin Wihlon, president;
Mrs. Bob Davidson, vice presi
dent; Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien, sec
retary and Mrs. Cyrus Balser,
treasured. Mrs. Wihlon was sent
to Seaside as delegate to the
state meeting.
The high school athletic ban
quet was held Thursday night
at the school dining room. The
tables were decorated with yel
low and white narcissi and can
dles.. The menu consisted of
fried chicken, harvard beets,
string beans, molded vegetable
salad, garnishes, hot rolls, ber
ry pie ala mode, coffee and
punch. The program consisted of
a talk by Robert Woodward, ath
letic director of MacHigh, vocal
selections by Frank Ellis of lone,
instrumental numbers by the
Hungry Five, Janet Houton, Du
ane Baker, Jim Savage Roger
Kincaid and Jerry Bristow, of
lone. The boys received their
basketball letter certificates and
the girls their volley ball letters.
Pat Majeske, captain of the girls
team presented their coach, Mrs.
Rands with a bouquet of roses,
and Earl Miller presented Mr.
Rands with a gift
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding
and family motored to Prineville
Saturday and returned Sunday
bringing their grandchildren,
Jeannie and Jimmie Grant home
with them.
Mrs. Harold Cox and son Bobby
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Work and her small
daughter Sandra from her home
in Klickitat, Wash.
Judy Wihlon is visiting this
week at the O'Harra home.
Franklyn Myles is a new stu
dent in Lexington high school,
coming with his parents from
Seattle and living on the Lyle
Woody place.
Visitors at the Barnett home
Monday were N. A. Leach M., H.
Dopplmaier and J. H. Leach of
Portland who were looking after
business interests here.
Welcome Mc Alister is visiting
his father, Ray McAlister, from
his home in Pennsylvania. He
plans to enter the Veterans hos
pital in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Underwood of
Forest Grove visited their dau
ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Sanforized Twill
Uniform Sets
Pants 3"
Here's what makes Penney's Big Mac match
ing uniform sets better-than-ever values for
you : Better fabrics sturdy vat dyed, Sanfor
ized, mercerized carded army twill! Better fit
- new graduated patterns assure neater looks,
more comfort! Better wear - Big Mac's are
built stronger to wear longer! Shirt 14-17,
pants 30-46.
Max. residual shrinkage will not exceed 1.
Men's Cotton Western Styled Forest Green cotton Qn
venov enrva wt i Battleaxe knit briefs vVk,
VV ORK SOLKb Work Whipcord A11 elastic waiBt
or Elastic QR Sizes 29 O -IQ SK ,o 46
top. Pr. vOl, t0 46 O.I.U MEJI.S
Slack type Boys' sizes 98c Wst. Sanforized snort sievea 79c
Small, Med. Large
ICQ O OQ m, 2.98
tJ Viav Ir&k Men's snug-fitting west.
era style blue Jeans of
Sanforized blue cham- Men's Pay Day overalls JSlS? uggei 11 oz. Sanforized
. bray work shirts in me- of extra heavy San- denim. With sturdy or-
dium weight for long forizea denim. Full cut fif an9e stitcnea seams, riv-
wear without uncom- , KM, ,T J vf eted strain points. Yoke
fortable bulk. Dress-type sare style. Stur & back. Size8 "28.32.
collar. Non-rip sleeve T seams, bartacks at Express striped 029
facings. Men's sizes 15-17 strain points. 30-50. N Bib Overalls V
MEN to strut stuff
The male members of Rhea
Creek grange will "strut their
stuff" tomorrow (Friday) eve
ning when the membership
gathers at the hall for a card
party. The original date was
changed due to the death of
Glenn Farrens but that did not
release the men from their ob
ligation, so the women aver.
Mrs Lucille Owens presented
her piano pupils in recital Sun.
day afternoon at the Claude Gra
ham residence, when the follow
ing program was given:
Waltz Song, Armand, and The
Sprite, Wright, Janet Wightman.
Prelude in A Minor, Concone,
and Chimes Thru the Mist, Ber-'
nice Frost, Helen Graham.
In Church, Fr. Reiniske, and
Rondiny, Rogers, Jimmie Wight
man. I Mind the Day, Willaby and
A Little Dutch Garden, Loomin,
Mrs. Lucy Peterson, vocalist, ac
companied by Mrs. E. L. Tull.
Scarf Dance, Chaminade, Peg
gy Wightman.
Tempo di Menuetto, Beethoven,
and Nobody Knows the Trouble
I've Seen, arranged by Guy Ma
ier, Mary Ruth Green.
Rondo, Clementi, and Gallo
pade, Jean Marie Graham.
Immediately following the re
cital a tea hour was enjoyed by
relatives and friends of the
young performers.
May Fellowship day will be
observed Friday, May 4, by the
Union Missionary society. The
meeting will be held at 2:30 p.
m. in the Methodist church.
Speakers will include Mrs.
Frank Baker, Mrs. Clara B. Gert
son Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers and
Mrs. Frank S. Parker. Mrs. Lucy
Peterson will sing a solo and
Mists Opal Briggs will lead the
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scrits
mier went to Portland Monday
to look after business for a few
days. They are in the midst of
having the old Scritsmier home
redecorated and modernized in
preparation to moving to the city
Don Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell
were Lexington visitors Monday
from Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Engle of
Marlin were visitors at the A.
M. Edwards home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Tucker
of Stanfield were Sunday guests
at the Edwin Tucker and Bill
Nickols homes.
The Oregon liquor control com
mission has appointed Don
Church seargeant of district six,
comprising Morrow, Umatilla,
Union, Wallowa, Baker, Grant,
Harney and Malheur counties.
Church has served as inspector
with the commission's enforce
ment division and advances to
succeed Claude Holbrook, who
died in December.
Paul Warren spent the week
end here with his family, com
ing ' from Sisters where he is
now engaged in the sawmill bus
iness. The family will join him
there after school closes.
Fred Dexter spent the week
end here with Mrs. Dexter. He is
a mail carrier dut of the Madras
post office but expects to join
his wife here later.
-How -fa make god ieephone Setvicc even heifer....
ybur 'information operator is on the job to
serve you . . . with numbers not listed in
your directory. And smart telephone users
call her only when they don't find the
number they want in the telephone book.
, Why, they say, make two calls when
one will do?
Wiy not teet
a kt of brig uistance
Wonder how many long
i....yt-v. 40 distance users have discovered that
ffUfflVW IVU. alistoftheout.0f.town numbers they call
can be a mighty handy thing. Saves time, you know, if you place
your call by number rather than just by name and address. So,
next time you call, why not jot down the number of the person you're
calling when your long distance operator reports it to you
. . . and start your own long distance number list?
l0tS of people spend lots of time designing
your telephone set for both beauty and
efficiency. Gadgets and attachments
only clutter up its clean lines . . .
and perhaps impair its efficiency.
Pacific Telephone
, .: ,iJ A f
"m4 i
Time to Pretty up
for Spring!
You're wrong! That's not last season's dress
this lovely lady is wearing it's a 1949 model!
But it's very chic and dainty and 19 51 first,
because good taste or good style doesn't die out
in one year, or two but most important, be
cause this lady has had the good sense to let us
keep her clothes fresh and clean and new.
Let us help you pretty up for spring! Send us
your last season's clothes. You'll be delighted
with the results.
Heppner Cleaners
PHONE 2592
Morrow County Rural School District Budget 1951-52
1. Delinqent Taxes
2. County School Fund
3. Basic School Fund
4. Irreducible School Fund
5. Vocational Education
6. High School Tuition
7. Elementary Tuition
8. High School Transportation
9. Elementary Transportation
10. Rentals
11. Estimated Total Receipts
12. Estimated Cash Balance or Deficit
13. Total Receipts and Available Cash
Balance or Deficit
I General Control
II Instruction - Supervision
III Instruction Teaching
IV Operation of Plant
V Maintenance and Repairs
VI Auxiliary Agencies
VII Fixed Charges
VIII Capital Outlay
IX Debt Service
X Emergency
Total 8stimate Expenditures
Total Receipts & Available Cash Bal.
Amount Necessary to
Balance the Budget
Tax Rebates Estimated
Total Estimated Tax Levies
for ensuing fiscal year
Heppner Ixrigon Lex'ton B'dM'n lone Morgan Ed. Co. Serine Rardman Sd. HoL URS 1 Non-Hi. Total! Bral 1950-61 Ino. or
No. 1 Ho. 10 No. 13 No. 26 No. 35 No. 6J No. 19 No. 23 No. 40 Hardman 1951-62 Decrease
5,000 2,200 1,000 1,400 1,800 125 120 200 260 200 1,000 -1,000
41,380 15,900 9,200 13,780 18,600 635 600 1,700 1,600 1,050 440 2,000 ' 12,305 11,640 665
370 140 70 100 125 5 5 10 10 10 --106,885 74,290 32,595
1,500 1,000 845 722 123
6,000 1,500 2,500 2,500 0
600 700 7,500 9,500 -2,000
100 500 1,300 10,400 -9,100
600 1,425 825
400 500 200 1,530 200 500 520 - 520
54,650 18,740 11,070 17,810 22,925 865 725 1,910 1,870 1,760 940 2,000 3,330 1,980 1,350
6,000 3,280 2,400 4,800 3,700 2,080 1,635 2,000 330 2,042 360 7,540 135,265 113,977 21,288
1,000 37,167 10,785 26,382
60,650 22,020 13,470 22,610 26,625 2,945 2,360 3,910 2,200 3,802 1,300 9,540 1,000 172,432 124,762 47,670
6,300 2,581 1,595 2,905 2,050 65 40 125 110 71 120 200 6,900 23,062 25,041 -1,979
3,400 1,816 1,010 1,650 1,350 3,650 12,876 8,211 4,665
87,200 36,183 27,887 36,730 38,550 1,160" . 800 2,000 3,800 900 3,500 7,000 245,710 236,293 9,417
13,900 6,533 7,479 6,765 7,830 2,250 44,757 38,240 6,517
3,500 2,150 5,093 6,480 3,950 500 21,673 20,700 973
23,900 8,725 4,229 7,180 21,275 1,635 1,500 3,750 40 2,650 3,150 2,200 80,254 77,515 2,739
5,725 2,713 1,802 2,900 3,950 50 130 800 131 200 300 18,701 16,650 2,051
2,199 2,430 1,950 6,400 4,550 100 150 17,680 19,200 1,520
100 100 75 300 150 0 725 1,035 1 310
1,800 800 650 750 1,040 35 20 75 ' 90 50 90 120 4,525 10,045 11,155 -1,110
147,925 64,031 51,770 72,060 84,695 2,360 6,080 7,190 3,802 7,560 9,540 15.525 475,433 454,040 21,443
60,650 22,020 13,470 22,610 26,625 2,945 2,360 3,910 2,200 3,802 1,300 9,540 1,000 172,432 124,762 47,670
87,275 42,011 38,300 49,450 58,070 0 0 2,170 4,990 0 6,260 0 14,525 303,051 329,278 26,227
2,100 1,000 920 1,200 1,400 0 . 0 50 125 0 150 0 , 160 7,105 7,735 - 630
89,375 43,011 39,220 50,650 59,470 0 0 2,220 5,115 0 6,410 0 14,685 310,156 337,013 -26,857
We are deeply grateful for the
expressions of sympathy and the
kindnesses tendered us and for
the floral tributes in memory of
the late Arthur Stephens.
The Stephens family.
I wish to thank the staff of
the Pioneer Memorial haspital
for their kindness to me while
I was in their care.
J. A. Stevens
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.