Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 26, 1951, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday; April 26, 1951
Pag 3
Services Held At
Monument Gym For
Edasr A. Kninhfen
Kunor.-'l s: rv'ot-s wore lu-M h ' :
Monument's Kyimi.'i'-iu.-n April 1 !;.., 1
for Pkl.-ir Allen Knijrhli'ii, belter T
known as Bin! n:;ht".n. I'.iul v.'.i j i
born at Dayton, Wa-h.. .-.: i -, - j r,,,
her 5, IP,;-;,-1,. His paivnts ca;nc t r'. "
Heppner when ho v;n a snail '. a,
boy. He lived in the i:i:.;hl
country until ho was a limit "i ' v
years old. Ho then came to lii
Monument community v.li re !v r.
spout Die remainder of his life.
Ho is survived by his nephews! .
Henry, ilhur, anil olson Knijihien I :;
of llardman; Klnier Kni'ih' -n, j ,i
Olox; IS'eal Knip.hten, KinneV. i-;-' 1 , , t .
Wash.; Iiay r.n.-l v.ll'r Writ ;.,.
Heppner; Conrad rnd Rdliert : ;
Ki'llcn brock. Courtroch ; William, !;
Ivan and Arthur Warren; nieen;
Myrtle Imel, Terrebonne; Viola the
gan and family; Tom Marlatt kindnesses, and for the cards and
nd family; tuen wneeier ana , foral tributes to the memory of
Husband and father, Glenn Far
e to save the dot?
i, the charm
it and istart- family.
i i the cat died
1 liiin broke to. ,,- t . thjs means of express
ing our heartfelt thanks to our
friends and neighbors for their
expressions of sympathy, many
i 1 t
1 f
. , J T
, "ii field lopie-
of ai.'. ications and
;.;,!,-, nt i;;:A. ispent
ill I y in 1he of
( i i lower So-
o;il. Miller is
(I 1 udy or fore
itod electric
i c i irojeet area
t t ' 1 by the CI'C
) i tl administra-
fe'ui " decisions regard
, 1 1 ese forecasts
i t 1 v.i'.h tliose of
or adminis
j a: i. ist m justification
( n f ( leclric facil
hi J'e was accom-
Mi ler.
d his r;iand
) ic P:dty) car
1 i o i if near the
i i rh April 11. Ho
v alient mpiry but the
badly wrecked. Chuck
v n eked his car neari
1 II as taken to j
ni d i (1 aid.
1 if tht a combine I
'ii ).-.' the fore part: of
t i mbled it: for
Mrs. Glenn Farrens; the Walter
Wright family; the Darrel Far
rens family, and the Harry
uwen family.
How To Make Simple
Emergency Pipe Wrench
We seem to run into a lot of re
sourceful people. One of them,
who keeps his storags tank
full of Standard Automotive
Diesel Fuel, told us how he re
paired his storage tank pipe
fittings with the emergency
wrench diagrammed.
Tile -k
Mnkey wrendh
1 -'
k (I 1 tf. it : t " If . . ( , '
with V
There is no time like summer to inst.ill
economic.il llcil Heating equipment. Put dollars
into your pockets by replacing old equipment now,
Present lltil users report savin t:s up to 50'. o.
Start today bcing'economy wise. C;I for a
Free Heating Survey
of your system
ct no cbli;c;tion
Heil units arc
Built to save fuel
Euilt for low mair,!'nc:rice
Built for years of service
Your Best Buy
IB) r-
!l &
AH -1C-3
" i 1 i n on Coll on-
istod by Tom
n 1 i ohms visited
c ti I ind Mrs. Lola
1 t i nt. Pho was
I in r uncle, Ceo.
i 1 i visited Mrs.
i lil Shank. Mr.
it 1 of the coun-
i; .'.,)'. .', i fo.
1 i I son Michael
i d Wednesday
i r ' t' i Mrs. Daisy
1 came Friday
( t i s, end the week-end
li i
. ,t.v-.hi!i Harrison and
! iJ-'rand of kmzua and niece
. -.ii -. ;-.ti.-.il of Salem visited
i s b jtner, Lynn
i i Ci and family
1 T i -t were eall
i i i id i to boo their
. ( tv I ae he is sent over
i 1 in the navy
h , o
t .ndt.r OF TII.WKS
0 ! am deeply grateful for the
'' i; ;!!'! l-.Urs reteivid during
uy rvty iii ihe hosjiital. There
je .."i'..- ti;::a I can thank in
! ; : .i ;!! 1 tiin taking this means
'v ! i'.-i ail of you know how
's.hi:! 1 1 ey )!:( ant to me.
Mrs. Alva Joins.
i i ii t ex: ess n.y sincere
t:a-:t. ; in :!! who had a iart in
: i-t,I-'. letters and flow-
: ' t ' ;.u ihKlii! my recent i 1 1
! ' :n i'rm ideiice hospital in
i..r iand.
iilai'aall I.ovgren.
We r-re t.!..i ply grateful to
!';'. I'd- and n-'is'iiwrs for the
: , ;:. La: :;: .-ses t'-ndered up in
.. .-..l ii'iav:neiit. and for
' h aat.ful fiui'a! tributes to
;'. e moi'v of our beloved
Call us today about Standard
Automotive Diesel Fuel. KH
give us a chance to show you
the kind of service on which
we've built our local business.
If j'ou have a diesel track.clean
fuel is important in protecting
injectors. That's why our
Standard Automotive Diesel
Fuel is specially handled to
get to you es clean as when it
left the refinery. It's a high
cetane, 100 distilled fuel.
A Standard Oil Cnfy
I California Prtdid
Distributed by
We can arrange proper and complete protec
tion on your growing grain . . don't delay . . .
act now!
See Us For
P. O. Box 611 : Phone 723
Heppner, Oregon
St.. I
Sandy Johnson's wife Tiny'
suddenly asks him at breakfast
the other morning "Why don't yon
build me some bluebird houses?"
"What for?" asks Sandy. "Why
for bluebirds, of course" says
Tiny. "We always had 'em at
home when I was a girl. May
sound silly but I sorta miss 'em."
Well, I know how busy Sandy'
bees lately and the thought ef
taking time out to build bird
houses tould have made a lot of
men blow their top. But not
Sandy. H says, "No, Tiny. It
doesn't sound .silly. I think it's a
From where I sk Jy Joe Marsh
You've Got To
Hand It To Sandy
wonderful idea we're (ofaur to
have bluebirds and I'm starting
on some birdhousea tonight"
From where I sit, we could 4e
with more understanding people
like Sandy and Tiny, too. He re
spects her likings, and she respects
his. He likes a temperate glass ef
beer now and thta sua althengh
Tiny sticks to coffee, whatever
Bandy likes is OX with. her. They
Bve and let Ev and that's why
Uiey live se happily
Copyright, 19S1, VmU Sttm Brtum FaundatUm
To a snw Jboy nYf? a new hew
:s. Alma Mor-
Springtime brings house clearing,
j our store as well. There are marr
.i wish to carry over into cnotherscascn
We offer you startling bargains at
; to overlook.
C I IC A Tt ' ' '
!, wALil. I'Mlv i J , n. , - s
U' , f " " " 4
i : Ji s '' -..- - -
' i
' Winter Coats . . .
o we are cleaning out
items which we do not
;r;ccs ycu can't afford
onC'hdij Price
100 Percent Virgin Yacls h
Were $45.95"'
Dresses better divv hi iv:;v'.
plains, prints, a few ,!e;- y - i
All other bettcr'divs-e;' c-.
SKIRTS Ciearan:."..- oi'
ardines all sizes 10-20.
"V e
h off
Crepes broken si;a
3 All Sales lurud and
- i;uh;.r
1 1
"Bang-bng!" scresmsd th pUymtte ef younf Hubert Lott. "For rescuing mothers, !' IdJ; ii top.
But Hubert Kerned strtrtgelj tie tnJ ua-sheit
They tried it again with: "I gotcha yeu'rt dead."
But Hubert just smilingly waggled his head.
"I've got a new hero," said ex-eowboy Lott.
"I want you to meet him his same'i Kilowatt.
He really is tut, and hi work never stops.
"The way hs tavet payrolk ii somethta' to tee,
My mom says he charges sfce Uulni fed
"Let's play RedJy Kilowatt -lay down your gun
And coil tip jour rope, msn, ws'll r$Jlj have fun."
ill ill UVi-'rl
PP&L electric rates are low! Yes, in spite of rising costs of
almost everything else you buy, the average price paid for
ReJdy Kilowatt's services is 40 lotctr than in 1940.
During the wine period, orher costs of living hrnve gone up
more than 80 ?i.
PP&L rate cuts since 19 io have meant total net savings
to customers of more than 18 million dollars. No wonder
people here say: "Electric service it the biggest bargain in
the budget!"
WFc wwm