J 1 I Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 19, 1951 Yet, you do save time and work when you follow the Larro Pullet Plan. Only two mashei and two grains. No hand feeding of grain, after the 12th week. Only one change of mash and one change of grains. No tapering off or mixing of mashes. Just feed Larro Chick Builder for the first 12 weeks, then change to Larro Egg Mash. We'll be glad to give you the -details. a wo CHICK BUILDER p .I-1 Morrow Co. Grain Growers HEPPNER LEXINGTON IONE 3 Itrs Sure a Pleasure to work in a kitchen that Is equipped fully with a FRIGIDAIRI Stove, Refrigerator. Washer They are plentiful now, and NOW is a good time to buy. You remember the recent post-war situation .... Don't be one of that long list of Waiting customers Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service Boardman News Several Boardman ladies mo tored to Portland April 11 where they attended the Institute Gen eral Federation of Women. Going were Mesdames Ronald Black, W. E. Garner, Chas. Anderegg, Frank Kunze, Dewey West Jr., W. E. Turner, Jack Milligan and Fred Smith. B oardman high school base ball nine took victory over Uma tilla nine on the home field Fri day with a score 6-0. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow Harold and Darrell aslo Mrs. Marlow's nephew Jimmie New man attended funeral services of Mrs. Marlow's uncle, John Hartle in Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and Roy Ball attended thefuneral of Glenn Farrens in Heppner Friday afternoon. Mr. Farren's was Ball's brother-in-law. and an uncle of Mrs Miller Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Archer and children of Portland stopped in Boardman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Archer went on to J. H. Pruters in Kennewick, Irene remaining with Lorna Shannon and Alfred Jr. at the home of Billie Getz. Home Extension met at the grange hall in all day session Monday. Topic was floorfurnish ngs under the leadership of Mrs. Maude Casswell and Mrs. Russell Miller. Mr. and M rs. Arthur Allen left Thursday for San Diego to visit th eir son Gene before he leaves for Japan. Gene is in the U. S. navy. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root were their Mrs. Vernon Root and two sons. son and daughter-in-law Mr. a new of Athena. Several members attended the pot luck dinner and public in stallation of officers of McNary Legion Post No 7042 Sunday. Of ficers installed from here were conductress, Mrs. Earl Briggs; Mrs. Edd Kunze, guard; Mrs. Algy Taylor, historian. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferguson of Irrigon have moved their trail or house to the Leonard Bedord place. The Ferguson children will re main in urrigon unui ine iin ish of school. Stanley Hadley and Mr. Nobel of Condon spent the week-end in Blalock hunting arrowheads and agates. Robert Harwood took them to the island in the mo tor boat. Mrs. Allen Billings took her young daughter Brenda to Monu. ment Sunday where she will stay with her grandparents, Mr. and RESOLUTION OF THANKS WHEREAS: The telephone equipment at lone, Oregon was for many years obsolete, and WHEREAS: This grange re quested the telephone company to replace it, and WHEREAS: On March 29 last, new modern equipment with dial service was put into operation at lone and, lest we be quick to con demn and slow to condone, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED: That we, the members of Morrow County Po mona Grange No. 29 at Lexington assembled this 7th day of April, 1951, do hereby express our sin cere appreciation to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. for the new equipment at lone and for the excellent service it has given to date. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED: That our secretary be in structed to send copies of this resolution to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. at Pendleton, and to the Heppner Gazette Times. Resolutions committee: Henry Baker, Mabel Allen, Burton H. Peck. WILMA E. HOWTON, Secretary. Mrs. Chas. McDaniels for a few weeks. The Greenfield grange home economics club hats sanded and is now putting on a hard finish to the dining room floor. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Baker and family of Hood River has moved info the Wiley Brown house east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Max Vannoy of Olympia, Wash., have taken over the Toms Camp service station from Vannoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vannoy. Vannoy will still' be in charge of the repair shop. Boardman ladies aid met at Mrs. Lowell S hattucks' W ednes day afternoon 2:00 p. m., April 18. Subjectfor study was Korea and the A merican Indian. Mrs. Delia Faulkener and Mrs. Frank Cole were hestesses. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coxen for mer residents of Heppner but living at The Dalles now recent ly received word that their son Glenn has been promoted to the grade of SjSgt He is located at the 3200th Photographic Meas. urements and Analysis, Elgin Field, Fla. w here he is NCOIC of the data reduction branch of the analysis section. Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year Roses, Bulbs and Bedding Plants In Good Supply Heppner Flower Shop You but you cent buy belter! Jounce, pftdi, and iwoy are fhingi of th. part when you own a '51 Ford. That'i became Ford's new Auto matic Ride Control telf-adiutt n nil fun.. f roadt for maximum inwvUinii !' look Ahead Ford feature. . y . , , J--HK , A ; You can pay more but you can't buy better! rv 51 Ford "Looks Ahead" to bring you new Fordomatic . . . neweij, imoornest, moil flexible Automatic transmission everl The great new Fordomatic never lags, givet you trigger-quick getaway and easy "rocking" in now or mud. OpWmo on V- mod.l, at utre cod. ' r . 1 i r h , . iv. 7.a an.aa, rora s elegance of style will rule the roadl New "Color-Keyed" Fordcraft Fabrla, "Safefy-Glow" Control Panel and new "Colorblend" Carpeting are all custom-matched to Ford'i exterior colors. can pay more but you can't buy belter ThtSl 43 "Look Ahead" Features plus fORDOMATK Drive INJURIES Can Happen . . . when you drive your car, and without adequate liability insurance a court judgment could cost you everything you own! Don't risk being without full auto liability coverage; the cost is low, the need never great er. Phone today. FOR INSURANCE PHONE 152 Turner, Van Marter & Company Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. H. T. O'Donnell for opening to the public your beautiful new 0JT)onnelfs Gafe We are happy to have had a share in making over your establishment to the finest food center in Mor row County. Settles Electric Service Roy E. Thomas Electrical Installations Contracting Carpenter . The Kalberer Company Portland Equipment Installations and Arrangement Gilliam Cr Bisbee John Swanson Pendleton Plumbing Installations Painting and Decorating PENNEYS Spring Cleanup I ENTIRE STOCK Women Coats and Suits Cross Dyed Gabardine Short Coats Regular Length Gabardine Coats All Spring Suits Not all sizes 10.00 15.00 11.00 SPECIAL GROUP WASH FROCKS Odds and Ends NYLON UNIFORMS 1.50 SLIGHTLY SOILED 8.00 'Miss Prep' COTTON VESTS 5c each RAYON CREPE Multi Filament Slips 1.98 Size 32 40, White See Our Remnant Table . . Loaded with BARGAINS 1.00 BARGAINS Rayon Crepe BLOUSES Spring and Summer Prints Tailored Plains Odd Lots and Shade Gay Mode NYLONS 45 Gauge 30 Denier 51 Gauge, 15 Denier 87c pr SPECIAL PURCHASE JUMBO PLASTIC Garment Bags 15 garment size metal frame, 36" Zipper Q f openine, smart colors -fcvV BOY'S Cotton knit shorts not all sizes I5c close out NET'S FEN ROSE WALL MOTOR COMPANY