Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 12, 1951, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 12, 1951
Page 3
Creeping Brush Fire
Destroys Shed on
Boardman Ranch
It. A. Fortner had the misfor
tune to lose a shed by fire Fri
day. A stump had been left burn
ing earlier in the week and fire
creeping under brush reached the
shed. No other damage was done.
Mrs. Alta Lott left for her home
in Goldendale, Wash, Fridty af
ter spending- two weeks at the
home of Mrs. Delia Fauikener,
who has been Buffering from a
severe eye infection.
The senior and junior classes
of Boardman high school ma
tored to Heppner Friday to attend
Career day.
Pfc Jim Lovette of Fort Ben
ning, Ga., spent a week's fur
lough at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lovette.
Mrs. Myrtle Demaris of Walla
Walla returned to her home Sun
day after spending a week at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown.
Other guests at the Brown home
were their daughter and her son,
Mrs. Katherine Dunn and Reo
who were enjoying spring vaca
tion from Bchool. Mrs. Dunn
teaches in Richland.
Rev. Morton of the Presbyterian
church Stanfield, held Commu
nion services at the Boardman
Community church Sunday morn
ing. Two members were received,
Mrs. Wiley Brown and Maris
Potts. Miss Wanda Needles had
charge of the morning service in
Fred Knight, eon of Mrs. Esther
Knight, left Thursday for Port
land and from there on to San
Antonio, Texas. Fred enlisted in
the army air corps.
Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and son
Donald motored to Heppner Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Gillespie was
a guest at the C. W. Barlow home
while Donald attended Career
day at school.
Mr. and Misr. E. W. Ewing and
Mrs. Olive Atteberry motored to
Pendleton Friday.
Mrs. Nellie Kinyon left for her
home in Hermiston after a few
weeks at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Cramer.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root
were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macom
ber and son Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Maissey of Arlington and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Meidinger
spent the week-end in Portland.
The Boardman school nine lost
the baseball game Saturday to
Arlington 13-10 at Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pettys and
family of Pendleton were Sunday
evening guests at the home of
Mrs. Pettys' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
N. A. Macomber.
Duane Brown spent the week
end in Portland.
Nine local grangers motored to
lone Saturday to attend the Mor
row county Pomona grange.
Mrs. Russell DeMauro and two
daughters left for their home in
Hood River Thursday after a
few days here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and at
Irrigon with Mr. DeMauro's par
ents. Mr. DeMauro drove here for
his family.
At Stud- -
JEAHAL, A.H.C., 3657
1 950 Champion Stallion of All Breeds
and Get of Sire Class
Edwards-King Vows
Spoken Sunday in
Spokane Church
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards re
turned Monday from Spokane
ottpnried the mar-
riage of their daughter Edith to
Fred King of sposane. me wee
ding was solemnized at the
Church of the Nazarene at 8 p. m.
Arrii 8 with the Rev. George
Taylorson officiating. The bride,
attired in a nevy rme sun. wii
white accessories, carried a white
orchid on a white Bible. Her sis
ter, Mrs. Jim Lynch was her only
attendant. She wore a wine col
ored suit with a purple orchid.
Gerald Zellmer, nephew of the
irmnm was hpst man. Mrs. Cora
Griffith sang Always and I Love
You Truly, accompanied Dy mis
waitpr v.Piifr at the orean.. A re
ception followed at the home of
nn nnnlo nf the eroom. Following
a week's honeymoon the newly-
weds will be at nome in ayuKane
7hprp the proom is in business.
The bride is a former Lexington
girl and for several years nas
been a teacher at the Kinman
Business university.
Ida Buchanan of Oceanside
Calif, is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Buchanan.
Mrs. Don Bellenbrock and Mrs,
Keith Tannehill went to Enter
prise April 4 where he was speak
er at an FFA Darents and son
banquet. Tannehill was recently
elected to the otnee or state re
porter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briees went
to Arlington Monday evening to
attend the VFW installation.
Wednesday, April 11 HEC met
in the prance hall with manv
ladies present. Mrs. I." Skoubo
was committee chairman.
I . I U ' 5
t tr i L 1
i;.-.' Iff:
Z i II. I
i i '
V. ( fit
i !j
t i .i ' ii 1 j
: t j -
9a nk
Accommodations for Mares
rnvarc uinllnnnor
hf wallhoard nlaster or
brick walls with
one coatl
3 dries in one hour I
easily cleaned I
Redecorating U faa, ndl
woilc Ii your boma iwnii
dreary becauM ot tmattxaa
Uv, Jaded wallpaper, try th
impla remedy ol a coat ol
Techlde. It U O
good tonic ani
an inexpensiTt
J Com In fdmi for PRM bookUt;
j f Color Dynamics for yowr Momo.f
Heppner Hardware &
Electric Company
The Music Department
Heppner Public Schools
Presents Its
Annual Band Concert:
- at 8:00 O'Clock, P.M. "
Wednesday, April 25
Admission, 75 cents
Mountain Phone
Co. Seeks End To
Static Troubles
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright of
Rhea Creek spent last Thursday
in Monument visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson.
Earl Sweek, Wilbur Flower and
Roy Bowan had a well drill on
Earl Sweek'B property in the west
part of town. They struck water
at 78 feet and have 50 feet of
water in the well.
Mrs. Worth Janney and son Or
lan of John Day visited her bro
ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Jackson. Mr. Jackson who recent
ly returned home from the hos
pital in John Day is much im
proved at this writing.
At the benefit dance given last
week by the Catholic church, sev
eral prizes were given away. The
lucky ones were Harold Cork, a
turkey; Ned Sweek of Heppner,
a chicken; the Home Cafe, a
chicken, Bill Elder of Ontario, a
quilt; Mrs. Chinouth of Dayville,
a blanket; Delmar Settle, sheets
and pillow cases; Grandma Hyke,
pillow cases, and June Lofton of
Fox tk hfim
The MMM club met last Thurs
day at the home of Goldie Round,
with Lulu Settle as co-hostess, It
was a spring hat parade, each
member making her own nat.
Margaret Elder was awarded first
prize and Lola Shanks second.
There were 19 present. Ella Durst
received the white elephant pack
age. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses. The next meet
ing will be held at the home Mor
garet Elder. Each member is to
read an original poem composed
by herself.
Dempsey Boyer attended Porno,
na grange at Mt. Vernon Satur
day. The new grange hall was
dedicated in the evening.
Ray Itschner and Everett Cam
eron of John Day were in Monu
ment Saturday. They stopped in
to say hello to Chance Witeon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson
had as dinner guests last Sunday,
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams of
Echo and Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Jones of Prineville.
Norman Itechner of John Day
called on Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wil
son Sunday.
Robert Croft and Walter Jliller
of the University of Oregon met
with the high school board of di
rectors Tuesday, As all of the
board members could not be pre
sent, no business was transacted.
Mrs. Dean Enright and children
spent several days last week vis
iting friends in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Settle
drove to Portland Sunday and re
turned Monday with a new mod
ern trailer houtse which they
parked across the street from
Boyer's Cash store.
Bill Morgan was taken to the
Veterans hospital in Portland
last week. He has been suffering
with ill health for some time.
Mr, and Mrs. Chet Browa hunt
ed ground squirrels Sunday. From
all reports, Mrs. Brown turned
out to be the champion shot.
There was a meeting of the
Mountain telephone line at the
grange hall Friday night. The
purpose of this meeting was to
see what could be done to take
the hum out of the line. The noise
is caused by the new transform
er recently installed.
Word was received by relatives
in Monument of the death of
George Cork in Bend early Sun
day morning. George Cork and
his family were former residents
of this community, prior to mov
ing to Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Arling
ton spent several days last week
visiting their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Cim
miyotti. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Engle and
family of Court Rock were shop
ping and visiting in Mounment
Mr. and Mrs.. Archie Jones of
Prineville came to Monument
Sunday to visit friends and rela
tives. They returned home Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman re
ceived word last Wednesday from
their daughter, Betty Saddler,
that her husband, Marvin Sad-j
dler, was quite ill with appendi-1
citis. Mr. and Mrs. Bleakman
drove to Mt. Vernon and brought
the two little boys home with
them. Saddler was taken to the
Prairie City hospital in an am-
bulance and was operated on the
i same afternoon.
William J. McLeish of the In
ternal Revenue service, Pendle
ton, was an overnight gucist of
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilson Friday
Hugh Jackson left Friday for
Condon where he has employ
ment. lied Henderson, district fire
v.araen from Sisters, spent Thurs
day with diet Brown, assistant
fire warden.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork drove to
Bend Wednesday to visit his un
cle, George Cork, who was found
shot in hits car earlier in the week.
(Continued on Page 4)
and time to get your
fishing tackle at
A. M. Edwards gave a surprise
stork shower for Mrs. Bill Nich
ols Thursday afternoon. Those at
tending were Marie Borkman,
Lillian Edwards, Mrs. Gene Stone,
Mrs. Loraine Mahan, Mrs. Sara
Atkins and Mrs. Helen Carter of
Heppner, and Mrs. Ina Nichols
and Mrs. O. G. Breeding.
The Earl Esteis family of Port
land were week-end guests of
the Alonzo Henderson family at
their farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marqu
ardt and Mrs. Trina Parker and
Miss Dona Barnett returned after
several days in Portland.
Mrs. Emma Peck entertained at
an early breakfast at her home
Sunday morning. Those attend
ing were Mrs. Ina Nichols, Mr.
and Mrs. O. G. Breeding, Mr.
and Mrs. Truman Messenger and
family and Miss Etta Millett of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ness of
Roseburg visited their daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Cutsforth over the week-end.
Orville Cutsforth flew to Grass
Valley Saturday to meet his dau
ghter Faye who visited here over
the. week-end from her school at
Mrs. Bill Van Winkle and Mrs.
Jack VanWinkle are spending a
few days in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Cora Arga bright of Spray
visited her children, Mrs. O. G.
Breeding, George and Wilbur
Steagall over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Goodell
and daughter Cherlene Gray re
turned from Cove Sunday. Mrs.
Goodall returned to La Grande
Tuesday where she will enter a
hospital for medical care.
Mrs. Cora Warner returned to
her home Friday following a vis
it in Corvallis with her daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hayes. The Hayes fam
ily were week-end visitors here
with Cardice staying on.
Mrs. Alex Green of Heppner
was a Sunday visitor at the home
of her son Hermann and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morey and
family were visitors at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mrs. Mark Rands visited her
son Marshall in Portland. He has
been quite ill.
Mrs. Bernard Doherty gave a
birthday, party for her Bon and
daughter Sunday. Present from
Lexington were the Bob David
son children and the Bill Van
Winkle children.
Arrive at Heppnsr,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & Whit Heppner
Padbery Tractor. Lex
Omar Rletmaan, lone
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightwava
ind on the REXALl RADIO SHOW stirring AMOS 'N' ANDY Sundays CBS
III "1
r w ti . m i
Z for
tAtnfi? ni inrrrfT
j ' vuriruuiNL Reg. yc rim
5 9lJmb
1 Uimit SJjj-
Liggetfs J-U-M-B-C Size
Brushless or lather. Reg. 59c
SUN GLASSES men's & ladies' styles Reg. 98c 2 for 99c
ENVELOPES Medford white, 634 18's, Reg. 10c 2 for lie
RUBY GLASS TUMBLERS 9'2 oz. Size Reg. 10c 2 for 11c
AMM0NIATED TOOTH POWDER Rexall . 3 0Z., Reg. 43c 2 for 44c
ADRIENNE COSMETICS any 2 identical items Reg. 85c ea. 2 for 86c
HORMONE CREAM Helen Cornell . . . V oz., Reg. 41-10 2 for 1.11
WATER BOTTLE Victoria 2-qt . . Reg. $2.39 2 for 2.40
BORIC ACID Powder or Crystals .... 4 oz., Reg. 33c 2 for 34c
KLENZ0 ANTISEPTIC Rexall Pint, Reg. 79c 2 for 80c
RUBBING ALCOHOL Rexall Alco-Rex Pt.,- Reg. 59c 2 for 60c
MINERAL OIL Rexall Petrofol Pint, Reg. 59c 2 for 60c
FUNGI-REX for athlete's foot VA oz., Reg. 63c 2 for 64c
GIFT WRAPS Everyday . . . 6-20 x 30 sheets, Reg. 25c 2 for 26c
SACCHARIN TABLETS V4 gr. 1000's, Reg. $1.08 2 for 1.09
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Rexall 1 . . . . Reg. 45c Pint 2 for 46c
EYE LOTION Rexall Eyelo 8 oz Reg. 59c 2 for 60c
COLD CREAM Rexall Theatrical Reg. $1.00 Lb. 2 for 1.01
HYGIENIC POWDER Rexall 6 oz., Reg. 65c 2 for 66c
NURSER Rexall Stork, 8 oz. Reg. 35c 2 for 36c
BOBBY PINS Helen Cornell .... Card of 30, Reg. 10c 2 for 11c
BALLOONS 4 small or 1 large Reg. 10c 2 for 11c
BATH POWDER Lavender 9 oz., Reg. $1.10 2 for 1.11
SUPPOSITORIES Glycerin 12's, Reg. 43c 2 for 44c
BALL POINT PEN Belmont Reg. $1.00 2 for 1.01
n A ntp Almond or
nlnin Mm,! 4
Bath Luxury! 18" x W
(nmH3) 3fofl0Q
Pkg.36 Ttvxalt
Merc, or Plain
(limit 2 pkgiJ JLr
wither. $1.50 CO
vaUlimitl box)
14 ounce sack
(limit 2)
qa an" LANOLIN
SOAP 6,3ot.0QC
bars (limit 1 box)
"kiting 60thzr
mm ATSr
riMrv cavers hr-... iimmaism
pint 2 for 86c
QUART, 2 for 1.26
i;1 2 for 3.20
TOOTH PASTE Rexall Ammoniated . . . . 3M oz. tube 2 for 61c
ELEGANT FACIAL TISSUES Pkg. of 300 2 for43c
BRIDGE CARDS Lord Baltimore, single deck J for 86c
BEEF, WINE & IRON Rexall, tonic . . . . Pint 2 for 1.41
REXALL WITCH HAZEL astringent Pint 2 for 56c
TOOTH BRUSHES Klenzo nylon, three styles ........ 2 for 40c
REXALL EPSOM SALT medicinal Pound 2 for 41c
"$50,000" CHOCOLATE SYRUP . . 7 02. tin 2 for 23c
COD LIVER OIL high potency Pint 2 for 1.41
ABDG CAPSULES 4 essential vitamins 100's 2 for 1.66
BETA-CAPS Vitamin B capsules 100's 2 for 2.11
BREWERS' YEAST TABS. B-C'ompleX 250's 2 for 1.01