Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 05, 1951, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 5, 1951
lone 4-H Clubs
Put on Program
At P-IA Meeting
The 4-H clubs, with Mrs. L. A.
McCabe in charge, put on the
program at the P-TA meeting at
the Bchoolhouse March 28. The
flag salute and the 4-H pledge
were led by Judy Howton. There
are 34 club members, 13 projects
and seven leaders in this com
munity. Demonstrations were el
ven by the Jolly Cooks club, the
Child Care club with Judy How
ton and Jean Ann Swanson dem
onstrating how to put a baby to
bed. Bilhe Seehafer gave a talk
on her sewing club, Janet Howton
demonstrated making a bound
button hole, Malcolm McKinney
and Denny Swanson gave talks
nn tractor maintenance, Ingrid
Hermann gave a talk on her beef
club and the clothing cmos mo
deled their dresses. The modelers
were Feggy Allen, Mildred See
hafer. Clara Ann Swales, Mar-
dene Baker, Julia Rietmann, Jean
Ann Swanson, Bonnie Cram, La
Velle Spielman, Janet and Judy
Howton, uorotny uooyns, .use
Raiiernfeind. A skit. "Posture on
Parade." was given by six girls
with Inerid Hermann as the
reader. Nelson Anderson and Mrs.
Maude Casswell of Heppner gave
talks on 4-H club work. They
rvrpspntpri leader certificates to
Earl McKinney, livestock; Mrs,
Henrv Osibov, child care; Mrs. E,
M. Baker cooking I; Mrs. Russell
Lawns and GardensNOW
We have what you need
Jacobson Power Lawn Mower $1 12.50
De Bondt, clothing 1A and B; Mrs. !
Alan Robertson, clothing II; and
Mrs. L. A. McCabe, clothing 1, 3
and 4. Bryce Keene, another lead
er, was absent. Ronald Baker led
the group singing and also told
of his plans to attend the Nationl
4-H camp in Washington, D. C.
June 13-20. He said that the group
would visit New York, Philadel
phia, Minneapolis and Chicago.
He hopes to see President Tru
man and visit Lake Success. He
said a delegate is to be sent to
a foreign country and asked for
help in raising $15. Lunch was
served in the lunch room. Mrs. E.
Brtetow, Mrs. Raymond Lundell,
Mrs. Darrell Padberg, Mrs. Phil
Griffin and Mrs. Ralph Crum
The tables were decorated with
daffodils. At the business meet
ing, Mrs. Earl McKinney, Mrs.
Wallace Matthews and Mrs. Echo
Palmateer were elected on the
nominating committee to choose
officers to be elected at the next
neeting. They will also nominate
delegates to go to the P-TA con
vention in Seaside April 24, 25
and 26.
I The lone P-TA will serve the
Junior-Senior banquet May 4. Al-
an Robertson stated the spring
! concert would be held April 20.
The next PTA meeting will be
April 12.
Funeral services were held for
Frank H. Lindsey at 2 o'clock p.
m. Saturday at the Co-operative
Weed Contra
With Ground Application
New Equipment
A good job at reasonable prices
Phone 5F3 Condon, Oregon
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Maying
U. P and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Give us a
hf-win k mi k i c;nno
For W$ltrtr OmJy
1 2ua J
39c S
Admission prloei afternoon and evening, unless specifically advertised to be otherwiie Children '
Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL iOc; Grade and Hlgli School Student 12 year, and over Est.
Frio. M, Fed. lax. .10. TOTAXi 60c Adult.: Est. Price .50, Fed. lax .10, TOTAL 800. Every Child
occupying a seat mtut have a tloket.
Sunday shows continuous from 1 p m. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dll-
lecent shows. Ail programs except ommuy wn m
Friday-Saturday, April 6-7
June Allyson, Dick Powell, Bicardo Mont
alban, Lionel Barrymore. Tom Powers
An interest-holding prize fight drama
that packs a wallop. Strong performances
by a top cast. PLUS
The Girl From Lorenzo
The Cisco Kin (Duncan Renaldo) and his
saddle partner, Leo Carrillo, in a western
Sunday-Monday, April 8-9
Esther Williams is wooed with songs by
Howard Keel (that "Annie Get Your Gun"
guy).... hear the famed "Pagan Love Song"
and other delightful songhits ... actually
filmed on the palm-fringed isle of Kauai
in Technicolor!
You Can Beat The Atom Bomb
The effect of atom bomb explosion and
counter measures.
Tuesday-Wednesday, April 10-11
William Holden, Nancy Olson, Barry Fitz
gerald, Lyle Bettger, Jan Sterling Al
lene Roberts
An interesting melodrama which takes its
characters into, around and under New
York's Union Station. (As we go to press,
both William Holden and Nancy Olson
are Academy Award contenders for their
work in "Sunset Boulevard" Fitzgerald,
of counse, was an award winner in "Going
My Way.")
Thursday-Friday-Saturdory, April 12-13-14
Marlorie Main, James Whitmore, Ann
Dvorak. Fred Clark. Dorothy Malone,
Douglas Fowley
A rough-and-rowdy picture played strict
ly for laughs.
William Elliot, Walter Brennan, Marie
Windsor Henry Morgan, Rhys Wil
liams, Jim Davis
Recommended rugged outdoor entertainment.
church with Rev. A. Shirley offi
dating. Mrs. Walter Roberts
and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn sang "In
the Garden'" and "The Old Rug
ged Cross." They were accompan
ied by Mrs. Cleo Drake. The pall
bearers were Albert, Franklin,
and Roy Lindstrom, Carl Troed
son, Ed Buschke and John Ran-
sier. Phelps Funeral Home of
Heppner had charge. Interment
was in the lone cemetery.
Mr. Lindsey was born in Girard,
Crawford county, Kansas, Sept. 9,
1876 and died March 27, 1951. He
was the son of Erastus M. and Sa
rah Ann Lindsey. In 1893 with his
family he moved to Salem where
he lived until 1914. From there he
moved to Morrow county where
he resided until his death. The
last 26 years he farmed near Mor
gan, in 1917 he was married to
Mildred Sampson, who survives.
Also two sisters survive, Mrs. Hat-
tie Crabtree and Mrs. Nettie Brock
both of Salem, and three nieces
and two nephews, and a foster
daughter, Nancy Ward, of Glen
dale. Two brothers, Fred and Har
ry, preceded him in death. He
was a member of the Knights of
Pythias lodge of The Dalles and
a member of Willows grange.
The Eastern Star served a pof
luck dinner at the Masonic hall
Sunday in honor of Mrs. Irene
McKinley, associate grand con
ductress of Oregon from Portland,
who was here on an official visit
Mrs. McKinley was a guest at the
bam McMillan home.
Kenneth Lundell of Oakland,
Calif., is visiting at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan
took their son Virgil to the Doern
becher hospital in Portland for a
few days last week for a check
up. Friends and relatives attending
the Frank Lindsey funeral from
a distance were Mrs. Nettie Brock,
Mrs. J. E. Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Stender, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Crabtree and family, all of Salem;
Mrs. Ray Sampson and Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Sampson of McMinn
ville; Mrs. Harland Bonney of
Summit City, Calif.; Mrs. Andy
Jacobsen of Lebanon; Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Inskeep and family of
Helix; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ran
kin of Hermiston and Willard
Blake of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley
were in Portland last week where
Mr. Corley underwent a checkup
at the Veterans hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Sells of
Eugene purchased the Fred Ely
house in Morgan. Mrs. Sells will
live there while Mr. Sells is em
ployed on a fishing boat in Mon
terey, Calif. Mr. Ely will live in
his other house in Morgan.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Shirley spent
a few days last week at Nelscott
where they attended the Pastor's
Retreat for Congregational min
isters. The newly remodeled basement
of the Co-perative church was
dedicated Sunday morning with
Rev. A. Shirley in charge. A cross
was presented in the memory of
little Buzzy Corley.
Dates to remember: April 6, ex
tension unit meeting at Masonic
hall at 10:30 a. m. Potluck lunch
will be served. Subject "Floor
Finishes." April 8, smorgasbord
4 to 7 p. m Legion hall. April 10,
Garden club at home of Mrs. La-
na Padberg. A film will be shown
on rose culture. April 11, Marana
thas. April 13, Study meeting of
lopic club at home of Mrs. Sam
McMillan. April 12, P-TA at 8 p,
Lynn Goodall of Spokane is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Fannie Grif
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen
are the parents of a son, Frank
Dee, born April 1 at The Dalles.
Weight 10 pounds four ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree of Sa
lem and Mat Halvorsen are the
New books added to the lone
public library are: The Best Is
Yet To Be, by Maves; The Stub
born Heart, by Slaughter; River
of the Sun, by Ullman; Son of A
Hundred Kings, by .Costain;
Hopalong Cassidy by Burns
Golden North by McPhedran;!sident, presided over the meet
HanHv nf thp TrinlP-S hv Eames: I inp The tables were decorated
The Silver Quest, by Meigs; Foot, with candles and daffodils.
Prints on the Sand, Porter; The
Jennifer Wish, Smith; Keep the
Wagons Rolling, Lathrop: And
Both Were Young, L'Engle; Little
Wild Horse, Beatty; Sunshine for
Merrilyl, Kiser; Mystery of the
Haunted Cliff, Campbell; The
Let's Go, Crawford; Billy and the
Sitter Who Didn't Sit, Pruner;
Bear, Bannon.
Ronald Baker injured his ankle
while practicing baseball at the
school one day last week. He was
taken to a doctor for an examina
tion. No bones were broken but
some ligaments were torn loose.
The Interunit of the American
Legion Auxiliary met at the Le
gion- hall Saturday with a lun
cheon at 1:30 p. m. and a round
table discussion. Representatives
were present from Pendleton, Ath
ena, Hermiston and Heppner.
Mrs. Cecil Thorn, district pre
The estimated daily popula
tion of Rockefeller center in
New York city is 160,000.
Ctt' THE
at Newark, In the State ol New Jersey, for
the yar ended December 31, 1950, made
to the Insurance Commissioner ol the Slate
of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Admitted Assets
Bonds 24,207,997,04
I Stocks 60,031,261.94
Mortgage loans on real estats 1,085,734.74
Rest estate, less no encum
brances Cash and bank deposits
' Agents' balances or uncol
i lected premiums
lbterest, dividends and real
, estate Income due and
1 accrued
Other assets
rM. and Mrs. Walter bcarDO
rough and son of Moriarity N. M.
are visiting at the home of his
niece, Mrs. Gordon wniie, mis.
White's mother and son, Mrs.
Oscar Schiffer and Charles White,
Forest Grove, are also guests at
the White home.
Mrs. Donald Ball and Mrs. Har
rv Rine entertained the birth
day club at the Ball home March
30 in honor of Mrs. wm. ocnaen
er and Mrs. Lewis Ball.
Mrs. Phil Griffin spent a few
days last week with her mother,
Mrs. George Mead in Seattle, who
has been ill. .
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright, Baker,
spent the week end with relatives
here. Mrs. Earl Wright is a daugh
ter of Mrs. Ida Grabill.
Vernon Hoker and Jerry Bra
men, Nampa, Ildlaho, were re
cent guests of Tommy Bnstow.
Mrs. Darrell Padberg was in
Portland last week with her sis
ter who is ill..
Mr. and Mrs. Amiel VanBuren
and three sons of Walla Walla,
spent Sunday at the E. M. Baker
home. Mrs. Van Buren is a sis
ter of Mr. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ruggles
of Grass Valley, are visiting at
the home of their daughter, Mis.
Earl McKinney.
George Krebs of Cecil recently
bought nine Shorthorn females
and a bull calf from the Turner
low which is operated by Don
& Valentine ranch in Sand Hoi-.
5,214, 181. 53
( Total admitted assets $103,339,366.40
Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds
Losses '
oss aaju
toss adjustment expenses.
Unearned premiums
I All other liabilities
remlums 41,182,161.09
Total liabilities, except
capital ? 59. 095. 773.16
I Capital paid up 12.625.000.00
Special surplus (unds None
Ifaassigned funds (surplus) 31,618,593.24
Surplus as regards policy-
holders 44,243,593.24
Total $103,339,366.40
Statement of Income
Premiums earned $ 37.591,969.83
Losses incurred 19,! 68,307.10
Loss expenses Incurred 2,-170,435.37
Other underwriting expenses ..,,,,,..
Incurred 16. dl 1.971.34
Total underwriting de
ductions $ 38
Net underwriting gain (or .,.,
lossl (73.743.981
Investment income 2, u-6, 712.23
Other Income 3.922.50
Total, before federal In- ..,..
come taxes - 1,861,890.75
Federal Income taxes In- -.--.
curred 266,048.75
Net Income
Dividends to stockholders
Dividends to policyholders-
raD tal ch&nscs men
I Other Items affecting lur- ,,,
plm (net) 8.096.842 23
Total capital and surplus
Items ( net I . $
.Increase In surplus as re- . ,,.,
gardB policyholders $ 7,472.184 23
Business In Orcson for the Year
I Net premiums received $ 480.067.34
I Net losses paid 161.043.58
Dividends paid or credited
to policyholders None
Principal office In Oregon: 317 SW Alder
( street, Portland, Oregon.
Heppner, Oregon
nips a m m I t
foo.ooo.oo m riiHi 111 mi
,876,342,, , mm nitti it
'si fv
Guaranteed byA
I Good Houekssptaf )
Bold stripes keynote the
charm of this hand wash-
ble rayon Mode 0' Day
dress. Smartly stylet
th cap sleeves, tailored
collar, and fly-front skirt
thered at sides. 14 to 20.
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Padberg Tractor, Lex.
Omar Rietmann, lone
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightwcrys
1.39 BUSK 17
. mm r a
teed peecl'
Van Horn Building
Heppner, Oregon
(3D G3ES5 KE) 9333333
fastest qxowhq
brand of milk
Telephone M'
HERMISTON Phone 3571
PENDLETON Phone 1211
Specially designed for spraying wheat, small grain fields and pasture lands.
from 10 to 30 in. from ground, choice
of 5 or 10 gal. per acre nozzles... 300
gal. tank with mechanical agitator
. . . 400 lbs. pressure PTO bronze gear
pump . . . control manifold with cen
tral strainer, pressure gauge and
ratchet shut-off.
Features heavy seamless steel tube
and "I" beam frame and 10 gauge
boiler plate steel tank for longer ser
vice and more economical weed and
pest control.
40 ft. spray coverage with 27 "No
Drip" U-Pipe nozzles . . . adjustable
See this new sprayer at Condon Motor and Implement Co. Immediate Delivery
Condon Motor & Implement Co.
Phone 750
Condon, Oregon