Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 5, 1951 Pag 3 LEXINGTON ITEMS Miss Dona Barnett, Mrs. Trina Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt are spending a few days in Portland where Miss Barnett has gone to consult a physician. The executive meeting of the P.-T.A. was held at the C. C. J6nes home Tuesday night with 5 mem bers present. It was announced I that the high school athletic ban-1 quet under the chairmanship of j Mrs. M. V. Nolan will be held April 19 at the school house. Mrs. Roy Darnielle of The Dalles has returned to her home after a visit here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra. The young adult Sunday school class held its regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Biil V Easy Does It When You Are Using F R I G I D A I R E appliances . . . They are really tops in efficiency, durability, and economy . . besides they are handsome. A look-see wi 1 1 convince you there is no finer range, refrigerator or washer. ' Your kitchen needs the best ap pliances money will buy. ALSO ZENITH RADIOS HEPPNER APPLIANCE Dependable Radio & Refrigeration Service Marquardt Sunday afternoon with 12 members present. The Hermiston Lutheran choir cravo a pnnrprt Sundav nieht. Mrs. David Pardue (nee Jean itaucnj was soloist. Attending from here were Mrs. Alex Hunt, Joan Bree ding and Mrs. C. C. Jones. Donna Graves is spending a few days with Sharon Cutsforth at her home in College Place. Barbara Bloodsworth, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth is able to be out again after quite a bout of illness. Thf 3rd and 4th grades are practicing on an operetta to be given at the F.-t.a. meeting Ap ril 17. Levinctrin eranee initiation team is practicing this week and ... .1 1 1 .1 Tl will put on tne worn ai me ru mona meeting Saturday. o Easter Seal Sale Leaders Ask For Continued Giving fnnntv ipariers for the annual Easter Seal sale of the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults today made a final appeal to the hundreds of persons in the county who nave not yet respunu ed to the Easter Seals they re ceived. Although the seal sale was for mally ended Easter Sunday, the leaders expressed a hope that returns will continue to come in to county headquarters for an other few weeks. Edgar V. Smith, state chairman of the Easter Seal sale, reported that returns to date have been "most gratifying," but he pointed nut that "there still aren't suffi cient funds on hand to enable the society to expand its present Qprvicps and add new rjrograms." "It is never too late to buy Easter Seals," Smith reminded LINGERIE NEWS . . . Fine new undies for Spring and Summer time DAINTINESS, with lace trim rayon - nylon - acetate - GOWNS - PAJAMAS - SHORT GOWNS SLIPS & HALF SLI PS in black or white - PANTI ES - BRAS it if tf LITTLE GIRLS NYLON GOWNS - run proof LITTLE GIRLS GOWNS & PAJAMAS - 8-14 - nylin trim SUMMER TI ME ROBES in red and blue rayon jersey -7-14 Claudi Monument Grade School Schedules Show and Dance Monument grade school Is snonsorin? a talent show and dance on April 14. This will be a new experience for the local chil dren. Everyone Is welcome and they are asking that each send in his number to the principal, Ver non Peterman. Prizes will be giv en. The dance will be after the show, with music by the Farrows. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sweek of Portland came to Monument ear ly Tuesday morning but had to return to Portland the same day. Mr. Sweek's father, Rex Sweek, came from Fossil with them. Rhoene Bleakman was an over night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Boyer last Thursday. Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin, Mrs. Joe Simas, Hugh Johnson and Mead Gilman are among those on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs.. Montgomery were business visitors In John Day and Canyon City last Tuesday. Criss Hamilton was a business visitor in John Day from Monu ment Monday. Mrs. Delmar Settle drove to John Day Monday to have some dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Ed Powell announce the arrival of a baby girl In their home. The young SICKNESS Can Jl&ppen Yes! Severe illness that lays you up for weeks and months, cuts off earnings, runs up big doctor bills. It might happen to you. Be safe with a Health Insur ance policy that pays med ical, nursing and treatment costs, gives you cash when you need it most. Call for details. FOR INSURANCE PHONE 152 Turner, Van Marter & Company The Future Will IProve Ws Todtnfs Best HBuu! The first time you stand back and admire your new Pontiac and then get behind the wheel for your first thrilling drive, you'll enjoy the won derful experience of owning a truly , great car. But the next few years will give you an even better idea of how sound your i'iidgment was when you chose a 'ontiac. For, by that time you'll have , discovered that Pontiac is built to serve you day in and day out, year after year, with an absolute minimum of routine maintenance. Only when you can appreciate Pontiac's beauty in the light of rte fine performance and real economy will you really know that, Dollar for Dollar You Can't Beat a Pontiac! Come in and find out how low price and high quality make Pontiac one of today's most sought after cars! JJDoHUur flour UDollai- (Or Equipment, accessories and trim illustrated art subject to change without notice. zs you carttbeata Lws-Prlee4 Straight Eight Frtoed Car with CM Dydra-Malle Ht Yaar CkalM af SUrer Streak Eagiaea Mralght Eight ar SU Xka Mwt BeaaiUal Ihlag WeU lnrlv was hnrn In Eusene. Mr. and ' Mrs. Bill Powell Sr. are the proud paternal granaparents. i The Big Four Lumber Co. of Monument has set April 4 as the starting date for the mill. The! company has installed a lot of new equipment, among which Is I a bandsaw. Everyone is quite in terested in this particular piece of work as all feel a lot of lumber will be saved by Its use. Rho Bleakman and Stanley Musgrave drove to Heppner Tues day. Stanley will leave his truck for repairs and return with Rho who took some tractor parts for repair. Rho Bleakman and Charles Roach Sr. drove to John Day Thursday evening to attend a 4-H meeting. Mrs. Bleakman accomp anied them as far as Mt. Vernon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Musgrave. Barney Cork and Gary Greg are home on 14-day furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork and Miss Anita Moore met Barney in Bend and Gary in Prineville. Barney is sta tioned in San Diego and Gary in Seattle. Mrs. Nora Boyer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reichen to Portland last Thursday. The Rei- chens have been fruests nf thpir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and jvirs. narry t-apon. Mr. and Mrs Plnnrlo Ornish rt The Dalles were in Monument and vicinity Thursday. Loner Creek's hasehall team came to Monument Marrh 27 tn play the local nine. Monument won. L,arry noimes was the win ning pitcher and Norris Stuble field was the leading hitter. Mo nument's next home game will De mesaay, Aura 3 when Mt Vernon comes here. ADril 6 Mon- ument will journey to Spray. The baseball tourney will be held nere Aprn id-ii. Tne competing teams are Long Creek, Spray, Mitchell and Monument. This tournament should hp hnth pv citing and interesting. Both Gary Greg and Barnev Cork, homp n Greg and Barney Cork, home on lunougn, visuea scnooi last week Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek spent aturdav in John I)av attPnrtlncT 1 10 Business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek and son of Heppner spent the week end visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rex RwppU- Daisy Simas. They -attended the Deneiu aance given by the Cath olics for their church. Mrs. McLaughlin, who has been ill most of the past week, was taken bv her husband. Thos. M. Laughlin, to Pendleton Saturday io ensuu a doctor. Mrs. Lee Fleming has been con fined to her bed with flu fnr thp past several days. Rex Sweek, who is employed at Fossil, came home for the week end. Word was received in Mnnn. ment of the death of Elza Vinson in Heppner. Mr. Vinson was well known here and his many friends are sad to hear of his passing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ron to John Day and back Saturday. The grade school rhildrpn whn are sponsoring the talent shnw, and dance April 14 will serve sup-1 per. The proceeds from this event tend this show and encourage will go for the grade school music the children in such worthwhile program. Everyone should at- work. IT'S SPRING AT PEN NETS Rayon Crepe BLOUSES Sizes $ .98 32 to 38 In White, Pastels, or the bright ne wWatermelon shades. Beautiful Eyelet Shears Hawaiian Prints Novelty Embossed Cottons In new Summer $0-98 Pastels; also White. NEW FOR SPRING! SKIRTS g.98 and .98 Bright new colorful cot ton skirts, with full, sweep skirts. In piques, novelty embossed cot tons and broadcloths. Prints - Plains. jj J& COTTON KNIT POLO SHIRTS .98 1.79 1.98 Plain colors, bold stripes and novelty plain and stripe combinations. LOOK! LOOK! Gaymode Nylons . 60 gauge, 15 $-1 .25 denier, Pr. only New Summer Shades FARLEY PONTIAC COMPANY Mho SaM SfiwMrtiage? We have 12-ft. - 16-ft. and 20 Cu. foot chest type Crosley Freezers Also the famous 12-ft. - 18-ft. and 25 Cu- foot Reach In AMMANA FREEZER While They Last Open Evenings Lexington, Oregon