Heppher Gazette Times, Thursday, March 29, 1951 Page 5 WANT THE SMART BOYS are buying new Fords. FOR SALE COTTAGE with floor furnace, plumbing and wiring. Josephine Mahoney Baker. Call 2265. 52tfc WANTED 25 dirty" cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Walsh job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT 2 rooms. Delia Tash, Heppner Oregon. l-2p 1947 FORD club coupe. Pay down $365.00. Rosewall Motor Co. NOW is the time for weed spray ing. See H. L. Snider, lone, Oregon. l-3p IF YOU are planning on buying a car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. WE CUT GLASS to fit all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Co. 1949 FORD CUSTOM fordor sed an. It has everything includ ing overdrive. Pay down $485.00 Rosewall Motr Cmpany. FOR SALE Nice 5-room home, unfurnished or partially fur nished. See Al Edwards Hill street. 47tfc ROSY SAYS: Baseball time is motor tune-up time. With the Legion junior baseball league, the soft ball teams and the Wheat league in action Hepp ner and Morrow county should really enjoy the national pas time this summer. Go see all fhe games you can, but I want to especially urge you to go see the American Legion junior baseball games. Watch for the date of the opening game. OWN YOUR OWN business back ed by our 83 year reputation. Good opening in Morrow Coun ty. Write for information to The J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dex ter Ave., Seattle 9, Washing ton. 49 -2c 1949 PONTIAC sedan equipped with radio, heater and hydra matic drive. Motor recondit ioned in our shop. Pay down $560.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Gibson tractor and attachments. Betty Estberg, Box 522, Heppner; phone 2192. l-2p THE 1951 FORD placed first in the Mobilgas economy run. DON'T SEND out of town for any- thing automtive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. IT'S SMART to be seen riding in a new Ford. IF YOUR old battery is, getting weak replace it with a fresh high powered Ford battery. FOR SALE Allis-Chalmers Mo del B125. A-l condition. Used - 19 days. Also Parma Water lif ter. Will sell one or both. See John Healy, phone 6F2, Hepp ner, Oregon. ltfc LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executors of the es tate of James G. Thomson, Sr., deceased, have filed with the Pro bate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, their final account of their administration of the estate of said deceased, and said Court has fixed Monday the 23rd day of April, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the Coun ty Court room at the Court House, at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the set tlement of said estate and all persons having objections there to are hereby required to file such objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 22nd day of March 1951. JAMES G. THOMSON, Jr. RODERICK THOMSON, JOS. J. NYS, Executors Attorney for Executors. 1-5 IN BANKRUPTCY No. B-31238 ... IN THE UNITED STATES DIS TRICT COURT FOR THE DIS TRICT OF EASTERN ORREGON: In the matter of Alfred Nicholas Boyer, Bankrupt. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDIT ORS. To the creditors of Alfred Nicholas Boyer of Heppner, a No tice is Hereby Given that said Alfred Nicholas Boyer has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on March 14th, 1951, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Office of the Refe ree in Bankruptcy in the West Jacobson Building, in the City of La Grande on Saturday, March 31st, 1951, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at La Grande, March 15th, 1951. ADS SATURDAY is Appreciation day. 1941 MERCURY club coupe. Pay down $165.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Modern 7 -room house; full basement, garage. Call 322 Heppner. ltfc PORCELAINIZE and ride with pride. Phone 1092 and have this beauty treatment put on your car. Rosewall Motor Co. A REAL BARGAIN 497 acre well diversified alfalfa, wheat and cattle ranch. Excellent im provements. On mail and school bus route. Fine winter quarters for cattle. Summer range available if you want a good-sized cattle set-up. Pric ed at $45,000.00. Liberal terms. Will produce $10,000 or more crops this fall. Write or call R. L. ELLIOTT, co OSCAR SCHULTZ AGENCY, Box 684, Pendleton, Ore. Phone 4349. 51 -2c NOW IS THE TIME to have the old diluted winter oil drained out of your motor and replace it with Parapet motor oil. It is guaranteed to double en gine life. Drive in for fast ser vice. Rosewall Motor Co. THOSE BEAUTIFUL seat covers on your friends cars no doubt came from Rosewall Motor Co. A USED CAR is no better than the dealer that sells and ser vices it .Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Model A Ford truck ideal trapwagon. Farley Pontiac Co. 21c HAVE YOU Had your Hydra matic transmission checked re gularly and correctly by factory trained men. If not, let our specially trained men do it for you. Farley Pontiac Co. 21c FOR SALE Completely recondi tioned 1947 used Jeep, Farley Pontiac Co. 21c WANTED Local person to re present FRESH SILKS. Jerry Tuttle, Box 25, Pendleton. 23p PILLOW CASE SPECIAL $1.59 pair. Heppner Flower Shop. Laurel VanMarter, owner. 2 lc FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, 101 Chase St. 2p FOR RENT 5 -Room apartment, or acre tracts for sale on high way one mile from Heppner. with garden space. Also 12 A. See E. W. Moyer ' 2 3p WANT TO BUY A used electric range. Lois Winchester, Hepp ner, Ore. 2 3c WANTED Custom weed spray ing. Wm. Seehafer, phone 5121 lone, Ore. 51 -4p WANTED Old cars, 1915 or ol-' der. Can be minus parts. Will pay from $25.00 up. Call ir write Walla Walla, phone 417 9R or 924 N. 4th Ave. 52-2p Howard E. Dixon, Referee In Bankruptcy. lc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the County in Lexington. 52-12p Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, joint executors of the es tate of JOHN H. PADBERG, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified by law to the joint executors at the law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of March, 1951. ORIS R. H. PADBERG J. ARCHI PADBERG Joint Executors of the es tate of JOHN H. PADBERG, deceased. P. W. MAHONEY Attorney for the Executors Heppner, Oregon NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to thP loiral voters of School District No. 1CJ of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SCHUUi- M&ai ING of the said district will be hPiH nt citv Hall on the 30th day of March, 1951, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose 01 discussing the budget for the fiscal school year beginning July 1, 1951, and ending June 30, 1952. 51-2 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOCUNT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of George Larson, deceased, has filed her final ac count with the Probate Judge of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday the 9th day of April, at the hour of 11:00 A. M. in the County Court Room in Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing on said final account. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby re quired to file same with the Court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first publish ed this 8th day of March, 1951. ALTHA KIRK, 51-3 Administratrix. Senator Engdahl Succumbs State Senator Earl Engdahl ture for the past 16 years, died in a member of the Oregon legisla a Pendleton hospital Saturday from a heart attack suffered Thursday upon his retnurn to Pendleton for the Easter recess of the Oregon legislature. He was a successful wheat grower who owned several ranch es and a member or director of several industrial and civic or ganizations. Born in Kansas he spent the most of his 66 years in Oregon. Fellow senators were prompt in paying tribute to the late senator. New Propsals Several states where the legis lature is now in session have en acted or have pending bills to confiscate any cars carrying drugs. Maryland has a law just signed by the governor to give mandatory prison sentences to anyone convicted of selling Il licit drugs to minors. An emergency youth council is proposed in Oregon for immedi ate action that a report may be made before the legislature ad lourns. Rep. Robt. Root, Medford, has introduced a proposed constitu tional amendment to reapportion the legislature. He would have WEED SPRAYING See H. L. Snider, lone, Ore. 2 3p FOR SALE New 2-bedrom house with garage. Phone 2554 after 5 p.m., or contact Paul Warren 26tfc FOR SALE Home built 21 foo'. trailer house, all new built- ins and jutst rewired.; gas plate and Duro-therm oil heat er. See at Earl Hunt residence or inquire at Chevron Sta tion. l-2p FOR SALE Eight room house on Main street in Lexington. For information Gee Maurice Gro- WANTED Custom plowing. See Charles Bloodsworth, Heppner, phone 3F11. 2-3p FOR RENT 3 nice apartments in triplex, one 2 bedroom, two 1 bedrom. Nice yard. Small chil dren accepted. Reasonalbe rent. See B. D. Fancher, Hotel Bldg. 2-3c FOR SALE One new Holland land Automatic hay baler wnth new tension control. Has all new drapers. Will sell or trade for cattle. Harold A. Wright, Heppner, Oregon. 2-3p Weed Control With Ground Application New Equipment A good job at reasonable prices CARSON VEHRS Phone 5F3 Condon, Oregon Make Easy-Carry Drain Pan From 5 -Gallon Can We've heard about a lot of makeshift drain pans many of them troublesome. But here's one (below) you can make that can be pulled from under a vehicle by the handle, then carried with one hand. 5-GALLON CAN Cut out siction AND SEND OVtS. SDGES CRANKCASE DRAWINGS If you want to do away with engine troubles on your truck or tractor, try RPM Delo Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil. It will save you up to 60 on t i 'jine maintenance costs. Distributed by L. E. DICK Orange and Semi-Sweet Chocolate Make Novel Fh'or combination 1 I ndu: in Tm iiMiiit.T.Hi.T,-'-'- --irf ft ifi rli Newest of dessert treat? combine the flavor! of fresh orange and semi-sweet chocolate. A delightful way to enjoy this flavor harmony is in a home-made orange cake that can be iced with a delicious choc olate frosting made with semi-sweet chocolate morsels, or the cake can be topped with ice cream and sauced with chocolate Also in cluded is a simple Chocolate Duet recipe that makes either froBting or sauce, depending on the amount of milk added, Orange Cake 3 cups sifted cake flour 3 eggi 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 cup orange marmalade lfi teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons grated orange cup shortening rind 1 cup sugar 1 cup orange juice Sift flour with baking powder and salt Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, blending together until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in marmalade and orange rind. Add flour alternately with orange juice, miiing well, ending with flour. Turn batter into well greased M (10"xl "x$i"). Bake in a moderate oven (350F.) SO minutes. Cut cake into squares, top with slice of ice cream, and serve with chocolate sauce, or frost cake with chocolate frosting. If desired, top with whole or chopped nuts. YIELD: 24 squares. Chocolate Duet (Frosting 1 package semi-sweet chocolate 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar In top of double boiler put semi-sweet chocolate and butter. Heat until melted and mix until smooth. Remove from heat. For frosting add milk and sugar alternately, adding enough milk to make a spread able consistency. Stir in vanilla. For sauce, increase milk to V cup. YIELD: Frosting for tap f lftxlS iaek cake, or lis cups chocolate the senate to continued to be ap portioned on a population basis, but would increase the 60-mem- ber house to 69 members giving each of the 36 counties a repre centative and apportioning the rest by population. State problems are becoming so complex that sessions every two years aren't often enough accord ing to Sen. Jack Bain, Portland. He intends to introduce a bill establishing annual sessions. The last legislative work of the late Sen. Carl Engdahl of Uma tilla county was to present a propsal to the joint ways and means committee to authorize the governor to appoint a state RPM DELO Heavy Duty is high performance level oil, com pounded to stop ring-sticking; piston deposits and corrosion. We recommend it particularly for farm tractors. Call us. Service is the chief aim of our local business. A Standard Oil f Call1 "n'ti Product Heppner, Ore, .DfflpMV er Sauce) 3 to 4 tablespoons hot milk, for frosting 13 cup hot milk, for sauce 1 teaspoon vanilla business analysist to make a study of all departments. The late senator was confident that if a good job was done the state would save several million dol lars annually. Senate President March 1953 Every 38 years it happens. Oregon has a pattern of elect ing a former presiding officer of one branch of the legislature to preside over the other branch interspersed by a period of 38 years. John Whitaker was the first governor of Oregon under the state government in 1859 and served until 1862. He became a member of the house of repre- sentatives from Lane county in 1866, was reelected and served in the sessions of 1868 and 1870 when he was elected speaker. In Friday Morning March 30 WHITE GOODS at PENNEY'S Mow, more than over, get full value for your money I NATION WIDE NATION WIDE NATION WIDE PENCO SHEETS PENCO CASES 1876 and 1878 he was a member of the senate and president of the upper house during both sessions. Thjrty-eieht vears later Rpn Selling of Multnomah county was a member of the senate from 1897 until 1911 when he became Dre- sident. In 1915 he was elected a member of the house and was elected speaker. Time will be up for it to haoDen again in 1953. Senator Eugene Marsn or McMinnville who was the very efficient speaker of the nouse in 1945 seems Drettv nr. tain to become president of the senate at the next session. New Sales Tax Slant Representative 'Pay-as-You-Gn' Henry E. Peterson of lone wants a sales tax in the '52 ballot along with a clear statement in the title ofwhat relief he reasons it will provide for the low ranee of in come tax payers. He also wuld have submitted a constitutional amendment pro OPENING OF WILCOX Home Appliances Next to Green's Frozen Food Lockers on Hermiston Avenue HERMISTON, OREGON 9:00 A.M. Displaying PHILCO and General Electric APPLIANCES Shirley Hanson, famed home economist, will be at the store April 4 and 5 demonstrating all Philco Appliances. DOOR PRIZES The Public Is Cordially Invited The best in merchandise backed by the best in service. Sixteen Years in the Radio and Appliance Business MR. AND MRS. CHARLES WILCOX Owners Choose budget-priced ' Nationwide SHEETS Pnny't own famous brand Service quality built to take pkney of clay in, hy out wear! Youll like the smooth, tight wear, the firm selvaies, evenly stitched beat, And the prices ire to lewt Be smart I Stock np I NATIONWIDE PIUOWCAMS, 41" x W, 00 SHEETS SHEETS CASES 72x99 72x108 42x36 81x99 42x36 viding that as long as a sales tax operates there could be no state tax on property. After Daffodil Drivers A bill drafter for the senate roads and highways committee provides more drastic penalties for persons convicted of drunken driving and coordinates with laws of bordering states. Penalty on first conviction would cancel the operator's li cense for 90 days; on second con viction the driver's license would be revoked for one year and on thiTd conviction the license be revoked for three years. Mr. and Mrs. Harrry Sherman were visitors here over the week end, coming from their home in Oregon City, where they located about a year ago. They came on Thursday and returned to their home Monday. ? 1" jfW $2.39 S2.59 59c S2.99 67c