Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 29, 1951 Page 3 Neighbors Honor Mrs. Geo. Capon On 84th Birthday Mrs. George Capon celebrated her 84th birthday March 21 at the dinner given in her honor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon. Present besides Mrs. Capon were Ida Bleakman, Mrs. Mary Wright GIVE TO CONQUER CANCER AMERICAN Clj CANCER SOCIETY f X-Ray Improvement Sought by Science Th us of x-rays for diagnosis and treatment of cancer hat com a long way since the first phenomenal bone shadows were observed by Roentgen a half-century ogo. X-rays, radi um and surgery are the recog nized techniques for treating and curing . cancer today, but they are effective on ly when tumors are localized. Once the tumors have spread to other parts of the body, cure Is dif ficult If not Impossible. While x-rays are extremely destruc tive to cancerous cells, they also In jure normal tissues. An important problem of radiotherapists Is to dis cover ways of concentrating lethal beams upon cancer with a minimum of damage to normal tissue through which they must pass. Scientists working under American Cancer Society grants are attempting to solve this problem in many waysi They are experimenting with super voltage machines up to more thon five million; and In one institution they plan on using a synchrotron capable of producing 70 million volts; They are rotating the patient, pin pointing the beam on the tumor all the time, to lessen the effect on nor mal tissue; They are experimenting with chemi cals which, when injected, may pro tect sensitive organs against radioac tive damage. of Heppner, Nora Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. George Capon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon, Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reichen of Prtland and Delsie Sweek. Mrs. Capon was the recipient of many lovely presents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woods of Boise, Ida. recently visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve ! Holmes. Mr. Woods is in the ser vice and was home on a 15-day furlough. He is stationed at Camp Polk, La. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Boyd of Long view, Wash, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt and family last week. Mr. and Mm. Clayton Cork of Redmond spent Saturday and Sunday of last week with Mr. Cork's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek. Mrs. Delsie Sweek left Friday morning on the stage for Fossil where her husband, Rex Sweek, is remodeling a house for their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Jack Couture. Mrs. Daisy Simas, Mrs. Joe Si i mats and Pat Brennan were at I tending to matters of business in John Day Thursday. I Bill Gates, Henry Cupper and Harold Cork had a yearning last , Tuesday night to hunt coons. It ' was an Ideal night for hunting. They each had a dog. They went up the river and down again but had to return to their respective hornets without even seeing a coon. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman and daughters Laura Lee and Yvonne, Mr. Bleakman's mother, Mrs. Tda Bleakman, drove to Cecil Tuesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd and daughter Carol. They returned Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie Cupper and John nie lLaurence have both been ill with the flu the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kelly took their small son to John Day Mon day for medical aid. Mrs. Reta Cupper kept the baby and two oldest children while they were gone. The Presbyterian Ladies asso ciation served dinner at the grange hall on election day. About $40 was realized. This will be for the church fund. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durst have been victims of the flu for the past week. Mrs. Katie Hinton and daugh ter Alene, accompanied by Ver non Peterman, went to Portland fiiumi f; IVl U fa fig DON'T G on Tire Mileage See Us About Putting Long-Wearing New e . GOODYEAR TIRES That You Need On Your Car Today h' only natural that practical people want the best ... BUY THE BESTI And when It comes to tires, they buy the high mileage, high quality Goodyears. It will pay YOU to buy Goodyears the very BESTI Remember new tubes In new tires mean longer, trouble-free mileage. rim rv nAuriir rr rMKLci run i iaw vw. Heppner - Phone 682 - Ore Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Hinton and Alene will viBit Mrs. Hinton's niece, Mrs. Ella Kenton, at Beaverton and Mr. Peterman attended the teachers' convention in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates who have been in California the past week visiting Gates' father, who recently underwent surgery at the hosppital in Redding, return ed to their home March 16. On their way home they visited Mr. and Mis. Ab Gates in Eugene. They also visited In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore and baby have moved to Dayville. Anita Moore is staying with her sister, Darlene Boyer until school is out. Mr. and Mrs. Buel Harsh man are now occupying the house vacated by the Moores. Monument grange is going to give a play, "Hillbilly Courtship," at Spray April 7. Spray's Ameri can Legion will sponsor a dance after the play. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Wright of Mt. Vernon were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rounds Thurs day night. Mr. 'Wright attended the SCS meeting held 'in the grange hall Thursday evening. Bill Ed Powell received an em ergency call to report in Eugene, last Thursday morning. Gilbert Batty is home on his Easter vacation from Oregon State college. His mother, Jessie Batty, and his sister, Mrs. Doug las Ogletree of Heppner, accom panied him to Dayville to attend the Scotch -American dance last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hickman have moved from Mnument to Mountain Creek near Mitchell where Hickman has employment. Delbert O. Stubblefield has ac cepted a position as bookkeeper at the Powell sawmill- below Monument. He tsarted work last Wednesday. Lewis Batty, Joe Elder, Fred Gassner and Mrs. Chester Brown were drawn for jury duty last Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Brown was a guest at the home of Mrs. Minnie Yokom while in John Day. Monument grange had a birth, day party at Its social meetins Friday night. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were served The evening was spent in playing cards. Mrs. Margaret Elder is home again for a three months srav She has spent the winter in Pen dleton wtih her daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Hughes. Joan Roach is home from East- em Oregon College of Education xor tne spring vacation. On March 5 Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown made a business trip to Sisters. It was during the hard snow storm and traveling was UilllUUll. D. M. Ward of Portland brought Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson home from that city last Tues day where Mr. Wilson recently underwent surgery at the St. Vin cent's hospital. Mr. Ward return ed home Wednesday. Carl Gabler and friends from Heppner were in Monument on Easter. Carl stopped to say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hardy of John Day visited Mrs. Hardy's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Oatis Stubblefielrd, on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Musgrave of Mt. Vernon were visiting relatives in this vicinity on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theron King on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesley and children and Mrs. Anna Lesley drove to Pendleton to spend Eas ter with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Furlong and granddaughter, Betty Mover, visited with relatives at Hay, Wash., over the week end. STAR C3 REPORTER AdmliHon price, afternoon smd evening, unlet ipeolfloany advertUed te be otherwtee Children I Est. Prloe .IT, Fed. Tax .03, TOT All soo; Grade and Higli School Student! It yesuse and over I Eft. Prioe .40, red. Tax. .la TOTAfi 600 1 Adaltii Bet. Prloe .60, Fed. Tax .10, TOT All Wo. Every Child occupy tut: a Mat nmsrt have a ticket. Sunday shows contlnuone Irons 1 p Phone 172 for itanrttng ttmo cri the an- ferent shows. All programs enoepr ennacry aian or Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Mar. 29-30-31 SADDLE TRAMP Joel McCrea, Wanda Hendrix. John Rug sell, John Mclntire, Jeanette Nolan. Color by Technicolor. He hated to work, hated to fight but he tamed the tough est range war in the West! PLUS KAZAN A dog picture in the grand tradition of, Rin-Tin-Tin with human interest and outdoor drama in addition to beautiful scenery and wila animals. Sunday-Monday, April 1-2 KIM Filmed in Inlia in color by Technicolor, Rudyard Kipling's famed adventure story is sheer delight . . . only the motion pic ture screen can bring you such tremendous scope and sweep. In the cast are Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell, Paul Lukas, Rob ert Douglas, Thomas Gomez, Cecil Kella way, Arnold Moss, Laurette Luez. Tuesday-Wednesday, April 3-4 NO WAY OUT Linda Darnell, Richard Widmark, Stephen McNally. Sidney Poitier, Mildred Jo anne Smith, Don Hicks, Stanley Ridges An adult picture ... an entertainment with a great courageous theme. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, April 5-6-7 RIGHT CROSS June Allyson, Dick Powell, Rlcardo Mont alban. Lionel Barrymore, Tom Powers An interest-holding prize fight drama that packs a wallop. Strong performances by a top cast. PLUS The Girl From Lorenzo The Cisco Kid (Duncan Renaldo) and his saddle partner, Leo Carrillo, in a western adventure. Lexington Church Scene of Ziegler SmethurstVows Wednesday afternoon, March 21 was the date chosen by Elizabeth Ann Smethurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smethurst, for her wedding to Hermann Ziegler Jr. of Grass Valley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Ziegler. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was beautiful in a tailored wool white suit, with white accessories and carrying a white Bible, with a white orchid. Her only attend ant was Virginia Birdsong from Prineville who was attired in a gold colored suit with white ac cessories. Best man for the groom was Carl Ziegler, a brother.. The Misses Helene and Eloise Saager of Milton-Freewater sang a duet, "I Love You Truly," and Helene sang a solo, "BecauBe," accomp anied by Miss Mildred Miller of Boardman at the piano, ine dou ble ring ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien of Hepp ner, in a setting of candlelight and white spring flowers. The candles were lit by the ushers, Donald Bayer of Grass Valley and Donald Brown of Pendleton. For her daughter's marriage. Mrs. Smethurst chose an aqua colored street dress with blond accessor ies and wore an orchid. The groom's mother wore navy blue with white accessories and a white orchid, A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The rooms were tastefully decorated with white spring flowers, and the cake, a beautiful four-tiered creation, was served from a lace covered table with white candles and two silver servings. After the bride and groom cut the first piece of the traditional cake aunts of the bride, Mrs. George Stephens of Salem cut, and Mrs. Fred Smethurst poured, assisted bv an aunt nf trip ernom Mrs ! Earl Olds of Wasco. In charge of tne guest book was Miss Jean La zinka of Pendleton while Miss Ina May Ziegler, sister of the groom was in charge of the gifts. After a wedding trip to Spo kane the young couple will be at home at the E. O. courts in La Grande where they are attending scnooi. In charge of the reception were Mrs. ai 'etsch of Heppner, Mrs. C. C. Jones and Mrs. W. E. Mc Millan of Lexington. Those from out of town at the wedding were morris Kicnarason, wmiam Tay lor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crane, and Mrs. W. I. Miller, La Grande; Leland Schweinael of Wasco; Betty Anson, Hermiston; Mary Lou McKenzie, Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown. Ppnrllptnn- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smethurst and daughter Marjorie, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Ziegler and daughter Ina Mav. Grass ValW- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olds, Wasco; Mrs. George Stephens, Salem; I John Allyn and Barbara and Ev elyn Kirkelee. Moro; Mr. nnri Mrs. Clay Phillips and Jessalyn, Kin- z.ud, ana mi. ana Mrs. Henry La zinka and daughter Jean, Pendle ton. e Mr. and Mrs. Bill MatthewsTf Pendleton were Easter guests at the O. G. Breeding home. Lexington citizens were griev ed to hear of the passing of Elza Vinson at Pioneer MpmnHai Vine. pital in Heppner. He was the fa- oi Mrs. can Breeding, Mrs. Bert Breeding, Mrs. Dan Way and Delbert Vinson of Lexington. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daugh ter Carol were Lexington visitors from The Dalles over the weekend. Word has been received of the Dirm oi a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ansrpad nf v.aaa rAf The young man weighed five pounas six ounces and has been named Stephen Gregory. The grandmother, Mrs. A. F. Majeske. icn. ounuay 10 visit tne new arrival. P.-T.A. held its rptriila last Tuesday night in the audi torium with the 5th grades under the direction of Mrs. Tress McCllntock giving the pro gram. The WOffram mnclotoj i a v..k..cu square dances, and many read-, ings. Also on the program was the cancer film, shown by Mrs Cyrus Balser. Refreshments of cheeze with ritz crackers and dev iled eggs were served. A nomin ation committee was- appointed, mcse uemg Mrs. r lorence Schwab Mrs. C. C. Jones and Mrs. Bill' Van Winkle Jr, Also it was decid ed to send two delegates to the state convention at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jonps and family motred to Union and La Grande last week taking Mrs. W. I. Miller and son to their home in La Grande and Mrs. Rhnrla Jones to her home in Union after ueveral weeks visit in Lexington. Mrs. Koy Darnielle and small 3on of The Dalles are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Hara. Last Thursday they were Walla Walla visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rands and daughter Barbara spent Easter vacation in Portland. Miss Edith Edwards and fiance, Fred King of Spokane, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards, over the Eas ter holidays. They have announc. ed their engagement and will be married April 6 in Spokane. Miss Faye Cutsforth had as her guest Dianne Burrell from Oregon State college where they both at tend school. Dianne will be re membered as living here several years ago when her parents ran the pastime and meat market. 1 Mr. and Mis. Ken Way were visitors here Saturday from Pen dleton. Mr. and MiG. George Irvin were visitors here as he was called by the death of his grandfather, Elza Vinson. Mrs. O. G. Breeding, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and fam ily, and Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall were Spray visitors Sun day. Charlene Jones spent several days last week in Union at the Glenn Griffith home where she was a guest of Jean Griffith. Earl Miller and Wayne Papin eau were La Grande visitore Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and Sandra visited Sunday at the Charles Breshears home. Mrs. Jessie Henderson returned to her home in Alicel after visit ing several weeks at the Alonzo Henderson home. o LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Wlllard Miller, brother of Mrs. residence In the Schwarz cabins. John Blake, is quite ill at his He recently returned from Wal la Walla where he had taken special treatments. Visitors here over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Smmett Kenny of Baker, who were at Mrs. John Kenny. They were the the home of his parents, Mr. and PENDLBTON ITEPENER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White. Reppnec Padberg Traeton Lex. Omar ftletmaxn, tone Connecting Carrier for ConsoCdtrred Freeghtways honored guests at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells, when members of Emmett's fa mily and numerous of the young er set of the community were present. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, Miss Ona Gilliam and L. L. Gil liam spent Easter in Hermiston with Rev. Jackson Gilliam and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ciive Huston were week end visitors at the Herman Parker home in Pasco. Mr. and Mrs. Neay Knighten and family of Kennewick, were visitors at the L. D. Neill home over the week end. Illness in the family prevented their coming the week before to attend the Parker-Neill recption. Transferring fir Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. THE AMERICAN WAY I WHAT DO MOU A iCk I Trained beai?? j C Overtrained a GEX3SGG3 COMPLETELY REDESIGNED SPECIAL RUGGED CONSTRUCTION HERE'S THE WHEAT GROWERS BEST PROFIT MAKER Specially designed for spraying wheat, small grain fields and pasture lands. Feetures heavy seamless steel tube end "I" beam frame and 10 gauge boiler plate steel tank for longer ser vice and more economical weed and pest control. 48 ft. spray coverage with 27 "No Drip" U-Pipe nozzles . . . adjustable See this new sprayer at Condon Motor and Implement Co. Immediate Delivery from 10 to 30 in. from ground, choice of 5 or 10 gal. per acre nozzles... 300 gal. tank with mechanical agitator . . . 400 lbs. pressure PTO bronze gear pump . . . control manifold with cen tral strainer, pressure gauge and ratchet shut-off. Condon Motor & Implement Co. Phone 750 Condon, Oregon WEED miller For Bigger and Better Groin Yields use Chipman 2-4-D Ester 44 P.C. Place your orders now with Morrow County Grain Growers Ion - Heppner - Lexington Air Application Service Available