n Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 15, 1951 II hit n vi 'cj'v.J ? y- ' ik I " ' ull id WALKING WITH EASTER SEALS It's a long, hard climb for 6 year old Gary Struthers of Eu gene, a cerebral palsy victim, but he and others at the Easter Seal agency's hospital school for crip children at Eugene are learning. Subscribers Vote Expense Money For Research Officials At a meeting of officials and subscribers of the Tri-County Weather Research, Inc. Tuesday evening in the court room at the courthouse in Heppner, a motion was passed that actual expenses incurred by officers and directors .WASHABLE Dan River "Wrinkl.Rid" RAYONS resistant! Tailored to a IT'! 'STand almost miraculous 'at thia tiny price! Cut imply on casual lines... 'end very good in pastel Vdarkjks. Misses PENNEY'S Little Gary practices walking up stairs under direction of Mrs. Jean Huffstutter, physical thera pist. The school, open to children from throughaut Oregon, is fin anced through the sale of Easter Seals. in transacting the affairs of the organization be paid for out of funds of the concern. Such items as telephone expense and collec tion of subscriptions over the dis trict were included in the motion. Ralph Crum, president of the Tri-County, reported this morning that the rain predicted by the weather bureau for Wednesday evening as probably amounting to from one to two tenths of an inch had passed the .30 of an inch mark at his North lone racnh be fore he left for Heppner this morning. The implication is that the "seeding" operations of the Tri-County Weather Research are increasing the rainfall in this area, bringing direct results to the farmers and stockgrowers. o . Mrs. Mabel Yackley of Hillsbo ro accompanied Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson home the fore part of the month and has been their guest since. The Andersons were in Hillsboro March 4 to attend the wedding of Mrs. Anderson's sister at which the twins, David and Douglas were ring bearers. Mrs. Yackley plans to remain in Heppner for some time and is at present housekeeper for Mrs. Bert Kane. o Ministers Plan Bible School In Early June Meeting Tuesday evening, min isters of the protestant churches made arrangements for a vaca tion Bible school following closely upon the close of public school. The tentative date is for the first week in June, although this will be subject to the trend of other events. The school this year will be carried on by the local church memberships including the As sembly of God, Church of Christ, Episcopal and Methodist groups. The ministers of the churches, Rev. Shelby Graves, Rev. R. J. McKowen Rev. E. L. Tull and Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein will act as a committee in preparing plant for the school. o Mrs. Nels Jutstus is a flu pati ent at the Pioneer Memorial hos pital. X AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR Hermiston 3571 and Pendleton 1211 jv Jn f 7 Shamrocks Won All Games on Regular Basketball Slate A handsome trophy adorns one of the windows of the Turner, Van Marter & Co. office following the close of the basketball season for the Shamrocks, town team coach ed and managed by La Verne Van Marter. The trophy signifies that the Shamrocks are the cham pions of the Morrow-Gilliam lea gue and if they can hold the "cup" for two more seasons it will become their permanent posses sion. The Shamrocks made an im pressive record during the sea son just closed. They won all of their 16 , regularly scheduled games in the league and besides went on to win 10 out of 13 other games with teams outtside of the district. The team journeyed to Hood Ri. ver and won there; lost at Moro. Goldendale and one to ihe Pen dleton Motor-In team, winner of the Umatilla -Morrow district AA U championship. Heppner wasn't particularly interested in going out of the district for this title, although Van Marter admits it would have been somewhat of a satisfaction to have won it. Final victory for the Shamrocks was over Irrigon, the score being 61-40. o Soroprimisr Club Plans Trip To Meet Federation Prexy Members of the Soroptimist club of Heppner are looking for ward to the opportunity to meet the president of the American Federation of Soroptimist clubs in the near future. Miss L. Grace Nicholls of Toronto, Canada is en route to a southwestern regional meeting in California and is making official visits at Helena, Montana, La Grande and Port land. She will be in La Grande Tuesday evening, April 3 and the La Grande club has invited the entire personnel of the Heppner club to be present. All other clubs in eastern Oregon are invited to be presented. Wayne West assistant ranger in the Heppner district of the Umatilla National forest, spoke briefly to the ladies on the sub ject of forest recreation in the Blue mountains, urging the club's support in conjunction with oth er local groups in acquiring suit able sites. He followed his talk with a motion picture on the care of the forests with relation to con trolling water supplies and ero- EXTENSION UNIT TO AID OSC CAMPUS HOUSE FUND The Heppner extension unit of the HDA has joined other units throughout the state in raising money to boost the fund for the Azalea House on the Oregon State college campus. The unit decided to employ a traveling basket as the method for raising the money. Mrs. N. C. Anderson is chairman of the committee in charge of the project. Mrs. Vernon Munkers of Lex ington was a special guest of the unit at the meeting March 6 at the home of Mrs. Douglas Drake. Subject for the day was Child ren's Self-help Clothing. o Mrs. Frank E. Parker was call ed to Los Angeles because of the death of her brother-in-law fol lowing surgery. Upon her return home last week she found her husband in bed suffering severe ly from the flu that was going the rounds. He is improving now. Sgt. and Mrs. Eldon Tucker, of lone are the parents of an eight pound and one ounce baby girl born at 7.30 p. m. Wednesday, March 14 at the Pioneer Memor ial hospital. The mother is the former Patricia Drake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake of lone. Mrs. Ben Cox is the paternal grandmother. Mrs. Frances Mitchell and dau ghter Lorene were Portland vis itors over the week-end. o . LOST In lone or Heppner, a size 30 Hamley tailored belt, with silver buckle. Finder please re turn to or call telephone office in Heppner. Reward. 52p FOR . RENT 4-room furnished apartment. See Lois Winches ter, phone 1203. 52c FOh bALh wew 2 - bedroom house with garage. Phone 2554 after 5 p. m. or contact Paul Warren. 52c WANTED Old cars: 1915 r ni. dor. Can be minus parts. Will pay from $25.00 up. Call or write Walla Walla, phone 417 9R or 924 N. 4th Ave. 52-2p The Dalles Chronicle Pays Local Squad Deserving Praise Winning of the good conduct trophy at the recent district 6-B basketball tournament in The Dalles elicited the following edi torial comment in The Daily ' Chronicle of thnt city: 'Heppner high school, the1 utrong Morrow county entrant in' the l."th annual b-B basketball tournament held at Kurtz court last week is the winner of the special sportsmanship trophy for exhibiting the qualifications that are demanded in modern basket ball. "The award is made on the ba sis of team sportsmanship, con duct on and off the floor attitude of coaches and school officials and the cooperation of the team followers. "Heppner, coched by Hal Whit beck, brought one of the finest squads of players to the tourna ment in the history of the meet. Himself a well liked figure in the coaching and sports circles, Whit beck instilled a gentlemanly air in his team in addition to build ing a winning quintet. "Whitbeck's task of building character along with basketball knowhovv was remarkable as he worked with a young team, one that has nine undergraduates out 3 OWU You get finer service, too, because our mechanics are Ford-trained. They're Ford specialists with years of expe rience. They get to the root of the trouble fast, and they're trained to do the job right to give you dependable, long-lasting service. of the first 10 playens. However, Heppner was as smooth and well j mannered as a sesoned outfit and won the eye of the critics who made tl selection. "The award met with popular response from the tournament audience who had watched the 16 team field battle for the cage title." .t rani o'.v TjnirBPn qN gjrd ANNIVERSARY Mrs.D. S. Barlow was pleasant ly surprised on her 83rd birthday March 12, at thf home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Lutkins, in the Gooseberry neighborhood. IVIiii. Barlow has been confined to her bed for the past two and one -half years. The rooms were decorated with honoree was presented with a k profusion of spring flowers. The number of lovely gifts. Mrs. Lut kins i erved a big angel food birthday cake, jello, and coffee to Mrs. Jess Warfield, Mrs. Henry Baker, Mrs. Charles Eecket, Mrs. Oscar Peteitson Mrs. Carl F. Berg strom, Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Becket, Mrs. Albert Schunk, Mrs. Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mrs. Walter and the honored guiut. Clive Huston, Mrs. Ben Anderson o Mrs. John Saager transacted business in Portland the first of the week. She was accompanied by Mrs. Fred Mankin. j Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall ' transacted business in Portland THIS EASTER LOOK YOUR BEST FOR LESS BUY IT AT PENNEY'S! pilgii) When you get real Ford service you get faster Ford service. That's because we Ford Dealers offer you time-saving, Factory-approved Methods, planned by the men who designed your Ford. And our mechanics use Special Ford Equipment that saves guesswork and cuts your time charges. YOUR NEAREST FORD DEALER is conveniently li&ted in the yellow scttion of your telephone book ROSEWALL the first of the week. J. J. O'Connor is attending a three-day meeting of Penney Ma- nagers in Pendleton this week. o WEDDING TO BE SATURDAY. MARCH 17 j Mrs. Isabel le Templeton and ' Mr. Theodore RReed will be mar 'ried Saturday evening at the ! home of the groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed, in Spokane. Going from here will be Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFerrin, parents of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Brandhagen, bpray, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. By ED DICK. How To Stop Fuel Spillage With Funnel Made From Can. a farmer friend who fills his tractor by bucket with Standard Diesel Fuel showed us the funnel drawn in the diagram. It was soldered together from a 5-gallon can. Slanting baffles stop fuel from slopping over the sides. I" metal strips slanted down soldered ot joints and to edge of funnel funnel He keeps a rag in the funnel when it's not used as rag is pulled out it cleans off injector wrecking dust and grit that might collect. Distributed by L. E. Dick HEPPNER IM PRICE Nowhere else do you get such complete Ford cure at so low a price. It's the kind of care that saves your time, your money, and your car. It sure pays you to come back "home" for every service which your car needs. MOTOR STEPMOTHER DIES Mrs. Anna May Keys, a resi dent of the Twickenham district near Fossil, for 38 years, died March 10 in a Portland hospital where she had been a patient for several weeks. She was the step mother of Mrs. Harry Van Horn of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbs re- tiiT-nnJ TunoHau frnm Pnrtlflnd whle ,n the dt Mrs Dobbs at. . , autician convention. Mrs. Orve Rasmus and Mrs. Dick Wells went to Portland Sunday on a brief business trip. Jh You'll keep your engine clenner, too, with clean-burning, clean delivered Standard Diesel Fuel Cold Weather Tip. Standard Diesel Fuel is"Climate Tailored" -with pour point and volatility to meet cold-weather require ments in different areas. Assures free flowing, smooth running, fast pick-up, full power and easy idling. Ask us about it today. A Standard Oil Coaipaif of California Prodvct CO.