Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 15, 1951, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 15, 1951
Smorgasbord And
Party Increase
Scholarship Fund
The smorgasbord which was
held at the grange hall Saturday
evening was a great success. It
was given by the Lilian C. Turner
foundation to increase the schol
arship fund of the organization.
After dinner cards were enjoyed
or dancing or visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Palmer and
son Joe are in Portland where Joe
is having a medical check-up.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt and
daughter Shirley were Portland
visitors where Shirley consulted a
doctor. "
The Three Links club met at
the home of Mrs. VV. E. McMillan
Thursday, with the new presi
dent, Mrs. C. C. Jones presiding.
On coat of Tachldt If DiuaDy
ufffcieaf It Baf b applied '
orer waUpapT, ilnqf pla
One gallon conn as aruagt
Easy to apply and quid to dry.
Washable, ordinary P oaf'
water keeps it (potitu.
Think ol It, you can now
redecorate a room In 3 hours
2 hour to apply Pitts
buxgh Techlds and only I
hour tor it to dry. Let us tell
you the whole story of this
amazing wall paint. Paint
over wallpaper, wall
hoard, plaster, diick
etc. with rmsourga
Techide. It's quick
it's clean it's easy
to use. Stop in lot
full partlculare-
The fancy work was checked over
and much given out in prepara
tion for a bazaar later this
Grange met Friday night fol
lowing a pot-luck supper. Fol
lowing the business meeting a
fine program consisting of pic
tures by Tom Wilson and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Brown, on soil conser
vation. Word has been received by Mr.
and Mits. Lon Edwards of the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Lynch (nee Elizabeth Ed
wards) of Heppner.
Pvt Charlie Padberg is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orris
Padberg for a few days. He was
given hits leave due to the death
of his grandfather, John Padberg.
Also visiting at the Padberg
home were Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Vinson of Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Marshall
have moved to the E. C. Daugh
erty ranch where they will be
The monthly church meeting
of the Christian and Congrega
tional churches was held Last
Wednesday night at the Bill Mar
quardt home. It was decided to
have prayer meetings with the
first one this Wednesday night
at the Homer Hughes home. Also
at this time it was decided to
have a Good Friday service at
the church with a short program,
and to have sunrise services Eas
ter Sunday with a breakfast to
be served in the Congregational
Aid room. There will also be a
program Easier at the church.
The Lexington unit of the Eco
nomics club met at the ,Frank
Munkers home Friday afternoon,
with 14 members present. Mrs.
Gena Leonard, Bernice Lott and
Faye Munkers were baby sitters,
which allowed many mothers to
go who wouldn't have 'gotten to
According to the article ap
pearing in the Sunday Oregonian
June Van Winkle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Winkle Sr.,
was injured in a car accident
during the week-end in Portland.
She had just returned to her job
there after a visit with her par
ents in Lexington.
Joy Picker is visiting her par
entis in Eugene where her father
is quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cutsforth
are staying at the O. W. Cutsforth
home where Mrs. Cutsforth is
helping with the work during the
absence of Mrs. Picker.
Mrs. Francis McMillan is vis
iting in Spokane where she was
called by the death of a relative,
and she decided to stay for a vis
it. A doctor was called to Lexing
ton Monday to see Elwynne Peck
and Cecil Hicks, who are both ill
with the flu.
Word has been received of the
birth of a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Griffith of Enterprise.
Mrs. Griffith is the former Eva
Padberg of Lexington.
Final Plans Made
The Heppner Band Boosters
met Monday evening in the high
school auditorium. Main business
of the evening was final arrange
ments for housing the OSC band
personnel for their performance
here March 18. John Earnsdorff
represented the JayCees.
Mr. Collins presented Jerry
Daugherty, Judy Barger, Darlene
Connor and Skip Ruhl and their
French horns in two numbers,
"Drink To Me Only With Thine
Eyes" and "My Old Kentucky
Regular club meetings are
held the second Monday of each
month instead of Tuesday as
was mistakenly reported two
weeks ago.
Find Molds For Gel Cookery Dishes
in Everyday Kitchen Articles
County Agent News . .
With spring just around the
corner, many farmers are mak
ing plans and a few are prepar
ing seedbeds for pasture and hay
seeding. First seeding to be com
pleted in Morrow county was a
30-acre pasture seeded by Stan
ley and Fred Magill on lower
Willow creek near Cecil. This
pasture was seeded to a mixture
of six pounls of alta fescue, three
pounds of intermediate wheat
grass and three pcunds manchar
smooth brome, per acre, on Feb
ruary 20. Since the seeding was
made in a poor stand of alfalfa,
the legume will be provided by
this partial stand. This seeding
will replace hay grown for sale
and provide a high income by
providing pasture for the herd of
cattle for which -the Magills had
'in the past rented pasture.
Previously reported the Joe and
Claud Crouch pasture seedings
have been completed. This seed
ing of 150 acres was the largest
irrigation pasture to be seeded
I in Baordman for many years. The
mixture was Ladino clover, alta
fescue and orchard grass.
Man acres of pasture are plan
ned for seeding this spring,
which will provide high incomes
with a minimum of work. With
the new pasture grasses and le
gumes developed over the past
few years along with the know
how of seeding and management
virtually insure the operator
twice the carrying capacity com
pared with the past.
With the 1951 season for or
dering windbreak trees from the
Oregon State Board of Frestry
about over, we find that the fol
lowing farmers have taken ad
vantage of the opportunity of
providing comfort and beauty to
their farms. OrdeTs were made byi
$3.81 gal
Come in tod or ler nil fceekUfj"
t'Cotor Dynania fer yew ttosM.
Hardawere and
Electric Co.
Successful gel-cookery doesn't call for an investment in elaborate
molds. Appetizing dishes made with unflavored gelatine can be molded
in containers found in most every kitchen. A coffee can is used to
mold a main dish; mixed vegetables go back into their own can con
tainer to mold into cylindrical shape. Desserts are molded in an orange
shell custard sup, or a fluted paper cup mold,
Basic Fruit Gelatine
' 1 envelope unflavored gelatine Vi cup sugar
Vi cup cold fruit juice teaspoon salt
cups hot fruit juice
Soften gelatine in cold fruit juice. Add hot fruit juice, sugar ana
nalt; stir until dissolved. Pour into large or individual molds and chill
until firm. YIELD: 4 servings.
For Tomato Aspic: Omit sugar, increase salt to teaspoon; add
teaspoon onion juice or other seasonings, if desired.
Molded Sea Food: Make Tomato Aspic. When gelatine is slightly
thickened fold in 1 cup cut shrimp, shredded crab meat or tuna.
Molded Vegetables: Make Tomato Aspic. When gelatine is slightly
thickened fold in l'2 cups mixed cooked vegetables and cup diced
telery or shredded cabbage.
Admission prices afternoon and 670111118;, unless speoifloally advertised to be otherwise Children I
Est. Pries .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and Hiffh Sohool Students 12 yean and oven Est.
Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 50o Adults I Est. Price .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 900. Every Child
occupying; a seat most nave a ticket.
Sunday shows continuous bom lpm. Phone 1472 for starting time oi the dif
ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7i30 p. m.
Friday-Saturday, March 16-17
Yvonne DeCarlo, Richard Greene, Jackie
Gleason, George MacReady, Rock Hud
son. A burning desert-sands thriller with
plenty of hair-raising horsemanship, in
trigue and adventure, filmed in eye-fill-ing
Technicolor. PLUS
James Ellison, Evelyn Ankers, Lasses
White, Ruth Whitney.
A Saga of the Old West, photographed in
Sunday-Monday, March 18-19
Clifton Webb, Joan Bennett Robert Cum
mingg, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Blondell,
Gigi Perreau, Jack LaRue Harry Von
ZelL Tommy Rettig
That "Belvedere"Man whose wit and ge
nius and prowess stunned a nation now
moves heaven and earth with laughter!
Its a blend of gags, satire, sophistication
and surprises! You'll like this one!
Tuesday-Wednesday, March 20-21
Claudette Colbert, Robert Ryan, Jane
Cowl, Paul Kelly, Phillip Ober
For the great number of picture fans who
enjoy baffling mystery, THIS IS IT! Neat
ly alternating comedy and high drama, -it
moves every second.
Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Mar. 22-23-24
Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Howard
DaSilva, Philip Reed, Connie Gilchrist
Here is high adventure in strange, exotic
land based on one of the more inspir
ing incidents in American history, the
expedition of the U. S. Marines against
the Tripoli pirates. Filmed in Technicolor.
Charles Starrett and Smiley Bumette in
a Durango Kid western with music.
Ralph Beamer, Merle Kirk, Roger
Palmer, Heppnre; Ronald Baker,
lone; Irvin Rauch, Ray Dolven
and Kenneth Peck, Lexington.
Ralph Beamer, Heppner, won
won the distinction of being the
first farmer to get windbreaks
and shelterbelts pplanted, com
pleting it on February 22. A wind
break of Caragana, Russian Ol
ive, Norway Spruce and Scotch
Pine w,as planted on the south
and east of the farmstead, while
two shelterbelts for livestock
were planted in a canyon close
to the buildings. These three-row
shelterbelts were planted to Car
agana and Russian Olive. These
trees are fenced for protection
and will be cultivated until they
are well established. The will
provide beaut and satisfaction to
and adding such an Improvement
ot their commodities.
The cunt agent has been not
ing a large number of farmers
who have, in the past few months
added a lat to their farms by
mailbox name signs or gate post
signs. This is a project that every
farmer in Morrow county should
be interested in as it adds a bit
of personality to the farm as
well as makes it considerably
easier for people to find whore
the family as they grow in shel
ter as an end product. These
people should be congratulated
on improving their farm comfort
they live. On several occasions
farmers have been known to
comment on this addine that
enough salesmen know where
they live without advertising
with a sign In front of their
farm. My experience has been
that a salesman can find a farm
or place of business regardless.
Especially attractive are the
mailboxes of Frank Anderson,
and more recently Ralph Beamer,
of Heppner. There are more of
these about the county, I am sure,
which I have not seen. The boxes
have the name of the farmer on
one side a picture of beef or
wheat or whatever the farm is
producing on the other. A farmer
has commodities to sell the same
as any place of business, and ad.
vertising doesn't hurt a bit.
Seven out of every 150000 civ
ilian adults in the United States
are crippled.
For Bigger and Better Grain Yields
use Chipman 2-4-D Ester 44 P.C.
Place your orders now with
Morrow County Gram Growers
lone - Heppner - Lexington
Air Application Service Available
7oayoimg fady frying to budge a budget
3 m
Oh, how pleasant and cheerful was Adeline Bing,
Until she was faced by what she called 'the thing'.
(And 'the thing' was, of course, the budget she used,
Which, because of high prices, was sadly abused.)
She tearfully cried that she dared not make fudge,
Nor even a cake" 'cause the budget won't budge!"
"Just you wait! all's not lost," Reddy Kilowatt said;
"Let's look at one item on which you're ahead."
Then he showed how electrical rates have come down
To the point that they're now the best bargain in town.
So now Adeline's happy, 'cause she can recall
That there's ONE budget bargain in spite of it all!
PP&L electric rates are low! Yes, in spite of rising costs of
almost everything else you buy, the average price paid for
Reddy Kilowatt's services is 40 lower than in 1940.
During the same period, other costs of living have gone ep
more than 80.
PP&L rate cuts since 1940 have meant tota' " savings
to customers of more than 18 million dollars. won ler
people here say "Electric service is the biggest bJun in
the budget"