OREGON H 1 S T 0 !- 1 C A .L SOCIETY PUBLIC A 'J 0 I T j U 1 'J PORTLAND. ORE. $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, March 15, 1951 Volume 67, Number 52 Crates. Farmers Month Behind With Spring Work, Agent Opines Spring appears to be some dis tance in the future, if the number of farmers doing the accustomed work at this season of the year is to be taken as a criterion, accord ing to N. C. Anderson, county agricultural agent. Few farmers are in the field. Anderson finds after making a cursory survey, not as many as one could see in mid-January, he says. However, a few farmers are taking to the fields in the wheat area, and some overdue work is being accom plished in the irrigated belt of north Morrow county. The agent finds that some frost damage was experienced in the north wheat belt, placing the wheat kill at about 25 per cent in that area. This was due to the lack of snow as a covering during the sub-zero weather of early February. The higher levels were covered with a light blanket of snow, a fact which probably pre vented serious Winter-kill and Anderson thinks re-seeding will not be necessary. While wheat weathered the freeze fall seeded barley did not make it. Most barley acreage will be seeded to spring wheat, due to the fact that wheat allotments are off. Much "double cropping" is planned, with the greatest de mand fornitrogen fertilizers yet Boy Scouts Join Move To Collect Clothing Bundles Heppner Boy Scouts have vo lunteered their services in col lecting bundles of clothing for foreign lands, augmenting the work started by the American Le gion auxiliary and participated in by the Heppner Parent-Teach-er association, the Soroptomist Club of Heppner the Jay Cee ettes and the American Legion. The Scouts will pick up bundles at the homes between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m., Saturday, Mar. 17. The Scouts are taking on this job at the request of the 18 American Council of Volun tary agencies for foreign ser vice who are making an effort to supply needed clothing and cloth household necessities for the peo ple of war ridden countries where manufacturing facilities have not been sufficiently rehabilitated to replenish exhausted supplies. All Grab You a Partner Square dance patterns were de monstrated and practiced by a large number of leaders at lone, March 5, at the Legion hall. Miss Jessielee Mallalieu, recreaRon specialist from Oregon State col lege, reviewed a few old calls, added some new ones, and de monstrated the techniques for Erf i f X ' 'J' ill1 1 1 II HI II I I il ' --3 fc'.iii- y T?"-' : i'aKi.t.i;-fc.'v:71 flPS7T W vtoW-- -- 1 1 " , , i t f 3 ""tJ" V ' " - ,- ? dL I f ( 1 i ) Anir - I Si t recorded. The soil moisture situa tion is excellent and with the highly successful cloud seeding program for increased- rainfall, farmers are optimistic on use of heavy application of nitrogen on the land. Anderson pointed out. He went on to say that the weed situation is normal and many farmers are awaiting the right condition for application of 2, 4-D by plane and ground equipment. Some growing weather is all that is needed. In his report on conditions in Morrow county to Bob Fowler OSC information specialist who is pre paring a "first day of Spring" story for release next week. An derson stated that 'livestock is in excellent condition, coming thru the winter with a minimum of roughage being fed. This is the exact opposite of a year ago when hay was at premium. Hay men find hay is a drug on their hands. Calf and lamb crops are wonder ful, with many sheepmen report ing 50 percent of the ewes lamb ing twins. Lambs and calves are strong at birth when ewes and cows give an abundance of milk for the newborn." "All we need now is lots of sunshiny weather to realize that spring is here" the county agent concluded. BABY LEE EDWARD SANDERS Lee Edward Sanders, four-months-old sort of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders of Spray, died early today at Fossil. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday from the Assem bly of God church at Spray with the Rev. Billings officiating. In terment will be in the Spray cem etery. Arrangements are in charge of Phelps Funeral Home of Heppner. types of clothing and sheets, pil low cases, towels, wash rags, and other articles are needed. Espe cially do the agencies ask for warm clothing for men, women and children. The Boy Scouts will gather the bundles and the senior organi zations will arrange for packing and shipping to the port of em barkation. All articles must be clean. The Scouts have no facili ties for cleaning them and soil ed or unclean materials cannot be accepted for shipment. and Away We Go leaders teaching the calls at the training meetings. Music for the evening was furnished by Mrs. Lennie Louden, Heppner and Bill Gow, Cecil. A Morrow county recreational council was formed to assist with the county'B recreation program. The following officers were elect- St. Patrick Was Scotchman, Avers Fr. McCormack St. Patrick was (and is) Ire land's patron saint, but it ap pears he was an Irishmnn only as Irishmen become Americans by adoption. According to Fr. Fran cis McCormack, who happens to be the pastor of a distinctly Irish church, St. Patrick's, in Heppner, and who likewise is something of an authority historically on things Irish, the patron saint was born in Scotland but grew up in Ireland where it became his mis sion to drive the snakes out of his country. The near approach of St. Pat rick's day inspired Leonard Pate, program chairman for the month, to invite Fr. McCormack to tell the chamber of commerce lunch eon group something about the Emerald Isle nd about the patron saint in particular. There are oth er patron saints of course, but St. Patrick is THE patron saint. The speaker gave "some infor mation relative to the govern ment, elections and other matters of political interest in his native land that proved enlightening to his hearers. Orville Smith gave a brief re view of the Oregon Journal spon sored tour to the Hawaiian Is lands, from which he and Mrs. Smith returned Friday evening. They flew from Seattle to Hono lulu in eight and one-half hours, and there were flight trips to the several islands of the group, en abling the visitors ,to see just what the mid-Pacific possessions comprise. On the island of Ha waii is the second largest cattle ranch in the world, the Parker ranch. They passed over an active volcano, saw the dead ships in Pearl Harbor, the pineapple plan tations, experienced two days without rain, and there was some thing mentioned about deep-sea fishing about which your reporter is unable to make a definite re port. The group returned to the mainline via air to San Francisco again making the flight in eight and one half hours. Mr. Pate announced that the county speech festival will be held at the Heppner school to morrow, (Friday.) o Mrs. Archie Padberg and baby are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Emery Settle for a couple of weens. Arcnie returned to Mon mouth for term exams and will join his little family the last of the week for spring vacation. r-i tv v - ! - Oil' "f V. JL ed: Bill Garner, Boardman, chair man; Everett Keithley, Heppner vice-chairman; Mrs. Tress Me Clintock Heppner, secretary-treasurer, Members serving on the nominating committee were Mrs. Art Allen, Boardman; Earl Mc Kinney lone; Mrs. Walter Wright, "TWINS" TO OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS SUNDAY Mrs. Frank S. Parker and Mrs. Roy Neill will hold open house at the parlors of the Church of Christ Sunday afternon in hon or of their husbands, who will be observing their 75 birthday anni versaries. The time is-set for 2:30 to 5. Friends are asked to call but are asked to please omit gifts. Born March 16, 1876, both men came to this section from Missou ri. Other combined observances of their mutual birthdays have been planned but for one reason or another they did not material ize. Since each is reaching tho three-quarter century mark this week their wives decided to make a real event of it. Friends are cordially invited to call.. Mrs. Von Martcr Buys Flower Shop Mrs. Ida B. Grimes announced the first of ihe week that she had sold the Heppner Flower shop to Mrs. LaVerne Van Martcr who tok pssession March 12. The business was established about a year ago with Mrs. Fay Bucknum in charge. It has grown steadily and become an established spot along Main street. With the assistance of Mrs. Bucknum, Mrs. Van Marter is learning the intricacies of knitt ing, crocheting and the making up of flower arrangements, bou quets, corsages and other features of the floral part of the business. Mis. Bucknum plans to leave the last of the month for Los An geles where she will make her home. The Heppner Flower Shop aws her second venture in the flo ral business in Heppner, having formerly operated the flower shop purchased by Mary Van Stevens. o Mary Van's Shop In New Quarters Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, propri etor of the flora) shop, Mary Van's Flowers is now located in the north half of the Van Horn building, having moved the past two days from the room on the north side of the Hotel Heppner. Mrs. Stevens says everything will be shipshape for her re-opening Saturday morning. With room for window displays and with a freshly decorated salesroom, the Mary Van Flowers will add to the attractiveness of Main street and give the proprie tor a better chance to meet the public. ... -rnn irW fIV"' Heppner. Officers are making plans for a practice meeting for callers and dancers before March 27, the date for the third training meeting for directions from Miss Mallalieu, according to Maud C. Casswell and N. C. Anderson, agents. 'i . ..'.X Vvl J z S r) "'' :C. it Y I. v. 1 fr4. if J Trombone Section of OSC BAND . Jim Barratt wrote something about the lads in this picture but the copy has been misplaced. The trombone section is an important part of any band and it is certain that this group will be on the pro- Many Patients Received And Discharged At. Pioneer Memorial Hospital Since 7th A full house might be the easiest way to describe the situa hospital this week. Since March 7, 25 patients have been checked in at the institution and while several have been discharged and there have been two deaths, the staff is still busy with a near capacity list of sick and injured. Two deaths have occurred within the week, John Padburg, Heppner, on March 8, and Mrs. Willis Cason, Condon, at 3 p.m., March 12. Two babies were born a six pound-eight ounce boy to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lynch on March 8, and a seven pound 12-ounce boy on March 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard McElligott, lone. Admitted for medical treatment (during the same period were Ralph Moore, Kinzua; bue and Sharon Thompson, Spray, dis charged March 11; Vern- Bell, Heppner, discharged March 10; John H. Padberg Laid fo Rest at Lexington Sunday Services were held at 2 o'clock pi m. Sunday from the Metho dist church for John H. Padberg, whose death occurred March 8 at the Pioneer Memorial hospital where he had been for treatment for two days. Rev. J. Palmer Sor lien officiated and arrangemnets were in charge of the Phelps Funeral Home. Interment follow ed in the I. O.1. F. cemetery at Lexington beside the grave of his wife who preceded him to the grave about three years ago. Honorary pallbearers were Earl Warner, Walter Beckett, L. A. Pal mer, Dale Ray Ernest Heliker and Clive Huston. Active pallbearers were C. C. Carmichael, Newt O'Hara, Otto Ruhl, Harry Dinges, Lee Scrivncr and Harold Evans. John Harvey Padberg was born November 11, 1874 at the old home place on Rhea creek. He was aged 76 years, three months and 24 days at the time of his passing. On March 17 1897 he was married to Delia Lieuallen of Lexington. Two sons, Orris of Lexington and Archie of Heppner, were born to this union. Mr. Padberg farmed in the Clark's Canyon district until a few years ago when he retired and located in Heppner. His health failed and Mrs. Padberg was in constant care of him for many months. While his health improved, the strain wore her down and she passed away un expectedly in 1948. Surviving besides the two sons are two brothers, Wm. H. Pad berg of Lexington and Lewis J. Padberg of lone, a sister, Lidy Heaton of Pendleton, seven grand children and five great grand children. Out-of-town people in atten dance at the services included Mr. Padberg's brother-in-law, Jesse Lieuallen, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lieuallen of Walla Walla; Mrs. Ruby Nickols and son, Ord nance; Mr. and Mrs. Les Roundy, Kennewick; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins and Mr. Padberg"s sister, (tnmcmm mm gram for something special Sun day evening. May it be suggested that you satisfy your curiosity by purchasing tickets for your self and family today and be on hand to find out what the special feature will be. j Donald DeDan, Kinzua; Tom ' Healy Heppner, discharged Mar. 1 12; Luther J. Betts, Kinzua, dis j charged Mar. 12; Frank Monahan, Heppner; Baby Steven Weather man, Kinzua, discharged March 12; Jim Hall, Spray; Lyle Cox, Heppner; Mrs. Ada Rocha, Ord nance, for emergency treatment; Frank Lindsay, Morgan, broken arm in accident on his farm. All these still in hospital may have visitors. Mrs. Glenn Williams was ad mitted to the maternity depart ment of the hospital from Kin zua but so far no baby born. Discharged during the week were Owen Leathers, br., K.inzua; Mrs Tress MeClintock. Heppner: I Austin Devln, Heppner; ranK Heppner; Clark Stevens Heppner; Ayers, Heppner; Ilene Wyman, Mrs. Maymie Dellwo, Kinzua, and Ralph Moore, Kinzua. Spring Is On Way Wranglers Plan First Season Ride First signs of spring Wrang lers plan for a ride in the near future. That was decided Tuesday evening when members of the riding club gathered at the club room at the rodeo grounds for the regular meeting. In addition to the ride, the summer shirts were selected from samples shown by Mrs. Robert Gammell and Mrs. Merle Kirk, The shirt chosen can be seen at Wilson's Men's Wear and mem bers are urged to leave their measurements and money there as soon as possible so the order may be sent in all at one time, The appreciation ticket given for this order will be in the name of the Wranglers and any member may receive it for the club. Dish towels are being donated by the ladies. There are many clever and colorful designs, the most original ones drawn and made by Mrs. Ernie Winchester with figures thereon represent ing various members. President Merle Becket arrang ed for a discussion at the next meeting designed to attract a good turnout of Wranglers. Refreshments were prepared and served by Mrs. Ralph Beamer and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin. Tables were set up for cards by the en tertainment committee, Mrs. Con ley Lanham and Mrs. Maude Cas well. STORE REPORTED ROBBED Word reached Heppner the first of the week that the Ober store in Spray was robbed Friday night. The report had it that the safe was blown and $5,000 removed. The money was on hand to cash mill workers' checks at the mid month pay day. No official word had been received by local police authorities up to Wednesday. o . Mrs. Earl Gilliam went to Port land Tuesday to be gone for a few days. Mrs. Lidy Heaton, Pendleton; a nephew, Earl Padberg, LaGrande, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg Jr. Monmouth; Jaunita Padberg, of Portland and Lola Padberg, Her-miston. College Band En Route Here For Sunday Concert Prospects Good For Capacity Crowd at School Gymnasium Almost 70 strong, the Oregon State college band, noted music al organization of the campus for many seasons, is enroute to Hep pner to present a concert at the school gymnasium at 8 o'clock Sunday evening. The Junior chamber of commerce, the Jay-Cee-ettes and the Band Boosters, as well as the Oregon State al umni association, have been busy completing' arrangements for the concert and for the care of the musicians on their overnight stay here. The band personnel will have Sunday dinner at The Dalles and come on to Heppner, arriving here late in the afternon. Lunch will be served the visitors by the Jay-Cee-ettes at the high school cafeteria at 6 o'clock. At the same hour under the auspices of the alumni association, a reception will be held at the parish house of All Saints Episcopal church for the alumni gathering In from over this and adjoining counties and for some of the personnel of the band entourage. - Tickets were placed on sale the first of the week and may be ob tained down town or from John Earnsdorff at the Pioneer Memor ial hospital. It has been 10 years since the state college band visited Hepp ner. At that time it was under the direction of Captain Harry Beard. With the outbreak, of the war, band trips for concert pur poses was cancelled but when word gets out that the band might make a trip, alumni be gin pulling for it to visit their re spective towns. Nearly every place has a former musician or two that at one time or another played in the cadet band and they feel. they should not be slighted. Heppner has been represented on the college band at different times. Dating back to the earlv part of the century it is recalled that Elmer Wills who got his ear ly experience in band with the Heppner Silver Cornet band play ed cornet in the college organi zation. A few years later his brother Reuben took up baritone and was one of "Cap" Beard's de pendables. At the same time, Rhea Luper decided he wanted to be a band musician and "Cap" started him off on tuba. In a year or so Luper was Dlavinp- ha solos to the delight of his fellow oandsmen and band concert pa trons. Along with Reuben Wills and Luper came O. G. CraDLrfrj who progressed from fourth alto to baritone in a year or so in the aforementioned There were a few side trips onto cornet and trombone but eventu ally he settled on baritone and tootled with numerous bands following his colleee ex. perience. Years later, and we can't ronou other Heppner or Morrow county musicians enrolled in the band, Norton Kine entpreH n;r - - vw anu C1C long was a member of the col lege organization. Of the ones mentioned Crawford is th one here to greet the 1950-51 edi tion or the band. TRAVELERS FIND GOING ROUGH DUE TO SNOW While travel has hampered in this section it has been a different story in the western part of th stnto 9 er in Washington. Snow that ered the Cascade area and right uuwn to tne shore line of the Pa cific ocean the past wev an Kf stopped highway travel in many Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parley, ed back from Portland after ac companying their son Jack that far enroute to Fort Lwton, Wash. Snow averaeine in rfpntv, u " o mum as 13 Inches in places kept high way crews and traffic officials on the go for severl days just to keep commercial vehicles moving ft-upje returuning to or coming into eastern Oregon were pleas antly surprised to find the snow running out this side of Hood Ri ver and the springlike conditions prevailing ln the "frn7on of the region east of the Cascades, J