i Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 8, 1951 Lexington Notes The high school is working on their parts for the speech lesti val to be held later in the month. One is a comedy, "I'm a Fool" with the following cast; David Buchanan, John Edwards, Alene Shannon, Sally Harrah, Pat Ma- jeskl, Dorothy Loury, Asa Way and Earl Miller. The other is a drama, "The Door" with the fol lowing cast, Alene Shannon, Bet ty Vann and David Buchanan. Others in the speech festival are Darolene Balser, after dinner speech; Betty Messenger humor- ouis; Shiiley Hunt, poetry read ing; Beverley Nolan, extempora neous; John Edwards and Pat Majeski panel discussion and Earl Miller.lOOO word oration. The girls sextet are practicing on a number to be sung at the county council next week. Mrs. Mark Rands was a Port land visitor last week-end to vis it her son who has the mumps. Dates to remember: Smorgas bord March 10 and grange meet ing March 9; county council of P.-T.A. March 14. Robert Walker is another Hep pner business man who in tak ing his turn with the flu. Frank Rumble expects to leave this evening for Helena, Mont., where he now makes his home. Portrait-Pretty A little Counttss Originol A young lad choice for strolls In the park and her class mates' birthday parties - this fitted style coat gently fashioned in 100 virgin wool covert with a shawl collar of snowy bird's-eye pique edged in Irish lace. And remem ber, "It Fits As She Grows For An Extra Year's Wear." Navy. Sizes 7 to 14. Also available in companion sizes 3 to 6x and 1 to 3. Norah 4 AT YOUR STORE OR ATYOUR DOCR Hermiston 3571 and Pendleton 1211 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor At Uft-Obp. eolorfvl ptq to flof. ing dttp ttfipM. Compimiy wohiodi. Cheiw ef lovly w thota. 12 to 18. B.low-Colorful floral prlnf on say ehdt. tonfl concioUd Talon ilppr, dp i ruff1d flouneo, auortod coiort. i . 5l 1 1 lit tiiy a 1 Mode O'Day sings the praises of these new Spring Out talons 0laon', v ' Help yourself to a stimulating Spring tonic of exciting new styles, and even more ex citing value! Here's an extra-special group, all with amazing $3.99 price tickets. Attrac tive, wearable daytime and casual styles. And they're completely hand-washable. He arrived in Heppner Saturday evening and has been enjoying meeting and visiting with his friends hereabouts. A visit here about every six months will serve to keep him in touch with affairs and not lose sight of too many of his acquaintances he thinks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish and son Jack left Wednesday for Port land to spend a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parrish while enroute to Fort Lawton, Wash., where Jack is due to re port Friday. Jack expects to be on his way overseas in the direc tion of Korea within a short time. Heppner, Oregon Claudiens Suits - Coats - Dresses are like a breath of Springtime . . There is a wide selection in style fabric and color gathered togeth er for your Easter Pleasure I CliG" Claudien P 4& I 3I n & s HAS -r "Test Drive" a '51 Ford on the steepest hill you can find. Nothing to it-1 Ford's engines offer big reserves of extra power for get-up-and-go when you need it. And both offer you the savings of Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker, a 3-way ignition, combustion, and carburetion system that gives high compression per formance with regular gas. P 1 1 I 'jjj ad cats costs j. dlQwui Bow! if1jli S CffliQ elw mi L Equipment accessories and trim subject to change without notice. YOU CAN PAY MORE BUT YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER THAN FORD YOUR CHOICE OF V-8 OR SIX ENGINES Ford alone, in its field, offers both V-8 and Six en gines. Ford's V-8 sells for hundreds less than most sixes . . . Ford's Six sells for still lessl This '51 Ford offers 43 new "Look Ahead" fea tures . . . they're big features like Automatic Rida Control which automatically adjusts the ride to the road. Then, too, you get new Key-Turn Starting, Automatic Posture Control, and Fordomatic, the newest, finest of all automatic drivesl 'Optional at txfra coit mm YOUR NEAREST FORD DEALER is conveniently listed in the yellow section of your telephone book ROSEWALL MOTOR CO.