Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 8, 1951 Page 5 Boardman Supt. Elected to Head Sweet Home System W. E.Meidinger, superintend ent of Boardman schools, has ac cepted a position for the coming year as superintendent of the Sweet Home elementary school, a school which employs 50 teach ers and has an enrollment of ap- proximately 1300 students. Mr. Meidinger was selected from a field of 12 applicants succeeding Howard C. Reed, now employed. Meidinger came to Boardman this past fall from Seaside where he was in business. He had had approximately 25 years of teach ing and school administration experience, three yeans in Hard man, 12 at Dufur and six years at Union. He is affiliated with several local, state and national educational associations. His wife who is teaching the third and fourth grades has accepted a po sition as first grade teacher. Mrs. John Walker was called to Lambs Gro-Tall Dresses Toddlers 1-3, 3-6x and 7-12 In Ginghams and Picolay. DRESSY DRESSES FOR EASTER . . in Dotted Swiss or Printed Organdy SHORTIE COATS for Teen-age Nifty Coats for Little Boys Sizes 3 to 6x Jlorak i Heppner Appliance Offers A fine used Console Model ZENITH RADIO 99.50 We also have a good supply of Frigid aire Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers WHIRLPOOL WASHERS Automatic or Conventional Plus a complete line of small appliances Heppner Appliance Dependable Radio & Refrigeration Service Enterprise Thursday by the ill ness of her mother who was to undergo a serious operation Fri day morning. Mr. Walker and son Dickie motored to Enterprise Friday and remained over the week-end. Fire destroyed the small house on the Gerking place, formerly the Ransier farm south of town Friday evening. Raymond Har ries who was living in the house had just returned from Irrigon where he had taken Mrs. Harries and baby, building up a fire in the kitchen range, which appar ently became overheated caus ing the fire. The house burned so rapidly Mr. Harries was unable to save any clothing or furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber motored to Pendleton Saturday afternoon. Wayne Conyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conyers, and who is in the U. S. army stationed at Fort Lewis, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Bill Califf, nee Lenora Earwood, of Antelope was a guest Saturday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ear wood. Mr. Califf's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Califf, took her home Sunday. Earl Briggs motored to Port land Saturday to get Mrs. Briggs who had been there several weeks caring for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bill Maxwell, who had undergone a serious opera tion. Mrs. Anna Hartley, Gervais, returned with the Briggs' for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson spent the week-end in Portland with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Westland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan spent Friday and Saturday in Washington. Henry Coats, who has been in Salem the past six weeks with his son and family, arrived Sat urday at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats who took him on to Hardman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen senger, Betty Gerry and Carroll Messenger of Lexington, were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie. E. T. Messenger motored to The Dalles Friday for a few days vi sit with relatives. Boardman garden club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Wyss. One guest, Mrs. An na Hartley, was present. Plans were made for an Easter food sale which will be held Satur day, March 24. Mrs. Henry Zivney was me co-nostess but was un able to attend due to the illness of her son Roger. BOARDDMAN 4-H News The 4-H beef and swine club met at the home of Bill Thorpe March 1 1951. The meeting was called to order starting with the salute to the flag and the club pledge. Motion was made that the meetings be every first Tues day of each month. Elroy Waldron and Oscar Velle made a report on different kinds of swine. The next meeting will be held at Waldron's Refreshments were coffee, cake jello and punch. Marie Potts. o A REAL BARGAIN 497 acre well diversified alfalfa, wheat and cattle ranch. Excellent im provements. On mail and school bus route. Fine winter quarters for cattle. Summer range available if you want a good-sized cattle set-up. Pric ed at $45,000.00. Liberal terms. Will produce $10,000 or more crops this fall. Write or call R. L. ELLIOTT, co OSCAR SCHULTZ AGENCY, Box 684 Pendleton, Ore. Phone 4349. 51 -2c STAR en REPORTER Admliilon prlcei afternoon ud evening, unlen tpeolfioaU edrertlied to be otherwise OhUdrea I Bet Prioe .IT, red. To .OS, TOTA1 Wo OnkU and Klgb Scheol Mndenti II yean ud oral Bet. Prioe M, Fed. Tea. .10, TOTU 50c Aflultei Bet Prioe .SO, Fed. Tu .10, TOTAL We. Bverr Ohild oeenpylng et mart have a Hotel Sunday shows continuous from- 1pm. Phone 1472 far starting time ol the dif ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start art 7:38 p. m. Friday-Saturday, March 9-10 BARON OF ARIZONA Vincent Price, Ellen Drew, Beulah Bond! One of the most amazing stories in Amer ican criminal history ... a true story of the schemer who dared to steal the State of Arizona and lay it at the feet of his beautiful bride. PLUS, HOPALONG CASSIDY WESTERN .... Sunday-Monday, March 11-12 THE WEST POINT STORY James Cagney, Virginia Mayo, Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Gene Nelson, Alan Hale, Jr. Dandier than "Yankee Doodle Dandy". . . Cagney is a hot-shot hoofer putting the Cadets through their paces in the AH American Show of Shows. . . a song spangled musical. Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., March 13-14-15 AMERICAN GUERRILLA IN THE PHILIPPINES Tyrone Power, Micheline Prelle, Tom Ew ell. Bob Patten, Tommy Cook. Color by Technicolor. High adventure, suspense, touches of comedy and romance. . .based on Ira Wolfert's Book-of-the-Month and Read er's Digest sensation. . .one of the great personal experiences to come out of the Pacific! Friday-Saturday, March 16-17 DESERT HAWK Yvonne DeCarlo, Richard Greene, Jackie Gleason, George MacReady, Rock Hud son. A burning desert-sands thriller with plenty of hair-raising horsemanship, in trigue and adventure, filmed in eye-filling Technicolor. PLUS THE TEXAN MEETS CALAMITY JANE James Ellison, Evelyn Ankers, Lasses White, Ruth Whitney. A Saga of the Old West, photographed in color. SURE AND MAY THE LUCK 0' THE IRISH BE WITH YOU! Home Talent Play At Monument Big Hit Despite Snow The play put on by the Grange was a big success in spite of six inches of snow that fell during the latter part of the day. Most of the crowd stayed to enjoy the dance that followed. Jack O. Sweek and Pauline G. Woiski were married February 8 in Carson City, Nevada. After the ceremony the couple toured cen tral California. Before returning home the visited relatives and friends in Lodi and Stockton. The newly weds are employees of the R. E. A. in Monument. Mrs. Sweek is bookkeeper and he is right--o of-way agent. They are at home to their many friends in the Holm apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson accompanied Mrs. Bill Settle to Portland for medical attention Mr. Wilson's examination showed a distended vein which called for surgery. The operation was per formed February 27. Reports in dicated he is improving and will be confined to the hospital for two weeks. Del Ward of Port land, his brother-in-law, brought Mrs. Wilson home Friday to at tend to business matters and they returned to the city Satur day to be with Chance. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton and daughters Sharon and Mary Ella and. Mrs. Hiton's mother, Mrs Throop went to Portland for Doc Hinton who underwent surgery in a Portland hospital some weeks ago and has been conval escing at the home of his daugh ter Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round spent several days in John Day at the home of her mother Mrs. Wright. They spent one day in Pendleton for medical care returning home Wednesday. Clyde Jackson is a patient at the Blue Mountain General hos pital at Prairie City. His wife has rented a room in order to be near him as his condition requires him to be hospitalized for three weeks. . WEE lOLLEE For Bigger and Better Grain Yields use Chipman 2-U-D Ester UU P.C. Place your orders now with Morrow County Grain Growers lone , - Heppner - Lexington Air Application Service Available Dress Up for SPRING Spring fever isn't the only thine which marks the end of winter. There is an equally insistent de sire to lay away the cold weather wardrobe and dress up in a new spring suit. If you want the new est and the smartest your nat ural selection is a Curlee Spring Suit. The last word in modern macsuline styling, Curlee Sprine Suits combine quality materials with fine tailoring which builds extra months of satisfactory wear into every garment. Come in and see the new Curlee Spring Suits. You will find mo dels and fabrics you like in the size that fits you and every suit in the line is moderately priced to make it the season's outstand. ing buy. Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service YOUR DOG CAN COST YOU A FORTUNE I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner were in John Day Thursday. If your dog should attack a passerby, tradesman or guest a lawsuit and judgment might cost you all you own. But you can protect yourself in ad vance by taking out a liabil ity insurance policy that is all-covering and inexpensive. Turner Van Marter Company isgy Mr. and Mrs. William Powell and daughter Mary moved to John Day last week. NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with section 111 1244, O. C. L. A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court house in Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day of March, 1951, at 2:00 o"clock p. m. for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal yar beginning July 1, 1951, and ending June 30, 1952, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made .. $7,445.00 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes 2,000.00 3. Amounts received from other sources 0.00 Total $9,445.00 ESTIHATED EXPENDITURES Expendi tures and . . , . Budget Al.BudSet Al cal Years Next Preceding lowancefor lowance Estimat- Six Months ed .. the Current School Year .. 0f Current pendi- School Yr. tures for Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Merino. Vans Storage Warehouse U.Pand,N.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW In the Matter of the Estate of ALFRED C. HOUGHTON, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed Executrix of the estate of Alfred C. Houghton, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby re quired to present such claims, duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the under signed at the office of her attor neys, Walker & Barnes, Recla mation Building, Hermiston, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this Notice. Dated this 1st day of March, 1951. MARGUERITE C. HOUGHTON Executrix of the Estate of Alfred C. Houghton, deceased. Walker & Barnes Attorneys for Executrix Reclamation Building Hermiston, Oregon 50-2 1. Tuition 2. Transportation 3. Personal Service (Clerical-Legal) 4. Postage, Tele graph, Telephone 5. Supplies, Printing 6. Election and Publicity 7. Travel 8. Interest on War rants or Other 9. Other Miscellan- Indebtedness 85.48 eaus Expenses 0.00 10. Emergency 0.00 Totals 16,580.00 1947-49 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 12,695.35 6,629.46 6,086.72 11,800.00 7,0u0.00 3,703.54 2,319.41 2,245.18 3,150.00 2,200.00 52.50 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25fi0 25.00 43.58 0.00 0.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 50.00 0.00 8.82 17.92 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,987.69 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 210.00 15,365.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 9,540.00 8,424.27 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS. AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY I. Total estimated expenditures $9,540.00 I. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash balances g 540,00 Dated February 26th, 1951. Signed: Henry E. Tetz, Clerk Approved by Budget Committee Signed: A. C. Lindsay Secretary, Budget Committee. D. R. Pointer, Chairman, Board of Directors. B. J. Doherty Chairman, Budget Committee. March 25 is . EASTER SUNDAY . . . Clean those Suits and Dresses NOW! Be sure to look your brightest and best Easter .Sunday morning! Send us those spring clothes that have languish ed in the closet all winter I Well clean them, and return them in time for Easterl Heppner Cleaners Ph. 2592