Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 01, 1951, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Heppner Gcaette Times, Thursday, March 1, 1951
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon at
11. The Right Reverend Lane W.
Barton, D.D., S. T. D., Bishop of
the Missionary District of East
ern Oregon, will preach at this
service and will receive the pe
tition for parochial status pre
sented by the Bishop's committee
in the name of the congregation.
A potluck dinner will be served
in the parish house immediately
after this service.
Sunday evening at 7:30 the us.
ual informal service and instruc
tion. Week-day services: Holy Com
munion Wednesday at 10; Friday
at 7:30 a. m.
Wednesday, choirs Boys, 2:30
to 3:45; girls 4 to 5; adults at 8
o'clock Thursday evening.
Boy Scouts 7:30 to 9 Wednesday
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday services: 9:45 a. m., Bi
ble school with classes for all;
C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11
a. m., morning worship and com
munion. Young peopl's fellow
ship, 5 p.m. (with sack lunch);
devotional service at 6:30. Even
ing worship, 7:30 p. m. with song
service and evangelistic message.
You will find a welcome at these
services; remember, "A church -going
America offers poor soil
for Communism."
Thursday, 7 p. m., choir prac
tice, led by Mrs. Willard Warren.
Bible study and prayer meeting
at 8 o'clock.
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Special music by the choir; Ol
iver Creswick, director.
Sunday church school at 9:45
a. m. A class for every age, you
are welcome. Also Youth Fellow
ship class and Adult Bible class
at this same hour. Oliver Cres
wick, superintendent.
Mid-week prayer 'service at 7
p. m. Thursday.
Choir practice Thursday at 7:30
p. m.
The Womans Society of Christ
ian Service meets the First Wed
nesday of each month at 8 p. m.
Suzanna Wesley Circle of the
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the third Wednes
day of each month at 2:30 p. m.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
9:45 a. m. Sunday school. A
class for every age.
11 a. m. worship service.
7:45 p. m. Evangelist Cecil
Ahalt will be speaking and sing
ing special numbers. Also con
tinuing on throughout this com
ing week every night xcept Mon
day. Our brother preaches the
old-fashioned Word. Messags and
songs that are inspiring and soul
stirring. Do you want to be pre
pared for the future? Come to
these services. Everyone wel
come. o
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman drove
to Salem Sunday, taking Larry
Colin Ireland, a parole violator,
to the state penitentiary. Ireland
was sentenced Saturday by
Judge William C. Perry.
Eugene Harry Houseman, who
pled guilty to a charge of driv
ing a motor vehicle while intox
icated, received a sentence of 60
days in jail, a $160 fine and loss
of his driver's license when he
appeared before Judge Perry
Saturday. Houseman was picked
up near the Morrow-Umatilla
line. Lacking the funds at the
time he was placed in jail until
the fine and costs were paid. To
add to his discomfort, the judge
also placed him under an order
of interdiction.
Musangs Trample
Sisters in First
Tournament Game
. Heppner high school"s Mus
tangs came through with an im
pressiv win Wednesday when
they downed Sisters in the open
ing game of the District 6 B bas
ketball playoff at The Dalles 46
to 26.
At the end of the first quarter,
with the score 18 to 5 in Hepp
ner's favor, Coach Whitbeck took
out the first five and the second
five played the remainder of the
Scoring honors belonged to no
one; every man on the squad had
at least two points to his credit.
However, for the one quarter that
he played, Gary Connor deserves
added laurels by pouring thru
the hoop 15 points. High man on
the Sisters team was divided be
tween Stiles and Currier with 7
Today, Thursday, at 2:30 Hepp
ner will play Culver. This prom
ises to be a closer game than the
O'Donnell's Close
While Remodeling
When their main food supplies
ran low Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H.
T. O'Donnell closed their cafe and
their customers will have to eat
elsewhere until they are ready
to reopen with their brand
smacking new restaurant.
The bar is being moved into
the room vacated by the Hepp
ner Variety store and the restaur
ant will occupy the present quar
ters which will be considerably
enlarged. The place will remain
closed several weeks.
Sgt. Eldon Tucker, stationed in
Portland, visited his wife in lone
and his mother, Mrs. Ben Cox in
Heppner over the week end.
A pink and blue shower honor-
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Of lice at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
ing Miu. Fred Sanders was held
at the Whitmer Wright home
Tuesday evening. Co-hostesses
with Mrs. Wright were the Mes
dames Claude Drake and Carl
McDaniel, with Mrs. J. R. Huff
man assisting with the games.
The honoree was the recipient
of many lovely gifts. Twenty
guests enjoyed the dainty re
freshments served by the hostesses.
(Continued from Page 7)
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause
within four weeks from the date
of the first publication of this
summons upon you, and if you
fail to so appear or answer for
want thereof, plaintiffs will ap
ply to the above entitled court
for the relief prayed for in their
complaint on file herein, to-wit:
That the real property describ
ed in said complaint, and as fol
lows: j
The southeast quarter of I
Section 28 in Township
two (2) South, Range 24
East of Willamette Merid
ian, in Morrow County, Or
egon. be ordered sold by the above en
titled court, and that a Referee
or Referees be appointed for
such purpose, and from the pro
ceeds of such sale pay the cost
and disbursements of this suit,
a reasonable attorney's fees to
be determined by said court and
the cost of reference, and the
residue be paid to the owners of
said real property, according to
their respective shares therein,
and for such other and further
relief as may be just and equit
able, This summons is published by
order of the Hon. Garnet Barratt,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow
County, made and entered on
the 21st day of February,
1951, directing publication of
this summons upon you once
a week for four successive
weeks In the Heppner Gazette
Times, a newspaper of general
circulation, published in Mor-
, . a.. " r, ,1 nf oar.
row couniy, "i fed
eral circulation therein and the
date of the first publication of
this summons is February 22nd,
1951. I9"1
Attorney for plaintiff,
Residence and post of
fice addresss Heppner, uicguu
IS THERE A WOMAN living here,
or near here, who would like
to earn a good monthly salary
for helping one or two days a
week with housework? Every
modern appliance. And stay
ing sometimes with two good
children. A wonderful offer for
the right person. Must be clean
and like children. Apply by
writing to Box 337, Heppner
Gazette Times. 49-51c
C. N. Jones is expected to re
turn home Saturday. He is doing
well following a major surgical
operation in Portland two weeks
Guests of Mrs. Alex Green over
the week-end were her son Joe
and family of Pendleton. The vis
it was made at this time to en
able the Joe Greens to attend the
Elks annual party.
e becret
Of S
In Business
We could write at some length on this subject but think
brevity is more acceptable, so we cite you to a story in
CORONET which most aptly and briefly covers it.
A successful business man was asked to
give the formula for his outstanding suc
cess. He had been so busy he had given
the subject little thought. But he came
with a diily:
"It is simp'e," says he. "Early to bed,
and early to rise; work like hell and
If you are not attaining the success you should, perhaps
you have not been following the simple formula prscribed
by the man in the story.
For assistance in your advertising prob!em
call at the office or telephone
The Heppner
Gazette Times
1 0Ml)(3i 'OOTI
tt Your New Mode ' &k wi?
MS3J) W Will Open Fri., Mar. 2 Ml
T '9:30 A.M.
rrs jmhj$k d :Jk New sPn9 Frocks
II are made by Mode'f illWCJ A F V( f N. f f
I O- Da, and'the r jSJ L J frX (OllQl
I savings passedV TWj7 Mfh V 2V ) ) S
I They're superb qual- 2&, dltA liTPV H K
I "V. too . . . really wis 'JMU fjfZfc I . IT )
I I made of fine luxuri- tfWW Wf "M&MWj 1 J
I I ous fabrics! Come in r?W" X 5W
II you did S'ZSx. T )rf
II & ' rl4Sll I A fVffffk Help yourself to a stimulating Spring tonic
II 4z Cl UfSBMir ij&A 7 f excitin9 new s,yes' and even mor-ex"
II '1 H'K! 1t "i 9 KZXXirfl citing value! Here's an extra-special group,
I J&i4Tj& f oil with amazing $3.99 price tickets. Attrac
I M'?: A7H ,ive' wearable daytime and casual styles.
' ..'it 4jlt And they're completely hand-washable.
III MMlnnsk Pep.
I I (Km ln ,h" "l", dress. A..orted ' pOr 'WAt. '
Stripes! xw '
I solid m( I W
Colors! m I 1
Prints! JP U br- f
Hill Prints! L I f Vh -A
1 1 )' C 's txtSk M 1 and spun raYns youii inu
II mS''lkW VIL -M I want several at this excit- M
Beautiful 'Sweetheart' Slip
9g Graceful, figure flattering, exquisitely
U lace trimmed in luxurious rayon crepe,
with a flirtatious scalloped hem and
dainty rayon satin bows. 32-38.
Guaranteed Washable
Classic Blouses
Lovely rayon French crepes,
and spun rayons I You'll
want several at this excit
ing $1.69 sale price. In sizes
32 to 38. Please be early 1
Heppner, Oregon