Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 22, 1951 Page WANT ADS 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN, has radio and heater. Pay down $565.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Nice 5-room home, unfurnished or partially fur nished. See Al Edwards Hill street. 47tfc THE SMART BOYS are buying new Fords. FOR SALE 1 table, large buf fet and 6 chairs in walnut fin ish. Phone 2382, 47tfc 1946 FORD Super DeLuxe Fordor. Pay down $325.00. Rosewall Motor Co. ROSY SAYS: Sumpin for nothin'. Most people have a hard time making ends meet and paying their taxes. They realize you don't get something for no thing. However, when you trade with Rosewall Motor Co. you will get the truth about what you buy whether it is a spark plug or a used car. WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Co. ITS SMART to be seen riding in a new Ford. IF YOUR CAR has lost Its pep you should bring it to us for a spring tune-up. Rosewall Motor Co. PORCELAINIZE and ride with pride. If the finish on your car is beginning to lose its glam our bring it to us for a Porcel ainize job. It will restore that showroom complexion. Rose wall Motor Company. A used car is no better than the dealer that sells and services it. Rosewall Motor Co. IF YOU ARE planning on buying a car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. Don't send out of town for any thing automtive until your first try Rosewall Motor Co. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COUBT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR ROW R. B. RANBS, Plaintiff,, vs. MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, husband and wife, defendants:t TO: MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, Defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court with in four weeks from the date of the first publication and if you fail so to answer, for want there of, the Plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of FOR SALE 24D . 245T Combination Weed Kill er for Tarweed ESTRON "X"-Mix It With Your Present Supplies of24D to Assure Tarweed Kill. 24D Weed Sprays and DUST PRICES ARE STILL LOW CLIFF CARLSON lone Ph. FOR RENT Two apartments on South Gilmore street L. J. Burnside. 48-49c 3-ROOM furnished cabin; elec tric stove, hot water furnished; heated wash house; shower bath; Frigidaire. Mrs. Justus, Ph. 3233. 48-49p SATURDAY is Appreciation Day, Come to Heppner Saturday at 12:00 noon and taKe home a hat full of money. HAS YOUR CAR had its RPM lu brication this month? Drive in for fast service. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE About 10 ton third cutting baled alfalfa hay. Rea sonable. G. Hermann, lone, Or. 47-49p WE ALIGN front wheels and make front end corrections to save tire wear and making driving a pleasure. Rosewall Motor Company. When you think of automobiles and service think of Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, Mrs. Ada Cannon, 103 Aiken St. 48-49p FORD AND FRIENDS ' is our business. Rosewall Motor Co. 1940 BUICK sedan. Motor tuned up, new paint and seat covers. Furnace and fiddle. Pay down $145.00. Rosewall Motor Co. WE SPECIALIZE on glass re placement on insurance claims. We cut glass for all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Co. WILL CARE for children in my home by the week or by the day. Mrs. Lincoln Nash. Court street. 48-49p 1937 CHEVROLET Truck. Make us an offer. Rosewall Motor Company. $280.52 with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the 21st day of February, 1950 on his first cause of action; and for the first cause of action; and for the sum of $200.00 with interest from the 6th day of May, 1949 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on his second cause of action; and for the sum of $192.61 with int erest from the 24th day of Sep tember, 1949 at the rate 8 per cent per annum on his third cause of action; and for the sum of $170.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1949 on this his fourth cause of action; and for the sum of $100. 00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 1949 on his fifth cause of action; and for the sum of $430.39 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1949 on his sixth cause of action; and for his costs and dis bursements incurred herein. 1111 You are further notified that the following described proper ty hpioncrine to the defendants has been attached and will, be condemned and appropriated to the satisfaction of judgment re covered against either of th named defendants; Two certifi cates of one hundred shares each of Columbia Gas and Electric Corp, Stock. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Couny Court of Mor row County, State of Oregon, which order was made and en tered on the 23rd day of January, 1951. BRADLEY D. FANCHER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Heppner, Oregon. Date of first publication, Janu uary 25, 1951. 45-49 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, administrator of the estate of John J. Lane, de ceased, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to file the same with proper vouchers attached with the administrator at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publish ed this 8th day of February, 1951. JOHN LANE, Administrator. 47- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, administrator of the Es tate of ANNIE HYND, deceased; and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified by law to the administrator at the law of fice of P. W. Mahoney at Hepp ner, Oregon; within six months from the date hereof. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISH ED this 15th day of February, 1951. DAVID HYND, Administrator of the Estate of ANNIE HYND, Deceased. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for the Administrator Heppner, Oregon 48-52 SUMMONS Equity No. 3936 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW E. A. DREW. FRANK T. ALLEN, GRACE M. WARD, FRED L. ALLEN, ALICE A. CHRIST MAN, AND JESSIE G. TOOL. Plaintiffs, -vs- WESLEY E. MCNABB, AND JANE DOE MCNABB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; EDNA P. JEW ELL and JOHN DOE JEWELL, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; G. C. READ, SR., and, MARY DOE READ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs EDWARD V. READ and JANE DOE READ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; EARL ENE BURT and RICHARD DOE BURT, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BETH LEEPER and JOHN DOE LEEPER, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; MARY JANE COOPER, and RICHARD DOE COOPER, her hushanri whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; GUS C. READ, JR., and JANE DOE READ, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; CHES TER KAPLA and MARY DOE KAPLA, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs, and JANE DOE KAPLA; FRANCIS GRIFFIN and RUTH GRIFFIN, his wife; VERDA RITCHIE; LYDIA BALL and GLEN BALL, her husband; VENA REISER and RALPH KEISER, her husband; P. S. GRIFFIN and JESSIE M. GRIF FIN, his wife; GLADYS GRIF FIN BAKER and John Doe BAKER, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DEAN F. GRIFFIN and MARY DOE GRIFFIN, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; CHARLES CLUBB, and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; DONALD A. MASON and MARY DOE MASON, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CLIFFORD F. CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; HERB ERT CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; LESTER CLUBB and MA RY DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CHARLES CLUBB, JR., and MARY DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; DALE CLUBB and MARY DOE CLUBB. his wifo whnoo true name is unknown to plaintiffs; RONALD CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is nn. known to plaintiffs; DORIS CLUBB and JOHN DOE CLUBB, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BECCA LOU BUN NELL and RICHARD ROE BUNNELL; her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; PAULINE NEL SON and JOHN DOE NEL SON, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; AVIS BUNNELL and JOHN DOE BUNNELL, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; GLEN- DA SCHLEIN and JOHN DOE ; SCHLEIN, her husband, whose j true name is unknown to plaintiffs; SHARON WAYNE CLUBB, and JOHN DOE CLUBB, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; PATIENCE MC NABB, and JOHN DOE MC NABB, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; EARL BEASLEY and MARY DOE BEASLEY, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; LEN NA HAWK and JOHN DOE HAWK, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; KATE ALLEN and RICHARD DOE ALLEN, her hubsand, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; JACK PHILLIP BEASLEY and MA RY DOE BEASLEY, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BLANCHE KECK and JOHN DOE" KECK, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; HAR RY C. KNOX and JANE DO KNOX, his wife, whose true . name is unknown to plaint iffs; PHILLIP KNOX and JANE DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CARL W. KNOX and JANE DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; EARL L. KNOX and MARY DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CLIF FORD KLEITZ and JANE DOE KLEITZ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; JENNIE O, ROUKE and JOHN DOE ROUKE, her hus band, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; DAISY WOODEN and JOHN DOE WOODEN, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BERYL KLEITZ and JOHN DOE KLEITZ, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DA MON KLEITZ and JOHN DOE KLEITZ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; KEITH TAYLOR and JANE DOE TAYLOR, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BILLY TAYLOR and MARY DOE TAYLOR, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; CHARLES R. MCDOWELL and MARY DOE MCDOWELL, his wife, whose true name si unknown to plaintiffs; MARIE HERB EST and JOHN DOE HERB EST, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaint iffs; MILDRED I. REISS and RICHARD ROE REISS, ner America's largest and c Refreshingly new IN ALL THE THINGS YOU WANT AMERICAN BEAUTY DESIGN AMERICA-PREFERRED BODIES BY FISHER MODERN-MODE INTERIORS MORE POWERFUL JUMBO-DRUM BRAKES (with DM-Ule Uvetleit Brake llnlngi) SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPROVED CENTER-POINT STEERING (and Ctntw-Polol Dan) MORI PIOPU RUT CHIVROUTI THAN ANT OTHER CAR I HODGE Chevrolet Company husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; ROB ERT MCDOWELL and MARY DOE MCDOWELL, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; ALSO all the un known heirs of PHILIP MC NABB, Deceased; ALSO, all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, ti tle, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: WESLEY E. MCNABB,1 and JANE DOE MCNABB, his' wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; EDNA P. JEWELL and JOHN DOE JEW ELL, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; G. C. READ, SR., and MARY DOE READ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; ED WARD V. READ and JANE DOE READ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; EARL INE BURT and RICHARD DOE BURT, hpr hushand. uihnw trno name is unknown to plaintiffs; BETH LEEPER and JOHN DOE LEEPER, her husband, whose true name is unknown to nlain. tiffs; MARY JANE COOPER, and RICHARD DOE COOPER, her husband, whose true name is un known to nlaintiffs- flTTS r READ, JR., and JANE DOE Kfc,AD, his wife, whose true name is unknown to nlaintiffs- rttF:. TER KAPLA and MARY DOE KAPLA, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; and JANE DOE KAPT.A- FRAN. CIS GRIFFIN and RUTH GRIF FIN, his wife; VERDA RITCHIE; LYDIA BALL and GLEN BALL, her husband; VENA KEISER and RALPH KEISER, her husband, P. S. GRIFFIN and JESSIE M. GRIFFIN, his wife; GLADYS GRIFFIN BAKER and JOHN DOE BAKER, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DEAN E. GRIFFIN and MARY DOE GRIFFIN, his wife, whnw true name is unknown to plain- tuts; CHARLES CLUBB, and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DONALD A. MASON and MARY DOE MASON, his wne, wnose true name is un known to plaintiffs; CLIFFORD F. CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whoes true name is unknown to plaintiffs; HERBERT CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plain tiffs; LESTER CLUBB and MARY DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CHARLES CLUBB, JR., and MARY DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DALE CLUBB and MARY DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; RONALD CLUBB and JANE DOE CLUBB, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs: BECCA LOU RUN. NELL and RICHARD ROE BUN NELL, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; PAULINE NFT.SON anrf .inmi DOE NELSON, her hushanri whose true name is unknown to ' plaintiffs; AVIS BUNNELL and' rJii-iTJ.Y-.in-L.n JOHN DOE BUNNELL, her hus band, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; GLENDA SCHLEIN and JOHN DOE SCHLEIN, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plain tiffs; SHARON WAYNE CLUBB, and JOHN DOE CLUBB, her hus band, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; PATIENCE MCNABB, and JOHN DOE MC NABB, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; EARL BEASLEY and MARY DOE BEASLEY, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; LENNA HAWK and JOHN DOE HAWK, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; KATE ALLEN and RICHARD DOE ALLEN, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; JACK PHILLIP BEAS LEY and MARY DOE BEASLEY, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; BLANCHE KECK and JOHN DOE KECK, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; HARRY C. KNOX and JANE DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; PHILLIP KNOX and JANE DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is un. known to plaintiffs: CARL W. KNOX and JANE DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; EARL L. KNOX, and MARY DOE KNOX, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; CLIFFORD KLEITZ and JANE DOE KLEITZ, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs; JENNIE O. ROUKE and JOHN DOE ROUKE, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DAISEY WOODEN and JOHN . DOE WOODEN, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plain tiffs; BERYL KLEITZ and JOHN DOE KLEITZ, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; DAMON KLEITZ and JANE DOE KLEITZ, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; KEITH TAYLOR and JANE DOE TAYLOR, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; BILLY TAYLOR and MARY DOE TAYLOR, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; CHARLES R. MCDOW ELL and MARY DOE MCDOW ELL, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs: MAR IE HERBEST and JOHN DOE HERBEST, her husband, MILD RED I. REISS and RICHARD DOE REISS, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs ROBERT MCDOWELL and MARY DOE MCDOWELL, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; ALSO all the un known heirs of PHILIP MCNABB, Deceased; ALSO, all other per sons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiffs' com plaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this finest low-priced car ! AND YOU'LL KNOW IT'S THE LARGEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS CAR IN ITS FIELD! Walk up to this big, beautiful 1951 Chevrolet with any yardstick of value, and you'll want to enter your order for it right awayl Size? It's the longest and widest car in its field . . . outmeasuring all others . . . America's largest and finest low-priced car. Style? One look at its new America-Preferred Bodies by Fisher will tell you it's the style car of the year. Performance? It brings you today's top combination of thrills and thrift, for it's the only low-priced car with a Valve-in-Head engine trend-leader for the industry! summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will ap ply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint on file herein, to-wit: That the real property describ ed in said complaint, and as fol lows: The southeast quarter of Section 28 in Township two (2) South, Range 24 East of Willamette Merid ian, in Morrow County, Or egon. be ordered sold by the above en titled court, and that a Referee or Referees be appointed for such purpose, and from the pro ceeds of such saie pay the cost and disbursements of this suit, a reasonable attorney's fees to be determined by said court and the cost of reference, and the residue be paid to the owners of said real property, according to their respective shares therein, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equit able, This summons is published by order of the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, made and entered on the 21st day of February, 1951, directing publication of this summons upon you once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette limes, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Mor row County, Oregon, and of gen eral circulation therein and the date of the first publication of this summons is February 22nd, 1951. 49-1 JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for plaintiff, Residence and post of fice addresss Heppner, Oregon o WANTED Year round job on ranch for family of three. Bud Marshall, Lexington, Ore. 49-51p FULLER BRUSH NOTICE The Fuller Brush Man will be in Heppner and vicinity Feb. 27, 28 and March 1 and 2. The spe cial this trip will be "Lifetime Guaranteed" clothes brushes for $3.25. Don't miss the many low priced NEW ITEMS we now have. 49-50c THE HEPPNER FLOWER SHOP is brimming with your favor ite spring blooms in both pot ted plants and cut flowers. Or der yours now. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP The Smart New Stylelina D lux 2-Door Sedan (Continuation of standard1 equipment and trim illuttrateti U dependant on availability of material.) it iigj i WITH TIME-PROVED POWER tflufe, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Combination of Powerglide Automatic Tram mission and 105-h.p. engine optional on Dt Luxe models at extra cost.