Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 22, 1951, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 22, 1951
30 Years Ago
February 24, 1921
Lambing has started at several
of the ranches down the creek
$fl?m ""Tailor-d by
fin Dayi
I I Year-round Wejr
I li for Work-ForPliy
K i Tht famous long
I f i wearing Rjngtr
I F Whipcord
I 100 Virgin Wool
f Nvr-rip $jmi
Zip ty nd CuHf
Wilson's Men's Wear
The Store of Personal Service
and the present cold wet weather
makes conditions very unfavor
able. John B. Carmichael who has
been very ill at his home, suffer
ing from erysipelas is now im
proving and will be around ag
ain soon.
It is expected that there will be
a gratifying report from the com
mittee on public playgrounds at
the next meeting of the Brother
hood. One of the main things that
Heppner needs just now is the
completion of the Willow Creek
Word was received here of the
death of Henry Johnson in Salem,
There are 50 million people
facing starvation in China and
foodstuffs are badly needed. Or
egon will be asked to contribute,
according to S. E. Notson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Luttrell of
Enterprise have been visiting at
the M. D. Clark home this week.
The ladies are Bisters.
Word has been received from
Frank W. Turner who is sojourn
ing at Hot Lake that he is im
proving and expects to be re
leased in a few days.
Judge Campbell reports that
the big rock crusher just recently
placed at Jordan Siding to pre
market road from the Siding to
pare rock for hte surfacing of the
the concrete bridge went entirely
out of commission after enough
rock for one mile had been crush
ed. Now that Heppner's library is
open to the public six days a
week it is sadly in need of books.
The ladies are asking for books
now. Mrs. L. G. Herren is the'li
brarian. HEPPNER
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister.
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a. m. Special music by the
choir, Oliver Creswick, director.
Sunday Church school at 9:45
a. m. We have a class for every
age beginning at 3 years old. Al
so Adult Bible ciass and Youth
Mid-week prayer service
Fellowship class.
Thursday at 7 p. m.
Thursday choir practice at 7:30
p. m.
Woman's Society of Christian
Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month at 8 p. m. Su
zanna Wesley Circle of the Wo
mans Society of Christian Service
meets the third Wednesday of
each month at 2:30 p. m.
Youth for Christ with the mov
ie "38th Parallel" at the Church
of Christ Monday, Feb. 26 at 7:30
p. m.
Youth Fellowship district con
vention at the Methodist church,
Pendleton, Friday and Saturday
Feb. 23 and 24.
This Sunday, Feb. 25 is Lay
men's Sunday. The laymen of our
church will conduct the entire
service at 11 a. m. Come and hear
Claude Riley, Pastor.
Services: Sunday school 10 a.
m. Worship 11 a. m. Evening ser
vice, 7 o'clock.
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy Communion 8 'a. m.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11
Informal service and instruc
tion 7:30 p. m.
Week day services: Holy Com
munion, Wednesday at 10 a. m.;
Friday at 7:30 a. m.
Choir practices: Boys meet 2:30
to 3:45 Wednesday; girls 4 to 5;
adult choir Thursday evening at
Boy Scouts, 7:30 to 9, Wednes
day evening.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
7:45, except Monday. Something
special every service. Everyone
9:45 a. m., Bible school a claff
for every age.
11 a. m., worship service.
7 p. m., Singspiration.
7:45 p. m., Revival meeting
with Evangelist C. W. Ahalt as
speaker. Services every night at
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday servicers: 9:45 a. m.,
Bible school with classes for all;
C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11
a. m, morning worship and com
munion. Young people's fellow
ship 6 p. m., followed by devo
tional service at 6:30; Mrs. R. J.
McKowen, leader.
Evening worship, 7:30 p. m.,
with song service and evangelis
tic message.
Thursday 7 p. m., choir prac
tice, led by Mrs. Willard Warren,
i Bible study and prayer meeting
at 8 o'clock. Remember, "While
the world is at its worst, the
church should be at its best." Go i
to church somwhere Sunday. And I
don't forget the Youth for Christ
motion picture, in sound and
coir, "38th Parallel" recently
filmed in Korea. It will be shown
Monday (7:30 p. m.) at this
Other Fellow Always To Blame
It is a human trait practiced by most of us to
lay our mistakes at the door of others. Just what
is hoped to be gained is not always apparent but
we are reluctant to admit our weaknesses or lack
of ability to properly handle certain jobs or tasks
and seek to cover up by attempting to place the
blame elsewhere.
This tendency seems to grow, and rapidly, when
the performers attain the stature of national
bureaucrats. To make themselves solid with the
administration, they feel called upon to visit of
ficial disapproval on certain industries or big
businesses, more frequently without justification
than with, creating disharmony and distrust
where a little cooperation on their part would
serve to improve conditions. These "brain-trust-ers"
are seldom people with practical experience
and this accounts for their lack of understanding
on a business level. The bureaucrats are not
alone in this matter of taking pot shots at indi
viduals and business. It pops up frequently in
the halls of Congress, as witness an announce
ment, from the Senate Agriculture Sub-Committee
as saying a report would be made soon in
which it would be emphasized that "there is need
for rolling back the margins of the meat packers
and the retailers to those existing prior to the war
in Korea." It was further stated that "through
1950 packers, who were paying little more for
cattle, gradually raised their spread."
This is a meat growing region and we believe
the people here, growers and consumers alike,
have an interest in learning the facts as outlined
by the Industrial News Review. Says the Review:
Fact number 1 is that, during 1950, the meat
packers actually paid more for live cattle on the
hoof than they obtained for the dressed beef at
wholesale. Over the year the 600 pounds of beef
obtained from a 1,000 pound steer sold $15 to $25
less than was paid for the live animal. The dif
ference was made up by the value of the by-products,
which are saved and sold by meat packers.
Fact number 2 is that choice steers were selling
on the Chicago market during the first two weeks
of this year at $6.02 per hundredweight higher
than in the period immediately preceding the
outbreak of hostilities in Korea. However, during
the same period the wholesale value in New York
of choice beef rose only $3.99 per hundredweight.
Fact number 3 is the most compelling of all.
During 1950, the packers' profits from all sources
averaged less than one cent per pound of meat
sold which certainly refutes the charge of "ex
cessive mark-up."
On the retail level the profit made on meat,
like other foods, is always modest competition,
combined with consumer resistance to high
prices, takes care of that. It's high time the bur
eaucrats stopped trying to place the blame for
inflation on those who can do nothing about it,
comments the Review.
Use All Of The Tree
A short time since there appeared an article on
this page from the George Peck service relative
to extension of manpower through the simple
process of employees turning out more work and
working a few more hours each week. If that is
a solution to the manpower problem it could well
prove to be the answer to other factors in our na
tional economy. A striking example is the timber
Those who are in a position to know claim that
extensive industries could be built up through
utilization of timber waste following the average
cutting operations; that instead of burning trim
mings they be salvaged and combined with the
less merchantable types of trees in the manu
facture of various products which find a ready
market. Salvage should be carried a step farther,
as pointed out by Glen Parsons, and include the
stumps left from falling operations. Although in
the main all of the usable part of the tree is
taken at the time of cutting, it is apparent to the
foresters that if a plant were set up for convert
ing waste into something valuable the stumps
would contribute tremendously to the volume of
raw products.
Faced with ultimate dissipation of the forests,
it is time to take stock of what we have and do
some planning to Stretch the visible supply over
a longer period of years. It is possible that in the
waste material there may be the means of offer .
ing substitutes for the natural woods that would
serve to place a check on the rapid depletion of
the forests and preserve some of this invaluable
resource for future generations.
The Chamber of Commerce has been urged to
make a study of the timber situation as it exists
in Morrow county. This is with particular refer
ence to the possibility of establishing facilities
for utilizing waste material. It is not known what
action has been taken by the committee having
the assignment, but if nothing has been done it
is pertinent to urge early action. If we are serious
about it we should not wait until other interests
have bought up or contracted for all available
material. Such a move is already underway and
can be forestalled if local interests show a dis
position to defend their own rights. Too much
business territory has already been lost to Hepp
ner, territory that with a little foresight could
have been retained. From here on out we must
guard our interests with earnest zeal, and one way
to do this is to make the best of the resources at
our command. These resources are ample if we
but develop them. And we must develop them
for our own aggrandizement if we expect to reap
any benefits worth mentioning.
One of the topics discussed at the Oregon News
paper Conference in Eugene was "Deadlines."
That may not have as definite a meaning to the
layman as it has to a newspaperman, yet in a
way it does affect the subscriber. The manner in
which deadlines around the newspaper office are
met decides whether or not the paper will meet
the deadline for publication. Hence, if the editor
drags along in getting his editorial page written
up, or correspondents and reporters take their
own time about turning in their news, it matters
not whether the advertising department is on
schedule the paper will be late getting to press.
Publishing a newspaper is a streamlining pro
cess in which the governing factor is deadlines,
A weekly publication cannot make the mail on
time if the several departments fail to make their
respective deadlines. When that happens things
get sort of scrambled up, with one department
waiting on the others, and eventually, after long
hours of waiting for the mechanical department
to work its way out of the avalanche of copy and
make up, the paper goes to press.
Meeting the deadline is more essential than
ever, what with the scarcity of help and the high
cost of production. For that reason, this news
paper like many others, is trying to change its
habits and publish Thursday's paper on Thursday
instead of Thursday's paper on Friday. With the
thoughtful cooperation of advertisers and corres
pondents this can be accomplished if the editor
ial staff doesn't fall down on the job.
1 isUis, fist- TS VI &
Skirts, Jackets, and Weskits in fk '
Matching Solids and Gay Spring ygmjf
Plaids. A perfect send-off for a 0m Jm
colorful season. PfPP
Skirts 14.95 : Jackets 19.95
' expansion Band J
lW--.-.-.-.-r W,
Peterson's Jewelers
75 ? yowg mt7 who wishes fo
sfavco? hs owr? 1wo feet
This eight-month-old named Erasmus Jones
Is saying (with dignified overtones) -"Dependency
is an awkward state .'
It's time I started to pull my weight.
You in particular I can thank i
By paying your wage
. . from my own piggy bank!"
"Rfcdy," Erasmus says, "you're keen.
You work to keep my laundry clean."
"You'll be glad to know," is the Reddy reply,
"That electricity is a wonderful buy.
You can put away your nickels and diwes,
My pay is still pennies
in spite of the times!"
PP&L electric rates are low! Yes, in spite of rising costs of
almost everything else you buy, the average price paid for
Reddy Kilowatt's services is 40 lower than in 1940.
During the same period, other costs of living have gone up
more than 80.
PP&L rate cuts since 1940 have meant total net savings
to customers of more than 18 million dollars. No wonder
people here say: "Electric service is the biggest bargain in
the budget I"