14 u . w " -AUDITOR 1UM - RLIC :,or t Volume 67, Number 49 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 22, 1951 .CiO ii wilted What's Doing In The Legislature By REP. GILES FRENCH No decision is in Bight at the end of the sixth round.-There is evidence that the budget is be ing trimmed as much as possible (or as much as ways and means thinks is possible) and the house taxation committee wherein must arise all new revenue has only one real money raising bill before it. That lis the Rex Ellis sales tax bill, now revamped so that the money goes into the general fund and income exemptions are dou bled. As sales tax bills go it is a pretty good one. There will surely be a cigar nus or perhaps a bill to put a sur-tax on the income tax for ette tax bill for the soldiers bo the same purpose. Proposals have been made for some small nui sance taxes but they are not tak en seriously so far. These include theatre admissions, transfer of property tax similar to the fed eral stamp tax on realty 1 sales, additional taxes on beer and a few others which would raise thousands where millions are needed. The little stuff is getting work ed out of the legislature by now and this means things like fire cracker bills, fish closure bills, oleo bills. Before long it will be time to pass on the highway program, which includes higher taxes on trucks, bonds for new construction and a higher sched ule of fines for overloading; the taxation program which consists of the recommendations of the interim tax study committee for fewer exemptions and a broad ened tax base, the tax commiss ion's program of tightened col lections and perhaps some new taxes; the Holy report for a changed organization of state school districts; the "little Hoov er" recommendations that would put the revenue system of the state under the governor with re. sponsibility on him; reapportion ment; and whether the state should begin economizing now or nexi session when it has to. The 6tory from Washington that Lowell Stockman might be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board has found an interested i audience in Salem where all members are self-considered as potential governors, etc. If such an appointment should be made, which does not -appear overlike ly, the governor would have to call a special election, the nom inating committees of the 18 county central committees would meet and choose candidates, in dependent candidates would cir culate petitions and the race would be on. Reason: members of the house of reprsentatives are by the federal constitution elect ed by the people and cannot be appointed by the governor as can senators who in theory represent the states. . Perhaps one of the major questions before this legislature is whether the rural representa tives can stand together or not. If they allow themselves to be di vided they will probably lose on all counts; if they stick together they should win on most counts. Interesting comment on this was made by a delegation from New York which came to learn about highways from Oregon. They have a similar problem. In that state up-state controls. Politics, party politics, has nothing to do with New York. Legislators are either up-state or down-state, rural or urban, and they are so guided. In Oregon legislators have been independent and in clined to float around in their opinions without regard to any thing but their own personal in clinations. These fine, free days may be at an end unless a sat isfactory reapportionment bill can be found that would not di vide the state on the basis of city-country. There are soldiers about, stay ing at the hotels, walking the streets and visiting the legisla ture. Whether it is war or police action there are uniforms and men away from home, and men dying, and young men are get ting ready to serve and train and postpone their lives, and if there was some one bold enough and tough enough to clarify the sit uation with a breath of good fresh air it would help everyone. It would certainly be in the Am erican tradition for a leader to speak out with a program and let us be beaten or victorious. Mrs. Phil Hirl of Stanfield is a patient at the Pioneer Memorial hospital as the result of an ac cident at the family home. She Buffered a possible broken heel when she stepped into a con crete irrigation trough. She will hp taken to the Dome of her daughter. Mrs. Rose Francis, when the nature of her injury is determined. Mrs. Allen Case left Friday for Portland to attend market week WASHINGTON AS A MAN DISCUSSED BY STUDENT Marion Green gave a fine talk on George Washington at the luncheon meeting of the Soropti mist Club of Heppner today. He approached his subject from a different angle, that is a bit un usual, thereby making his talk most interesting, stressing the "Father of His Country" as a man, his characteristic reactions and beliefs. The program was fittingly closed with Mrs. Lucy Rodgers reading America. Several members were absent at today's meeting, including Miss Leta Humphreys and Mrs. John Saager who are in the city marketing for their drug stores. o Empire Machinery Co.'s Open House Draws Large Crowd The Bible story of the loaves and the fishes had its counter part here Tuesday when the Empire Machinery company's open house attracted a large crowd to town. Instead of loaves and fishes, the menu served by Manager Bob Grabill and his crew consisted of sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans and coffee. It seemed that every time the supplies ran low Bob waved a spoon in the air and fresh sup plies appeared. Although the crowd at this year's party was a little smaller than last year, more than 270 people formed 'in line and were served in the spacious showroom of the company's plant. The afternoon program was given at the Star theater where a film treating on the part mech anized equipment plays in our modern economy and another of a less serious nature were shown. o LOOKS LIKE COUNTY WILL HAVE MANY FIVE PERCENTERS SAYS DIX Only six days remain for tax payers to get to the court house with their statements. Unless thoro ia a srippdinf? un in the bringing or maiiing in 0f the statements a lot ot ioiks are go ing to be sorry, says Assessor W. O. Dix. It is not the desire of the as sessor to levy the fine authorized by law and demanded of that of ficial to enforce, but the time is fast arriving when he must act if the taxpayers dilly-dally ar ound any longer. While many statements have arrived at the assessor's desk since this time last week, Dix ex pressed the opinion that Morrow county will have a big list of five percenters unless a lot of folks bestir themselves in the next few days. o Fossil Falcons To Meet Mustangs on Local Gym Court In the last scheduled home game of the season the Heppner "5" and reserves, to the man, are determined to upset the Falcons of Wheeler county and gain re venge for the loss suffered, earl ier in the season when the locals were defeated 49-42 on the visit ors' home court. This game promises to be a real "corker" and Coach Whit beck promises to show the fans his ball club at their best. The Heppner squad started slow but for a young team has developed very fast and is just now reach ing this peak, which is an ideal set up as far as tournament play It is hoped that the local tans will turn out in numbers and cheer this gritty little ball club and perhaps spur the boys on to victory. o Sales Of Sayings Bonds Much Higher Statewide sales of E savings bonds in January were the high est since April of last year, ac cording to James H. Driscoll, Morrow county Savings bond chairman. Total E bond sales amounted to $2,644,062, while F and G ser ies sales totaled $1,596,141. "This large E bond sale repre sents the limit buying that cus tomarily takes place during the first calendar month of each year," Driscoll said. "Many investors in the state pur chased last month all of, or a portion of, their limit of 10 thou sand dollars in the E series for 1951. January sales throughout the county amounted to $21,187. Of this amount all were in E bonds. Court Notifies Three Men of Choice For County Fair Board Boardman, lone, Heppner Included In Appointments Morrow county has been with out a fair board for approximate ly three months while the county court has made a canvass of like ly material to fill the expired and unexpired terms of the for mer board, Orville Cutsforth, chairman, R. B. Ferguson and Ralph Skoubo. The canvass brought out three names which the court felt would make a good working team and notices have been sent to Wulard Baker, Boardman, Garland Swanson, lone and Stephen Thompson, Heppner. Baker, if he accepts, will serve a three-year term, Ralph Skoubo's term having ex pired; Swanson, chosen to fill the unexpired term of Cutsforth, will serve one year, and Thompson, taking Ferguson's unexpired term will serve two years. Each appointee has had ample time to decide whether or not to accept and it is presumed the appoint ments will stand. All three men are capable suc cessful operators in their respect ive lines. All three are busy men, but the court disregarded this factor inasmuch as busy people are the ones who usually get the most done and that is the type of leadership needed in conducting county tair business. Another appointment made by the court this month had to do with the hospital board. John Krebs of Cecil, member of the or iginal board, was reappointed to serve for five years. Krebs has taken an active interest in the affairs of the hospital manage ment and the court was pleased to find that he was willing to serve again. His appointment reads as of January 1, 1951. o Kathleen F. Hughes ' Early Resident of Heppner Country Services were held at 11 o'clock a. m. Monday at the All Saints Episcopal church, for Mrs. Kath leen F. Hughes, early day resid ent of Heppner who passed away February 16 in Portland. Rev. El von L. Tull read the service, Mrs. Lucy Peterson sang "Eye Hath Not Seen," and there were two hymns by the audience. Interment was in the Heppner Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Hughes was born August 26, 1851 at Waterford, Ireland and was 99 years, five months and 20 days of age at time of her death. She was instrumntal in organizing the Episcopal church here and although she had long been a resident of Portland her heart remained with the Hepp ner church and her residence pro perty in Portland was bequeath ed to the congregation of All Saints. Mrs. Hughes is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John Halbot and Mrs. William Whitfield of Portland; a son, Dr. W. G. Hughes of Walla Walla; two sisters, Miss Rada Smith and Miss Eva Smith, Portland; five grandchildren. Raymond Hughes, Edwin Hughes Mrs. Robert E. Livingston. Mrs. Lawrence Lutcher, and Mrs. Gene Kooison; and eight great grand children. Everett Keithlev is in Spattio this week representing the Rose- wan Motor company at a Fordo matic school. As the namo m. plies, he is taking a course in the mei-nanics or tne new Ford drive to be prepared in meeting serv ice iiueus. Thos. W. Allen, former emnlovp of the Gazette Times, spent Mon. day in Heppner greeting his inenas. He said he had been traveling much of the time sinrp leaving here a month ago but naa about decided to locate somP place in Oregon, probably on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mnrrrar and children brought Will Mor gan over from Monument Tues day for a medical checkun. "Bill," who spent a large part of his life in Heppner. has nnt hppn feeling too good this winter and says his main occupation has been baby tender for his little grandson. The Morgans are feed ing 225 head of cattle at their ranch in the edge of Monument. Among out-of-town people at tending the funeral services for Mrs. Kathleen Hughes were Rev and Mrs. Bertram Warren of Wal la Walla and Mrs. Mabel Hughes of Milton -Freewater. IUDGE THINKS WASHINGTON REPUTATION FOR TELLING TRUTH WAS NO MYTH Judge William C. Perry told the luncheon group of the Hepp ner chamber of commerce Mon day that he is willing to accept the story about the cherry tree episode and other incidents in the life of the Father of His Country as facts. He bases this opinion on the conduct of George Washington throughout his life his courage in the face of danger and reverses, his conduct as a general, and his leadership as the first president of the United States. O. G. Crawford gave a few highlights on the recent Oregon Newspaper Publishers conference in Eugene and Glenn Parsons added some light on the subject of utilizing timber waste. . o Elks Annual Party Will Observe 54 Years in Heppner One of the largest delegations ever to attend an annual party in Heppner is looked for by officers and members of Heppner Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Protect ive Order of Elks this Saturday evening. This is based on the favorable weather conditions and the fact that the 'entertainment committee has gone all out to make it an event long to be re membered. None but oldtimers herabouts can realize that the Heppner lodge will be observing its 54th anniversary, yet if it was organ ized in 1897 that must be the case. The membership covers three counties, Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler, with Heppner the lodge center and clubs operated here and at Condon. A full day's program has been planned to entertain the mem bership and gueSts from other lodges. Commencing at 2 p. m. with the taking up of the lodge, 31 candidates will make up the initiatory class. At 2 p. m. a par ty for the ladies, dessert bridge and pinochle at the American Legion hall, with all immediate officers' wives participating as hostesses. At 5:30 a buffet sup per will be served to all Elks and their ladies. A floor show under the direction of the Monte Brooks Agency of Portland will be fea tured at 8:30. Dancing to music' supplied by the Brooks agency will run from 10 p. m. to 2 a. m. The ball room has taken on a festive mood in the special light ing and decorations installed for the program. o DAVIDSON PLEADS GUIILTY. DRAWS PAROLED SENTENCE William L. Davidson entered a plea of guilty to a charge of as sault when he appeared before Judge William C. Perry Monday and received a sentence of one year in jail on parole. A new grand jury was drawn Monday, and Judge Perry an nounced he will be back Satur day to hear some civil cases and act on a divorce suit. INCOME TAX YIELD DROPS Collections of personal and cor porate excise tax collections in Oregon during 1950 totaled $43,- 600,000, a drop of $8,000,000 from the 1949 collections and $16,000: 000 lower than the 1948 receipts. Ray Smith, tax commissioner In charge of the income tax div ision made the report Saturday to the state board of control. Unpaid assessments dropped $5,800,000 at the close of 1949 to $4,400,000 a year later in 1950. Personal income taxes paid in 1950 were $30,100,000, down nine per cent from the $32,900,000 col lected in 1949 but payments on delinquent accounts dropped only one per cent. Withholding tax collections in 1950 were 35 Der cent of the total and were 5.5 per cent higher than in 1949. Corporation excise taxes were down nearly 30 per cent in 1950 as compared with the $19,200, 000 collected in 1949. Tax Com missioner Ray Smith is gratified with the good showing made by the fraud department establish ed in his department about eight months ago. During the last two quarters of 1950 this branch un Mustangs Bow To Condon In Over Time Thriller Local 5 Bounces 3ack To Shellack Boardman 62-40 In a real court thriller, the strong Condon Bluedevils, play ing on their home court, defeat ed the Heppner basketball squad 52-50 in a game which saw the winners forced into two overtime periods to gain the nod. The end of the regular time found both teams tied up 48-4"8. The last ov ertime was knotted at 50-50, and Condon, after controlling the jump and with McLaughlin pumping in a fast basket had won the game 52-50. The game was characterized by clean court play and good sportsmanship was exhibited by both teams and benches. The Heppner team continues to show vast improvement, which was proved in the Condon game where they forced the league champion to the limit, and will undoubtedly be at maximum ef ficiency for the district tourna ment which will be held at The Dalles February 28 through March 3. This tournament feat ures 16 teams from District No. 6, and no team is favored to be crowned champions and earn a berth in the state playoffs. The entire sauad Dlaved fine "heads up" basketball. Jim Prock and Green with 17 and 15 points led Heppner scoring. Conboy, Mc Laughlin and Patee paced Con don's attack. In Tuesday's game with Board- man the score was close only the first quarter, and with the ex ception of the 2nd Quarter the game was closer than the score indicated. In this quarter the Mustangs pumped in 24 Doints against 6 for the losers and raced on to a 38-19 half time lead. Prock with 4 consecutive baskets and Connor with three led this attack. The regulars watched a considerable part of the 2nd half irom the bench and the potent reserves were able to hold the visitors in check. Gary Connor checked in wit 22 points, which constituted high for the evening and established a high individ ual scoring mark for the present season. Again, all boys played "heads up" ball and worked the ball in well for the close easy shots which wins ball games. The Heppner "B" squad con tinued to roll along to an out standing season's record and two victories during the week brought their record up to 17 wins against 3 reversals. They first defeated the Condon Re serves 46-34, as Wendell Connor and Roland Taylor with 13 and 1 points led the offensive punch. In Tuesday's game, a strone sec ond half surge posted a 48-22 victory over the Boardman Bees. Darrel Ployhar, promising fresh man team candidate spearhead ed the victory with 13 well-earned points, while drawing fine support from the rest of the squad. covered 42 cases and collected $120,384.95. TUNNEL AND BOMB SHELTER A six lane tunnel thru Council Crest from Portland to the Tual atin valley is proposed in a bill just introduced in the house by Rep. Earl Fisher of Washington county. The design of the tunnel would make it useful for auto mobile traffic or as a bomb shel ter. The state highway department has been asked by Fisher to in vestigate other possible shelter sites that could do double duty, with construction to begin if and when emergency funds were ap propriated. WINCHELIZING Going to be a long legislative session. Bills hatching out like termites. Big issues getting com plicated. These legislators may crawfish on the firecracker ban and have their own celebration in Salem on the 4th of July . . . Fred W. Packwood who writes the daily digest of legislative bills is the grandson of William H. Packwood, last survivor (by 20 years) of the Oregon consti tutional convention held in Sa lem 1857. Grandpa Packwood, whose name is inscribed on the walls of the Capitol did a good job. So we nominate Fred as a member of the second congress ional convention scheduled for 1954 in Salem. . . . . Just when the agriculture committee thought they had the colored oleo bill strangled Rep. Joe Harvey yelled, "Who are you WORKMEN REARRANGING VAN HORN BUILDING A crew of the McCormick Con struction company workmen from Pendleton is rapidly trans forming the Van Horn building from a one-room to a two-room status. The ceiling is being low ered, partitions run and new lighting system installed. When completed, a matter of three days, according to the con tractor, the rooms will be occu pied by Mary Van's Flower Shop and a Mode o' Day ladies apparel shop. The building has been va cant since the Red & White gro cery store moved out the latter part of November, 1950. o 10 Draftees Going From Draft Center At Condon Tuesday The largest class of draftees yet to leave the district at one time will leave the draft center at Condon February 27. Included in the class are six regular draf tees and four volunteers. Of these four are from Heppner, two draf tees and two volunteers. The draftees include Russell Wilmer Erickson, Blalock; Jack Albert Ployhar, Heppner; Oliver Frank Calder, Spray; Roy Peter Wheelhouse, Arlington; Billy Eu gene Gentry, Heppner, and Alex ander Fred Dunn, Kinzua. The four volunteers are Rich ard J. Larkin, Condon; Herbert Anthony McLaughlinrregistered as of Heppner but resident of Pendleton; Matthew Hughes, Heppner, and Dwane William Schmidt, Fossil. o Johann Troedsons To Observe Golden Anniversary Sunday Fifty years of married life will be re-lived briefly Sunday by Mr, and Mrs. Johann Troedson of lone in a reception to be held in their honor at the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vern er Troedson, north of lone. Hosts and hostesses will be their child ren and in-laws, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Nottage, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troedson, Her miston; Carl Troedson and Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson. Reception hours will be from 1 to 4 p. m. It has been requested that no gifts be brought. Mr. and Mrs. Troedson were married February 23, 1901 in San Francisco, Calif, and came to lone in 1902. They farmed in the Strawberry district north of lone for many years, selling out a few years ago and retiring to a comfortable home in lone. Cardinals Defeat Irrigon 60 To 24 The lone Cardinals easily de feated Irrigon in a Little Wheat League game at Irrigon on Tues. day night by a score of 60 to 24. Reserves played a good part of the game for the Cardinals. John Bristow led the lone point bar rage with 12 points, lone (60) Ilrrigon (24) Bristow (12) B. Kenney (6) Doherty (8) J. Kenney (4) R. Baker (10) J. Ross (6) D. Baker (9) Smith (6) Peterson (7) Kelly (2) Subs: lone: Kincaid 2, Rea, Brenner 8, Palmer 4. Irrigon: Edwards Cramer. Halftime Score: lone 32, Irri gon 10. Official: MaRoney. o Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wise and daughter Darlene returned home Sunday from Spokane. Darlene was taken ill suddenly a few weeks ago and her parents have been in Spokane ever since. She is now able to eat her meals at the table which is a great gain. She will be bedfast other wise for some time longer as her recuperation will take time. Ralph Benge is on the street again following a. brief illness. He experienced a fainting spell on the street Saturday and was taken to the Pioneer Memorial hospital where it was found no thing serious was the matter and he was released to go home Sun day. o Oliver Creswick of the Phelps Funeral Home has received no tification of his appointment as mortuary coordinator for Morrow county under the civilian defense set up. fellows to discriminate against the colored folks?" .... Jason Lee, tax department personnel, tells of looking through one of the great telescopes when the as tronomer swung the reflector to a nebula that looked like a cloud of illuminated dust and remark ed, "once that was a planet. Probably they got to fooling with the H-bomb." County's New Rock Crusher To Be Set Up For City Job Quarry Near Town Will Be Site For Testing Machinery Contractors Gv D. Dennis & Sons have entered into an agree ment with the county to furnish 1,000 yards of gravel for the North Court street improvement project which is scheduled to start about March 1. The county's new rock crusher will be em ployed in turning out the mater ial. In entering into the contract with the construction concern, the court feels that it will be an opportunity to iron out the bugs" in the equipment It will be set up at the quarry on the Bill Barratt ranch which is only a short distance from the new county machine shop. Breakage or mechanical imperfections can be handled at a minimum of ex pense and loss of time. Judge Garnet Barratt said erec tion of the equipment will start next week. Following completion of the contract here the crushrer will be moved to a site at the Henry Gorger place north of lone where material for surfacing some 15 miles of new road will be turned out The county road crew has built a new road from the George Miller place east to the lone- Boardman highway and some other shorter strips. This is in a light soil belt and will have to be gravelled to make it usable the year long. o Local Baker Takes Bride at Kennewick John Shoemaker, proprietor of the Heppner bakery, and Miss Marian Woodbird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Lucas, were married at 4 o'clock p. m. Satur day, February 17 at the First Me thodist church in Kennewick, Wash., the Rev. A. Wischmeier officiating. Two receptions were held fol lowing the wedding, one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville L. Partch in Kennewick and the other at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lish in Hermiston. The young couple returned to Heppner and are at home in their apartment at the rear of the bak ery building. o STORK VISITS TWICE The stork visited the Pioneer Memorial hospital twice within each occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Al the week and left girl babies on Edwards have a five pound 13 ounce girl born Saturday, Febru ary 17, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caldera of Spray a 7 pound two ounce girl born Wednesday, Feb ruary 21. o VISITING ARTISTS SING TO APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE A small but highly appreciat ive audience greeted the soprano and tenor soloists Friday night who gave a concert at the Hepp ner Church of Christ under the auspices of the Soroptimist Club of Heppner. Mrs. Grant Hutchins and Jess F. Thomas of Hermiston were heard in classical, semi classical and popular selections and won much praise from their listeners. o Richard Calvin of Portland has accepted the position of parts man at the Rosewall Motor com pany and took over his new du ties Monday. He was formerly with the George Lawrence com pany at Pendleton and is not a total stranger to Heppner. His wife and two children will re main in Portland until school closes, early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steers left today for Klamath Falls to at tend the wedding of a nephew of his, Lyle Steers to be held Satur day. i o KING-SHANNON Carl King and Martha Shan non were married Wednesday evening, February 14 at the Me thodist church parsonage, Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien performing the ceremony. Mrs. King has been a resident of Heppner for several years and has been employed In various pursuits. The groom was formerly employed by the Hodge Chevrolet company and more re cently by the Empire Machinery company. He is in the naval re serve and left Saturday for Se attle to be inducted. Mrs. King and daughter Mary will remain in Heppner for the present.