Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 15, 1951 Page 5 WANT ADS THE TIME: 3 p. m. The place: Main street. Where? Heppner. When? Next Saturday. BE THERE! IT MAY BE YOU! Penney's. FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, Mrs. Ada Cannon, 103 Aiken St. 48-49p WILL CARE for children in my home by the week or by the day. Mrs. Lincoln NaBh. Court street. 48-49p 3 ROOM furnished cabin; elec tric stove, hot water furnished; heated wash house; shower bath; Frigidaire. Mrs. Jutstus, Ph. 3233. 48-49p Rosy Says: The large number of trade-ins on the sensational new 1951 Ford gives us the choice of all makes of cars to sell. Keep your eye on our big lot for your transportation needs. FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet se dan. Will take older model trade in. See N. D. Bailey. 47-48p HAS YOUR CAR had its RPM lu brication this month? Drive in for fast service. Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR SALE 1 table, large buf fet and 6 chairs in walnut fin ish. Phone 2382. 47tfc ITS SMART to be seen riding in a new Ford. 1946 OLDSMOBILE club sedan equipped with radio, heater and hydramatic. Pay down $400.00 Rosewall Motor Co. FOR RENT One sleeping room, outside entrance, oil heat. Wal ter Farrens. 48c WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50 Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Nice 5-room home, unfurnished or partially fur nished. See Al Edwards Hill street. 47tfc 1919 PONTIAC Sedan equipped with radio and heater. Pay down $565.00 Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Shop tools vice, anvil, post drill. Priced to sell. Earl Hogue, Heppner, Oregon, 1063. 47.48P TIRES ARE expensive when they wear out fast by having your front wheels out of alignment. We make front end ejection and do wheel balancing with the latest type Electronic bal ancer. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE About 10 ton third cutting baled alfalfa hay. Rea sonable. G. Hermann, lone, Or. 47-49p PORELAINIZE and ride with pride. Let us restore that show room complexion with a Por celainize beauty treatment. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet se dan. Will trade for older mod el. See N. D. Bailey. 46-48p 1940 OLDSMOBILE club coupe. Pay down $145.00. Rosewall Motor Co. THE SMART boys are ordering new Fords now. WE HAVE most popular sizes in tires now. Rosewall Motor Co. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR ROW R. B. RANBS, Plaintiff,, vs. MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, husband and wife, defendants TO: MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, Defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court with in four weeks from the date of the first publication and if you fail so to answer, for want there of, the Plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of $280.52 with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the 21st day of February, 1950 on his first cause of action; and for the first cause of action; and for the sum of $200.00 with interest from the 6th day of May, 1949 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on his second cause of action; and for the sum of $192.61 with int erest from the 24th day of Sep tember, 1949 at the rate 8 per cent per annum on his third cause of action; and for the sum of $170.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1949 on this his fourth cause of action; and for the sum of $100. 00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 1949 on his fifth cause of action; and for the sum of $430.39 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1949 on his sixth cause of action; and for his costs and dis bursements incurred herein. You are further notified that the following described proper ty belonging to the defendants has been attached and will be condemned and appropriated to the satisfaction of judgment re covered against either of the named defendants; Two certifi cates of one hundred shares each of Columbia Gas and Electric Corp. Stock. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Couny Court of Mor row County, State of Oregon, which order was made and en tered on the 23rd day of January, 1951. BRADLEY D. FANCHER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Heppner, Oregon. Date of first publication, Janu uary 25, 1951. 45-49 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, administrator of the estate of John J. Lane, de ceased, and has accepted such trust. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to file the same with proper vouchers attached with the administrator at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publish ed this 8th day of February, 1951. JOHN LANE, Administrator. 47- CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City of Heppner, will on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1951, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. of said day, at the Council Cham bers, in said City receive sealed bids for the leasing of the fol lowing building: That certain building on the City Park, also known as the old Fair Grounds in said City, which building is located between the Gar age building and Willow Creek. It's a 100th Anniversary SPECIAL for the CORNING GLASS WORKS For a limited time only. . . ROUND PYREX CAKE DISHES Regularly Priced at 39c 59c Don't miss this outstanding value. Buy two for layer cakes! HEPPNER Hardware 6 Electric News from C. A. Office Figures on Bangs disease test ing for Morrow County during the month of January, 1951 show that six herds totaling 447 cat tle were tested with only one an imal showing as a reactor. This compares to 13 herds totaling 408 cattle tested in January 1950. There was but one reactor a year ago too. Ranchers who have not tested their cattle recently may have them tested by calling Dr. G. W. Blake, Veterinarian, Pen dleton, or by leaving their re quest at the county agents office. With Morrow County having a Bangs Testing Law, all cattle are required to be tested until found free of the disease. Enforcement of this law is being urged by the Morrow County Livestock Grow ers Association. Much interest is again being Bhown by Morrow County farm ers In establishing improved pas- All bids must be in the pos session of the City Recorder not later than 7:30 P. M., March 5th, 1951, at which time all bids will be opened and considered by the Council. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 8th day of Febru ary 1951. ELIZABETH DIX, City Recorder. 47-48 ture and hay mixtures of grass es and legumes. All but a very small percentage of our farmers are now using grass and alfalfa mixtures for hay seedings. The grasses, Generally Manchar Smooth Brome or Orchard grass is seeded in alfalfa; however, many are now using the new and promising Intermediate Wheatgrass. Grass seeded with alfalfa tends to provide a more balanced palatable hay and holds out undesirable grasses such as cheat, doing away with springtoothing to eradicate these grasses. This results in consider able longer life of the hay seed ings as many plants are destroy ed and diseases quickly spread thru annual cultivation. The new promise for both pasture and hay seedings mixtures, Intrmediate Wheatgrass, iB gaining popular ity rapidly in Morrow County. With seed selling at a high pre mium and hard to get, Morrow County farmers, Ralph Beamer, Heppner, Terrel Benge, lone, El mer Palmer, Heppner and Bill Forthman, Boardman, have se cured seed through the county agent for spring seeding. Seeded in 1950, Gene Cutsforth, Lexing ton, John Hanna, Heppner, and Ralph Taylor, Cecil, are raising Intermediate Wheatgrass in cul tivated rows for seed production. Intermediate Wheatgrass is easier established than many grasses as it emerges under suit able conditions as a vigorous seedling and gives a dense leafy ground cover the first year. It re quires a rainfall of approximate ly 15 inches. The grass reaches the hay stage at least two weeks later than alfalfa which makes for a better quality mixed hay. It begins growth in early spring and is ready to graze 4 to 6 inches about the same time as alfalfa or crested wheatgrass. It makes good growth in early fall. This grass, when seed is avail able, promises to replace most of the smooth brome as a mixture in alfalfa for hay or for pasture. Alta Fescue, Meadow Foxtail, Or chard Grass, Manchar Smooth Brome and Intermediate Wheat grass are some of the grasses be ing chosen to seed with a legume such as Ladino r Strawberry clo ver or alfalfa, depending on con ditions prevailing. Perhaps the largest irrigation pasture seeding to be made this spring is that of Joe Crouch of Boardman. He is seeding 150 acres to a mixture of orchard grass, alta fescue and ladino clover. Four pounds of orchard grass, six pounds of alta fescue and two pounds Ladiono per acre is being seeded. The first Morrow County seeding of the broadleaf strain of Lotus Corniculatus is being seeded soon by Clyde Rob. inson of Boardman. A NEW SHIPMENT OF MAJESTIC TABLE MODEL RA DIOS SELLING FOR ONLY $34.95. Now at Heppner Appliance Store you can see these handsome new ra dios selling for such an unbelievably low cost! Take one home for a free 3 day trial-we're sure you'll decide to keep it. Also see our fine line of Frigidaire ap pliances, Zenith radios, and Duo therm Oil heaters and furnaces. FRIGIDAIRE Heppner Appliance Store An Appreciation Day Merchant SOLONS GET INTO STRIDE It took 30 days to evaluate ma jor problems, clear away bick ering and jockeying by a few log-rolling members and to screen pressure group lobbyists before the present legislature could operate smoothly. If people who are careless in criticising the apparent slowness of the legislature could observe committee room and planning huddles, they would pull their punches. These legislators are just wil ling intermediates for and of the people. Don't sell them short on hearsay. NEW BILLS Sen. Thos. R. Mahoney would require the approval of certain appointments of the governor by the legislature. The governor's appointments of members of the highway commission and liquor commission would have to be approved by the senate and the house. His appointments of mem bers of the board of higher edu cation, the Port of Portland and the health department would re quire the approval of the senate. Approvals would require a two thirds vote of the senate during sessions, or a majority of -a spe cial six man senate committee between sessions. A new measure would reduce the interest on small loans from 3 to 2 per cent a month. Creation of a centralized bur eau of crime investigation that would require city, county and state police to furnish it with in formation for its fingerprint and investigation files, and in turn the bureau would furnish techni cal services to the local law en forcement officers was incorpor ated in a bill introduced Friday. Not only students in college but grade and high school stu dents will be taught the effects of alcohol if two bilte introduced this week become law. Senator Fred Lamport, Salem, has introduced a bill to set aside $15,000 of state funds for im provement of the Pioneer Moth Continued on Page 6 NOW.ON DISPLAY Kciv Silver iitniversaiy Proof for All the World to See that Dollar for JoUar 'm carfPdeata Pontiac 3 THE MOST BEAL'TIFIX TIII.G ON W HEELS With Distinctive New Gull-Wing Styling! AMERICA'S LOWEST -PIIICED STRAIGHT EIGHT 116 Horaepower Brilliant Performance with Regular Ca.l LOn KST-PRirED CAR WITH I1V1HI A. MATIC DHIVE Made Even Smoother and More Enjoyable for 19511 SILVER STREAK PERFORMANCE With Your Choice of Engine., Powerful Straight Eight or Dependable, Economical Six! n xi mors new interiors Beautiful New Fabrica, New Color Hannonie. Comfortable Deep-reat Seata. SL'PER-SPRING RIDE With New Extra Long Rear Spring, and Smooth Riding Low PreMure Tire. BODIES BY FISnER Strong. Rugged, Beautifully Styled and Built of All Steel. BriLT TO LAST I OO.OOO MILES In the Pontiac Tradition of Economical, Dependable Service for a Long, Long Time! Optionol at extra ooj Farley Pontiac Co. I We're proud as can be to announce the opening of our brand new portrait studio, "The Picture Shop." We'd like to invite you all to come and see us in our fine loca tion in the Farra building. . . .we're sure you'll like it as much as we do! Hope we can get acquainted soon! THE PICTURE SHOP G. H. and TRIXIE DODSON, Owners Weddings - Portraits - Commercial Work - Photographic Supplies