Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 08, 1951, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 8, 1951
Monument Men
Urge Building of
Wall Creek Hi way
A party of men from Monu
ment are to meet with the coun
ty court in Canyon City on Mon
day in regard to building a road
up the river from Mnnn
Wail creek. This road is badly
nctrueu ana u is nopea tne coun
ty will see its way toward build
ing it.
Mrs. Irene Forrest has heard
from her son Jack since his in
duction into the armed services
He was at Fort Lewis but said
his destination was unknown to
him at that time.
Mr. Beardsley of Salem visited
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Padberg Tractor, Lex.
Omar Rietmann, lone
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightwoys
with time-proved POWER ffluk
-proved by more than a billion miles of performance
in the hands of hundreds of thousands of owners.
'Combination o) Powerglide Automatic Transmission and
lOS-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.
new styling . . . featuring entirely new
grille, fender moldings and rear-end
desion . . . imoartine that longer,
lower, wider blgar look which
from all other cars in its field.
-With new and even more strikingly
beautiful lines, contours and colors . . .
with extra sturdy Fisher Unisteel con-
Curved Windshield
bility ... all combining for smartness, safety, comfort . with up to
his ranch on Sunday. He owns
what is known as the Crouch
ranch below Monument.
Mrs. Reta Cuppor and Mrs.
Bubbles Gates were business
visitors in John Day last Satur
day. Monument Grange is sponsor
ing another of its home talent
plays on February 24 in the
gymnasium. Everyone who en
joys a good laugh should see this
show by all means.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimber
ling of Prairie City are the par
ents of a baby boy born Febru
ary 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fleming
of Monument are the maternal
grandparents. Mr. Kimberling
came for Mrs. Fleming on Satur
day. Mrs. Fleming plans to be
gone two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lynch
left Sunday for Bakersfield, Cal
if. Mrs. Lynch's father who re
sides there has been quite ill.
Mrs. Lynch hopes to be able to
bring him home with them. Mr.
Lynch is employed at the Pow
ell mill.
Mrs. Daisy Simas drove to
John Day and Prairie City on
One of the loveliest parties of
the year was held at the home of
Mrs. Edna Moore Sunday after
noon, honoring Mrs. Anita Pow
ell with a stork shower. Those
present were Mrs .Anita Powell,
Mrs. Wm. Powell Sr., Miss Mary
Elizabeth Powell, Mrs. Lee Roy
Quinlan, Mrs. Ouida Cork, Mrs.
Mattie Stubblefield, Mrs. Reta
Cupper, Mrs. Lydia Capon, Mrs.
Marjet Roach, Mrs. White, Mrs.
Gladys Sewell, Mrs. Helen Brown
Mrs. Linnie Gilman, Mrs. Lula
Settle, Mrs. Millie Wilson, Mrs.
Anna Lesley, Mrs. Mary Lee Les
ley, Mrs. Betty Simas, Mrs. Dar
lene Boyer, and Miss Anita
Moore. Games were played and
. - -. .in, uiiie i neunapie snowing.
sets Chevrolet apart
and Panoramic Visi-
Chevrolet Co.
those winning the awards were
Rota Cupper, Gladys Jewell and
Millie Wilson. Mrs. Powell was
assisted in opening her gifts by
her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm.
Powell Sr. and her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Lee Roy Quinlan. Mrs. Pow.
ell was the recipient of many
lovely and useful gifts. Dainty (
refreshments of sandwiches, sal
ads and coffee were served by
the hostesses, Mrs. Edna Moore,
Miss Anita Moore, Mrs. Darlene
Boyer and Mrs. Betty Simas.
D. Hickman took Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Howell to Bend . on
Thursday to see Mrs. Howell's
Larry Holmes was out of
school last week on account of
sickness. However he is again
back in school. He went to John
Day one day last week to regis
ter with the draft board as he is
now 18 years of age. He was ac
companied bv Vernon Bell who
went to report the accident he
had with Mrs. Jessie Batty's car.
Correction to last week"s
items: All three boys that were
in the wrecked car were injured
and taken to Heppner for medic
al aid. They are all home now
but Vernon Bell had to use
Mrs. Lois Bleakman was ill
last week and her daughter,
Rhoene, had to be absent from
school a few days to care for her.
The show "Fancy Pants" shown
in the old town hall Sunday was
well attended and everyone had
a good laugh.
Word was received by Mrs.
Ivy Barnard that her brother,
Doc Hinton, went to the St. Vin
cents Hospital last Wednesday
and had his operation. At last
reports he was doing as well as
could be expected. Mr. Hinton
has been staying with his daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Buy the car that's refreshingly new, and thoroughly
proved, too . . . the new 1951 Chevrolet!
It's more dependable, more desirable, from its
time-proved Powerglide Automatic Transmission
for finest no-shift driving and Silent Synchro-Mesh
Transmission for finest standard driving at lowest
cost to its time-proved Valve-in-Head engine per-
holstery and appointments of outstand
ing quality, in beautiful two-tone color
harmonies . . . and with extra generous
seating room for driver and all passengers on big,
(with Dubl-Lite rivetless brake linings)
Largest brakes in low-price field . . .
with both brake shoes on each wheel
giving maximum stopping
25 less driver effort.
Mr. Hinton has been sick for
William Kenton at Beaverton.
some time so his many friends
will be glad to know lie is well
on the road to recovery.
Mrs. Annabel Gasner had the
misfortune to fall and hurt her
ankle. She was taken to John
Day last Saturday to consult her
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Forrest and
daughter, Patsy drove to Hepp
ner on Thursday where Miss
Patsy had some dental work
Monument high school student
body officers for next year were
elected at a recent student body
meeting. Anita Moore was elect
ed president, Don Gilman, vice
president, Isobel Leathers, treas
urer. The post of sergeant of
arms fell to Douglas Caler. Plans
for the school play and dance
to be held March 17 were dis
cussed and Mrs. McLaughlin an
nounced play practice will start
Monument was host to the
teams from Mitchell high school
Friday night in basket ball and
volley ball. The visitors proved
ungracious as they left victorious
in both games by close scores.
Vernon Bell has been absent
from school the last few days
due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin had
the misfortune to have their
kitchen stove explode last week
while dinner was being prepar
ed. Due to the cold weather last
week the coils in the stove had
frozen, so when the fire became
hot the stove exploded. Fortun
ately no one was in the kitchen
at the time and only minor dam
age was done.
The basketball and volleyball
teams from Ukiah high school
will appear here Friday, Febru
ary y. mis marks the first time
The Smart
yes - refreshing
formance. So powerful and efficient that Valve-in-Head
design is the trend-leader of the industryl
Take one look at the following features and
then visit our showroom and see Chevrolet for 1951
in all its sterling quality and you'll know it's
America's largest and finest low-priced car. Better
see it today!
Oyf'- 'i hanging upper crown to eliminate re
iXis! flections in windshield from instrument
lights . . . and plain,
in front of driver.
- power
Knee-Action Ride is
in its price range.
Heppner, Ore.
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church School 9:45 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon
11 o'clock.
Informal service and instruc
tion 7:30 p. m.
Week day services: Holy Com
munion Wednesday at 10; Fri
day at 7:30 a. m. Choir practices:
Wednesday afternoon Boys
from 2:30 to 4, girls from' 4 to 5.
Adult choir Thursday evening
at 8.
Boy Scouts Wednesday even
ing, 7:30 to 9.
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a. m. Special music by the
choir. Oliver Creswiek, director.
Sunday Church Sohcol at 9:45
a. m. We have a class for every
age three years old and over. Al
so Youth Fellowship class and
Adult Bible class.
Choir practice Thursday at
7:30 p. m.
Thursday mid-week prayer
service at 7 p. m.
Youth for Christ with Joe Brill,
a nationally known Youth for
this school has appeared locally
and much interest is being evi
denced. Larry Holmes was absent from
school Monday as he accompan
ied his father, Clarence Holmes
to Portland on a business trip.
The high school paper has
been accorded the honor of being
invited to compete nationally
with other school papers by the
school of journalism of Columbia
University, New York. We feel
sure Monument will make a
creauaoie showing
New Styl.llne D Lux 2-Door Sedan
ly new
Safer, more efficient . . . with over-
easy - to - read instruments directly
fond Center-Point Design) Making steer
ing even easier at low speeds and while
parking . . . just as Chevrolet's famous
comfortable beyond comparison
Continued from Page 3
sawdust is a good soil condition
er, (2) new sawdust can be used
as a soil conditioner and fertil
izer if a nitrogen supplement is
added, and (3) new sawdust
used in feed lots, impregnated
with manure, makes a good soil
conditioner and fertilizer.
Many tests have been conduct,
ed in the beet fields of western
Montana. One rancher, Joe Can
ton, used 40-year-old softwood
sawdust on a beet field using
approximately 20 tons per acre.
An adjacent check area was giv
en the customary treatment of
10 or 12 ton barnyard manure per
acre. A plentiful supply of water
was available throughout the
growing season on both areas.
Mr. Canton reported that the
beets on the sawdust treated
area grew better from the start
Christ speaker at 3 p. m. at the
Methodist Church. Everyone wel
come. Also Youth for Christ Mon
day 7:30 p. m. at the high school
assembly with Joe Brill as speak
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday services: 9:45 a. m.
Bible school with classes for all;
C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11
a. m., morning worship and
communion. Young people"s fel
lowship 6 p. m., followed by de
votional service at 6:30; Mrs. R.
J. McKowen leader. Evening
worship 7:30 p. m. with song
service and evangelistic message.
You will find a welcome at these
Thursday 7 p. m. choir prac
tice, led by Mrs. Willard Warren.
Bible study and prayer meeting
at 8 o'clock. The study of the
first epistle of Peter has just be
gun. Remember, God"s Word is
our Guide-book, a "lamp unto
our feet and a light unto our
path." Let us spend more time
in its study.
Pastor Shelbv Graves
Most of our sorrows SDrinc
from our forgetfulness of God.
The nationally known speaker
for Youth for Christ organization
will be bringing the message at
11 o'clock this Sunday .
7 p. m. Singspiration.
7:45 p. m. Evangelistic.
Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Cottage
prayer meeting in lone.
Thursday 7:45 p. m. Bible Stu
dy and prayer meeting.
The Lutheran ladies of the
Heppner area have organized a
Ladies Aid society which will
meet the last Thursday of each
month. Any ladies Interested
are cordially invited to attend
and may contact Mrs. G. Herm
ann at lone or Mrs. Orval Math
eny at Heppner for further de
tails. o
Trees Just Won't Stay Typed
There are over 20,000 different
species of trees in the world.
No one knows just how many,
since new ones are constantly
being discovered in remote trop
ical regions.
Local News In Brief
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kilkenny
of Pendleton visited friends in
Heppner Thursday and Friday of
the past week.
Born Tuesday, February 6, at
the Pioneer Memorial hospital,
a 7 3-4 pound son to Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Palmateer of lone. This is
their second child, the first being
a girl.
James Evans of Peace River,
Alberta. Canada, is visit I nor hlc
sister, Mrs. Kenneth Keeling and
Mrs. William DriscnrT of for.
Vallis is Visitinc at tho Vinmn nf
her son, James Driscoll and fam
Your life Insurance policy with a cash value may be used
for a low-cost First National Life Insurance Loan.
Up to 50 savings in interest costs
repayment program to suit your convenience.
. When you need money, investigate the many advantages
of a First National Life Insurance Loan.
It pays to see First National first!
W. will b open at uiual en
Lincoln', Birthday, February 11. "UT'i B0lO ORfOON roOrTHW-
. M.n,b.rf.d.ro D.po,,, ,.ur0c. c,rporc,0
and the soil retained moisture
longer after each irrigation.
There was evidence that the
sawdust treated plot had sub
stantially higher yield per acre.
The beets analyzed hy the Amer
ican Crystal Sugar Company
were slightly higher in sugar
content and purity.
The American Crystal Sugar
Company is constantly seeking
ways to improve the tilth and
yield of the western Montana
beet fields. Large scale tests,
using planer shavings, are now
being conducted. Results of the
tests showed that the ground
treated with wood waste mater
ially improved in tilth and mois
ture holding capacity.
Soil organic matter serves as
food for various types of desir
able micro-organisms, supplies
essential elements for re-use by
succeeding plants, improves the
physical qualities of the soil, and
dts presence aids in controlling
erosion by wind and water. In
'mulch form it increases water
intake, reduces water loss, low
ers soil temperature, insulates
the soil against quick freezes,
thus protecting the worm popu
lation, absorbs the energy of rain
drop impact on the soil, and acts
as a barrier to flowing surface
Wood is a cheap organic mat
ter. It differs from other organic
substances only in degree of its
physical and chemical structure,
subject to the same decomposi
tion forces as hay, straw and
green manure crops. Farmers
using wood as a soil conditioner
have found that it does not make
the soil sour and acid.
Exploitive agriculture is min
ing the humus from our fertile
fields. As the soil organic con
tent decreases, croD vields de
crease and soil erosion increases'.
Ample supplies of wood for
agricultural use are available in
the forests. There is nothing
more important to our welfare as
a nation than ample acres of
fertile, productive, erosion -proof,
ed farm land. Wood can contrib
ute to this need.
Lumber Is $5 Million Better
Every Year The American lum
ber industry spends about $3
million a year on research to
improve the quality of lumber,
increase the efficiency of its
production and develop new uses
for wood.
It's my BEST
T elephant
' AS .tf TMt WH.lt
A ,' V I i moi limc
VL -'I 11 UKVI Iron o
WJ "