Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 08, 1951, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 8, 1951
Another Laugh For the Commies
At a time when national solidarity is desired
above all else we have the unlovely picture of an
important group of workers going on strike.
While our fighting men are facing death or in
jury every day, fighting a vastly numerically su
perior enemy in a region where sub-zero temper-e
atures have prevailed for months, suffering from
frostbite and about every other discomfort to
which the human body can be subjected, a con
tingent of some 160,000 workers can lay down on
the job and paralyze the transportation system
that is responsible for handling approximately
ninety percent of the freight shipments from
source of origination to seaboard.
We don't just exactly know what this strike is
all about. That is beside the point. The fact that
this or any other group has the privilege of lay
ing down on the job in a national emergency is
something that should make every patriotic cit
izen do some sound thinking. Is there any justice
in drafting our young men for service in the arm
ed forces and at the same time permitting work
ers on civilian jobs to strike for higher wages?
Is it consistent to send our troops, our airemn and
naval forces to the front and permit a strike that
will slow down the production and delivery of
essential materiel to them?
According to reports from Washington this em
ergency is something in which everyone is ex
pected to do his part That does not mean the
payment of taxes alone. It means that if we are
to win this conflict, whether it be an all-out
shooting war or a battle of ideologies, all ele
ments of our economy must buckle down to the
job regardless of what it is going to cost us. If
there are certain groups that think this is some
thing being perpetrated upon the people for their
special aggrandizement they should be given the
choice of working or signing up at the recruiting
office and we'll bet they will be glad to stay on
their present jobs.
The railroaders may be able to win their ob
jective but while they are doing it Stalin et al are
having a big laugh at our expense. Why? Be
cause they don't do things that way in Russia.
Moral Rearmament Needed, Too
Speaking before an organization luncheon of
the Pacific Northwest Forum in Portland recent
ly, Donald S. Conn, executive vice president of
the Transportation Association of America, said,
"America must re-earn freedom and liberty thru
a nation-wide program of moral rearmament. . .
There must be no deflection of united support
for the President in a national emergency, but
the leaders of a vicious system of power politics
must be repelled at every turn in their attempts
to impose socialism upon America under the
cloak of war. They would accomplish by evolu
tion what the Communists have brought about
by revolution If we start right now to substi
tute business for political management In the
conduct of the Federal government if produc
tion is stepped up through a longer work-week
if new tax legislation encourages expansion thru
private investment if non-military expenditures
are cut to the bone there is a chance to main
tain economic freedom in the critical years which
lie ahead."
Mr. Conn pointed out that the dollar has de
clined to 55c since 1940, while the national debt,
including Federal, state, local and private,
mounts to $507 billion, or perilously close to the
estimated national wealth of $640 billion.
The wastes and extravagances of the Federal
bureaucracy are best illustrated by a few exam
ples: The Bureau of Indian Affairs employs 12,075
people to care for 330,969 Indians. This figures
out one bureaucrat to every 28 Indians. Let Con
gress rule that each bureaucrat will now care for
56 Indians.
A Missouri farmer wrote a letter to the De
partment of Agriculture seeking advice on the
best type of fertilizer. He received answers from
five separate offices all conflicting. Cut out
four of the offices.
Over 900 instances of duplication are reported
among 1100 agencies of the Federal government,
For example, there are 12 agencies engaged in
home and community planning: 37 concerned
with public health; 16 in wild life preservation
Cut out most of these.
While storing eggs and boosting the consumer
price at home, the government imported 15 mil
lion dozen Manchurian dried eggs from Com
munistic China in the last fiscal year. Eliminate
the bureaucrats who were busy on this deal.
The Army tore down a camp in Alaska which
cost $16 million. It shipped the lumber to Seattle
where the Department of the Interior shipped it
back to within 10 miles from where it originated
Eliminate the bureaucrats here.
The propaganda costs of the Federal govern
ment amount to more than $100 million per year.
Over 50,000 Federal employees devote their time
to information activities.
"America has been weakened by 15 years ot
soft socialism. Just how close this nation is to
moral and political collapse is best illustrated by
two examples: Over 50 million citizens of voting
age failed to exercise their right of franchise on
November 7, 1950.
"Just prior to Korea a nation-wide poll found
only 11 percent of Americans who were willing to
see communistic China admitted to the United
Nations. The latest poll by the same authority
shows 57 percent who favor admitting the China
Reds in exchange for a 'cease-fire' order in Kor
ea. Here is our next Munich with the people ac
tually asking for it. It represents a shocking
forecast of communistic supremacy and the end
of a free America."
Just Recognition
Communities are not always ungrateful in that
they take things within their midst too much for
granted and fail to recognize achievements by
certain of their citizens. This has been demon
strated in Walla Walla where recently the title
of "Woman of the Year" was bestowed on one
who has done an outstanding job of looking af
ter the welfare of hospitalized veterans.
Ever since opening of hostilities in World War
II Mrs. Ralph Reser, nearby resident of Walla
Walla, has been active in local Red Cross circles.
When the "Gray Ladies" became a part of the
veterans hospital activities, Mrs. Reser was one
of them. While she participated in the major ac
tivities of the Blue Mountain Council, she did a
particularly outstanding job as a Gray Lady. She
has given of her time and means to see that com
forts were brought to the boys who would never
leave the hospital alive. She dedicated her life to
serve others.
Her numerous friends in Morrow county will
rejoice tc learn that this recognition has been
given one whose friendship all prize highly.
Boy Scout Week
Of all the numerous weeks set aside to focus
attention on this, that, or the other movement or
organization, one of the most outstanding is Na
tional Boy Scout Week. Continuation of this move
ment and expansion of Scout activities will go
far towards preservation of our democratic prin
ciples, for Scouts are taught to be useful citizens.
This is reflected in the things they learn in their
meetings, in the hikes to the mountains or other
outdoors activities, and in the motto "to do one
good deed each day,"
Time has demonstrated that the boy who took
an interest in his Scout work, attended the meet
ings, learned Scout lore and earned his merit
badges is today a useful citizen and in many in
stances a leading citizen of his community. The
jails have little opportunity to house men who
were Boy Scouts in their youth.
In case of national emergency it would appear
that Boy Scout training is more desired than ever.
If the work has been lagging there should be a
renewed effort all along the line, for the time may
come when not only the Scouts but their families
would welcome and benefit through the know
ledge of natural science acquired by the boys
from their Cub Scout days on up to the Eagle
Scout class.
30 Years Ago
February 10, 1921
Born at the maternity home of
Mrs. G. C. Aiken on Tuesday,
February 8 to Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
McCaleb, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon will
leave Sunday to take up their
residence in Pendleton where he
will be employed.
Heavy rains this week have
caused the waters of Willow
creek to rise until the stream is
running bank full at present.
Andy Rood of Heppner and J.
F. Vaughn of Portland were
awakened by a prowler in their
hotel room in Portland Tuesday
night. They gave chase and with
the aid of the house detective
captured the thief and found
purses, jewelry and clothing in
the culprif's room
Student body election at Hepp
ner high school results in the
following new officers: Elmer
Peterson, president; Raymond
Ferguson, vice president; Mary
Clark, secretary; Keita Deal,
treasurer, and Edward Chidsey,
A pleasant party was given at
the country home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson on Wil
low creek Friday evening to 28
of their friends from Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devin re
turned to Heppner after an ab
sence of about three months
when they visited relatives
Missouri and Iowa.
Roy Neill was in Heppner from
Butter creek Friday. He found it
pretty hard traveling by jitney
over the sloppy muddy roads af
ter the severe storm of last week
and was compelled to remain
Governor. Ben Olcott desig
nates the week of February 14 to
19 as Prune week within the
state to promote the industry
and to acquaint the people with
the deliciousness of this fine
The oAmerican Way
Most of us are beginning to
realize that Korea has become
one of the biggest political and
military blunders in American
history. Public indignation is
growing, and with it has come a
searching self-analysis that is
of glee in Moscow. Stalin knows
he really has us running in cir
cles. What we need in Washing
ton is fewer circles and more ad
herence .to the mathematical
principle that the shortest dis
making us more keenly aware of tance between two points is a
straight line, and an honest at
tempt to walk that line. We need
more independent political lead,
ership and less party conscious
ness, more mature reflection and
less hysteria. What the commun
ity of free nations of the world
is coming to fear more greatly
the factors that contribute to
such blunders.
First, there is the factor of
anger and indignation. When
South Korea was first invaded
by Communistic North Korea,
every red-blooded American felt
a righteous indignation. But the
State Department earlier in the than Communism is American
year had declared South Korea
as indefensible and of no stra
tegic value. So, there was no
mass hue and cry for us to step
into the fray.
blundering impetuousness and
The world at large may be
given new hopes, incentives and
direction if we consider certain
However, the coup in Korea fundamental factors upon which
was a rude interruption of Pres- to act with calm, deliberate and
ident Truman's vacation. It dignified statesmanship,
brought him to Washington hop- It may be fairly safely assum-
ping mad. There was a flurry of ed that Russia is, economically
Administration meetings, and in
the white heat of anger the Ad
ministration reversed its former
stand on Korea to embark upon
that now ill-fated military expe
dition. So we,- the American people,
are asking ourselves: To what
status has this country degen
erated when one man, by a vir
tual stroke of the pen, or an ut
terance prompted by anger, can
plunge this nation, and possibly
the major portion of the world,
into war? Under our Constitu
tion, isn't the power to send our
soldiers into battle vested solely
in Congress, with the president
merely the spokesman of its will
and decision? Have we ceased to
be a republic and become a dic
tatorship? Over a period of nearly twenty
years we have vested more and
more power in the office of the
President and the National Ad
ministration. Many of those pow
ers are not clearly defined. They
are interpretative, and the Ad
ministration has made the most
extensive and inclusive interpre
tations of them. To a large ex
tent Congress has become a rub
ber stamp of the Administration.
Had the Korean situation been
brought before Congress in calm
and reflective discussion, with
all possible contingencies con
sidered, it is doubtful whether
American soldiers would now be
lying dead in the stark and bru
tal terrain of the Far East.
Secondly, under the present
Administration we are develop
ing fear neuroses that are ill
becoming us as a nation of world
leadership. There is a great deal
of undignified scurrying between
U. N. headquarters and Wash
ington that must evoke chuckles
and militarily, far from ready
for an all-out war. But until she
is ready, she will utilize every
means to sap our strength moral
ly, economically and militarily
if we fail to recognize the traps
she is setting for us.
Korea has taught us that from
a military standpoint we are
woefully weak. We must
strengthen every arm of our
service, but at the same time be
fully aware of the possibilities
that an ultimate war with Rus
sia need not be fought in hand-to-hand,
man-to-man style. Our
military preparations must be
with an eye to the highest mech
anical and scientific develop
ments, and at costs that will not
be economically ruinous to the
Most important of all, let us
rid ourselves and the world of
the danger of plunging into war
because of emotional and ill
timed judgment on the part of
a few individuals. Toward that
end, let us lend our energies and
ingenuity in decentralizing the
enormous powers usurped by the
national government and admin
istration. Only by reverting to a truly
republican form of government
can we develop the statesman
ship, political leadership and
the sort of representative form
of government in which we and
the millions of people in other
lands can feel confident, and
through which we can build
such lasting unity for peace that
no powers on earth dare tackle
With these aims forming our
firm resolves, 1951 should be the
beginning of a new and better
era for us and the rest of the
Public Invited To
Civil Defense Meet
At Lexington 13th
Mrs. K. K. Marshall is a pa
tient in the Pioneer Memorial
hospital in Heppner suffering
with pneumonia.
The executive board of the P.-T.-A
met at the home of Mrs.
Robert Davidson Monday night
with five members present. After
the business meeting refresh
ments were served. It was decid
ed to hold P.T.-A. on Monday,
February 19 instead of on Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt were
Pendleton visitors last week,
John Pieper who is in Walla
Walla in a hospital is reported
improving after major surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin
nave moved their household ar
ticles to Ordnance renting their
home here to Mr. and Mrs. Bert
The Dyerson family have mov
ed to Portland where they will
make their home.
The young adult class of the
Sunday school gave a pink and
oiue snowor in the Aid room Fri
day for Mrs. Eugene Marshall.
truck. Parts and labor are av
Mrs. Wilbur Steagall was hos
tess far a party on her daught
er Barbara's birthday, entertain
ing 19 children.
Mrs. Betty Groves has resign
ed as supervisor of the ground
observation corps and Mrs. C. C.
Jones has taken it up with Mrs.
Alonzo Henderson as chief obser
ver. The crew was unable to work
Saturday but were on the job
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hender
son and sons were Tollgate vis
itors Sunday enjoying a little
Grange will be held Saturday
Boardman Garden
Club Looks Toward
Spring Activities
Boardman Garden club met in
regular form Monday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Claud Coats,
with Mrs. Arnold Hoffmann and
Mrs. Jack Gwinn as co-hostesses.
In absence of President Mrs.
Earl Briggs, vice-president Mrs.
Leo Root presided. Mrs. Hugh
Brown gave a very interesting
talk on window boxes.
Leo Skoubo who is stationed
at Camp Carson, Colo., is home
on 10 day furlough with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo.
He also went by train to Port
land where he will visit his sis
ters. David Cole left last week for
Elmira, Ore., to visit his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Cole.
Mrs. James Hedgers (Marion
Pearson) returned home from
Ranier where she had spent the
past month with Mr. Hedgers'
Lowell Stattuck and Mrs. Del
la Faulkner made a business
trip to Goldendale this week.
Bill Sloan, a long time resid
ent of Boardman, was taken to
the Pioneer Memorial hospital in
Heppner last week. Mr. Sloan
has been ill for some time.
Mrs. Earl Briggs left Sunday
for Pullman, Wash., with her
sonlin-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Campbell and
children and will remain a week.
Mrs. Earl Downey left Friday
for Lodgegrass, Mont., where
she will visit two weeks with her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Mason. The
Masons are parents of twin girls
born recently.
Willard Baker left Friday for
Chicago, 111., where he will at
tend school for three weeks. Ba
ker is employed at the Ordnance
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and
sons of Athena were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of
Koots parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
School superintendent and
and Mrs. W. E. Meidinger spent
the week-end in Portland and
valley points. Mrs. Bessie Hobbs
of Irrigon substituted for Mrs.
Mrs. Olive Atteberry and Mrs.
Glen Macken were Sunday din
ner guests at the E. T. Messenger
home. The occasion was Mrs.
Emmo DeLano's birthday. Mrs.
DeLano and son Franklin and
Mr. Messenger were Sunday sup
per guests at the Leo Potts home.
Mrs. Seth Russell was awarded
the quilted quilt given away
Saturday afternoon at the Tilli
cum food sale. The sale was held
at the Hayes grocery store.
The Boardman high school
basket ball team and the Irrigon
townies met on the Board man
floor Saturday evening in a very
interesting game. The townies
won 5-41. The proceeds of this
game went to the March of
Bobby Eades and Kenneth
Earwood have enlisted in the
Army Air Corps and will leave
Thursday for Portland where
they will have their physicals.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eades, par
ents of Bobby will take the boys
to Portland.
with W. E. Davis as guest speak
er. He will discuss civil defense.
There will be musical numbers
A very important date to re
member is the county wide civil
defense meeting at the school
house February 13.
Mrs. Elsie Montague Weed
and Jack Zosel were visitors in
in Heppner Sunday,
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
limes, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
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