Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1951, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 1, 1951
Monument District
Being Orgaized
For Civil Defense
Dane Broadfoot, leader of the
civilian defense committee of the
North Fork precinct, was accom
panied to Mt. Vernon Tuesday
evening by Mead Gilman, Chet
Brown, Henry Cupper, and Rho
Bleakman, to meet at the home
of Bob Damon, county defense
coordinator to get all available
information on what is expected
of this district in respect to the
civilian defense effort. Our De
fense Leader will first ask for an
accurate housing survey to de
termine the number of evacuees
that could be accommodated on
A Big
Regularly priced
to $13.95
$2.00 - $3.00
and $5.00
a permanent or emergency basis
by each householder. Second he
will appoint an auxiliary police
force, third a first aid class will
be established, fourth an accur
ate surwy of all heavy equip
ment will be made and fifth, in
formation on establishing a
ground observation post.
Captain Charles F. Beatie Jr.,
state supervisor ground observ
er corps, of Portland, interviewed
Mead Gilman last week. Avail
able instructions concerning the
establishing of an observation
post in this district are expected
to be received by Mr. Gilman this
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown were
attending to matters of business
in Heppner on Saturday.
Bill Settle was a business vis
itor in John Day last Monday. He
was accompanied home by Mrs.
Iffie Stewart and Mrs. Fay Davis.
Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Davis vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shank,
also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durst.
A team ran away with Mrs.
Joan Mbrgan Friday. She finally
got them stopped but injured
her foot in doing so.
Norman DuBoch left last week
to enlist in the armed services.
His father accompanied him to
the point of induction.
On the 31st of December, 1950
Miss Marie Laurence and Earn
est Bronson were united in mar
riage in Molalla. They will
make their home in Oakridge
where Mr. Bronson has employ
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Hound of Monument attended
the wedding. Mr. Bronson and
Mrs. Round are brother and sis
ter. Mr. Bronson is a graduate of
Monument high and has many
friends here.
Thomas McLaughlin, principal
of Monument high school drove
to Pendleton to consult a doctor
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Patzer
chaperoned the grade school
boys and girls on the school bus
Friday when they went to Sene
ca to play volleyball and bas
ketball with the Seneca school
Both games were lost to the Se
neca teams.
Mrs. Ed Enright received word
last Tuesday that her - mother,
Mrs. Mary Rhinehart of Pilot
Rock was quite ill. She and her
son Ivan left immediately for
Pilot Rock.
Mrs. Mulie Wilson received a
letter from Mrs. Nora Boyer who
Friday Night
at New Fair Pavilion
9:00 P.M. till 1:00 A.M.
$1.00 for Men - Women 50c
Lunch at 12:00 Midnight
is in the St. Vincent hospital. She
wishes to tell all her friends how
much she has enjoyed and ap
preciates the letters and cards
her friends have sent to her
while she has been there. She
hopes to leave the hospital and
go to a hotel before long.
George Stirritt took Mrs. Iffie
Stewart and Mrs. Fay Davis to
their home in John Day on
Thursday and returned Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Settle
and Mrs. Bill Settle drove to
John Day Friday. Mrs. Delmar
Settle had an appointment with
her dentist. Mrs. Bill Settle was
attending to matters of business.
Mrs. Clara Strecker and Lois
Hill were hostesses at a card
party Saturday evening, honor
ing Mrs. Lydia Capon on her
birthday. There were three ta
bles playing. Lois Hill won first
prize and Lydia Capon won sec
ond. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork had
as their dinner guests Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roach and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Shockley of
Portland are the proud parents
of a baby daughter born January
9. Mrs. Shockley will be remem
bered as Myrtle Cork. The mater
nal grandparents of the young
lady are Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Spike Miller en
tertained 18 little folk Saturday
in honor of their small son's
birthday. Games were played
and refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and
children and Mrs. Doris Capon
were in John Day Friday to take
little George Charles to consult
a doctor about a badly cut lip.
The little fellow fell while play
ing and struck his lip on a buck
et. A household bridal shower
complimenting Mrs. Georgia
May Settle was held Sunday af
ternoon in the grange hall in
Monument. Mrs. Settle received
many nice gifts. She and her
husband are now residing in one
of the Wilson apartments. Mrs.
Daisy Simas, Mrs. Delcie Sweek,
Mrs. Helen Brown and Mrs. Mil
lie Wilson were the hostesses.
Refreshments of cake and coffee
were served.
A civilian defense meeting was
held in the gymnasium at 2
o'clock Sunday. This meeting
was called by the leader, Dane
Broadfoot, to explain and tell
Q . j - Og J0z
4 v:f-ss?r
Thli 145-h.p. BIO JOB hotum
TV sgpfliMMrj lW driver comfort In lh 5-STAR Cob
"SK3fo' g0f ...modern, moiilvo fronl-end styling.
Here's how Ford engineering stays a step ahead in fho
rirrrrr CTjinnQnTO n lnn
Are you fighting a losing battle
egainst rising business costs?
There's wonderful economy
news for you in new Ford
Trucks for '511
Ford step-ahead engineering
has gone all-out to make new
Ford Trucks work harder for
you, work better for you ... to
cut the cost of your truck oper
ation! ! Important things have hap
pened to Ford Truck engines,
ford Trucking
Costs less because
transmissions, axles, bodies.
You get new assurance of lower
gas, oil, and repair bills. Ford's
power pilot deserves your
careful investigation. Its effec
tiveness and economy have been
proven on thousands of trucks
in actual use.
Only Ford gives you a choice
of V-8 or Six. Over 180 models!
See us today learn what a
FORD Truck can do for yout
Ullng lafotl reglifraflon
doto on 6,592,000
truck., lifolniurancoox
port. provo Ford Trucks
latl longer I
Ford's a step ahead with ideas like
The Power Pilot symbol...
sign of better performance
under ALL conditions!
The Ford Truck Power Pilot is a simpler, fully
proven way of getting the most power from the least
gas. It automatically meters and fires the right amount
of gas, at precisely the right instant, to match con
stantly changing speed, load and power require
ments. Unlike conventional systems, the Power
Pilot uses only one control instead of two, yet is
designed to synchronize firing twice as accurately.
You can use regular gas . . . you get no-knock per
formance. Only Ford in the low-price field gives you
Power Pilot Economy!
people what they should do in
case of an emergency; also to
tell them of what the emergen
cy might consist.
The Adult Bible class of the
Church of Christ held its month
ly meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Doolittle Mon
day evening. There were 30 pre
sent and after the business meet
ing a social hour was enjoyed.
It was reported that the Crusad
ers class is sanding the church
basement floor and that part of
the space is being fitted up for a
game rrom.
'Top Secret' New
Electronic Invention
For Hard-Of-Hearing
Shown Here
An amazing brand new elec
tronic invention that permits you
to hear the sounds you want to
hear and prevents irritating
noises will be shown and dem
onstrated in Heppner Thursday,
February 1, from 10 a. m. to 5
p. m. at the Heppner Hotel by
John Gardner, Maico trained j
hearing technician from Shaw j
Surgical Company, Portland. j
You will hear distinctly what
is said at home, at business, in
church, at the movies in fact,
everywhere. The Maico tiny "Top
Secret" hearing aid brings you
besides the revolutionary inven-.
tion which no other hearing aid
has marvelous sensitivity, much
greater clarity and NO BUTTON j
one will ever guess you wear a
hearing aid. So, even though you j
now wear an aid, you owe it to j
yourself to read the valuable :
booklet, "TOP SECRET" which j
will be given to you absolutely ,
FREE. If you have any trouble in ;
hearing distinctly, or if your i
present aid bothers you, with
distracting noises, "TOP SEC- i
RET" can bring you, or someone j
close to you, new comfort and ,
Mr. Gardner announced that
while in the Heppner area, he
will gladly make home demon- j
strations by appointment in ad
dition to being available at the
Heppner Hotel from 10 a. m. un- j
til 6 p. m. Thursday, February 1.
(Paid Adv.)
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks for all the express
ions of sympathy, cards, and the
beautiful floral tributes to the
memory of our beloved John.
Mrs. John J. Lane and
Michael Ray
Mr. and Mrs. John Lane
and Bobby.
Mr. and Mrs. Conley Lanham
left Sunday morning on a
month's vacation trip to south
ern California. San Diego was
their immediate destination and
it was hinted they might even
take a dip into Mexico. During
absence Mrs. Henry Tetz is in
charge of the Western store.
The Annual Meeting of Lexington Oil Co-Oper-ative
will be held at 10 o"cock a. m Tuesday,
February 13, at the Lexington Grange Hall.
Dinner will be served at noon by the Home
Economics club of Lexington Grange.
Just In!
General Electric
Automatic Washers
Standard and DeLuxe Ranges
Spacious New Refrigerators
Economical Deep Freezers
Heppner Hardware
S Electric
Here's Just the Extra
Heat You Need!
An ARVIN Portable Electric Heater
Temperature Still Sliding Outside?
is the answer to your cold weather problem . . . With or
without fan, it keeps heat circulating, warms entire
room .... Abundant heat at low cost, U. L. Approved.
8.95to 16.95
mitare So.
Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless speolfloally advertised to be otherwise Children I
Eat Frioe .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 200 1 Grade and High Bohool Students 13 yean and oven Est.
Prioe .40, Fed. Tax. .10. TOTAL 60o; Adults! Est Price .60, Ped. Tax .10, TOTAL BOo. Every Child
occupying a seat must have a ticket
Sunday shows continuous Irom 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif
ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7r30 p. m.
Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Feb. 1-2-3
Roddy McDowall, Jeff Donnell, Tom
Greenway, Ted Hecht
Timber country and the procedures of
the logging industry provide impressive
background for this good drama. PLUS
Sunday-Monday, Feb. "4-5
Joseph Cotten, Linda Darnell, Jeff Chand
ler, Cornel Wilde
Rousing adventure. . . unusual story of
the western frontier and the cavalry . . .
thrilling screenfare!
Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 6-7
Ronald Coleman, Celeste Holm, Art Link,
letter, Vincent Price, Barbara Brittoj
and Caesar, the Cockeyed Parrot
A gaily amusing film punctuated by
many chuckles and hearty laughs.
Congratulations to the Boy Scouts on
their 41st anniversary Feb. 6-12.
Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Feb. 8-9-10
Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Pat Brady, Gor
don Jones, Grant Withers, Peter Miles.
Everything In the way of action enter
tainment are in this western . . . photo
graphed in color. PLUS
Following the adventure trail with daring
Daniel Boone .... photographed In color.