o a v p g, v u Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 1, 1951 Page 5 WANT ADS THE SMART BOYS are having their cars winterized with RPM Sub Zero oil for easy morning starting these cold mornings. Drive in for a fast change to this great oil. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Nice 5-room home, unfurnished or partially furn ished. See Al Edwards, Hill St. 46c 1950 Ford 4 speed pickup with heater. Pay $495.00 down. Rose wall Motor Co. FOR SALE) House logs, season ed, squared 3 sides, 6"x6" 8 foot lengths. Tillman T. Kirk, Box 200, Ukiah, Ore. 45-46c FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet se dan. Will trade for older mod el. See N. D. Bailey. 46-48p WANTED Washing and iron ing. Phone 2244. 46p SOMETHING NEW at your Heppner Flower Shop! Beauti ful Valentine Centerpieces for your table! See this Special to day. WE HAVE Head-Bolt heaters in stock now. Keeps motors warm for instant starting. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 75 tons of baled hay. Phone 37F14. G. Herman, lone. 43-46c GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT! At tend the pancake luncheon on Shrove Tuesday. All Saints Episcopal church parish house. WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. SAY "Be My Valentine" with a lovely flower bouquet from the Heppner Flower Shop. Order GIVE YOUR battery a boost with our fast charger. It only takes 30 minutes. Rosewall Motor Co. DON'T EAT pancakes for break fast Tuesday morning, Febru ary 6. That's Shrove Tuesday and you know the Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Episco pal church always serves pan cakes at noon on that day. WE REPAIR all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Co. WANT TO SHOW OFF? Buy this 1949 Lincoln Cosmopolitan Sport sedan. Has everything. Pay down $755.00. Rosewall Motor Company. MORRQW PANCAKES with ample trim mings, Tuesday noon, Febru ary 6, at the Episcopal parish hall. All you can eat for just one price. NOW IS THE time to have your truck overhauled for the job ahead. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment. Rosewall Motor Co. JUST IN! New D. M. C. Crochet threads in spring colors at the Heppner Flower Shop. SATURDAY FEB. 3rd is Apprecia tion Day. Be on the street at 3:00 p. m. You may take home a hat full of money. WANTED Young single man wants ranch work. Reference furnished. Experience with tractor and cattle. Write Box 206, Prosser, Wash. 45-46p WE CUT AND FIT glass on all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Mo tor Co. FOR light carpenter or cabinet work call O. M. Yeager. Phone 1483, 415 Jones St. 45-47p WE HAVE chrome spot lights for the new 1951 Ford. Rosewall Motor Company. SPRINGTIME House cleaning time. May we assist you by papering or painting those smoky walls? Phone 862. Case Furniture Co. 45-46p 1940 BUICK sedan. Mud grip tires, heater, radio. Pay down $175.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR RENT Furnished and un furnished 3-room cabins shower, electric range, hot wa ter furnished; heated wash house. Phone 3233. Mrs. Jus- tus. 45-46p YOU CAN pay more, but you can't buy better Ford. WE HAVE motors in stock for Ford cars and trucks made during the past 23 years. That's service. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Middle age couple wants work on ranch thru lambing, or permanent job. Wife will cook for hired help. No woman boss. Reference furnished. Write P. O. Box 206, Prosser, Wash. 45-46p PROTECT the finish on your car with a Porcelainize job. Por celainize outlasts three or four ordinary wax or polish jobs. Rosewall Motor Co. WE STRAIGHTEN frames, make front end corrections and bal ance wheels with the Electron ic wheel balances. Drive in for fast service. Rosewall Motor Co. bic N of the Morrow County Grain IF YOU ARE planning on buying a car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE E. RUSSELL, De ceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of George E. Russell, de ceased by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present such claims, duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the office of Walker & Barnes, attorneys at law, In the Reclamation Building in Hermiston, Oregon, within six months from the date of this No tice. RUTH RUSSELL, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of George E. Russell, de ceased. 43-47c SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR ROW R. B. RANDS, Plaintiff,, vs. MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, husband and wife, defendants :t TO: MARCUS SCHMIT and JANE DOE SCHMIT, Defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court with in four weeks from the date of the first publication and if you fail so to answer, for want there of, the Plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of $280.52 with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the 21st day of February, 1950 on his first cause of action; and for the first cause of action; and for the sum of $200.00 with interest from the 6th day of May, 1949 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on his second cause of action; and for the sum of $192.61 with int erest from the 24th day of Sep tember, 1949 at the rate 8 per cent per annum on his third of Special Meefeoimg Sfcoc COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Morrow County Grain Growers, Incorporated, will be held at the Lexington Grange hall, Lexing ton, Oregon, February 7, 1951, beginning with a fret dinner at 12 Noon. As a special attraction, Mr. James Hill, Jr., director of the Agricultural Cooperative Council of Oregon will address the group. All members, patrons, and guests are cordially invited. cause of action; and for the sum of $170.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1949 on this his fourth cause of action; and for the sum of $100. 00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 1949 on his fifth cause of action; and for the sum of $430.39 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1949 on his sixth cause of action; and for his costs and dis bursements incurred herein. You are further notified that the following described proper ty belonging to the defendants has been attached and will be condemned and appropriated to the satisfaction of judgment re covered against either of the named defendants; Two certifi cates of one hundred shares each of Columbia Gas and Electric Corp. Stock. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Couny Court of Mor row County, State of Oregon, which order was made and en tered on the 23rd day of January, 1951. BRADLEY D. FANCHER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Heppner, Oregon. Date of first publication, Janu uary 25, 1951. 45-49 HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF SUPER VISORS To all owners of land lying with in the Heppner Soil Conserva tion District: Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of February, 1951, the annual meeting and election of one supervisor of the Heppner Soil Conservation District will be held under the provisions of the Soil Conservation District Law of this state, Chapter 3, Section 109, OCLA, as amended by Chapter 568, Oregon Laws, 1949. The place of meeting will be at the Willows Grange Hall in lone between the hours of 11:00 a m and 4:00 p. m. Every person, firm and corpor ation, state, county or municipal ity being the record owner of or holding under contract of pur chase, ten acres of land lying within the said district are eli gible to vote. Candidates to fill the board vacancy of one supervisor may be made by petition signed by ten landowners. If no candidates are nominated by petition to fill the existing vacancy, nomina tions may be made from the floor during the meeting. HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT By: N. C. ANDERSON, Secretary. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1951. 45-46 CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Special music by the choir. Oliver Creswick, director. Sunday Church School at 9:45 a. m. We have a class for every age; also Adult Bible class and Youth Fellowship class at this same, hour. Oliver Creswick superintendent. Mid-week prayer service on Thursday at 7 p. m. Choir practice every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the church. The sermon topic for this Sun day Feb. 4, is 'The Ministry of Silence". CHURCH OF CHRIST R. J. McKowen, Pastor. Sunday services: 9:45 a. .m., Bible school, with classes for all; C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m., morning worship and communion. Young people's fel lowship, first Sunday of the month, 5 p. m., sack lunch. De votional meeting at 6:30, led by Mrs. McKowen. Evening wor ship, 7:30 p. m., with song serv ice and evangelistic message. 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Thursday, 7 p. m., choir prac tice, led by Mrs. Willard Warren. Bible study and prayer meeting at 8 o"clock. ASSEMBLY OF GOO Pastor SHELBY E. GRAVES 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. A class for every age wifh inter esting lessons from God's Hofy Word. 11 a. m. Worship service. 7 p, m. Singspiratlon. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic serv ice. Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. Cottage prayer meeting in lone. Thursday 7:45 p. m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Join with us in prayer for revival. Joel 2. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion, 8. Church school 9:45. Holy Communion and sermon, 11:00. Informal service and study class, 7:30. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 7. Holy Communion 7:30. Idlers 01 Growers, Inc, Penitential office and Holy Communion, 10:00. Litany and meditation 7:30. Choir practices: Boys 2:30 to 4 on Wednesday. Girls 4 to 5 on Wednesday. .Adult choir 8 p. m. on Thurs day. No Scout meeting on Ash Wed nesday evening. o ATTEND LANE FUNERAL Here to attend the funeral services for John J. Lane Wed nesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Emile Anderson, Oswego; Mr. and Mrs. William Rankin, Milton; Mrs. Mike Beckel and son Donald, Walla Walla, and Mrs. Fred Cook, Spokane, all J'L" '"tJw 1 rriiini mm iimi i ull ..iumjuj-auiipiw. 5SCJRUCK OWNERS SERVICE from your tesespected Serviced 0 TRUCK SERWCE EXPERTS WILL GIVE YOU A TRUCK INSPECTION W QUOTE PRICES without OBLIGATION Compfett Stock TRUCK PARTS !1&&9&&i Chevrolet Co. relatives; Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Murl Cummings and son Doug E. Isom, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. las, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Harmon, Walla Walla, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fletcher, lone. "A WORD OF THANKS" The friends who remembered me with calls, cards, gifts and flowers during my recent hospi talization have my heartfelt thanks, and I wish to express my sincere appreciation. Mrs. Wm. J. Bucknum. Mayor Bryce Logan, Condon, was a business visitor here last week. i.ooo mut . mi-em Eteck for Ctovrefef Trvcfcs EASY TERMS HODGE he