Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1951, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 1, 1951
PTA Program at
lone Centered on
Theme of Safety
Safety first was the theme of
the program at the P-TA meet
ing here Jan. 24. The following
program was given with Mrs.
Noel Dobyns in charge: a sax
ophone solo by Judy Howton,
accompanied by Mrs. L. L. How
ton, a talk on safety first in the
nation by Bill Davis of Heppner
who is director of the civil de
fense in the county. Safety first
in the community was discussed
by Mayor Omar Rietmann. and
safety in the schools was ex
plained by Mrs. Victor Rietmann.
chairman of the school boa.rvt
and Henry Osibov. superintend
ent of the lone schools: Mrs.
Dobyns gave an article on safe
ty first in the home, and a mo
vie on infantile paralysis was
shown by Henry fetz.
At the business meeting con
ducted by the president, Mrs. E.
M. BakeT, it was reported that
$1,065.40 had been raised so
far for the band uniforms. Dif
ferent organizations are doing
something towards raising mon
ey for the uniforms. The P-TA
decided to serve a dinner for the
rural school boards and budget
committee Feb. 15. The 7-8th
Regular Personal Checking Account:
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grades won the prize for the
room count. Mr. Tetz gave a taiK
complimenting the lone P-TAI
on the work they are doing. Re
freshments were served by Mrs.
W. R. Went worth, Mrs. Herbert
Kkstrom. Mrs. Frederick Martin,
Mrs. Louis Ball and Mrs. Merle
The tables were decorated in
keeping with safety on the farm,
home, roads and the March of
The lone town basketball team
won from Hermiston here Satur
day evening.
Bob and Bill Rietmann return
ed home last week from a trip,
to Denver, Colo., and California.
They reported a fine time.
The basement of the Cooper
ative Church is being remodel
ed. The walls were repaired,
light fixtures installed, panels
made for class rooms and the
whole basement will be painted.
Those helping are Milton Morg
an, L. L. Howton, Earl McCabe,
Roy Lindstrom and Marion Pal
mer. The ladies served the meals
for the workers.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauern-
feind of Morgan received word
from their son Gene who is in
the U. S. Navy that he was be
ing sent to Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson
are living in town.
Miss Ingrid Hermann is back
in school after being ill.
Roland Bergstrom is home
from the Pacific University to
help with the Spring farm work.
Mrs. Robert DeSpain returned
home Sunday from the Pioneer
Memorial hospital in Heppner.
Mrs. Edith Nichoson who is a
patient in the St. Anthony hospi
tal in Pendleton is reported to
be improving.
Mrs. Charlotte Eubanks of
Portland is visiting at the C. E.
Brenner home.
Mrs. Lana Padberg Is visiting
in Portland.
Mrs. Raymond Lundell spent
last week in Portland.
Joel Barnett left this week for
the Great Lakes naval base.
Fred Painter of the U. S. Navy
is here on leave.
Beecher Emert is home from
the St. Anthony hospital in
Pendleton where he was a pat-
JULY 1, 1950 TO JANUARY 1, 1951.
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 3,851.66
Total of 240 claims allowed by County Court
Warrants issued for above claims 33,195.07
$ 37,046.73
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 33,929.65
Jan. 1 General Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 3,117.08
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 17,069.83
Total of 326 claims allowed by County Court
Warrants issued for above claims 73,965.68
$ 91,035.51
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 85,358.70
Jan. 1 General Road Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 5,676.81
Total of two claims allowed by County Court
and warrants issued $ 11.00
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 11-00
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 450.85
Total of 5 claims allowed by County Court and
warrants issued - 2,066.54
$ 2,517.39
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 2,517.39
ient following injuries received
in a car accident.
Mrs. Kathryn Rice of Pendle
ton spent last week at the Vern
er Troedson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tullis are
the parents of a son, Charles
Mark, born Jan. 23 at Pendleton.
His weight was 8 lbs. Mrs. Tullis
and son returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Franklin Lindsrom and
Mrs. David Baker were hostesses
at a stork shower in honor of
Mrs. Garland Swanson at the
Lindstrom home Jan. 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cool and
son Alvin, of Chelan, Wn. were
visitors here last week. The Cools
were former residents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
were Portland visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Eagle and
son of Oaksdale, Wash., are vis
itors at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Cecil Thome of Morgan.
You can pay more but you can't buy better!
Nm bin Pwtt VMttiitk! ifi
" Nm Was thr Drool Hon Mftunbm
"Rata-OiiM" "tw Key Turn SUrtinf
Rubber Cwhenlfl
flM-$i Sprinfi
fftw FordoflUtK Dnvt1
I !y y'ftff"'WwKd "Hydil-Cml" Spnn
Hw "toiufY touf(r Inunoi
'" "s,' c"' Cwiirai pi rrrmiMmm nmmn vs.
HornRtnt am ? mii abir" rxpi . ....
m wmm' t w" xgy m- u r
fjJ1 " XJ New ViriiWi Rita Rui Spiin( SuapmlM
Hydil-Cml" Snnl : SlftMM' H0lbll $nl Kinf-Sm 6kM
pis built for the years ahead!
Why pay mor for a ear when you can't buy more
beauty , i , more comfort . . , more gt-up-ond-go
than you get In rho '51 Ford with the 43 mw "Look
Ahead" featwut Then features are deiigned to
make Ford stay young . . . stay In style . . . and stay
(avingful not tor just a year but for the yean ahead
Come In for
the "LOOK AHUD" fads
on the '51 FORD
i rn i may w, i t ik
-with 43 "LOOK AHEAD" features!
For '5), Ford brings you the last word
In smooth driving Automatic Ride
Control. It self-adjusts to give you the
right ride for every type of road con
dition. You get Ford'i new Automatic
Posture Control, too. It automatically
adjusts the seat height and angle as
you slide It forward and back. And
you get Ford's Automatic Mileage
Maker, to give you automatic gas
savings through the years ahead.
And, best of all, this '51 Ford offers you
Fordomat'e the smoothest, newest
and savlngest automatic, drive everl
And comfort, and savings aren't alll
The "51 Ford offers you "Fashion Car"
Styling that's a match for any car at
any price. In Ford's "Luxury Lounge"
Interiors, the dash colors, and the new
"Color-Keyed" Fordcraft Fabrics on
teats and ceilings are all custom
matched to exterior colors. But look
at the exploded view of the car
above for the rest of Ford'i "Look
Ahead" features. Better still come In
and see for yourself why folks with
an eye to the future have an eye on
Ford, ,0;tleiwl el !
Rosewall Motor Co.
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 24.00
Total of 21 claims presented and warrants Issued 153.00
Total warrants paid by Treasurer..
$ 177.00
A ceiling has been put in and
wiring done in the dining room
in the grange hall. Also, the
stairway was enclosed and some
painting was done. Those doing
the work were Mr. and Mrs. O.
L. Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Buschke,
Algott Lundell, Berl Akers, Wate
Crawford and L. L. Howton.
The temperature here Sunday
night was 4 above zero; in
Gooseberry 8 below.
A civil defense meeting was
held at the Legion hall Jan. 25.
Ernest McCabe, supervisor, and
Mrs. Pete Cannon, chief aircraft
observer, explained and instruct
ed the observers in their work.
The school house was selected
as their post.
The following officers were
elected and installed at a Three
Links Club meeting Friday af
ternoon, Jan. 26 at the home of
Mrs. E. R. Lundell: president,
Mrs. Louis Ball; vice president,
Mrs. Ernest Heliker; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Char'es O'Connor.
Officers and committees appoint,
ed were: chaplain, Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn; marshall, Mrs. Wal
lace Matthews; guardian, Mrs.
Cleo Drake and relief, Mrs. Adon
Hamlett. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
and Mrs. Lundell.
Oscar E. Peterson and Henry
Baker left Monday morning to
attend the National Wheat Grow
ers' League convention in Dodge
City, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin
and sons of Hermiston were vis
itors at the Henry Clark home
Sunday. They took their son
Gregory home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson
and Mrs. Clive Huston of Hepp
ner were lone visitors Friday of
last week. Mrs. Anderson and
Mrs. Huston asked the different
organizations to donate card
table covers for the veterans
hospital in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann
donated the following books to
the public library: Winter Wed
ding by Harper; The Enduring
Hills, Giles; The Edge of Time,
Erdman and The King's Caval
ier by Shellabarger.
Mrs. Ida Grabill and Mrs. Car
oline Cason attended a birthday
dinner in honor of Mrs. Grabill
at the Everett Klethley home in
Heppner. .
The town team defeated the
Harlem Globe Trotterettes in a
basketball game here Sunday
evening. The crowd was enter
tained by the small German
band or the hungry five with
several burlesque tunes. They
were dressed in hillbilly cos
tumes. The band consisted of
Jim Savage, trombone; Janet
Howton, saxophone; Duane Ba
ker, clarinet; John Bristow, trum
pet and Rodger Kincaid, the tu
ba. Dates to remember:
Feb. 2, Extension unit meet
ing; making lamp shades. An all
day meeting at Ernest Helikers.
Feb. 4, Dinner at the Rebekah
hall starting at 12:30 p. m. for
the benefit of the band uniforms.
Feb. 6, Auxiliary at the G. Her
mann home. Feb. 7, Eastern
Star, social club. Feb. 9, study
meeting of the Topic club at the
home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
Feb. 10, the Auxiliary and Le
gion play, "He Couldn't Marry
Five" at the schoolhouse at 8
p. m.
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 12,010.59
Total of 22 claims allowed by County Court
Warrants issued for above claims 4,754.68
$ 16,765.27
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 5,915.27
Jan. 1 County Hospital Warrants Outstanding 10,850.00
July 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 3,710.78
Total of 11 claims allowed by County Court
Warrants issued for above claims 11,929.16
$ 15,639.94
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 15,639.94
July 1 Warrants Outstanding ... $ 21,849.68
Total of 10 claims allowed by County Court
Warrants issued for above claims 11,940.76
$ 33,790.44
Total warrants paid by Treasurer 33,790.44
Less County Owned Properties
Cash in hands of Treasurer $198,123.77
United States Bonds 15,000.00
Taxes Receivable (Delinquent) 45,357.13
Taxes Receivable (Current) 405,438.72
A deputy collector of Internal
revenue will be at the court
house In Heppner Monday, Feb
ruary 5 for the purpose of assist
ing taxpayers in preparingg their
federal income tax returns for
the year 1950. The final day for
filing returns is March 15, 1951.
A representative of the income
tax division of the state tax com
mission will be in Heppner from
2 to 4 p. m. Wednesday, Febru
ary 28, according to announce
ment from A. W. Lamka, field
supervisor. Taxpayers wishing
the services of the representative
Should keep the date in mind
and be on hand promptly as he
will be traveling on a fixed
Warrants Outstanding (Gen. Fund) $ 3,117.08
Warrants Outstanding (Gen. Road) 5,676.81
Warrants Outstanding (County Hospital) 10,850.00
Estimated Revenues (Taxes) 450,795.85
Current Surplus (Includes amounts due all funds, in
cluding School Districts 193,479.88
Outstanding Road Bonds $ 57,500.00
Respectfully Submitted,
C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk.
REPORT, JULY 1, 1950 TO JAN. 1, 1951
Balance on hand June 30, 1950 $294,277.93
Taxes (Sheriffs Office) $633,965.00
Office Fees (Clerk's Office) 1,571.62
Dog License (Clerk's Office) 19.00
Fees and Mileage (Sheriff's Office) 146.40
Temporary Auto Permits (Sheriff's Office).... 178.25
Realty Rentals 112.50
Sales and Rentals (Road Department) 1.331.73
Miscellaneous Fines, Costs, etc 2,653.00
Interest on War Bonds 187.50
Interest on Time Deposit at Bank 250.00
Motor License Fund 16,526.53
Basic School Support 878,99
Umatilla County Clerk (W. E. I. D.) 1,160.25
Hospital Equipment (Secretary of State) 6,292.51
Hospital Fund (Secretary of State) 1,568.95
County School Fund 6,570.00
Miscellaneous Refunds 3,101.40
Morrow Grazing Association 731.46
Fair Fund (Donations, Sec. of St., Rentals, etc. 9,840.29
Alcohol Beverage (Secretary of State) 1,895.56
General Miscellaneous 458.36
Irreducible School Fund 906.66 $690,345.96
GRAND TOTAL $984,623.89
General County Expenses. $ 33,929.65
General Roads 90,396.85
County School Fund 19,371.36
City Specials 17,535.10
Hospital Maintenance 15,639.94
Hospital Construction 5,915.27
Hospital Equipment 33,790.44
School Districts 174,948.82
Non High School Districts 2,894.74
County Fair Fund 10,407.41
Irrigation District Orders 5,664.22
County Bonds Redeemed 19,500.00
County Bond Interest Paid 1,845.63
Rural Fire Protection District 418.34
Sent State Game Commission (Fines) 490.50
Rodent Control 2,517.39
Coyote Bounty 177.00
Dog Fund 11.00
Balance on hand December 31, 1950 $549,170.23
Less Unsegregated Funds $336,046.46
Frances Mitchell,
Morrow County Treasurer
JULY 1, 1950 TO JAN. 1, 1951.
On hand and on Deposit, June 30, 1950 $
1950-51 taxes $593,411.45
1949-50 taxes 36,958.21
1948-49 taxes
1947-48 taxes ...
1946-47 taxes ...
1945-46 taxes ...
1944-45 taxes ....
1943-44 taxes ...
1935 and Prior
Land Sales 9,221.85
Over Collections
Total on Hand and Received $644,074.43
Turned over to County Treasurer $633,965.00
Unsegregated Funds $336,046.46
Segregated Funds $297,918.54
On Deposit in Bank $ 2,111.14
On Hand, December 31, 1950 $ 7,998.29 $ 10,109.43
Total Disbursements and Balance on Hand $644,074.43
RECEIPTS Disbursements
$146.40 $146.40
$178.25 $178.25
Respectfully Submitted,
C. J. D. Bauman
By F. M.