it S) S Q O 0 CI Page 4 Annual Meeting Of S. C District To Be Held at Boardman By Mrs. FLOSSIE COATS The annual Soil Conservation meeting will be held in Board man Friday, January 26, an all day meeting beginning at 10:00 a. m. Afternoon speakers will be Ralston Hurlbutt, field agrono mist for the Pullman, Wash., grass nursery of the U. S. Soil Conservation service. Also sched uled to speak is Melvin Hay good, irrigation specialist from Oregon State college. Other fea NEW YORK . . . always fascinating always alluring. tor winter lun, en route stop at Union Pacific's Sun Valley. We'll ROAD Of THE DAIIY FOR DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION 6t jjji ;j " jfaaveers cioose f I ! ; union PACINC J, in j Mil, fife;!? jsci i" ' 1 1 Ji-.i- mm. January 27 IONE American Legion Hall Benefit For IONE SCHOOL BAND UNIFORMS Music by BUD ORTON Admission $1.25 Tax Included SUPPER SERVED The Courteous and Skilled Driver Always: Gives correct arm signals for lane changes, turns and stops. Obeys speed limits Stops completely at stop signs Drives in and turns from the proper lane Observes passing regulations and no-passing zones Yields right-of-way and observes crosswalks for pedestrians Stops when approaching standing school buses until safe to proceed Exercises special caution at railway-grade crossings Refuses to drive after drinking Drives defensively, anticipating what others may do. -: Be As Courteous A Driver as You Think You Are :- This advertisement sponsored by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner In the interest, of safer driving In town and on the highways. tures will be a movie and slides on land leveling and ditch struc ture, by Mr. Louis Parton, super visor. Thursday afternoon, January 18, a soil conservation meeting was held at the home of Arnold Hoffman. Present were Nels An derson, county extension agent, Heppner; supervisor Louis Part on, Stanfield, Clyde Robinson, Bill Forthman, Sam Davis and Mr. Hoffman. Anderson explain ed how soil and PMA work to gether. Mrs. Hoffman served re freshments. Mrs. Marion Hill has returned to her work as operator at Mess ner, after several weeks vacation spent at her home in Telocaset. Union Pacific offers the "Rest as You Ride" way East. Spa cious lounges . . . dining cars serving delicious food . ; . Pullman accommo dationsrooms and berths . . . also, rest-easy coach seats. Go Union Pacific, THREE FINE TRAINS ... DAILY 10W FARES StlOXtnUtter "City of Portland!! "PORTLAND ROSE" "IDAHOAN" help plan your trip Local Agent STREAMUHcRS Specific . . . 4V? UNION PACIFIC Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 25, 1951 Mrs. O. H. Bengston and little daughter Hilda, who visited here two weeks with Mrs. Bengston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benge, left this morning for their home in Medford. The Gazette Times mentioned last week that Mrs. Bengston's husband is a member of the legislature. That was a misstatement. He was a member of the lower house dur ing the 1949 session and sought the nomination in 1950 for the senate but was defeated. Mrs. Jack Mulligan has re turned home from the St. Anth ony's hospital in Pendleton where she has been a patient the past week. Ladies Aid Silver Tea met at the home of Mrs. Earl Briggs Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Wm. Nickerson assisting as co-hostess. After the regular business the ladies served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tannehill and daughters were guests for a few das at the home of Tanne hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill. Donald has been transferred from the dis patcher's office in Portland to LaGrande. Mrs. Tannehill and daughters are remaining in Boardman until the household furniture is moved to LaGrande. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ferguson motored to Heppner Wednesday, spent the week end in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes with their sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Ballino, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beall and daughter Patty. Jeffer son Hayes and Mrs. Robert Har yood were in charge of the gro cery store during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber motored to Pendleton Saturday and were guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys. Rev. Morton of the Presbyter ian Church, Stanfield held serv ity church Sunday. The Misses ices in the Boardman Commun Wanda Needles and Jean Scott motored to Stanfield, conducting the services there. Ray Gronquist has leased the Hancock service station, has taken possession, and is now open for business. For a short time Gronquist will also keep the Phillips station in operation. Mrs. Kaharine Heck left for her home in Seattle Sunday af ter staying two weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eva Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gillespie and daughter Billie of Othello, Wash., were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie. The two boys are bro thers. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dewesse of Stayton arrived Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lea Root and will remain for an indefinite stay. The two ladies are sisters. Sunday the Dewesses and Roots were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber in Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller motored to La Grande Friday to visit their daughter, Miss Mildred Miller, who had undergone a ton sillectomy Friday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Miller returned home Saturday evening, at which time Miss Miller was doing nicely. Allen Billinggs who has been a student at Oregon State the past term returned hmae Satur day and will remain for a time. Boardman basketball team de feated the Irrigon team on the home floor Friday evening with a score of 60-29. Stanley Shattuck was high point man with 20. In the preliminary ggme the Board man graders won from the Irri gon graders with a score of 23-17. The regular home extension .meeting was held in Boardman Monday, Jan. 15. Subject was In. Inerspring Cushion repair. A pre liminary meeting for upholstery was held Jan. 19. These meetings were held in the grange hall and Mrs. Maude Caswell, hame ex tension agent, was leader. The next regular meeting will be Feb. 19. Subject will be lamp shades. The upholstery workshop will also be held in February, date to be announced later. ill Four Generations I t . - ?. Following a bountiful New Years dinner at the E. R. Settles home, the above group assembl ed in the yard to have a picture taken. It was one of those occas ions that are not extremely rare but which happen only occasion ally, for there were four genera tions represented. First in line is Windstorm Halts Monument School For Day -No Lights By MILLIE WILSON Mrs. Emily D. Miller, publicity chairman of the American Le gion auxiliary, Monument Unit No. 148, reports that the Disabled War Veterans have begun mak ing poppies. Making memorial poppies which the people of Am. erica will wear in honor of the nation's war dead on Poppy Day next May, is being started by the American Legion auxiliary in veterans hospitals in many parts of the country. Poppy making will give profitable and benefi cial employment to thousands of disabled veterans during the winter and spring months. More than 30,000,000 of the little red memorial flowers are expected to be made for the Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mel lor are the proud parents of a baby boy born January 15. The young man tipped the scales at nine pounds. He has been named Marcus Joe, Mrs. Mellor and the baby return ed home from the hospital on Sunday. This is the Mellors' third child. Besides the baby boy they nave two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates and Clarence Holmes returned last Sunday from a trip to Medford. Vernon Bell of Heppner, a grandson of Mrs. Jessie Batty, enrolled in the Monument high school last week. He will stay with his uncle, Kenneth Batty. On account of the hard wind last Sunday night a fuse was blown in the electric circuit to the school house. Therefore on Monday morning school had to be closed as there were no lights or water. Mr. McLaughlin took advantage of the holiday and took Mrs. McLaughlin to con sult a doctor in John Day. Due to a severe cold, Mrs. McLaugh lin was forced to miss two days of school last week. The local band, the Rimrock Serenaders, played for the stock raisers' dance in Heppner on January 13. Mrs. Stanley Boyer and Mrs. Joe Simas were business visitors in John Day one day last week. The Hudspeth Lumber Com pany, Inc. called Emory Moore to John Day last Monday to at tend to matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman of Top were in town from their ranch last Wednesday. They vis ited relatives and did some shop Lady, Take It Easy With FRIGIDAIRE! Why work harder than you have to? Let FRIGIDAIRE appliances make housework a pleasure all week long. Easy-to-operate automatic wash ers. Roomy, easy-to-clean refrigera tors. Efficient electric ranges. Spacious Deep Freezes. FRIGIDAIRE L, s I John L. Padberg. He is holding Archie Padberg III, his great grandson. Next in line is Archie Padberg Sr. and his son, Archie junior. Guests at the New Years dinner included Lola and Juan ita Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg Jr. and son of Mon mouth, Archie Padberg Sr. and the Settles family. ping while here. . Those enjoying a birthday dinner with Mrs. Daisy Simas were Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sweek, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Enright, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Simas, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lesley, Mrs. Anna Lesley and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork. The dinner was Sunday, January 21. Mrs. Anna Lesley and Mrs. Lo la Shank both received letters from W. E. or Bill White last week. Bill is now living with his niece at McCloud, Calif. He wrote that there was 12 inches of snow there. Better come back to Grant county, Bill, where the ground has no snow. Last Thursday Mrs. Helen Brown and Mrs. Lydia Capon en tertained the ladies of the M. M. M. club at the grange hall. There were 16 present. After a short business meeting a bunco game was enjoyed. The writer did not learn the names of the ones winning the prizes. Lovely refreshments of pie, coffee, tea and cheese snacks were served by the hostesses. At the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Iffie McKinney WILLFIRE Wipe You Out? Home values are much higher than a few years ago the value of both building and contents should be insured to AT LEAST 80 for safety. Broad coverage is recommed ed. Turner Von Marter Company Heppner Appliance Company with Anna Lesley as co-hostess, it is hoped the quilt which the ladies have been working on put together so the quilt ing can be started. . Jack Forrest will leave Mon day to join the armed forces. A group of young people gathered at the grange hall Sunday eve ning to give him a farewell par ty. Johnnie Stussie o f Long Creek was in town Sunday visiting with friends. Mrs. Dempsey Boyer was oper ated on at the St. Vincent's hos pital in Portland last week. At last reports she was getting along as well as could be expect ed. Mrs. Mead Gilman was called to Mitchell last Friday to attend the funeral services for her uncle, Al Foss. She was accompanied by her husband. Mr. Foss was 84 years old at the time of his pass ing and had lived at Mitchell since he was 21 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman remained in Mitchell until Monday. Maynard Hamilton left Tues day for The Dalles where he will receive medical aid. He went by way of Heppner. Mr. Hamilton expects to visit in Ashland and Nyssa before returning home. Clarence'Youmans of John Day came Tuesday to help Chet Brown make out slash reports and also to report on logging operations in this area. Raymond Hooker is now log ging in the Trairie City area. His family will remain here where the children are in school. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Settle and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lesley at tended the show in Long Creek Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robert son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mar tin and Miss Virginia Roach of Long Creek attended the Gay Ninety dance sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Simas moved into their new home Sat urday. They have been living in the Wilson apartments. Check tJiese features miVpSARY ' expect to find on mattresses selling for $50 10 $59l DECORATOR-DESIGNED DAMASK COVER IODY-IALANCED INNERSPRING UNIT EXCLUSIVE SCALY INSULATOR CONSTRUCTION PRE-IUIIT I0RDERS TO PREVENT SAGGING "HANDI-GRIP" HANDLES FOR EASY TURNING IjmR-SUE VENTILATORS Case Furniture Co. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Round and daughter Ireta Ann of Long Creek and Dee Ann Johns of John Day were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shank. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns and Tom Shanks were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Stubblefield. Those winning prizes for their costumes at the Gay Ninety dance were Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gilman, Mrs. Ivan Enright and daughter Patty, Henry Cupper and son Hankie. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR A NEW CHEVROLET KEEP YOUR PRESENT CAR M 6000 REPAIR UNTIL YOUR NEW CAR IS . DELIVERED. Our service department is Hatted with factory-trained mechanics and necessary too It, parti and equip ment to render you East, efficient service at reasonable coat. Talk It Over With Us Before Yen Deal Be tore you trade in your present car or make any deal, talk at over with as. We ate anxioaa to hasp yon get a new Chevrolet as soon aa possible and welcome your inquiries. Where friesd Hodge Chevrolet Company you'd Sealy's great "Turn-Dack-the. Clock" Sale brings you the Dollar Sayings Time of your life with this once-a-year selling of genuine Sealy Innerspring Mattresses! At this sensational Sealy 70th Anni versary Sale Price you can afford superior Sealy Innerspring Mat tresses for your whole family! See . iheij superb Seal; s oowl. - -