D J1S2 n Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 18, 1951 Page 5 WANT ADS THE SMART BOYS are placing their orders for new Fords now., I AM NOW ABLE to take on a limited amount of cabinet woik, kitchen remodeling, tiling bathrooms and any oth er kind of finish carpentering. No frame or roof work. O. M. Yeager, phone 1483, 415 Jones street. 43-44p 1947 STUDEBAKER Commander sedan. Has everything. Here is the new look for only $395.00 down. Rosewall Motor Com pany. WANTED Woman or girl to help with general housework and cook. Year round job. $125 a month, Saturday afternoons , and Sundays off. Write or call Mrs. Frank Anderson 13F5. 43tfc FOR SALE 75 tons of baled hav. Phone 37F14. G. Herman, lone. 43-46c WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our wasnmu bile. Wash job $1.50. Have your car washed and ride with pride. Rosewall Motor Com pany 1941 DODGE club coupe. Pay down $142.00. Rosewall Motor Company. WE DO ALL KINDS of body work and painting. We color match any car. Rosewall Motor lo, KEEP YOUR EYE on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. WE INSTALL glass in all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Co. ROSY SAYS: Its nice to be back in the saddle again selling . cars after a vacation. We have some real buys on late model used cars. It seems like every body wants a new Ford. NOW IS THE TIME to put your truck in shape for the job ahead while parts and labor are available. Phone 1092 for an appointment. Rosewall Mo tor Co. 1949 FORD PICKUP. Has heater and heavy duty tires. Pay down $395.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Wire baled hay and bundled oat hay any amount small or large. $20 per ton. Ola L. Jones. 44-45c LEAVE YOUR TIRES with Rose wall Motor Company for the best grade recapping. FOR SALE New 5-room home, unfurnished or partially fur nished. See Al Edwards, Hill street. 44p IF YOU LIKE automobiles and romance you will like Clark Gable and Barbara Stanwyck in the M-G-M thriller showing Sunday January 21 and 22 at the Star theatre in "To Please a Lady." PORCELAINIZE and ride with pride. Porcelainize outlasts three or four ordinary wax or polish jobs. Phone 1092 to have this beauty treatment put on your car. Rosewall Mo tor Co. FOR SALE Baby buggy, like new. Cost $25, will take $15. Call Mrs. Jack Loyd, 2955. 44c LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, administrator of the estate of Anna B. Chapin, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the under signed administrator with prop er vouchers duly verified, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1950. GUY CHAPIN, Administrator. 40-44 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned adminis trator of the estate of FARRIS PROCK, DECEASED, has filed with the PROBATE COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, his Final Ac count of his administration of the estate of the said deceased and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 22nd day of Jan uary, 1951 at the hour of 10 o'cloek a. m. of said day at the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the ttmo nnH nlare for hearinff ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement or saia es tate and all persons having ob tprttnns thprptn re herebv re quired to file objections with said court on or oeiore tne ume flvpH for said hearlne. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1950. E. R. PROCK, Administrator. 40-44 In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE E. RUSSELL, De NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of George E. Russell, de ceased by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and all persons having claims against the said estate are herebv required to present such claims, duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the omce of Walker & Barnes, attorneys at law, in the Reclamation Building in Hermiston, Oregon, within six months from the date of this No tice. RUTH RUSSELL, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of George E. Russell, de ceased. 43-47C NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that I will on the 1st day of February, 1951 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at Boardman, Oregon, Mor row County, sell the following described personal property, to wit: One dapple-grey mare, with heart brand on right shoulder, answering to the name of "Babe". One bay gelding with MC brand on left shoulder and answering to the name of "Charlie". at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand to satis fy a lien claim in the total am ount of $50.00 together with my expenses and the costs of ex penses of such sale. DATED this 10 day of January, 1951. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow Counfy, Oregon 43-45c T7 eiNuiNi liomuto I I Keepsake DIAMOND RINGS Ytaria Mart V crftla4 f) .0. hi JONQUIL Ring 125.00 Wedding Ring 62.50 B. HEATHER Ring 550.00 Alio $100 to 2473 and In platinum $300 to 3450 Wadding Ring 12.50 Ihod HooMkMiAtif I For very special someone 1 1 1 a Keep lake, the most treat ured of all diamond rings; Chooie with confidence, from out fine collections Petersons Jewelers BOARDMAN SOIL CONSERVA- TION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF SUPERVISORS To all owners of land lying with. in the Boardman Soil Conser vation District. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of January, 1951, the annual meeting and election of one supervisor of the Board man Soil Conservation District will be held under the provis ions of the Soil Conservation District Law of this state, Chap ter 3, Section 109, OCLA, as am ended by Chapter 568, Oregon Laws, 1949. The place of meeting will be at the Greenfield Grange Hall in Boardman, between the hours of 1:30 p. m. and 4 p. m. Every person, firm and corpor. ation, state, county, or municip ality being the record owner of or holding under contract of purchase, ten acres or more of land lying within said district are eligible to vote. Candidates to fill the Board vacancy of one supervisor may be made by petition signed by ten landowners. If no candidates are nominated by petition to fill the existing vacancy, nomina tions may be made from the floor during the annual meet ing. BOARDMAN SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT By N. C. Anderson, Secretary Dated this 16th day of January, 1951. 44-45 BOARDMAN ITEMS Heavy road equipment is be ing unloaded in Boardman pre paratory to beginning the work on the new highway south of town. Work also has started on Main street south to connect with the highway. Several new families have also moved into the Ewing trailer camp, the men being ready for work. Boardman school basket ball team was defated in their first league game Friday evening on the Umatilla floor with a score of 41-39. This was very close and to the finish and could have interesting game from the first been anyone's game to the last whistle. Our B team also met de. feat with a score of 32-25. News came to friends and re latives of the arrival of a baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haines of Lancaster, Ohio, on January 1. Mrs. Haines will be remembered as Norma Gibbon McLaughlin. This is the first child for the Haines's and the first grand child for Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin. News of the arrival of a baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ron aid Willett of Eugene on Decern, ber 26. Mrs. Willett is the daugh ter of E. T. Messenger. The proud grandfather spent last week in Eugene with the little Miss and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber Mrs. Olive Atteberry motored to Pendleton Friday where Mrs. At teberry consulted a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mecomber and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and daughters motored to Pendleton Saturday, going to bring Mr. Thorpe from the hospital where he had been since Wednesday. Mr. Thorpe will be confined to his home this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner and son Robert spent the week end in Heppner with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duelen are the parents of a baby son born Friday, January 12 in St. Anth ony's hospital, Pendleton. This is the fourth child and the sec ond son for the Deulens. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kunze, Boardman. MllllinillltllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIllllllllMMHIIIilllllMMMIIMIIIMIinillllllllllltlllUlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlf I In Corvallis Stop at j I Union Motor Service I 1 I Union "76' & Firestone Products I Complete Motoring Services 806 S. 3rd CLAIR H. COX, Prop. I ITS SMART to. be seen driving a new Ford. FOR SALE Used upright piano in excellent condition. Phone 1312. 44-45c FOR SALE Good used piano,, can be seen in Heppner. Jack Mulligan Pianos, Pendleton. 44-45c HAVE YOU MADE a test drive with the 1951 Ford? LET US UNDERSEAL your car against rust, dust, and road noises. Rosewall Motor Co. Its smart to be seen driving a new Ford. BE IN HEPPNER Saturday at 3:00 p. m. for the big Appre ciation Day drawing. You may go home with a pocket full of money. llllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIll JUST A REMINDER... That that CHRISTMAS GIFT will last longer if you have it Dry Cleaned Regularly (And Satisfactorily) at Heppner Cleaners Phone 2592 And we will pick it up. Clean it and return it . . . 'yiZiii' in&iM GREAT ENGINE FEATURES TWO GREAT ENGINES, the 105 h.p. Loadmaster and 92-h.p. Thrift master, to provide horsepower exactly fitted to your needs. VALVE-IN-HEAD DESIGN engines develop more power per gallon of gasoline than any other type engine of the same size and displacement. BLUE-FLAME COMBUSTION, pos sible only In Valve-in-Head engines, gets more power from every drop of gas . . . provides genuine fuel economy, POWER-JET CARBURETOR pro vides exactly the right fuel mixture for smooth, quick accelerator response. PERFECTED COOLING cools every cylinder and valve seat individually . . . contributes to Chevrolet's fine per formance and dependability. SPECIALIZED 4-WAY LUBRICA TION protects all vital moving parts the instant the engine is started, assur ing safe, dependable operation. THERMOSTATIC HEAT CONTROL pre-heats fuel mixture for less choking, faster warm-up in cold weather. CAM - GROUND CAST ALLOY IRON PISTONS maintain a close fit for an extra long period. GREAT CHASSIS FEATURES RUGGED, RIGID FRAMES designed to stand up under maximum loads. HYPOID REAR AXLES of extra strength and durability. SINGLE-UNIT REAR AXLE HOUS INGS no bolts to loosen on off-the-road work. NEW TWIN-ACTION REAR BRAKES (in heavy-duty models) stop heavy loads safely, quickly and easily. NEW DUAL-SHOE PARKING BRAKE (in heavy-duty models) will safely hold the truck on any grade It can climb. NEW TORQUE-ACTION BRAKES (in the light models) with bonded linings. They're self-energizing, require less pedal pressure. FOOT-OPERATED PARKING BRAKE, safe and convenient to use, allows a clear floor area. (On models with 3-speed transmission.) STEERING-COLUMN GEARSHIFT, for greater convenience and safety, clears the floor area. (On models with 3- speed transmission.) 4- SPEED SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION (in heavier models) assures quick, safe, positive gear shifting, with no clashing of gears. WIDE RANGE OF SPRINGS de signed to meet every hauling need, GREAT CAB AND BODY FEATURES NEW VENTIPANES Improve driver compartment ventilation. FLEXI-MOUNTED CAB minimizes Vibration and minimizes driver fatigue. IMPROVED FULL -WIDTH CAB SEATS for Increased comfort of crew. LARGE REAR DOOR OPENINGS to facilitate panel body loading and save time. ALL-AROUND CAB VISIBILITY for greater safety; rear-corner win dows optional at extra cost. OVER-CENTER SIDE DOOR STOPS hold doors securely In fully opened position. UNIT-DESIGN BODIES assure high est quality at lowest cost. PICK-UP BODIES with flush skid strips and extra sturdy, rigid end gates. PANEL BODIES Insulated on the top and sides to protect your load. STAKE BODIES with wood stakes no rusting or bending. STURDY STEEL CONSTRUCTION fits cab and body to withstand the rigors of rugged hard work. FULL -WIDTH GRAVEL SHIELD between bumper and grille to protect truck from flying stones. ONE-PIECE FENDERS to eliminate squeaks, rattles, and rusting. COUNTERBALANCED ALLIGATOR JAW HOOD holds wide open without a prop. More Chevrolets in use than any other truck! VOU ar9 ,he winner when you choose America's leader ... the new 1951 Chevrolet truck. You get the truck that's engineered to do more work, hold down gas and oil expense, require lest maintenance. You get the truck that's been the nation's favorite year after year, and is now improved to serve you even better. And you get all this in a truck that is the nation's leader in value, too. See these wonderful new 1951 Advance-Design Chevrolet trucks now and get all the facts. Come in and see us today Hodge Chevrolet Company