II 11 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 18, 1951 Page 3 Church Scene Of Wedding Ceremony At lone Friday By ECHO PALMATEER Miss Dolores Margaret Mad den, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon L. Madden, became the bride of James R. Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett, at an 8 o'clock candlelight ceremony performed by Rev. A. Shirley in the lone Cooperative church Fri day evening, January 12. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white dress. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a seed pearl coronet. She car ried a white Bible with an orchid and satin streamers. Miss" Dar lene Madden, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. She wore a pink dress with headdress to match and carried pink tarna tions. Miss Wilma Sanders and Miss Mary Jepsen were brides maids. Their dresses were pastel shades and they carried nose, gays of pink and white flowers. Thelma Jean Sanders was flow er girl. She wore a white dress and carried a pink nosegay. Les lie Madden, brother of the bride was the ring bearer. Ernest Mc Cabe was best man and ushers were Alton Yarnell, Elmer Holtz and Joel and David Barnett. The candlelighters were Elise Bau ernfeind and Leeta Linn. Thay wore pastel formals. Dan Falette of Hermiston sang "I Love You Truly" and "Be cause", accompanied by Mrs. Mel Falette who also played the wedding marches. The church was decorated with "mums" and roses. Thp mother of the hride wore a brown dress with aqua accessor, ies, and the mother of the groom worp navv blue with matchinc accessories. Each wore a corsage of roses. A reception at the re gion hall followed the wedding. Miss Wilma Dalzell had charge of the guest book. After me Dncie and prnom put the first Diece of cake, Miss Virginia Jepsen and Miss Wilma Dalzell served. Miss Jane Seehafer and Miss Margar et Hubbard presided at the punch bowl and Miss Fern Jones and Miss Joan Reininger were at the gift table. Mrs. Vernon Aune, sister of the groom, assisted with the reception. The bride's going away, suit was navy blue with gray ac cessories. After a short honey moon they will make their home in lone. Mr. Barnett, a naval re serve, will leave for the service on March 6. Mrs. Barnett is a student in lone high school. Guests coming from a distance to the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Charles" Nord of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Peifler and Mrand Mrs. Sam Leosis of Wal la Walla; Mrs. Vernon Aune, Se attle; Mr. and Mrs. David Bar nett of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kerz, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fel ette Sr., Mr. and Mrs,. Dan Fel ette Jr. and Mrs. Mel Falette, Hermiston. A second county wide defense meeting was held at the Legion hall Jan. 9 with Bill Davis of Heppner conducting the meeting. Mayor R. B. Rands of Boardman gave a report on housing, shel ter and other facilities in Board -man that would be available in You Never Go Wrong on FRIGIDAIRE Appliances O Right now we are offering a 9-fr. DEEP-FREEZE Frigidaire which you can't resist if you are in the market for one. O We have just received two new 1951 Zentih Consoles that you must see You will find what you want in our line of Appliances. Heppner Appliance Co. case of disaster. ! Bob' Graybill of Heppner show ed a map locating bulldozers, etc., in the county. Mrs. Pete Cannon has been appointed as chief aircraft observer of lone and will be assisted by 24 or more volunteers. An observation post will be selected soon. Mr. Davis stated that it was very important that everyone have his blood typed and the type tattooed under his arm in case they need or would have to give a transfusion. C. J. D. Bau man plans to conduct first aid class here soon. The purpose of these defense meetings is to work out actual plans in case of a disaster and to get the people of each community to realize that everyone has a job to do. In case of evacuation the people of lone would be on their own in taking care of refugees. The cataging and locating of trucks, airplanes, motorcycles, jeeps, shelters bedding, clothing, food, gasoline storage are very necessary. Local meetings would help to keep up the interest. Henry Osibov is director of the administration department; Er nest McCabe, the service depart ment; Clifford McCabe of the aid and welfare. Registered nurses will have charge of the medical department. The next meeting will be at Lexington Feb. 13. Robert and Bill Rietmann and Van Rietmann of Condon left Thursday of last week for Den ver, Colo., to visit their uncle and father, Ed Rietmann. They will return home by way of Los An geles to visit another uncle, Rob ert Rietmann. Verner Troedson returned home from a trip to Europe Sun day. Mrs. Troedson stopped in Portland to visit a few days. Mrs. Delia Corson entertained the Ladies Aid at her home Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Anne Smouse and Miss Opal Briggs of Heppner were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matl hews, daughters Bernice and De nice, and Mrs. H. O. Ely were visitors in The Dalles last week where Bernice received medical treatment. Mrs. Frank Engelman is re covering after being ill at her home. Frederick Martin and daugh ter Jean were ill last week. Mrs. Edith Nichoson under went a major operation at the St. Anthony hospital in Pendle ton Sunday. Her daughter Alice of Portland is with her. Gerry White won second prize on his rooster at the Sam Hayes rooster contest in Hood River last week. The Boyington chick en farm near Hood River won first prize. Mrs. Harvey Ring is visiting in Salem. Beecher Emert received bruis es in a car accident Friday eve ning of last week. Mrs. James Barnett was honor ed with a bridal shower at the school gym Tuesday afternoon of last week given by the High school girls' league. She receiv ed many lovely and useful gifts. Funeral services were held for Jerry Wayne Pettyjohn, one year old, Monday morning in the ...finance it through FIRST NATIONAL Finance your new car the low-cost First National Way. Just tell your auto dealer you want First National financing.. .he'll do the rest( Learn more about this easy and convenient way to finance your new automobile... ask your dealer or any branch of the First National Bank, HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK S OF PORTLAND "HT'I BUILD OKIOON rOOITHIJT JWnbw Mml DPfT luvram Corpora fa. BAKER MAN CHAIRMAN OF GAME COMMISSION Delbert Gildersleeve, game commissioner from Baker, was elected Oregon state game com mission .chairman at a commis sion meeting Friday, January 12 in Portland. Carl Hill, retiring game commission chairman from Days Creek, was recently elected Douglas county judge, and Kenneth Dnman of Medford was named new game commis sioner by Governor McKay. The commission also reap pointed Charles Lockwood, state game director, for another year. Burns mortuary in Pendleton, with Rev. Shelby Graves of Heppner officiating. Interment was in the Olney cemetery there. The baby is survived by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn and his sisters Nancy Lee and Patty Sue. He died in the St. An thony hospital in Pendleton Jan. 12. The study meeting of the Top ic Club was held at the home of Mrs. Clifford Carlson Friday af ternoon. Mrs. Noel Dobyns re ported on the book "Raising a Riot." Mrs. Victor Rietmann gave a report of the author, Alfred Toombs, and Mrs. Carlson an ar ticle on the problems of a baby sitter. The club decided to give the annual smorgasbord April 8, part of the proceeds to go toward the school band and part to the library. Refreshments were serv ed after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wentworth and sons were recent visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borree at Hayward, Calif. Mr. Borree returned home with them for a short visit. The Heppner grade school de feated lone in a basketball game here Friday night of last week The dance and card party at the community hall at Morgan was well attended Saturday eve ning. The lone Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Yarnell Tues day of last week with Mrs. Dix on Smith as cohostess. Favorite flowers and their care were dis cussed. More plans were made for repairing the city park. Re freshments were served. The Maranathas met at the home of Mrs. Walter Coriey Wednesday of last week. She was assisted by Mrs. L. L. How ton. It was decided that each member make an apron for the club. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Mrs. Annabel Reddaway of Bremerton, Wash., is a guest at the home of her niece, Mrs. Sam McMillan? Walter Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, left re cently to join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Bergstrom, Mrs. Arthur Stefani and Mrs. Wm. Berg strom accompanied him as far as Portland on his trip to San Diego. Ross Perry, who is with the merchant marines, is visiting at the Martin Bauernfeind home at Morgan. Mrs. C. W. Burton of Billines, Mont., spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg this week. Joel Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett is leaving soon for the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lind strom and sons and Mrs. Gordon White and children were Arling ton visitors Saturday evening. The school reports that $950.00 has been raised for their band uniforms so far. The lone high school lost their second basket ball game of the season with Arlington, 42 to 33, but the second string won 31 to 30. The senior class is giving a combination boxing and wrest ling smoker Feb. 3. Miss Neva Neil, primary su pervisor at Eastern Oregon Col lege of Education, visited the grade school rooms here Mon day. It is the policy of EOCE to A brisk snow storm set in here this morning and as we go to press it is still coming down with a prospect of several inches cov ering the ground before it lets up. It may be that big storm we have been predicting has hit us. Time for plenty of winter yet visit their teachers in field. Mrs. George Mclntyre and Frank El lis are both graduates from there. Dates to remember: Jan. 19, HEC of Willow3 grange. Jan. 20, regular grange meeting. Jan. 20, social meeting of Topic Club at Masonic hall at 8 p. m. Jan. 24, regular PTA meeting. Jan. 26, Three Links club meeting. Jan. 27, benefit dance for band uniforms at the Legion hall. Appreciation Day Special FREE! ONE STETSON HAT Value $10.00 With purchase of any Suit or Topcoat Ma; January 19 through January 26 Only Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service I if. MM mm MEEs FOR THE YEARS AHEAD-- You'll Ji!!' rido a Lomtort tfmSL and Style m33 New Automatic Posture Control If automatically adjusts the height and angle of Forth front seat as you slide ft forward and back. Long and short drivers can be sure of perfect comfort i t and a full view of the road ahead New Automatic Rldt Control . You automatically get a smooth ride no ounee, no' pitch, no roll. A combination of jadvanced "Hydra-CoB" Front Springs and new Variable-Rate Rear Spring Sot pension steadies your ride and keeps your cor level New "Luxury Lounge" Interiors They're "decorator-designed" for both fashion ondl function through the years ahead. Smart Pordcrafl Fabrics In new tones harmonize with exterior color. with 43 newlook Aheadfeatures This '51 Ford Is really engineered with the years ahead in mindl You'll find the amazing savings of Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker ; ; i amazing quiet that stems from Ford's More Rugged Chassis Frame. And you'll discove Fordomatic, the newest, finest, most flexible of all the Automatic Drives. 'bo what a beauty! it's the best looking OfJTHR0AOl' 'AUTOMATIC ride control. SURE IRONS OUT if it. pv'irj; Optimal st txtrs ash ANO SO ZCONOMML, BQTtl When you buy for the future-buy the r.!u.r Rosewall Motor Co.