S O Q CO Q S S) OQ Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 11, 1951 Pomona Grangers Enjoy Program at lone Hall Saturday By ECHO PALMATIER Willows grange was host to the ' Morrow County Pomona grange Saturday. Business meet ing was held and a program was given in the afternoon which consisted of group singing; a reading, Teamwork, by Clyde Tannehill of Boardman; a talk on insurance by Geo. Murphy of Deschutes county; reading by Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and a talk by Oscar Peterson on his trip to Europe last fall. His son Gerald showed pictures taken on the trip. Installation of subordinate grange officers was held in the evening with Verne Lantz of Bend, state grange deputy, as the installing officer. Officers were installed from Greenfield, Rhea Creek, Lexington and Wil lows granges. A dinner was serv ed at noon and a luncheon in the evening. Those attending from a distane were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lantz of Bend and George Murphy of Descnutes county who is assist ant steward of the state grange Miss Barbara Johnson and George Mclntyre were married at 4 p. m. December 24 at the St, Peters Episcopal church in La- Grande with the Rev. Clarence A. Kopp officiating. Mrs. Clarice Johnson, a sister-in-law of the bride was matron of honor and Walter J. Love was best man Both are from Keating. The fam ily and immediate friends at tended the wedding. Mrs. Mc Intyre is the primary teacher here. They are living in the White apartments. The lone high school girls won from Lexington in a volley ball game here Thursday evening of last week. The fat men of the town were defeated by the Legion town team here Friday evening in a basketball game and Condon won the basketball game from the high school boys Saturday evening. The lone unit of the American 1 Legion auxiliary met at their hall Jan. 2 and mended clothing to be sent to the Child Welfare in Portland. It was decided to start a layette for the Welfare at the meeting Feb. 6 at the G. Hermann home. After the meet ing refreshments were served by Mrs. Gordan White, Mrs. Earl MeCabe and Mrs. Cecil Thorne. The unit will present the play, 'He Couldn't Marrv Five" at the school house Feb. 10. They will also give a square dance March 10 for the benefit of the band uniforms. Hery Peterson left Sunday for Salem to attend the Legislature where he is a representative. Mrs. Peterson and son Herbert have moved in the Mrs. Hugh Bell house for a couple of months. The John Botts family have moved to Lexington and the Norman Griffins will move into the house vacated by the Botts. Mrs. Frances Jones of Wash ington visited at the home of Mrs. Ida Graybill and Mrs. Delia Corson last week. feff fffite ffh-hoo fffnWh .T1 Books added to the lone Pub lic Library are "Pound Foolish" by Molloy; "Them Was the Days", McKeown; "Joy Street," Keyes; "The Story of Our Names," Smith; "In the Pink," Topp; "Stirrup in the Dust," Ar thur. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hermann donated the book "Especially Father" by Taber and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson gave the book "The Great Northwest" by Winther. Extension books are available at the library. The lone Extension unit met at the Masonic hall Friday where Mrs. Maude Casswell demon strated repairing springs. The February will be making lamp shades and will be held at the Ernest Heliker home. The 4-H club on child care met with their leader, Mrs. Henry Osibov Monday afternoon. Omar Rietmann took the oath of office as mayor of lone at a council meeting Jan. 2. He ap pointed his committees for the year. A plan will be worked out so that there will be a regular routine for the disposal of garb age. The garden club were given permission to start working on one half of the city park. Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. and daughter Nancy Jean of Port- MEANS NEW RINGS Save Money by Letting Us In stall New fiston Kings in your car Makes your car Kun ceiicr, will (1) Keep oil down (2) Keep power up i) uive smootn, new motor operation It) uive longer ' COMPLETE MOTOR REPAIRS Modern Shop Equipment Skilled Mechanics to lee that yon get com pie to satisfaction. EASY PAYMENTS On Our Auto Repair Budget Plan. Immediate Service and Attention Hodge Chevrolet Broadfoot Mill To Install Band Saw in Monument Soon By MILLIE WILSON Lindell Broadfoot and Clinton Batty left early Sunday morning for San Francisco where Mr. Broadfoot will purchase electric al equipment for their new band saw which will be delivered to their mill January 31. They will start installation work at once. Mr. Broadfoot also stated the mill would soon be forced to close down on account of the freezing weather. Lee Fleming returned home Sunday from Freewater where he has been a guest of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wiese. Mr. Fleming re cently had an operation on his eye. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Round and family of Long Creek were visiting in Monument on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round were business visitors in John Day last Thursday. Roy Cork and Junior Simas drove to Pendleton on Friday to get a jeep. The Itschner Brothers have finished their contract of crush ing rock for the road from Cot tonwood to the old oil well near Hamilton. They will move their equipment to John Day next week. Ida Bleakman and Millie Wil son entertained the M. M. M. Club at the Grange Hall last Thursday. Those present were: Ella Durst, Grace Stirritt, Anna Lesley, Maude Harris, Louisa Fleming, Delcie Sweek, Doris Capon, Martha Matteson, Lydia Capon, Helen Brown, Daisy Si mas, Mrs. Hooker and Mrs. Chas. Mellor, who was a guest. As the Christmas party had to be post poned the Christmas idea was carried out. Martha Matteson won first prize for creating the best Santa Claus out of chewing gum. Daisy Simas won the con solation award. Refreshments of individual fruit cakes, jello and coffee were served by the host esses. The white elephant pack age brought by Lydia Capon was won by Mrs. Mellor. Boyd Hinton took his father, Doc Hinton to Portland where he will be a patient at the St. Vin cents hospital. They were accom panied by Mr. Hinton's brother, Ben. Anna, Lesley spent the" holi days in Pendleton and Long Creek at the home of her daugh ters, Sarah Smith and Lelia Sloan. Mrs. Chance Wilson accompan- nn ' n . 8 GRAIN GROWERS Spraying with STANTOX 2,4-D has increased the yield of grain up to 300 per cent, and has saved many crops. Pi srAtnm i SELECTIVE WEED KILLERS Both STANTOX and SINOX tprayi are "Selective" and will elim inate Weeds without permanent Injury to many growing crops. STANTOX 2,4-D Weed Killer, avail able in liquid triethartolamine salt, duiti, and Eiter forms for the selec tive control of weeds in grain and for morning-glory. Start an effective spray pro gram NOW, before weeds take over your fields. SINOX and SINOX W selective weed killers for onions, flax, young alfalfa and peas. Kills oil plant top growth when used with oil. Recommended for potato vine killing, dormant alfalfa fields, pre-emergence sprays, fence lines and ditchbanks. A COMPLETE OFfCRINQ BY Empire Machinery Co. land is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman. Clyde Crawford of Portland is visiting at the home of his uncle Wate Crawford. Mrs. Henry Osibov entertained the Eastern Star social club at her home Jan. 3. Mrs. Edith Nichoson is a patient in the Memorial hospital in Heppner. M. E. Cotter is recovering af ter being ill tor a month. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnley Crum and daughter of Olex visited at the home of his nephew Ralph Crum Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Town send and family left for Port land Saturday to visit an aunt, Miss Myrtle Townsend who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and family returned from Salem last week where they visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crab tree. Mr. Crabtree has been quite 111. Wate Crawford attended the funeral of his brother, George Crawford near Great Falls, Mont, last week. Mr. Crawford died Jan. 3. Recent visitors at the James Lindsay home were Mr. and Mrs. Ole King of Coos Bay. Holiday visitors at the Ransier home were Earl Berk, Frank Hinsen and Darroll Kent of Gar field, Wash., Rodger and Nathan Davis, Miss Carol Wolters, Miss Pat Brunswick and Miss Joan Summors of Kelso, Wash. Mrs. Walter Jepsen and daughter Mary and Elmer Holtz spent the New Years holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer New ton at Coos Bay. Win. Aldrich of Salem spent the week end at the Ernest Heli ker home. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and Mrs. Henry Osibov spent Saturday in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and son Gerry will leave for Hood River Tuesday where Gerry will enter his New Hampshire rooster in the Sam Hayes rooster contest there. His rooster received the grand champion prize at the Morrow county fair last fall. The Whites will visit Mrs. White's sister, Mrs. Geo. Quinton at Lyle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and Mrs. J. C. Ware spent the week end in Olympia, Wash. 1 Dates to remember: Jan. 12, Study meeting of Top ic Club at the Clifford Carlson home. Jan. 16, Legion and Aux iliary meeting, 8 p, m. Jan. 17, Arnica meeting. Jan. 18, Installa tion of the Rebekah officers. Jan. 19, HEC of Willows grange. Jan. 20, regular grange meeting. Feb. 10, a play by the Auxiliary at the school house. ied Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams and Mrs. Williams' sister and husband to John Dty last weu-nesday. Mrs. John Dav. mother of Mrs. Harold Cork is visiting at the Cork home. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beardsley and children of Portland spent the holidays at their ranch be low Monument which is operated by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Strecker. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lane. Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt and Mrs. Fred Shank were at tending to matters of business in John Day on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elder of On tario were in Monument on Thursday . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan and son Milt drove to California' this week to attend the funeral serv. ices for Mr. Morgan's brother. Barney Cork and Gary Gregg drove to Portland last Tuesday to enlist in the navy. They will re port In Portland January 8. They were given a farewell party at the Grange Hall on Saturday nieht. Dancing was enjoyed and a pot luck supper was served to a large crowd. Ed Phlugard of Pendleton pur chased the home ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Akers near Ham ilton last week. Mr. Akers states he will not move his family un til the school year is over. At present the Akers have no plans as to where they win maKe tneir future home. Mr. and Mrs. George Capon, Miss Darlene Capon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and family. Mary Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wricht. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Streck er, Nora Boyer and Jack jewen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon and family on New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon were hosts to a pinochle card' party. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork, Mrs. John Day, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright, Mrs. Mary Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Streck er, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Boyer, Al Strecker of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and Jack Jew ell. o OVERWHELMING Willie Johnson, a sawed-off, beaten down, little colored boy was arraigned in a Texas district court on a felony charge. The clerk intoned, "The State of Texas versus Willie Johnson!" Before he could read further, Willie almost broke up the pro ceedings by solemnly declaring, "Lawsy mercy! What a major ity!" o COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR DECEMBER, 1950 The minutes of the November, 1950 terms were read and ap proved. The Court ordered the transfer of $9501.74 from the Motor Li cense fund to the General Road Fund. The Court ordered the sale of the following property: All of Section 1; North half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 3: West half of Section 6 All of Section 16 in Township 3 North, Range 23, East of the Wil lamette Meridian, containing 1681.09 acres more or less for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. All of Section 25; West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28: Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29; Northwest Quarter of Section 32; West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34 in Township 4 North, Range 23, East of the Willamette Meridian, containing llfaO acres more or less for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. The Court accepted the Shell Oil Company bid of 19.99 cents per gallon for gasoline as the lowest and best bid offered, and the Texas Oil Company's bid of 12 cents for diesel oil as the low est and best bid offered. The Court accepted and ap proved that the Extension of the Main Street of Boardman through the Ewing Addition as a County rnad. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND: Sadie Parrish, Deputy $149.20 Frances Mitchell, Office clerk $94.30; Treasurer $164.00 258.30 Juanita Massey, Deputy 160.85 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy 191.45 Margaret Gil lis, Health Nurse 213.70 A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 197.05 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 24.75 Susie W. Miller, Court Re porter 49.50 William Garner, Justice of Peace 74.25 J. O. Hager, Justice of Peace 141.50 Blue Cross Plan, withhold ing on salary 47.85 Garnet Barratt, Co. Judge, Gen. Assistance $1125.00; Old Age $1500.00; De pendent children $420.00: Blind $82.50 312750 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 144.53 Gertrude Applegate, Tax Collection 32.50 Craig Office Supply, Tax Collection 179.21 Heppner Appliance Co., Clk. 3.00 C. W. Barlow, Clerk Incid entals 33.46 Empire Stationers, Corp. Clerk 5.22 Gazette Times, Assessor $61.70; Official Publica tion $21.60; Sheriff 6.75 90.05 W. O. Pix, Assessor Mileage 29.00 5.00 28.87 6.90 .75 2.91 A. D. McMurdo, Coroner Pacific Power & Light Cfl. Court House Gilliam and Bisbee, Court House Packer-Scott Co., Ct. House 10.b7 Becket Equipment Co. Ct House Heppner Ldry. Ct. House Heppner Hdw. & Elec. Co., Court House Justice Court: D. A. Wilson $3.00; W. Claude Cox $6.00; D. E. Hudson $6.00 Lloyd Burkenbine $3.00 Sylva Wells $6.00; Fay Ferguson $6.00; Jose phine Mahoney Baker $6.00; Darrel Vinson $3. 72; Orve Rasmus $3.00; Ethel M. Adams $3.00; Lloyd L. Burkenbine $3.00; Ralph Beamer $3. 00; Russell O'Donnell $3.00; Oscar George $3.00 Fay R. Bucknum $3.00; L. E. Bisbee $3.00; Merle Becket $6.00; O. M. Yea ger $6.00; F. E. Parker $6.00; Fred Lucas $6.00; Fred A. Parrish $6.00; Robert Clyde Hoyt $9.80 Empire Stationers, Justice of Peace Craig Office Supply, Jus tice of Peace Susie W. Miller, Circ. Ct. Empire Stationers, Circuit Court Andrew Anderson, Circ. Ct. E. W. Cartrell, Circ. Ct. Leonard Schwarz, Circ. Ct. Ed Dick, Jr. Circ. Ct. Anetta Klinger, Circ. Ct. Eldon Madden, Circ. Ct. C. W. Barlow, Election $5.- 60; Current Exp. $5.00 James Driscoll, Current 116.12 31.00 88.57 107.56 5.72 10.00 26.73 19.50 99.80 70.66 3.90 5.21 1.05 79.80 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 4.44 5.88 10.60 Expense Bradley D. Fancher, Dist rict Attorney Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Co., Curret Exp. Margaret Gillis, Health N. State Industrial Accident Comm., Sheriff $3.80; Sheriff Sal. 30c; Deputy Sal. 30c; Court house $1.02 ; Janitor 30c Helen O'Donnell, Circ. Ct. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., Ct. House Tress McClintock jail exp. Ralph I. Thompson, Co. ct. Russell K. Miller, Co. ct. First Natl. Bank of Port land, withholding on sal.218.90 City of Heppner, Water Dept., Emergency 4.90 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: Blue Cross Plan $ 75.90 Harold Sherer 100.00 Fred Booker 234.87 Henry Peck 238.88 H. Sherer 327.09 W. Cunningham 284.26 Delmer Crawford 243.64 William C. Heath 266.20 Darold Hams 248.24 Dean Gilman 218.88 Lewis Ball 322.89 Walter Gilman 234.17 Austin Wilson 234.17 Ralph Scott, Jr. 218.61 Dick Borman 256.94 Jack Slocum 225.35 George A. Stalcup 257.89 Harold C. Baker 181.95 Robert Anson Eads 233.50 Grattan Hoffman 125.92 Gilliam and Bisbee 38.65 Pacific Power & Light Co. 13.42 Heppner Auto Parts 14.13 Lexington Oil Co-Op 2.90 The Texas Co. 48.18 Shell Oil Co. 802.55 Industrial Air Products Co. 13.42 Pacific Machinery & Tool Steel Co, 118.10 Western Auto Supply Co. 9.25 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 16.70 Russell Service 4.75 H. Sherer 47.65 Sheilds, Harper & Co. 369.47 C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk 5.57 West Coast Printing & Binding Co. 49.35 Anderson's Builders 21.50 Sunset Motor Co. 59.98 Paul G. Pettyjohn 105.23 Nelson Equipment Co. 4190.05 First Natl. Bank of Port land 376.50 State Industrial Accident Comm. 99.80 Empire Machinery Co. 566.10 D. H. Jones & Son 18.00 Union Oil Co. 22.22 Columbia Equipment Co. 13.72 Heppner Lumber Co. 14.88 E. A. Oman & Sons 690.58 Case Furniture Co. 749.68 Lexington Implement Co. 138.73 Columbia Equipment Co. 87.11 City of Heppner, Water Dept. 23.50 Arthur Allen 9.82 Morrow Co. Electric Co. 94.48 Morrow Co. Electric Co. 1222.41 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 51.80 WARRANTS ISSUED ON HOS PITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Pioneer Memorial Hosp.. $1800.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND: Austin Wilson $ 10.80 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND: Jeff Walker, 1 bob cat 3.00 Kenneth H. Keeling, 1 coy ote 6.00 James Monahan, 6 coyotes 36.00 uilX cemnj 7 Oregonians have relied on FIRST NATIONAL for every banking service HOME IMPROVE MENT LOANS Liberal repayment program. No mortgage required. HOME MORTGAGE LOANS Up-to-the-minute information on Gl, FHA, regular mortgage loans. PERSONAL LOANS Convenient terms, repay out of income. Prompt service. AUTO LOANS Ask your auto dealer, or apply at any First National banking office. CHECKING Regular Checking Accounts or the popular Low Cost Check plan. Name and address im printed free on regular per sonal checks, SAVINGS Now tarn up to and in cluding $10,000.00, 1 over $10,000.00. TRUST AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Ask any officer of this bank for details. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Valuables and important pa pers protected for little more than a penny a day. MONEY ORDERS TRAVELERS CHEQUES All Types of Business and Commercial Loans "LET'S BUILD OMGOfc TOGETHER" FIRST NATIONAL DANK of Portland DECEMBER 30, 1950 M.mb.r Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RESOURCES Cash In vault and In Federal Reserve lank..$ 6S,609,tl 8.92 Dua from Bank 44,918,563.64 Total Cash $110,311,411.5 United States Government Obligations, Direct and Fully Guaranteed 152,840 679.31 State, County and Municipal Bonds and Warrants a 46,634,269.55 Other Bonds and Securities e 4,101,686.08 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank , 750,000.00 Loans and Discounts , 241,624,159.75 Accrued Interest Receivable a 2,176,340.02 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and Safe Deposit Vaults 5,695,101.40 Other Real Estate owned t 3.00 Customers' Liability on Accounts of letters of Credit, Acceptances and Endorsed Bllls 1,131,989.71 Other Resources 556,478.13 TOTAL RESOURCES $570,746,196.51 LIABILITIES Capital $ 7,500,000.00 Surplus 17,500,000.00 Undivided Profit 9,988,667.92 Total Capital Funds $ 34,988,667.92 Reserve for possible loan losses. This reserve Is to apply against any loan losses thai may develop in the future) It has not been allocated to any particular loans or type of loans. (Established from earnings Janu ary 1, 1949, through December 30, 1950.) 1,205,331.23 DEPOSITS j""- "M96.404.72l ,., (Savings and Time 146,938,706.88) Liability for Letters of Credit and at Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acceptances and Foreign Bills 5,138,989.71 Interest Received in Advance . 2,107,192.00 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc 1,699,933.47 Other Liabilities 270,970.58 TOTAL LIABILITIES $570,746,196.51 In addition lo its 46 sfait)-wld banking offices, 15 affiliated banks with 1 8 offices are members of the First National Bank Group DEPOSITS The First National Bank of Portland and 46 Offices $525,335,1 1 1.60 18 other Oregon Banking Offices In the First National Group 121,803,334.23 LOANS AND D.SCOUNTS $647,140,443.85 The First National Bank of Portland and 46 Offices $241,624,159.75 18 other Oregon Banking Offices In the First National Group 31,909,265.47 TOTAL RESOURCES $273,533,423.22 The First National Bank of Portland and 46 Offices $370,746,196.51 18 other Oregon Banking Offices In the First National Group 129,839,057.10 TOTAL RESOURCIS of the 64 BANKING) OFFICES In the FIRST NATIONAL GROUP , $700,585,153.61 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND L3 THESE ARE THE 64 BANKING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP The first National Bank el Portland and lit 46 state-wide banfclnf offices and 14 atllttaltd banks with II offcot Portland Offices Main Office last Portland Branch Hawthorne Boulevard Branch Hollywood-Rose City Branch Industrial Branch Llvftitock-Kenton Branch Xonlnvilla Branch Bjrth nnd Morrison Branch Southeast Portland Branch B"ton nnd Russell Branch Bptown Branch Branches Out of Portland ALBANY BRANCH ASHLAND BRANCH ASTORIA BRANCH BEND BRANCH CENTRAL POINT BRANCH ) CONDON BRANCH COOS BAY BRANCH COQUILLI BRANCH INTERPRIS! BRANCH FOSSIL BRANCH GRANTS PASS BRANCH GRESHAM BRANCH HEPPNER BRANCH HIllSBORO BRANCH HOOD RIVER BRANCH KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Falls Branch South Sixth Stmt Branch LA GRANDE BRANCH LAKEVIEW BRANCH MEDFORD BRANCH MERRILL BRANCH MOLALLA BRANCH NEWBERG BRANCH NORTH BEND BRANCH NYSSA BRANCH OAKRIDOE BRANCH OREGON CITY BRANCH PENDLETON BRANCH SALEM BRANCH SHERMAN COUNTY BRANCH STATION BRANCH THE DALLES BRANCH TILLAMOOK BRANCH UNION BRANCH WOODBUIN BRANCH AHlllaHd Banks In thw first National Bonk Group Carlton Stats and Savings Bank Benton County State Bank ICorvallll) Philomath Branch IPMIomarh) TK. First National Bank of Cottage Grovt The Pint National Bank of Eugine West Eugene Branch Springfield Branch (Springfield) The Pint Notional Bank of Forest Grove Tl First National Bank of labanon Monroe Stafo Bank Moroland-Sellwood Bank (Portland) Slots Bank of Malheur County lOnlariol Tho First National Bank of Prlnevllle Sclo State Bank Clatsop County Bank ISeailde) Coolldge and McClalne ISIIvortonl Bank of Sweet Home Yamhill State Bank