Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1951, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 4, 1951
lone Man Suffers
Injuries While
Burning Weeds
The Rebekahs served a pot
luck dinner at their hall Thurs
day evening of last week. The
evening was spent in playing
cards and an exchange of gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linn and
daughter Leeta visited her par
ents, Rev. and Mrs. V. W. Head
at Cathlamet last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Ham
lett of Sunnyvale, Calif., spent
the holidays with their son and
daughler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Adon Hamlett.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Martin
and family visited relatives in
western Oregon and other points
during the holidays.
Mr; and Mrs. Henry Osibov and
family visited relatives in Hood
River last week.
A party was given in the com
munity hall at Morgan in honor
of Gene Bauernfield who was
home on leave from the navy.
Robert Drake who is in the ar
my spent a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake.
Little Diane Gregory of Husum
is visiting her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Ray.
Mrs. Etta Bristow spent the
holidays in Walla Walla with
Mr. and Mrs. Creston Black re
turned from Aloha last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and
family of Boardman were guests
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
O. Ely last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover
and children of Pendleton spent
New Year's with her sister, Mrs.
E. M. Baker.
The study meeting of the Top
ic Club was held at the home of
Mrs. O. L. Lundell Friday of last
week. Other hostesses were Mrs.
C. W. Swason and Mrs. Charles
O'Connor. Pinochle and bridge
Were played. Those winning
prizes were: pinochle, high, Mrs.
Adon Hamlett; low, Mrs. E. R.
Lundell; 300 pinochle, Mrs. Omar
Rietmann; bridge, high, Mrs.
Victor Rietmann; low and Jack
high, Mrs. Noel Dobyns. A des
sert luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley,
Jr., of The Dalles spent the week
end with his parents, the Rev.
and Mrs. A. Shirley.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Aune of
Seattle are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett.
Mrs. Anne Smouse and Miss
Opal Briggs of Heppner were
lone visitors Sunday.
Dates to remember: Jan. 5, ex
tension meeting at the Masonic
If You are Interested
3 49 4 4
Be in the Crowd on
Main Street
Saturday, Jan. 13,3 p.m.
t ii i w 7
One of the Appreciation Day Merchants
Our Entire Line
of Topcoats
The Popular Curlee Clothes
20 percent
While They Last
Wilson's Men's Wear
The Store of Personal Service
hall at 1030 a. m. Subject, re
pairing inner springs. Jan. 6, Po
mona grange at WM a. m. Jan.
9, Garden club at Mrs. Harry
Yarnell's. Jan. 10, Maranatha
meeting. Jan. 12, study meeting
of Topic club at the Clifford Carl
son home.
Joe Gaarsland left for his
home in Battle Lake, Minn., last
School reopened Tuesday. Mrs.
Maureen Nelson and Hubert
Thoreson, high school teachers
returned from their homes in
North Dakota. They reported a
30 below zero temperature there.
College students left this week
for their colleges.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann
entertained the Rietmann fam
ilies at their home Sunday. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Peterson and family from The
Dalles, Van Rietmann, Condon;
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Vic
tor Rietmann and family, Walt
er and Otto Rietmann.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger and family of Meacham
spent the holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Juanita Rietmann return
ed from California Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christ
iansen of Milwaukie are the par
ents of a daughter born Dec. 30,
Mrs. Christiansen is the former
Norma Lou Lundell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wade and
daughter of Walla Walla spent
Christmas with his sister, Mrs,
E. R. Lundell.
The Hottentots won from the
town team in a basket ball game
here Monday night 47 and 37,
A community dinner was
held at Morgan New Years day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White
and children Gerry and Lona
returned home from Portland
and Forest Grove Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White spent
New Years in Yakima.
Walter Swenson and son Rob
ert of Walla Walla spent the
week end with relatives here.
Mr. Swenson is a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Etta Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carlson re
turned home from their honey
moon in Sun Valley.
Coiporal Elden Tucker of
Portland spent a few days here
with Mrs. mcKer.
Frank Lindsey of Morgan is
recovering from severe burns re
ceived from getting his clothes
on fire from burning weeds at
his home last week. He had spill
ed some stove oil on his clothing
before he started to burn the
weeds. He was taken to a phy
sician in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley
and children of Heppner spent
New Years with her mother
Mrs. Ida Graybill.
Manuel Easter and family en
joyed a trip to California and
Nevada during the holidays
They went first to San Francisco
and had the privilege of spend
ing one day and a night in Reno
which enabled them to see some
of the things that make that un
usual little city "tick." Manuel
says it wouldn't take long to pay
off the national debt if the gov
eminent would take over the
town and all of its paraphernal
ia. The Easters enjoyed good
weather throughout their trip
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister.
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a. m. Special music by the
choir, Oliver Creswick, director.
Sunday church school at 9:45
a. m. Oliver Creswick, super
intendent. Adult Bible class and Youth
Fellowship class meets at this
same hour.
Thursday choir practice at 7:30
p. m.
The Womans Society of Christ
ian Service meets the first Wed
nesday of each month at 8 p. m.
Suzanna Wesley Circle of the
Womans Society of Christian
Lexington I.O.O.F.
Hall Undergoing
Repairs to Roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Way of Pen
dleton spent the New Year holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Way. Mrs. Ken Way
has been a patient in St. Anth
ony's hospital in Pandleton.
Mr. and Mrs. fcugene Marsnaii
and small daughter left last
week for Monmouth after their
household articles and will move
to Kinzua where Mr. Marshall
will be employed. Marvin Way
returned to his school with them.
Glenn Griffith of Union was
transacting business here last
Miss Edith Edwards, teacher
at Kinman Business College in
Spokane, has returned to her
work after a vacation here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Mrs. Eldon Padberg has re
signed from her work at the Lex
ington Red and White store and
will be replaced by Archie Nichols.
Mrs Rettv Groves and child
ren have returned after several
days spent in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace
and three sons and Denny Mc
Millan attended trie ice monies
in Portland last week. They went
to Vancouver on Saturday to vis
it at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Yarnell. Others from
Lexington attending the ice fol
lies were Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Hunt, and Colleen Connor of
Mr and Mrs. John BottS of
lone have moved into the Lewis
house recently vacated by tne
rharlip Rurhanan familv. who
have purchased the Delbert Vin-1
son home.
Mr and Mrs. Eueene Maieske
were Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ansted
of Eagle Point visited New Years
at- thp home of her rjarents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Majeske. Mr. An
sted returned to their nome dui
she will remain several weeks.
Betty Smethurst was a student
from E. O. C. who visited her
parents over the holidays. Faye
Cutsforth returned to her studies
at Corvallis while June Van Win
kle transferred to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding
and family attended the Sand
ers funeral in Spray on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin and
daughter were visitors at Herm
iston and Ordnance, Friday.
Mrs. Laura Scott has returned
to her home after some time
spent in The Dalles at the Ralph
Jackson home. Mr. Jackson
brought her home one day last
The Lexington I. O. O. F. hall
is receiving a new roof of shing
les, replacing the one which
blew off in the severe storm here
several weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill mo
tored to Salem to spend the
Christmas holidays with their
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tro
edson accompanied them as far
as Clackamas where they visited
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Putman.
FOR SALE 11-2 year old Shet
land pony. N. C. Anderson.
A. E. Glidewell
Public Accountant
Tax Consultant
At Hotel Heppner every
Office In Lobby Hours 9-6
Business & Farm Account
ing . . . Income and Payroll
Taxes . . . Financial State
ments & Auditing
Fritzke Accounting Service
244 Main St. : Phone 6441
Hermiston, Oregon
Livestock Spray and Dip No. 30 for
Do not use on Dairy Cows or small calves.
Eleven pounds make 100 gallons of spray.
Mar late-SOW
For dairy cows and small calves.
Phone 33F12
lone, Oregon
Service meets the third Wednes
day of each month at 2 p. m.
This Sunday, January 7, is the
bishop's call to prayer to all Me
thodists. May we meet at our
service hour 11 a. m. to pray for
ourselves and our great nation.
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Holy Communion and sermon
11 a. m.
Feast of Lights service 7 p. m.
Holy Communion on Wednes
day at 10 a. m.
Choir practices Girls choir,
Wednesday at 4; adult choir,
Thursday evening at 8. Boys
meet immediately after school on
Friday afternoon.
Boy Scouts Wednesday even
ing, 7:30 to 9.
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday services: 9:45 a. m. Bi
ble school, with classes for all;
C. W. Barlow, superintendent.
11 a. m morning worship and
communion. Following the even
ing service the moving picture
of the congregation leaving the
church, which was taken one
Sunday morning some time ago,
will be shown.
As this will be the first Sunday
of the month, the young people
will have their social hour at 5
p. m., bringing a light lunch as
usual. The devotional meeting
will follow at 6:30, led by Mrs.
Thursday, 7 p. m., choir prac
tice, directed by Mrs. Willard
Warren, followed by Bible stury
and prayer meeting at 8 o'clock.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday
School. 11 a. m. worship service.
7 p. m. singspiration.
8 p. m. Evangelistic service.
Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study
and prayer meeting in lone.
Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Bible stu
dy and prayer meeting.
Christians need to read their
Bibles and pray as never before
in honor to the boys who are
fighting for us.
Mrs. W. J. Bucknum under
went surgery at the St. Antho-
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White. Heppner
Padberg Tractor. Lex.
Omar Rietmann. lone
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightways
ny's hospital in Pendleton this
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Pen land Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless specif ioally advertised to be otherwise Children I
Est. Frio. .17, Ted. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and High School Students U years and oven Est.
Prioe .40, Fed. Tax. .10. TOTAL 50c; Adnlts: Est Price .60, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c Every Child
occupying a seat most have a tloket.
Sunday shows continuous from 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif
ferent snows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m.
Friday-Saturday, January 5-6
William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Rand Brooks,
Virginia Belmont
Look who's here! Our old friend, Hop
along Cassidy, in a whirlwind of blazing
action and fist-swinging action!
Ann Blyth, Farley Granger, Joan Evans,
Jane Wyatt, Donald Cook, Ann Dvorak
Samuel Goldwyn has reached into the
heart of the American home to make you
live again your happiest moments! A
picture filled with the joy of life in Amer
ica today!
Sunday-Monday, January 7-8
James Stewart, Shelley Winters, Dan
Duryea, Stephen McNally, Millard
Without detracting for a moment from
the excellence of the human perform
ances, the gun that won the West rates
as a leading figure in this film....a west
ern . of superior quality. There's a touch
of humor and romance for the feminine
Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., January 9-10-11
Captivating ... thrilling ... unforgettable!
And, closer than you think. Filmed in
Technicolor. In addition to this unique
film, there is an outstanding array of
short subjects.
Friday-Saturday, January 12-13
Return Of The Frontiersman
Gordon MacRae, Julie London, Rory Cal
houn, Jack Holt Fred Clark
Color by Technicolor. A thrilling saga of
old Wyoming.
Palooka Meets Humphrey
Leon Errol, Joe Kirkwood, Jerome Cowan,
Robert Coogan. This yarn in the popu
lar Palooka series goes for all-out laughs.
To Deleve Tiaf With a 3 inch Worm Air Ducf-Sysfem
You Can Get So ttuch Alore Automatic Comfort
You Have To See How It Putt
Watted Heat To Utel Only
a Coleman Automatic furnace,
with the sensational new
BLEND-AIR heat-distribution
system, gives you such even
temperature from floor to ceiling
day and night. It stops the hot
ceilings that waste heat and cold
floors that cause colds.
You Have To See How It
Givet Individual Heat-circulation
to each room. No more
"freezing" in the bedrooms! Now
each bedroom has its own warm
air Blender! Each room automatic
colly gets the right amount of
heat for greatest comfort
You Have To See How It Cutt
Installation Cost! BLEND-AIR
not only gives you more comfort,
and cuts heat-waste! Usually, it
costs less to install than an old
style heating system.
Come In And See The New
msr xxr-u
1 i
ft K
:4 s
I " , I Pl.l 1 1
What "Magic"
Takes Place
The Wall Between
These Two Grilles?
-n n )
But Swing It islisvingl See us, and let us show you wny
the new Coleman Automatic Furnace, with BLEND
AIR, is the talk of home-owners and home -builders
alike. Come in ask for a demonstration, now!
Automatic Furnace With
Case Furniture Company
Phone 862 Heppner, Oregon