Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 4, 1951 Page 3 WANT ADS THE SMART BOYS are having their trucks overhauled now while parts and labor are av ailable. The bright boys are putting it off. Phone 1092 for an appointment to have your truck put in top shape to see you thru. Rosewall Motor Corn pany. WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our washmo bile. Wash Job $1.50 Rosewall Motor Company. ITS SMART to be seen riding in a new Ford. THE LARGE NUMBER of trade- ins on tne sensational new 1951 Ford gives us the choice of all makes of used cars to sell. Keep your eye on our big lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. FIND OUT what it takes to please a lady January 21st. WE HAVE FORD motors in stock FOR SALE 1 D-4 cat tractor, cab lights and starter. Practically new. 1 '49 Dodge 2-ton truck, new wheat bed. 814 tires, low mile age. 1-3 interest in John Deere self propelled combine, practically new. This equipment all in Al condi tion and needs your early at tention!!! See Bob Runnlon, Heppner, Oreg. to fit Ford cars and trucks made for the last 23 years. Kosewaa Motor Company. ROSY SAYS:: Our new year's res olution is to add new facili ties, use factory mechanics' training and to give our cust omers the very best in automo tive service. POTTED Hyacinth, China lillies and narcissus bulbs ready for growing. A special at 98c. Heppner Flower Shop, 1949 FORD pickup. Has heater and good rubber. Pay $395.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. GLASS BROKEN? We replace glass in all makes of cars. Just drive in and say tix it. Kose wall Motor Company. STAMPED pillow cases, while they last, $1.98 a pair. Hepp ner Flower Shop. 1949 LINCOLN Cosmopolitan Sport sedan. Pay $753.00 down, Nothing could be finer. Rose wall Motor Co. WE REPAIR all makes of cars Just drive in and say fix it Rosewall Motor Co. LOST 2 , keys on chain. Return to Mrs. Frank Baker. 42c DON'T SEND out of town for anything automotive until you first see Rosewall Motor Co. IF YOU ARE planning on buying a car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, administrator or the es- tate of MINNTR AI.RTTRT Wons ed, and all persons having claims against tne said estate of the said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified by law to the administrator at the law office of Bradley D. Fanch er at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. DATED and FIRST PUBLISH ED this 7th day of December, 1950. C. J. D. BAUMAN Administrator of the Es tate of MINNIE ALBERT deceased. B. D. FANCHER Attorney for the Adminis trator Heppner, Oregon 38-42c NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated Decem ber 7, 1950, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: All of Section 1; North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3; West half of Sec tion 5; All of Section 16 in Township 3 North, Range 23 East of the Willamette Mer idian containing 1681.09 acres more or less for the minimum price $1.50 acre, cash. All of Section 25; West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 28; Southeast Quar ter, Southeast Quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29; Northwest quarter of Section 32; West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34 in Township 4 North, Range 23 East of the Will amette Meridian containing 1,160 acres more or less for the minimum price of $1.50 acre, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 6th day of January, 1951 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door to the Court House in Heppner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, administrator of the estate of Anna B. Chapin, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the under signed administrator with prop er vouchers duly verified, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1950. GUY CHAPIN, Administrator. 40-44 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned adminis trator of the estate of FARRIS PROCK, DECEASED, has filed with the PROBATE COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, his Final Ac count of his administration of the estate of the said deceased and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 22nd day of Jan uary, 1951 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the County Court Room at the Court FOR SALE 1 T-D 6 Internation al tractor with winch and ca ble. In good shape. Bought new in 1948. See Bob Runnion. 42c 1939 CHEVROLET club coupe. Pay down $65.00. Rosewall Mo tor Co. 1936 FORD Convertible. Here is class for $50.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. YARNS! YARns! Yarns! Such beautiful colors for your hand work! Come in and make your selection while we still have a good variety. Heppner Flower Shop. HAS YOUR CAR had its RPM lu brication this month? Drive in for fast service. Rosewall Mo tor Co. BEAUTIFUL yarns to while away the hours knitting or crochet ing. Heppner Flower Shop. TOP HANDS: Our auto metal men are tops in straightening fenders and painting. We color match any car. Rosewall Mo tor Co. House at Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement of said es tate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby re quired to file objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1950. E. R. PROCK, Administrator. 40-44 MORROW COUNTY DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing has been set for Jan uary 15, 1951 at 2:15 P. M. at the County Courthouse, Heppner, Or egon on the petition presented to the District Boundary Board asking that territory described below be excluded from School District 33, joint with Umatilla County and be included in School District No. 1CJ of Morrow County: Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, Township 4 South, Range 29 East. DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD GARNET BARRATT, Chairman HENRY E. TETZ, Secretary 42-43c MORROW COUNTY DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing has hppn apt fnr January 15, 1951 at 2:00 P. M. at the County Courthouse, Heppner, Oreeon on thp netitinn nrpspntpri to the District Boundary Board asking that territory described Deiow ana not now included in any school district be included in School District No. 1CJ of Mor row County: Sections, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, E of 17; T 4S, R 29 E. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, W 1-2 of 27, T4S, R28E. W 1-2 Section 20, W 1-2 Section 29, W 1-2 Section 32, T3S, R26E. W 1-2 Section 5, W 1-2 Section 8, N 1-2, NW 1-4 Section 17, T4S, R26E. Section 36, T2S, R27E, E 1-2 Section 1, T3S, R27E. , DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD GARNET BARRATT, Chairman HENRY E. TETZ, Secretary 42-43c MORROW COUNTY DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing has been set for Jan uary 15, 1951 at 2:00 P. M. at the County Courthouse, Heppner, Or egon on the petitions presented to the District Boundary Board asking that territory described below be excluded from School District No. 41c of Morrow County and be included in School Dist rict No. 1CJ of Morrow County: Section 25, Section 26, Sec tion 27, Township 2 South Range 27 E. W. M. DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD GARNET BARRATT, Chairman HENRY E. TETZ, Secretary 42-43C Monument Baby Born on Road to John Day Hospital By MILLIE WILSON Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Arsen eau are the parents of an eight pound baby girl born Dec. 30. The baby was born enroute to the hospital. They stopped at Dr. Jerry's ranch for medical aid, then drove on to the Medical Center in John Day. Both mother and baby were doing nicely when Mr. Arseneau left for home late Saturday evening. Mrs. Ned Sweek and Rex Sweek brought Mrs. Daisy Simas home from Heppner on Tuesday. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Enright had to be tak en to a doctor in Heppner last week. She was suffering from an ear infection. They were accom panied by Ed Enright who had bronchial pneumonia. Nira Knox of Fossil, sister to Charles Hill, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hill and family at Kimberly. Mr. and Mrs. Oatis Stubble field are the first in Monument to have their house wired for the R. E. A. power. Guests for Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oatis Stubblefield were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shank of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shank and daughter Laura Lee, Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt, Ike Shank of Mt. Vernon and Miss May Lloyd of John Day. Dinner guests on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers were Mr. and Mrs. Murd Stubblefield, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roach, Browny and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Cupper, Johnnie Laurence, Lee Leathers and Marion Leathers. Chet Brown has been on the sick list. He drove to John Day on Tuesday to consult his doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope and children of Baker spent the holi days with Mrs. Pope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gilman. They all drove to the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman for Christmas dinner. Charles Gil man and Isobel Leathers were present also. Miss Joan Roach is home from LaGrande for the holidays. Mrs. Clara Flower and son Bucky are home from LaGrande for the holidays. They both are enrolled as students at La Grande. The Cub Scouts use the base ment of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown's home for their meetings. The last meeting was held Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ad Moore from Heppner spent the holidays at the home of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore. The benefit dance given Christmas night for the polio fund was well attended and a nice sum was realized. The ex act sum was not learned. Al Arseneau had some bad luck as he was returning home from John Day on Saturday night when his car went over the bank and landed top side down in an irrigating ditch. He had it towed to John Day on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman took their mother Mrs. Ida Bleak man to Heppner Thursday to at tend the funeral services held for her sister, Mrs. Alice McDuf fy. The passing of Mrs. McDuffy means one more of Monument pioneers is gone. The McDuffys were well known here and their many friends were sorry to hear of her death. Her sister, Mrs. Nora Boyer, two brothers, George and Harry Capon and her mother Mrs. Georgia Capon also attend ed the funeral services. 1 On December 27 Rev. Sidney E. Harris at Long Creek deliver ed on St. John's day a Masonic address. The title was, Masonic beginnings and the St. John. Manley Farar was home on leave from the armed services last week. He spent the holidays at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork. He was accompanied by Miss San dra Callsen of Brownsville and his brother, Ray Jones of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mellor had as their guests last week Mr. Mel lor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mellor of Rawlins, Wyo. Hugh Jackson took his mother, Mrs. Wave Jackson to Rhea Creek to spend the holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright. Cliff Howell took his wife to a doctor in Heppner last week. Mrs. Howell was suffering from a severe case of tonsilitis. They were accompanied by Mrs. Flos sie Gilman. On December 27 a pink and blue shower was given at the grange hall in honor of Bertine Gates. After playing guessing games, in which Anita Moore and Daisy Simas won first and second prizes, refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Edna Moore, Mrs. Ouida Cork and Mrs. Darlene Boyer. The guest of honor received many useful and beautiful gifts. Zephyl Harrison of Eagle Creek was calling on friends in Monu ment and vicinity on Sunday and Monday. Monument awoke on New Year's morn to find the ground white with snow. Old man winter has caught up with us at last. o CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our beloved wife and mother. George McDuffee Howard, Paul, and Ray McDuffee Alva Janet Mason Mary Buhman. o JOINT INSTALLATION SET FOR JANUARY 10 Joint installation ceremonies of the Oddfellows and Rebekahs will be held at the hall Wednes day evening, January 10. Odd fellows, Rebekahs, wives, hus bands and families of members have been invited to attend. Dinner will be served at 6.30 p. m. LT. KENNEDY IN KOREA Mrs. Martha Shannon and daughter Mary returned the first of the week from Corvallis where they spent the Christmas vaca tion with Mrs. Shannon's par ents. She reports that her broth r, Lt. George E. Kennedy, has been in Korea since in July and has seen rough service during that time. George worked in the county when his father was en gaged in construction work here and has many friends here. He would enjoy hearing from them. His address is: Lt. George E. Kennedy, 022-623-11 Co. A, 23 Inf. APO 248, co P. M., San Fran cisco, Calif. By ED DICK JR. How To Get That "New Car Feeling" We overheard a neighbor com plain that his car had lost its zip, was hard to start and a long way from "smooth." Sounded to us like his gasoline contains gum. Most raw gaso lines do... and the only way to get rid of them is to refine them out That's why Chevron Supreme Gasoline is Super-Refined to eliminate power-robbing gum. It is a scientific balance of all the things you want snappy starts, purring pick-up, full mileage ... for today's high compression engines and older models as well. Try it Give us a call and we'll see that your bulk storage tanks are filled promptly. Our local business is built on service that we'd like to extend to yon starting now. SASOUXi J k StanlarJ Oil tf California Predict Distributed by L. E. DICK. Jr. Phone 622 wo make these Advance-Design Trucks THESE new 1951 Chevrolet trucks tell their own story . . . with features that add up to long, satisfying, money-saving service on the job. They're engineered to take the roughest, toughest kind of work, and keep on taking It, with the lowest possible maintenance and upkeep. These 1951 Chevrolet trucks are a step forward for the trucks that already are America's favorite first In value, first In demand, first in sales. And you owe it to yourself to see the nation's leading truck Chevrolet before you buy your next truck. Check the features that will pay off for you. Then re member that Chevrolet trucks offer you all this at surprisingly low cost. You'll see it pays to buy Chevrolet. See these 1951 Advance-Design trucks -and get all the facts-todayl Great Features Everywhere You Look... GREAT ENGINE FEATURES Two Great Engines Valve-in-Head Efficiency Blue-Flame Combustion Power-Jet Carburetor Perfected Cooling Specialized 4-Way Lubrication Thermostatic Heat Control Cam-Ground Cast Alloy Iron Pistons GREAT CHASSIS FEATURES Rugged, Rigid Frames Hypoid Rear Axles Single-Unit Rear Axle Housings New Twin-Action Rear Brakes theavy-duty modtltl New Dual-Shoe Parking Brake (htavy-duty modtltl New Torque-Action Brakes (light-duty moduli) Foot-Operated Parking Brake (modeJi with 3-ped franimifton) Steering Column Gearshift fmodts with 3-tpad trantmitilon) 4-Speed Synchro-Mesh Transmission (in tiMvar fnodefi) Wide Range of Springs GREAT CAB AND BODY FEATURES New Ventipanes In Cabs Flexl-Mounted Cab Improved Full-Width Seats Adjustable Seat Assures Proper Eye Level Large Door Openings Ail-Around Cab Visibility Side Doors Held Open by Over Center Stop Sturdy Steel Construction t Unit-Design Bodies Pick-Up Bodies with Flush Skid Strips Insulated Panel Bodies Extra-Strong Stake Bodies Full-Width Gravel Shield One-Piece Fenders Counterbalanced Alligator-Jaw Hood MsSnW . i H . , . " " ' lyftCSS ilJBl ,n J MORE CHEVROLETS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER TRUCK I r-- Hodge Chevrolet Company