Page 4 Many Homecomings Feature Monument Holiday Activities By MILLIE WILSON Charles Bronson of Molalla spent the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends in Monument. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sweek of Eugene were guests of Mr. Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 28, 1950 Sweek's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cork of Portland visited friends and rel atives in Monument, then drove to Bend to have Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ram sey. Mrs. Charlotte Howell was quite sick the fore part of the week. She was suffering from tonsilitis. Mrs. Wave Jackson was taken to the doctor last week. She is still confined to the house. Vern Matteson spent several days in the hospital in Heppner. returning home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes returned from California this week. The Holmes have spent the last month visiting in Sacra mento and San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sweek and Mrs. Daisy Simas spent the holi days with relatives in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Laughlin left Friday afternoon for Portland where they visited relatives and friends. SINCE 1887 We have been saying "Happy New Year" to our many friends and customers. May the New Year 1951 bring happiness to each and every one is the wish of Gill iam 6- Bisbee who have the same old slogan : "We Have It . . Will Get It .. or It's Not Made" Penney's TR '3 S SPiPl 3 f? Tuesday Morning at 9 a. m. Our White Goods Event X EXTRA-SMOOTH ,p.r-flne yarni qW.yoo.mooth. firm textual FAMOUS PBNCO SHEETS Penney's own top muslto8...atPenney'wn .l.-'ft nrices; famous-ior1111! jr PENCO SHEETS 08 s; v ' m ins & JV cq -249 63x99 42x 36 Cases Olt, tailing hou par " . Mm lM sheet, TW'r. k lon0"ri i I QUnnl V sheet Wr. " boyit The American Legion and aux iliary held their Christmas party Dec. 20th. It was open house lor all the community. After the Christmas tree dancing was en joyed ending with a pot luck supper. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and daughters Joyce and Linda of Echo spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peterson of John Day spent Christmas with Mrs. Peterson's mother,- Mrs. Louise Scott at Top. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Gates from California- arrived Friday even ning at the home of Mrs. Gates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers. They spent the holi days visiting relatives. The last word Teceived from Doc Hinton he was slowly re gaining his health. Boyd Hinton, Ivy Barnard and Anna Lesley visited him Wednesday. Christmas day was a beautiful warm sunny day in Monument. Not even the old-timers remem ber such a nice Christmas day. Mrs. Dick Williams and Mrs. Mick Cimmiyotti drove to The Dalles on Dec. 17 to shop. They returned on the 19th. While there they were house guests of Mrs, Cimmiyotti's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fleming drove to Freewater on Saturday to spend Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wiese. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes spent several days in Pendleton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Foss of Boise were guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmes during the Christ mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hickman return ed the first of the week from their trip to Mexico. The grade school had their Christmas program Thursday evening. There was a large crowd of parents and friends on hand to enjoy it. After the pro gram Santa appeared with bags of candy for all the youngsters. The. Christmas program at the Presbyterian church on Friday was a very pleasant hour spent with both the children and ad ults as entertainers. School closed Friday noon and most of the teachers and some students hurried away to their homes to spend the Christmas holidas. However the old school bell will ring again Jan. 2nd. Q SEWING and alterations; mach ine buttonholes made. Will call and deliver. Lennie Loud en. 41-44p o IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS 1 What a beautiful Christmas day we had at the hospital with a lovely turkey dinner and all the trimmings! We'd like to thank the girls at the hospital and Mr. Lowe for our care and all our friends for the beautiful tree and flowers, for our gifts and the many cards and letters. We also want the carolers of the S. D. A. church to know we appreciated and enjoyed singing. To the Missionary Society of the Valby church we thank you for the flowers you sent us. We want to especially thank Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Hermiston who always at Christ mas time send us a year's sub scription to the Heppner Gazette Times. Mrs. Nellie Anderson Mrs. Delia Hutchins Mrs. Robert Gammell o HOSPITAL STAFF THANKFUL The staff of the Pioneer Mem orial hospital is deeply grateful to the former patients and the doctors who were so thoughtful their , at Christmas time, sending cards anu gins. Miss Rose Hoosier, former grade teacher in the Heppner school and now teaching at Prineville, stopped in Heppner Saturday to visit a few hours while enroute to her home in Stanfield- rv,u The Glenn Parson and Whit mer Wright families enjoyed Christmas dinner together in the Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy and daughters from Camp Five were guests at the Kenneth Kee ling home Christmas day. VOJ uo aSpuquiBg IB pa uoners mou s Jaaqpai uiif ly Island. He was called back in to service with the navy on De cember 3. STAR REPORTER Admission prloes afternoon and evening, unless specifically advertised to 1 otherwise Children! Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20o; Grade and High School Students 12 years and over: Est Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 60c; Adults I Est. Price .60, Ped. Tax .10, TOTAL 900. Every Child occupying a seat must have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous from 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time ol the au ferent shows. , All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 31 ONE DAY ONLY TEA FOR TWO Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Gene Nelson, Patrice Wymore, Eve Arden, Billy De Wolfe, S. Z. Sakall Song, dance, nostalgia and comedy are combined with sparkling success in this TecHhicolor musical. The tunes are from such composesr as Vincent Youmans, George and Ira Gershwin, Al Dubin and Harry Warren. Shows at 1, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10 p. m. NOTE THE LATE SHOW AT 10 P. M. MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BE A HAPPY ONE1 Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 1-2 PRETTY BABY Dennis Morgan, Betsy Drake, Zachary Scott, Edmund Gwenn, William Frcrw ley, Raymond Roe A pleasing little comedy.. .just the thing to get you all rested and relaxed and ready to keep those New Year's resolu tions! Added Short Subjects in Technicolor: ROYAL RODEO and a Walt Disney Car toon Shows at 1, 3:10, 5:20 and 7:30 Wednesday-Thursday, January 3-4 THE ASPHALT JUNGLE Sterling Hoyden, Louis Calhern, James Whitmore, Jean Hagen, Sam Jaffe, John Mclntire Attractive entertainment for those who appreciate sheer excellence of performan ces and for those who want fast-moving action. Based on the widely read novel by W. R. Burnett and directed by John (Sier. ra Madre) Huston who again demon strates his mastery of realistic plots. Friday-Saturday, January 5-6 SILENT CONFLICT William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Rand Brooks, Virginia Belmont Look who's here! Our old friend, Hop along Cassidy, in a whirlwind of blazing action and fist-swinging action! . PLUS OUR VERY OWN Ann Blyth, Farley Granger, Joan Evans. Jane Wyatt, Donald Cook, Ann Dvorak Samuel Goldwyn has reached into the heart of the American home to make you live again your happiest moments! A picture filled with the joy of life in Amer ica today! Ltr2 issa j&a as ll 11 vmmtm&L. jr. The fomout F-l Pickup . . . with new features for '51 such as the steering column gearshift I New massive modern front end makes Ford the style favorite. Th heavy duty champlonl ... the new F-5 for '51. In postwar years, truck users have bought more F-5's than any other truck in the 114-ton field I mMAWr IMM IP rfln rltn t-m stn it f s m sTst sr mature rwwjstt nwi jrm zivijuMy FOR 1951 , more than ever, economy-wise truck buyers are going to follow the trend to Ford! New Ford Trucks for '51 give you step-ahead engineering ad vantages, such as America's only truck choice of V-8 or Six . . . a choice of over 180 models from 95-h.p. Pickups to 145-h.p. Big Jobs to fit your hauling iob better . strength reserves that make For J Trucks last longer: You'll find these new features in engines, clutch, transmissions, axles, wheels, cabs, Pickup body wherever there have been op portunities to make Ford Trucks do a better job for you, for less money I Ford's POWER PILOT is especially important to you. No matter what kind of truck duty you are interested in, the Power Pilot is a PROVEN money-saver, on every hauling job. Driver comfort, too, gets plenty of attention in new-styled Ford Trucks for '51. The new optional 5-STAR EXTRA Cab features foam rubber seat padding, glass wool roof insulation, automatic dome light and many other com fort extras, at only slight addi tional cost. And only Ford gives you a power choice of V-8 or Six . . . four great engines! Over 180 models. Come in and get ALL the facts. Tin Ford Truck Powr Mot k a tlmpUr, fulty-pnvtn way of gatting lh moil powr horn Ih ftatf gas. It automatically meters and fires the right amount of gas, at precisely the right Instant, to match constantly changing speed, load and power requirements. Unlike conventional systems, the Power Pilot uses only one control instead of two, yet is designed to synchronize firing twice as accurately. You can use regular gas . . . you get no-knock per formance. Only Ford in the low-price field gives you Power Pilot Economy I Uina fatal! raghtarflaa data on 6,592,000 fruclrj, lift fitivraiK xpsrft prove ford Truck ail fongtri See bm iocfayi 1.0.4. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Popular Nation Wide Sheets-81 x 99 Nation Wide 42-inch Tubing-Yard 2-59 63c