Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 21, 1950 1 ifol) forlW 1 IS98 tor tsi ft ft m m May all the good thoughts you have spread to others return a thousandfold to you ; may all the good deeds you have done be given back to you a thousand times over again. And a Merry Christmas to you and yours ! CASE FURNITURE CO. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP It's an old, old wish and we know of no better way of saying it . . . from the bottom of our hearts. Claudi ten s WE'RE NOT GOING TO Inventory A TOY FRIDAY & SAT'DAY We will clear our stcok of the balance PRICES WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: Fred Booker $233.75 Delmcr Crawford 217.68 Alfred VVelke 248.04 H. Sherer 327.09 William Heath 256.66 Darold Hams 236.20 Dean Gilman 187.87 Ralph Scott 226.50 Walter Gilman 187.58 Austin Wilson 89.93 Dick Borman 243.42 Lewis Ball 311.45 Jack Slocum 273.20 W. Cunningham 290.20 George A. Stalcup 262.34 Harold C. Baker 247.97 Robert Anson -Eads 238.85 Grattan L. Hoffman 10.68 Blue Cross Plan 75.90 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 5.87 Pacific Power & Light Co. 19.95 City of Heppner, Water Dept. 1.50 Union Oil Co. 30.10 Lee D. Connor, Texas Oil Co. 518.83 Industrial Air Products Co. 18.47 Becket Equipment Co. 3.25 Paul G. Pettyjohn 95.92 R. G. McMurtry 10.85 S. C. Russell 9.89 Lexington Implement Co. 325.16 W. R. Wentworth 3.50 Case Furniture Co. 10.00 Pendleton Auto Parts 54.00 Omar Rietmann 1.35 Harold Sherer 7.69 Shell Oil Co. 593.79 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 28.14 Heppner Lumber Co. 10.50 Heppnpr Gazette Times 103.90 Union Pacific Railroad Co. 14.70 First Natl. Bank of Port land 416.70 State Industrial Accident Comm. 99.62 Beall Pipe and Tank Co. 97.95 The Texas Co. 32J.0 Gilliam and Bisbee 127X0 Allen Service Station 10.15 D. H. Jones and Son 2.50 Empire Machinery Co. 188.62 Heppner Garage 15.90 Sunset Motor Co. 1074.63 Jack Allen Supply Co. 12.47 Boardman Supply Co. 14.69 Lexington Oil Co-op 9.61 Heppner Motors 946.22 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 1589.80 Lexington Implement Co. 71.82 Nelson Equipment Co. 9.51 Rosewall Motor Co. 17.15 C. J. D. Bauman 2.25 Paul G. Pettyjohn 131.83 Morrow Co. Electric Co. 223.77 DeWilde and Temple Co. 155.00 Russell Olsen Constr. Co. 6000.00 HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Pioneer Memorial Hosp. 1500.00 HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND: General Electric Co. 4635.58 Siebrandt, Inc. 403.56 Cooke Stationery Co. 1191.99 Physicians and Hospital Supply Co. 1710.96 American Hosp. Supply Alstock, Fay and Co. J. C. Penney Co. HOSPITAL CONSTRUC TION FUND: Walter Gilman Austin Wilson Dick Borman William Heath Darold Hams Dean Gilman Fred Booker Delmer Crawford Albert Welke Lewis Ball Nelson Anderson Russell Olsen Constr, 2GGG.09 683.06 449.10 Subscribe Now-Gazette Times, $3.00 a Year ?3 P P ? P ST :31 Pemey'i S 1 v is? , i. . i vx 1 & ft I I Klonrlv Tuontw ronti irioc ft Ik 1 4 ft Nearly Twenty centuries 1 have passed since men were asked to lift up their hearts and follow in the footsteps of the Christmas Child. The simple pastoral life of those days has long gone, replaced by a complex industrial civilization. Yet, mankind, on Christmas, still turns to the lessons of the first Christmas to seek peace within its hearts. Jesus still bids us "Love ye one another." $3 m V: S3 60.00 162.00 21.75 15.00 30.00 27.00 5.40 32.40 8.10 12.00 122.00 Co. 2880.00 WARRANT ISSUED ON MIS CELLANEOUS FUND: A. L. Osmin, Coyote Bounty 6.00 George A. Steagall, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Ben Cox, Coyote Bounty 6.00 o Oregon's Share of Federal Highway Fund $5,939,655 Apportionment of $5,939,655 as Oregon's share of the federal aid highway funds for the fiscal year 1951 has been announced by the deDartment of commerce, Paul Patterson, president of the Ore gon State Motor Association, re ported today. Patterson, who is a member of the legislative highway interim committee of the eleven western states, said the Oregon appor tionment was this state's share of the approximately $400 mil lion apportioned for the 48 states, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Dis trict of Columbia. The state may use federal aid funds for highway construction and right of way acquisition, Patterson said. Of the total ap portioned Oregon so far, $768,408 is ear-marked for urban high ways, $2,124,458 for secondary or feeder roads, and $3,046,789 for roads that constitute part of the "Funds for the federal aid sys tem are distributed in proportion federal aid highway system, to area, population and mileage of post roads," Patterson explain ed. "The remainder of the funds due each state therefore will be apportioned when final figures on the 1950 urban and ruxal population are reported by the bureau of the census." Patterson said Washington re ceives $6,315,141 and California $20,417,231 on this apportionment making a total of $32,672,027 for the three Pacific coast states. PLUMBBNG A friendly reminder to order those bathroom or kitchen plumbing fix tures . . . You name the make or style and we will do our best to get it for you. A few makes to choose from: Kohler, Standard, Eljer Briggs Beauty Ware, or Crane. Dlumkinn Mannaer for I g . j-- Case Furniture Co. Frank Bake 1 - CHRISTMAS GREETINGS! 1 m II ft Our very best wishes for a happy holiday and bright new year to all our friends and neighbors. PETERSON'S JEWELERS 8? I tBlttt9 A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and every one of you S3 ' w Us? S3 V II w 3& ' - I WM. Ill immmmimsmM u mm. 53 I? HODGE CHEVROLET CO. s