Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 14, .1950 Mrs. Houck Weds Howard Cox In Klickitat Church By DELPHA JONES of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woark Sr., became the bride last Thursday of Howard Cox of Klickitat, Wn. The wedding was solemnized in the Lutheran parsonage at Klick. itat with immediate friends and relatives present. The bride was lovely in an iridescent aqua suit. The oung couple visited last mmt mmm om m aeoa omhoi hbh i Turkey Shoot Dec. 17 Pendleton Gun Club Starting at 9 a. m. All Grade A Oven ready Turkeys Free Lunch ents in Lexington. Grange held its regular meet ing Saturday with the election of Mrs. Ray Dolven to the chair of Master. Mrs. Dolven will replace Kenneth Peck who resigned. State deput Vern Lantz was there to give a short, but interesting talk. Also were present several visitors from lone. It was decid ed to hold installation of grange officers in lone Jan. 6. At this time it was also decided to have the grange Xmas party Saturday night with a children's exchange of gifts starting at 6 p. m. with a pot luck dinner. The O. E. A. dinner was classed as quite a success last Monday night and was held at the grange hall. The dinner was a candle light banquet served from beau tifully decorated tables, fixed with centerpieces of holly, and red and green nut cups, red and I green place cards with Santa ad orning each one. The kitchen committee, working for the P. T. A. included Mrs. Adolf Majeske and Mrs. VV. E. McMillan. The dining room committee was Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mrs. Cecil Jones, assisted by the following in the serving: Mrs. George Irv in, Mrs. Roy Martin, Mrs. George Graves and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth. Also assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and Mrs. Armin Wihlon. There were 48 plates served with the following menu: Tomato juice cocktail, green pear salad, roast chicken with dressing, string beans, mashed potatoes and gra vy, hot rolls, and apple pie with cheese, also relishes, cranberry sauce and olives. A short busi ness meeting was held with Mrs. Partlow presiding after which they adjourned to the Lexington school house where Mrs. Rands' group gave parts of their Xmas program for entertainment, and they held an exchange of gifts. The three groups of Lexington Campfire girls held their vesper service last Wednesday in the Christian church with the Rev. Sorlien of Heppner giving the Christmas message, and Louis Wetzell the prayers for the even ing. There were several special numbers, and several pieces spoken by the Bluebirds. The fol lowing girls took part: Shirley Hunt, Patricia McMillan, Bever ly and Phyllis Nolan, Joan Breed ing, Donna Robinson, Betty Lou Messenger, Inez McFadden, Bar bara Rands, Pat Steagall, Dianne Schwab, Sharon Cutsforth, Maur. een Groves, Donna Graves, and Eileen Breeding. The Bluebirds taking part were Beverly David son, Charlene Jones, Linda Van Winkle, Betty Dyerson, Judy and Betty Darnielle, Judy Wihlon, Dora Sue Davidson, Helen Leah Winters and Barbara Steagall. Mrs. Don Pointer spent a few days last week in St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Mrs. Bernard Doherty has been keeping the Pointer children for a few days. Mrs. K. K. Marshall is spend ing a few days at home from her work in the Lexington cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and daugh ter Mrs. Eugene Majeske were Pendleton visitors one day last week. Mrs. Charlene Gray of Cove is visiting at the home ow her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Good ell. The Lexington Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Leonard Munkers on Tuesday. After the business meeting lovely refresh ments were served to 8 members. Mrs. Olive Swaggart has been taken to the home of her daugh ter Mrs. Wheeler, from St. Anth ony's hospital in Pendleton where she had been ill for about a week. Lexington basket ball team met St. Joseph's academy on the local floor last Friday night, win- r "Sow on display a I your Pon! iac Dealer tlie ISTew 1 From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Here's An Expert" Example! When oar Main Street parking problem cropped np again, we an nounced a strict one-hour parking policy, and swore in extra deputies to enforce it. We also sent over to the State Capitol for a traffic expert, to give ns pointers. He turned out to be real helpful spent a whole after noon with us talking about zoning and such. And when he left the building he found a ticket on his car for overtime parking ! . Could have gotten sore, I guess or asked us to "fix" the ticket. But instead, he insisted on going over to the Sheriff's Office and paying his fine. From where I sit, it's good to know people, like that young fel low, who refuse to be treated any different than anyone else. City people and farmers those of us who prefer cider and those who'd rather have a cool glass of temper ate beer we're all entitled to the same privileges. That is, so long as what we do doesn't conflict with the law of the land. Copyright, 1950, United States Brewers Foundation ning with a score of 43 to 39. At the end of the game the two teams were tied with a score of 38 to 38. After the play-off Lex ington came out victorious. This was a fine game, with lots of ex citement as the score was so close during the full time. Ar lington grade school played the preliminary game with Lexing ton. Lexington was ahead about half of the time, but Arlington won during the last quarter. This was a fine game . with a close score and fine sportsmanship shown throughout. Rooms Now AvaHuhk at the Newly Decorated Rooms from $2.25 up Coffee Shop Dining Room Garage Facilities frBnt Thit Ad for $1.00 Cr.dit Good on Any Room S. W. 11th it Stark St. Portland, Oregon The Rim Rock Serenaders drove to Rhea Creek Saturday night to play for a dance., o FOR SALE Good Coleman oil heater, reasonable. Call 1192. 39c water system let's make a dale to discuss yoar running water requirements. A phone call will bring as to yoar homo whore we'll help yo choose the right MYERS Water Syrian lor your needs. Better (till, stop hi tee aw full range of MYERS EJocM and Reciprocating Type Water Sys tems. Wo service all makes of pumps. i lor and Now Myon "MM" fiocro Myorl Shadow W.ll doclprocalloo Typo FRANK BAKER PLUMBING MANAGER Case Furniture Company SStf Electrical Gifts the whole family ers, Heaters, Steam Irons, Sand will enjoy from Heppner Appli- Gri, Fr- w . ance Co. Percolators, Waffle Irons, Electric Mixers, Irons, Washers, Refrigerators, Deep Electric Blankets, Clocks, Toast- Freezes, Zenith Radios. HEPPNER APPLIANCE COMPANY Dependable Radio & Refrigeration Service ' :;v ' w ,r w :s :; "i " r r -'ttlfri vlZT- 1 X 1 mi . . v i ix: lift r m tr . J fAnjWjhS uimya .levy glamor to her kitchen! What woman wouldn't be pleas ed to find gleaming Revere Ware or Pyrex under her tree! Or a Corey electric Knife Sharp ener, or beautiful G. E. Kitchen Clock. We've a group of gay Cookie Jars too .... and that streamlined Hamilton Beach Mixer and the modern Casco Steam Iron. ... Or if you want to put a musical note in her Christmas, give her a Nu-Tone Door Chime set. You'll find them all at ! Heppner Hardware 6 Electric Co. dollar for IDollar MufWcarc for Feature you can't beat a Pontiac! 1. The Most Beautiful Thing on Wheel 2. Amerien'ti l.ouoNl-l'rleed Straight Klght 3. I.owPNl-1'rleed far with Hydrii-.Miilie Itrlve 4. Mont I'onerful Pontiac Kniflnen liver lluilt 5. Choice of Kilter .Streak Engines-Eight or Six 6. Smooth. I'lnNhlng Silver Streak Performance 7. Improved, Smoother Ilydra Matle Itrlve 8. niNliuctive ew Gull-Wing O. .Strong, Rugged Rodies by i'iNher 10. Luxurious .ew Interior Color Harmonies 11. neep-ItcNt Seats with Comfort Contoured Cushions 12. Long-Flex Springs for an Extra Smooth Hide 1.1. .ew Sweepstream Fender with Medallion Highlight 14. Sweepview, Extra-Wide Curved Windshield 1.1. Wide, Eamy Access Doors IG. Silver Star Instrument Panel 17. Hnndl-Grlp Parking Brake on Instrument Panel 111. Flnger-Tip Starting 1. Twin-Duct, Open-Air Ventilat ing and Heating System 20. Cnusunlly Large, Fully Usable Trunk Space 21. Low Pressure Tires on Extra Wide Itims 22. Front and near Arm nests 2.1. Quality Floor Coverings 21. Unmatched Ilecord for Long, Trouble-free Life 25. Built to Last 100,000 Miles Optional at extra coif. FARLEY PONTIAC COMPANY xxa "m su xia 1 "V MT7"Hfe -m Jt P. Are Ready for Christmas Are Yours? The holiday season always means you want to look your prettiest! Bring your family's pjarty clothes to us how for safe prompt cleaning ! HEPPNER CLEANERS Call 2592 for pickup and delivery ' 3 'fK "f- -i