Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 14, 1950
Page 3
lone High School
Presents Play,
Backwoods Romeo
The play 'Backwoods Romeo"
was presented by the High
School here Friday evening. The
cast included Rodger Kincaid as
Larry McNeil; Duane Baker as
Rex Simonds; John Bristow as
Romeo Montague; Dolores Mad
den as Connie McNeil; Peggy
Hubbard as Billie McNeil; Joan
Reininger as Orpha Finley; Wil
da Dalzell as Rachel McNeil;
Fern Jones as La Reina; Wilma
Dalzell as Sue; Jane Seehafer as
Forewoman; Dgjores Drake, Ja
net Howton and Darlene Mad
den as women furniture movers.
Hubert Thoreson directed the
A birthday party after the reg
ular Rebekah meeting Thursday
evening, Dec. 7, honored Mrs. E
R. Lundell,' Mrs. C. W. Swanson,
Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mrs. Wal
lace Matthews and Norton Lun
dell. The hostesses were Mrs.
Adon Hamlett, Mrs. David Riet
mann, Mrs. Delia Corson, Mrs,
Sam Esteb and Mrs. Milton Mor
gan. Mrs. Ida Coleman and Mrs.
Echo Palmateer entertained the
Birthday Club at the Coleman
home Saturday afternoon In
honor of Mrs. Rodger Allen and
Mrs. Harry Yarnell. .
Mrs. Delbert Emert left for
Portland Sunday. The Emerts
have been shipping cattle to
The high school basket ball
team defeated Stanfield here
last week. The grade school lost
at Condon Saturday evening.
Mrs. Fannie Griffith has re
turned from California where
she visited her brother, Byron
Goodall, in San Francisco and
other relatives in Santa Maria.
Mrs. Jack Frost of Portland
died Dec. 4. She was well known
here. Mr. Frost was foreman on
the railroad here.
P. J. Linn is visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe
Howk of Troutdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer
and daughter Janet spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Healy on Butter Creek.
The following officers were el
ected at a recent Odd Fellow
meeting at Morgan. Noble
Grand Carl Linn; Vice Grand
Elvin Miller; Secretary, Fred
Ely; treasurer, George Ely.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns pur
chased a Hammond electric or
gan last week.
Among those who attended
the wheat league in The Dalles
last week were Mr. and Mrs.
James Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Lundell Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Ern
est Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Baker and son Ronald, Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
Greater crop yields . . . extra profits ... a
larger harvest check that's what you can ex
pect when you break up shallow hardpan with
a John Deere-Killefer Chisel Cultivator.
Working as deep as 15 inches, the sturdy
John Deere-Killefer shatters the hardpan, per
mitting roots to get down deep below the
seedbed to draw upon valuable plant foods
and surplus water when needed most.
The John Deere-Killefer is available in the
heavy-duty "V" Series and the extra-heavy-duty
"G" Series ... in sizes varying from 5 to
10 feet wide, Both are sturdily constructed . . .
have plenty of clearance for doing excellent
work in trashy field conditions . . . are avail
able with mechanical lift or for use with hy
draulic power through the remote cylinder.
Be sure to investigate the advantages of
chiseling with a John Deere-Killefer. See us
soon for complete details. "
Empire Machinery Company
lace Matthews and daughters,
Lloyd Howton, Norman Nelson,
Roy Lindstrom, Oscar Peterson
Henry Peterson, Ralph Crum and
Franklin Ely.
The Happy Cooking Chums of
the 4-H met at their leader's
home Dec. 2. The following offi
cers were elected: President,
Shirley McCabe; Vice President,
Kay Crowell; Secretary, Billie
Seehafer and reporter Helen Sal
ter. A Christmas party will be
given at the home of Mrs. Wal
ter Corley Dec. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and
Mrs. Delmer Crawford and
daughter Marlene were visitors
in The Dalles Saturday.
The American Legion Auxil
iary met at the home of Mrs. Ce
cil Thorne Tuesday afternoon of
last week. The unit voted to ad
opt a veteran from the Camp
White hospital and write and
send gifts to him. Mrs. Thorne
served refreshments.
The study meeting of the To
pic Club was held at the home
of Mrs. Oscar Lundell Friday,
Roll call was answered by a his
torical event in Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Charles O'Connor reported
on the book "Of Men and Moun
tains" by William A. Douglas;
Mrs. Lundell gave a report on
the author; Mrs. C. W. Swanson
gave some history of eastern
Oregon counties. Refreshments
were served by Mrs. Swanson,
Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. Lundell.
Dr. Roberto Hooker and Charles
White of Forest Grove were vis
itors at the Gordon White home
last week. Mrs. Gordon White re
turned to Forest Grove with
Wm. Clark has recovered from
a bout with the flu.
Marvin Padberg, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Padberg, is re
covering from several days of
Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn is ill at
her home.
Clell Ray has purchased the
Lela Brown ranch and is moving
in from Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice spent
a couple of days in The Dalles
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zwoll of
Lewistown, Montana were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Snider
last week.
Mrs. Walter Roberts, postmas
ter announces that the post of
fice will be open from 8 a. m. to
6 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 16 and De
cember 23 due to the Christmas
Mrs. Walter Corley and Mrs.
Robert DeSpain entertained the
Eastern Star social club Wednes
day afternoon of last week at the
Masonic hall.
Mrs. Rodney Crawford, Sr. of
Portland died Sunday morning,
Dec. 10. She is survived by her
husband, two sons, Rodney Jr.
and Ude of Portland and a
daughter, Mrs. Lewis Perry of
Lima, Ohio. She was a sister-in
law of Wate Crawford.
Miss Barbara John and George
Mclntyre spent the week end
with relatives in Spokane.
Pendleton visitors last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc
Cabe, James Barnett, Miss Do
lores Madden, Mrs. Maureen
Nelson and Hubert Thoreson.
Alton Yarnell is visiting
friends in Seattle. He expects to
be there until after the holidays.
Mrs. Harry Yarnell received
word of the death of her young
est brother, Richard Walch, in
Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White are
moving back from Umatilla.
Mrs. Lela Brown is visitine
relatives in California.
Dates to remember: Dec. 15.
HEC at James Lindsays. Dec. 16
Christmas parties Cooperative
Sunday School. Dec. 16, Willow
grange and Christmas program.
Dec. 17 Christmas program at
the Cooperative Church at 7 n.
m. Dec. 19, pot luck.dinner at the
Legion hall. Dec. 21, community
Christmas tree at the school
house at 8 p. m. Dec. 22. Dot luck
dinner at the Rebekah hall.
The lone school has been Drac-
ticing fire drills. The buildine
was cleared in 49 seconds.
The winner in the school house
has been completed.
Mrs. Oscar Peterson and son
Gerald left Monday for Portland
where Gerald entered Good Sam
aritan hospital to have scars
cleaned up on his face.
J. Palmer Sorlien.-Minister.
Morning Worship and Sermon
at 11 a. m. Special music by the
choir. Oliver Creswick, director.
Sunday Church school at 9:45
a. m. Oliver Creswick, super
intendent. A class for every age.
Adult Bible class and Youth Fel
lowship class at this same hour.
Thursday choir practice at 7:30
p. m.
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month at 8 p. m.
Suzanna Wesley Circle of the
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the third Wednes
day of each month at 2 pm.
Sunday evening, Dec. 17,
Church School Christmas pro
gram at 7:30 p. m. All are wel
come. A Christmas pageant and
parts by the little folks.
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday services: 9:45 a. m,
Bible school, with classes for all
C. W. Barlow, superintendent.
11 a. m., morning worship and
. V. t44r ""see this beautiful mo- iyJ XjA
V budgets fV! '
fc?' A $152.50 VV?
' ... - VVr
communion. Evening worship
with song service and evangel
istic message, 7:30 o'clock. The
young people will meet at 6 p.
m.; leader, Mrs. McKowen.
Thursday night,- choir prac
tice at 7, followed by Bible study
and prayer meeting at 8.
Next Friday night (Dec. 22) a
playlet entitled "The Meaning
of Christmas" will be presented
by the Bible school, with help
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalles Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere,Anytime"
from the choir. Mr. Lewis Wetzel
is directing it "White gifts" of
toys, clothing, etc., will be
brought that night, to be sent to
McKinley Indian Mission at Top
penish, Washington, of which
Mr. John Runyan, former pastor
of the church, is now director.
Your Home Town Pa
per Only 3.00 a year
for all occasions
in season or special
A friendly reminder to order those
bathroom or kitchen plumbing fix
tures . . . You name the make or style
and we will do our best to get it for
A few makes to choose from: Kohler,
Standard, Eljer, Briggs Beauty Ware,
or Crane.
Prank Rlsar Plumbing Manager for
rranK DdKer Case Furniture Co.
r iiillTjTTiiB
Automobile Owners
See us if you do not have Medical Payment cover
age on your automobile liability policy. This
modern coverage affords protection to you and
to all passengers in your car up to $500.00 cash
for medical, doctor, and hospitalization expense,
including death benefits. Cost is only $4 per
year. Don't wait until an accident happens.
Turner, Van Marter & Co.
Priet tndudea eomplat fre.
horn bwtroetioD to umir
full proficiency la froiiinf on
Give her fatigue-free, ait- tical, open, usable ends! Iron
down ironing on an Ironrite! rite has already found the
Give her more hours of free- widest acceptance from thou
dom, on ironing day! Give sands of year-after-year usere!
her Ironrite, the world's only End her greatest home drudg
complete ironer. Only Iron- exy today . . . hand-ironing
rite has the exclusive "Twin . . . give her a lovely Ironrite,
End" roll with the two iden- come Christmas morning!
Com in aad US lor your FREE IRONRITE Domoa$lralioal
Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon
r Give ken a woNOffiwi fvs5r
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