Page 8 IT'S HERE! Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 7, 1950 It's Terrific! THE NEW 1951 Sat'day Dec Bring the Whole Family Corsages for the Ladies Favors for the Kiddies Yes, and some thing for Dad too The Most Excit ing Car Yet ! HIOD Phone A03 Heppner, Oregon Man (to psychiatrist): "My wife has developed an inferior ity complex. What can I do to keep her that way?" The only money that goes as far today as it did in 1940 is the nickel that rolls under the bed. Neal O'Hara, McNaught Syn dicate, Inc. Sign over a Los Angeles used car lot, sandwiched in between "Madman" Muntz and "Wild man" Prichard:: If You Can Bear Dealing With a Normal Person, I Have Some Wonderful Bar gains! Walter H. Schmidt in Coronet The world has become so small that olmost an nation is within reach of Uncle Sam's pockets. Wall Street Journal. A boy like this one may be your son or a boy from your home town. He will look forward to his leave from duty at some strange camp. The Associated Ser vices for the Armed Forces will provide him a place for wholesome recreation while he is on leave. The Community Chest furnishes the money. This is one of the Red Feather agencies. lone's Cardinals Win Casaba Bout From Fossil Quint lone High School's Cardinals opened their basketball season Friday night, December 1, by de feating the Fossil Falcons on the Fossil floor. The final score was 44 to 37. John Bristow led the lone attack with 14 points. Duane Baker added 13 to the lone total. Harrison and Jellick each scored 13 for Fossil. Half time score favored lone 22 to 20. IONE They are having a swell time at the George home this week. Kit and David are both in bed due to a visitation of the mumps. They are both doing fine now but life was a bit bumpy for a few days, especial ly for David who seemed to be the sicker of the two. Duane Baker H. Peterson Ron Baker' Gene Doherty John Bristow Jim Morgan Le Roy Brenner Roger Kincaid Jerry Bristow Lee Palmer FOSSIL F.G. 5 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 F.T. 3 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 T.P. 13 2 6 9 14 0 0 0 0 0 Harrison Bell Jellick Owen Wallace Prindle Kelsay Neth Benge 17 10 44 F.G. F.T. T.P. 5 3 13 2 13 7 1 0 1 0 0 14 9 37 The lone B Squad lost to the Fossil B Squad by a score of 34 to 26. . LEADS NEW GROUP Bryce Keene, lone, is the lead er of a newly organized tractor maintenance club which is the first 4-H agricultural club to be organized in Morrow County this new Club Year. President of the new club is Duane Baker; Vice President is Loy Keene; Secre tary is Malcolm McKinney; and Ronald Baker is News Reporter. Other club members are Dennis Swanson and Leland McKinney. This is the second year project ;for these boys, the Tractor Main tenance being only one year old in Oregon. Leaders, Bryce Keene, lone, M. R. Wightman, Heppner, and Ralph Skoubo, Boardman, have recently attended a tractor maintenance clinic at Oregon State College, sponsored by Gen eral Petroleum Company. While at this three-day clinic, Bryce Keene was judged as fifth place winner, in a tractor operators' contest, being judged for skill, safety and speed with which leaders handled their tractors in inspection, starting, warm-up, driving and backing operations. Rooms How Available at ffi Newly Decorated Rooms from $2.25 up Coffee Shop Dining Room Garage Facilities Prte nt Thii Ad for $1.00 Credit Sood en Any Room S. W. 11th at Stark St. Portland, Oregon A young midshipman reported to the commanding officer for duty. The CO, a gruff old sailor, sized him up and snorted, "Well, I suppose that, as usual, your family sent the fool to sea." "Oh, no sir," replied the mid- die. "They've changed all that since your time, sir." IF you want an IRRIGATED RANCH Large or Small Let me know what you want and I will find it for you At the Right Price! O. C. HUGHES Licensed Broker Rural Route 1, Box 329 Phone 3884 HERMISTON, OREGON water system lei's make a dale to cflscvss yaw running water requirements. A phone call will bring as to yaar home where we'll help yo chaos the right MYERS Water System tor yovr needs. Better stilt, stop In and see our lull range of MYERS f,ecto ond Reciprocating Typo Water Sys tems. Wt service all makes of pomps. New Myfi 'HN" tjch Myerl Shallow . Well Declprocotlos ' Type I FRANK BAKER PLUMBING MANAGER Case Furniture Company HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor gay, glamorous gifts for the Lady in your life How she'll love a package from Norah's! Gloves, Slips, Handkerchiefs, Costume Jewelry, Lingerie, Hosiery, Handbags, Scarfs, Housecoats ( ladies and childrens) Blouses, Sweaters. ..everything she likes! Nor ah 4 Your Family's Christmas GIFT for year 'round pleasure Bell & Howell - Revere - Eastman Magazine Cameras and Projectors Polaroid Land Camera for the Picture-in-a-Minute Argus 35mm with Rangefinder Argus - Eastman Ansco Reflex Cameras Sawyer's ViewMaster and Reels Humphreys Drug Co. The General Price Trend Is Upward, But Court Street Market Is Still Buck ing the Trend. Week-end Shopping Aids: 49c nTOTVTTrC Swift's Premium Cooked, Ready to Eat POUND . . PORK CHOPS AQC Swift Premium Pork Pound itOx' BEEF SHORT RIBS QQP Swift's Branded Steers Pound OV PORK ROASTS QQf Center Shoulder Cuts Pound tJtV FRYERS Pan Ready fiQp Swift's Premium Pound Ut1' PRODUCE HOLIDAY GOODIES ORANGES-No. 288 - Lb. 12c stock UP now wilh a11 thosc ho,i- day goodies Candies, Nuts, Or- 3jjc anges, Tangerines, and numerous other items that add to the Christ . q mas cheer. But we have a sugges ' "c tion come in early while there are ample stocks and a wide variety to 8c choose from. SPUDS - 10 Pounds CABBAGE, Cello -Pkg. TURNIPS-Pound Shop Where Your Dollars Buy More Quality COURT ST. MARKET