Page 7 WANT ADS Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year The 'Seot' of Survival Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 7, 1950 FOR SALE in time for Christmas embroidery work. Mrs. P. J. Winters, Lexington, Ore. 36-38p FOR SALE--Registered Hereford bull, 5 years old, with papers. See Glenn Way at Eight Mile. 38c HAND-HAMMERED copper gift ware makes such a pretty and practical Christmas present for the lady in your life. See it and many other beutiful gifts at tne Heppner lower snop Will there be a new Ford in your garage this Christmas? SEWING and alterations. Ma chine buttonholes made. Will call and deliver. Lennie Lou den, Phone 1013. 35-38p The smart boys are having their cars winterized now at Rose wall Motor Company. FURNITURE For Quality Furni ture at today's lowest prices, shop McGee Furniture Co. We are never undersold. S&H Green Stamps. Open till 9 p. m. We deliver anywhere. McGee Fur- niture, Umatilla. 29 tfs. 1948 Studebaker Champion tudor equipped with radio and heat er. Pay down $439.99 and $74.31 monthly. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE IT'S SMART to be seen riding in a new Ford. 100 A. irrigated A-l grass land, good 5-room house, good barn. 4 mi. from Hermiston, just off pavement. Priced to sell quick. 245 A. irrigated, good soil, Stan field district. Twenty thousand dollars worth of buildings. 120 acres additional leased from government. This is a real buy at $50,000.00; easy terms. 90 acres, 60 irrigated, good soil, fair buildings. Extra good grass land. $11,500.00 320 acres on Butter Creek; small shed and good well and wind mill; 33 acres new seeding al. fa If a. $35,000.00. Liberal terms. These and other listings shown by appointment. O. C. Hughes, Rural Rte. 1, Hermiston, Ore.. Phone 3884. 36-39c Tire chains and permanent type anti-freeze are available now at Rosewall Motor Co. "It's the best one man business in the United States and there is an opening in Morrow coun ty. Write for information to the J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle 9, Washington. HOME MADE APRONS for sale. Make nice Christmas gifts. Priced at $1.75 and $1.85. Also Greeting Cards. Mrs. Eva Du ran. 37-38p It's smart to be seen riding in a new Ford. FOR SALE Nearly new 10 cu. ft. refrigerator. See Willard Herbison. 37-38p Porcelainize and ride with pride. Phone 1092 for an appointment to have this beauty treatment put on your car. Rosewall Mo tor Co. FOR SALE 17 m m Keystone moving picture (silent) pro jector and case. Bargain. Phone 2222. - 38p FOR SALE Neighborhood gro cery in connection with a neat little 2 bedroom house near Ju nior High School in Pendleton. Price $9,750.00. Inventory and equipment can be purchased below cost. A good business and a comfortable home. Write or call R. L. ELLIOTT, co OS CAR SCHULTZ AGENCY; Box 684, Pendleton, Ore. Phone 49. 37-39c What is Appreciation Day? 1949 Lincoln Sport sedan has ra dio, heater and overdrive. Pay $730.00 down and $116.31 monthly. Nothing could be fin er. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT For men only, three rooms with bath. Private en trance. Mrs. L. D. Neill. 37-38p 1941 Mercury sedan coupe. Has new motor. Pay down $299.00 and $41.44 monthly. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Davenport and chair set. Fuchsia color. In good con dition. Mrs. Walter Corley. Ph. 5121, lone. 37-38p FOR GIFT IDEAS, look over Wes tern's sporting goods. We have Coleman gas stoves and lant erns, Winchester shotguns and rifles. Also sleeping bags and air mattress. Western Auto Supply. FOR SALE 497 acre alfalfa, wheat and cattle ranch in Um atilla county. Good improve ments including strictly mod ern house. On Pacific P & L Co. electric line. Price $40,000.00, wif-.h one-half cash, balance annual payments, 5 interest. For details write or call R. L. ELLIOTT, cO OSCAR SCHULTZ AGENCY, Box 684, Pendleton, Ore. Phone 49. 37-39c FOR SALE 1 D-4 cat tractor, cab lights and starter. Practically new. 1 '49 Dodge 2-ton truck, now wheat bed. 8V tires, low mile age. 1-3 interest in John Deere self propelled combine, practically new. This equipment all in Al condi tion and needs your early at tention!!! See Bob Runnlon, Heppner, Oreg. CLEARING HOUSE Five and a half squares of red hexagon asphalt shingles; 7 squares of green 3-tab asphalt shingles. Dirt cheap. Western Auto Supply. Want an 8-cubic foot deep freeze? Save the tax. New, just arrived. $279.95. 5-year warranty. Also 7 Cu. Ft. space saver refrigerator, $179.95. Get it while you can. Western Au to Supply. A used car is no better than the dealer that sells and services it. Rosewall Motor Company. The 1951 Ford has 43 Look Ahead Features. SEE WESTERN for wool rugs, linoleum .and furniture. West ern Auto phone 1282. Don't worry when you bang up your car's fenders. Take it to Rosewall Motor Company and have them made like new. WE STILL handle car tires, bat teries and auto accessories. Good gift items. Western Auto Supply. 1946 Ford pickup Has four speed transmission and heater. Pay $275.00 down and $43.06 monthly. Rosewall Motor Co. APARTMENT for rent; also one sleeping room. 101 Chase St. 38p Rosy Says: Thanks for the nice compliments on our new 1951 Ford car. Your praise will be even greater when you drive this wonderful car. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK JOHN SMITH, De- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the above entitled estate by the above entitled Court and has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, with pro per vouchers, at the office of B. D. Isaminger, in the Title Insur ance Building, Pendleton, Uma tilla County, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 23rd day of November, 1950. Clarence M. Smith Administrator of the Es. tate of Frank John Smith, Deceased. 36-40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State executrix of the last Will and Testament of MARTIN L. CASE, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified, to said executrix, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 9th day of November, 1950. MAGGIE CASE, Executrix. 34-38 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated Novem ber 22, 1950, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: All of Section 36, Township 6 South, Range 29 East of the Willamette Meridian, for the minimum price of $5,000.00 cash. All of Section 16, Township 3 North, Range 27 East of the Willamette Meridian, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre. All of Section 29, Township 4 North, Range 27 East of the Willamette Meridian, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre. Tract Number 5 in the City of Hardman, for the minimum price of $15.00 cash. Lots 13, 14, and 15 in Block 28 of the City of Irrigon, Ore gon for the minimum price of $15.00 cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 30th day of December, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said prop erty to the highest and best bid der. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. 37-41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, administrator of the es tate of MINNIE ALBERT, deceas ed, and all. persons having claims against the said estate of the said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified by law to the administrator at the law office of Bradley D. Fanch er at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. DATED and FIRST PUBLISH ED this 7th day of December, 1950. C. J. D. BAUMAN Administrator of the Es tate of MINNIE ALBERT deceased. B. D. FANCHER Attorney for the Adminis trator Heppner, Oregon 38-42c f fiT' ' ' r, i?" , , , , J Twenty-four hours a day alert dispatchers direct the flow of el ectric power over the lines of Pa cific Power . & . Light . company from this centralized power dis patching office recently put in Leave your tires with Rosewall Motor Company for first class retreading. PLASTIC PLANTERS already planted with bulbs. Your choice of hyacinth, narcissus, Chinese lilies. $1.19 while they last. Heppner Flower Shop. 38c We repair all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it.. Rose wall Motor Co. FOR SALE Good Coleman oil heater, reasonable. Call 1192. 38c APARTMENT for rent. Inquire at Richfield Service station. 38p amerdca's largest Th. Smart New Stylelin. D. Lux. 4 TIME f Hodge Chevrolet operation at the company's gen eral offices in Portland. A system-wide network of communi cations funnels information con stantly to dispatcher's desk, fore ground, giving an up-to-the-min Something new. RPM 5-W Sub zero motor oil. Guaranteed free flowing at 50 below zero, saves motor wear and saves your battery, insures easy starting all winter. Can be used at any temperature. Costs 90 cents a quart. Buy it at Rosewall Motor Company. Get four wheel brake service at Rosewall Motor Company. Test drive the 51 Ford. open your eyes. It will We carry glass in stock to fit 90 per cent of all the cars on the road. Drive in for quick serv ice. Rosewall Motor Co. - Door Sedan l&m Lon9er' loweri wiuer i i ... j-- Iwl" I W mwMm II If ilJUl i 'Oil B v 1 i ' x J j s 1 IliVii big-car look! Strikingly smarter Fisher Body styling! Luxurious Modern Mode inleriorsl Jumbo-Drum brakes largest In fleldl Glare-Proof Safety-Sight instrument panell Improved, easier Center-Point steering! - PROVED POWER tfUde, Automatic TrammUlion proved by over a billion miles of performance in the hands of hundreds of thousands of owners. Optional on Do tuxa models at txfra cott. ute picture of conditions represented by the diagram .on through-out the Pacific system, represented by the diagram . on the huge steel panel curving ar ound two sides of the room. Wanted 25 dirty cars to wash ev ery day with our Washmobile. Wash job $1.50 Rosewall Mo tor Company. WRITE A WANT AD CASH IN ON STUFF IN ifTT inc. f i I IV X IU and fiwest low-prdged gar! IN AH THE THINGS YOU WANT? New outside! New inside! Refreshingly new in feature after feature! That's Chevrolet for 1951! It's America's largest and finest low priced car, with distinctive new styling, new front and rear-end design, and new America-Preferred Bodies by Fisher. And, with all these new things, it also brings you the proved things, which make Chevrolet America's top car. It brings you extra-sturdy, extra- MORE PFC;LE BUY CHSVKOLETS THAN ANY OTHER CA! A. E. Glidewell Public Accountant and Tax Consultant At Hotel Heppner every Thursday Office in Lobby Hours 9-6 Business & Farm Account ing . . . Income and Payroll Taxes . . . Financial State ments & Auditing Representing Fritzke Accounting Service 244 Main St. : Phone 6441 Hermiston, Oregon Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. rugged, extra-durable Chevrolet con struction; it brings you that more thrill ing and thrifty Valve-in-Head engine performance for which Chevrolet is world-famous; it brings you comfort feature after comfort feature and safety feature after safety feature found only in Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. Come in . . . see Chevrolet for 1951 .-. . and you'll agree it's America's largest and finest low-priced car. Company Jx . HA-7M What the well-dressed Arctic flyer wears. Note th. large seat-type sur vival kit. It doublet at a cushion h flight and contains 22 items, includ ing a vacuum-packed sleeping baa. Ready to tat the gear in actual flight ' (above) I a pilot of the land survival unit of the Air Materiel Command's ' Aero-Medical Laboratory, at Wright Patterson Air Fore BaM, Daytoa, ' Ohio. A FINE GIFT FOR SOME ONE A SUBSCRIPTIOiN To THIS NEWSPAPER mm t rf llf