Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 07, 1950, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 7, 1950
It's Terrific!
Bring the Whole Family
Corsages for the Ladies
Favors for the Kiddies
Yes, and some thing for
Dad too
The Most Excit
ing Car Yet !
Phone A03 Heppner, Oregon
lone Flower Show
At Legion Hall
Draws Large Crowd
Approximately 100 people vis
ited the winter arrangements
and flower show at the Legion
hall Sunday afternoon whicM
was sponsored by the lone Gar
den Club. The following received
blue and red ribbons on their
displays: wreaths, Mrs. Ernest
Heliker first and Mrs. W. R.
Wentworth second; center pieces
Mrs. O. L. Lundell first and Mrs.
Edith Nichoson second; novel
ties Mrs. Walter Dohyns first and
Mrs. O. L. Lundell second; flow
ers, Mrs. Edith Nochoson first
and second; mantle arrange
ments, Mrs. Garland Swanson
and daughter Jean Ann; table
arrangements, Mrs. Ernest Helik
er, Mrs. O. L. Lundell and Mrs.
Garland Swanson tied fop first;
Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom and Lona
White tied for second. Among
the displays were large exhibi
tion mums six inches in diam
eter, raised by Mrs. Edith Nicho
son; a winter wedding scene by
Mrs. Garland Swanson and many
Christmas decorations. Around
$19 was taken in from the silver
Dr. Roberto Hooker, of the Pa.
cific University, was guest
speaker at the P. T. A. meeting
last week. Other numbers on the
program were: a clarinet solo,
"Skaters Waltz" and a vocal so
lo, "Perfect Day" by Mrs. Charles
White. Mrs. Omar Rietmann had
charge of the program. At the
business meeting conducted by
Mrs. E. M. Baker, committees
were appointed for the Christmas
program to be given Dec. 21. Re
freshments were served.
Alan Robertson, music in
structor in the school, was ill last
week but is now back to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linn and
daughter Leeta were recent visit
ors at the home of her parents, (
Kev. ana Mrs. w. w. Heaa at
Cathlamet, Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan
and family were recent visitors
at. the John Eubanks home.
Marshall Rose of Oregon City
was a visitor here Saturday. Mr.
Rose owned a jewelry store here
41 years ago.
G. A. Petteys spent a few days
the first of the week in Pendle
ton. Mrs. Ethel Stewart and Hugh
Bell of Condon were married in
Seattle Nov. 24. They are mak
ing their home in Condon.
A large crowd attended the
party at the Legion hall Sunday
evening in honor of Robert Drake
who left Tuesday for the armed
Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son
Larry returned home from Port
land Saturday evening where
they spent a few days.
Donald Eubanks broke his col
lar bone and dislocated his
shoulder while playing basket
ball last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nor
moyle and family recently mov
ed to the Lee Beckner ranch from
Those from here attending in
itiation of the Eastern Star at
Pendleton Tuesday evening of
last week were Mrs. E. M. Baker,
Mrs. Sam McMillam, Mrs. Robert
DeSpain and Mrs. James Lind
say. Berl Akers injured his leg
when a tractor which he was
driving upset on him one day
last week. He was taken to a
Peterson's Jewelers
The board of directors of the
J. C. Penney Company have au
thorized a special year-end pay
ment of an amount equal to two
weeks' pay for all full time asso
ciates who have been employed
for the full year of 1950 and pro
portionate amounts for extra and
part-time associates and those
employed less than a year.
All Penney associates except
management staff members,
whose earnings are determined
largely by the Company's long
standing profit-sharing plan,
will share in the payment. It will
be made on December 15th at
each associate's December 15th
pay rate.
Jack O'Connor, manager of the
J. C. Penney Company store, said
that more than 50,000 Penney as
sociates throughout the United
States would participate in the
payment, including six of the
Heppner store.
He said the Company presi
dent, A. W. Hughes, in a letter to
store associates, pointed out that
the payment was "based upon
the results attained for 1950. An
extra payment of this sort for a
Company of our size represents
a very large amount. The possi
bility of similar payments in fu
ture years will continue to de
pend upon the results attained in
those years." Mr. Hughes added:
"We are happy that the Com
pany is able to recognize asso
ciates' efforts in this special, sub
stantial manner in addition to
the regular Company provisions
for associates' benefit, which in
clude the Sick Benefit Plan, the
Gratuitous Death and Dismem
berment Benefit Plan, the Thrift
and Profit-Sharing Retirement
Plan and others."
Mrs. Florence Hughes of The
Dalles visited friends in Heppner
over the week-end, returning
home Tuesday.
Mrs. B. F. Swaggart is a pa
tient in the St. Anthony s hospi
tal in Pendleton. She had been
at the ranch at Swaggart Buttes
and was accompanying her
daughter, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler to
Pendleton and upon reaching
Echo became too ill to travel and
the ambulance was called to
take her to the hospital.
Find out for yourself what
it's like to get a closer, clean
er shave in LESS TIME than
it takes with soap-and-blade.
More comfortable more
convenient no nicks or cuts,
muss or fuss. It will take only
3 or 4 minutes at our store.
Skip your next shave and
come in.
Peterson's Jewelers
physician but no bones were bro
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams
made a trip to Portland over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Frank of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Em
mett Botts of Ordnance were vis.
itors here last week. Mrs. Frank
Is the former Goldie Stoops.
Mrs. Noel Streeter is clerking
at the A. C. Swanson store.
A bridal shower was given in
honor of Miss Barbara Johnson
at the Garland Swanson home
Saturday afternoon. Miss John
son is the bride elect of George
Mclntyre and will be married
during the Christmas holidays.
She is the first and second grade
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton of
Astoria spent the week end at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Frederick Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and
her mother, Mrs. J. C. WaTe of
Olympia, Washington returned
home Thursday evening of last
Bill Hamar and Dick Fugerson
of Portland were guests of the
Ernest Helikers last week.
The Morrow County Council of
the P. T. A. met at the school
house Monday evening, Nov. 27,
with Mrs. Harry Calif f of Trri-
gon presiding. Representatives
from Heppner, Irrigon and lone
were present. A dinner served by
the lone P. T. A. followed the
meeting. Frank Ellis sang "Syl
via," accompanied by Mrs. Cleo
Drake, during the -dinner hour.
New books received at the lone
public library are "Young Man
with a Horn," Baker; "A Murder
Is Announced," Christie; "Cap
tain Sam Grant," Lewis; "The
Marx Brothers," Crickton; "Haw
thorne House," De Leevw; "Lit
tle Skipper," Creekmore; "Slight
ly Cooler in the Suburbs," Palm
er; "Crosswind Canyon," Hub
bard; "Showdown," Longstreth;
"Blaze Finds the Trail," Ander
son; "Mr. Mushroom," Slabod
kin; ""The Captain's Daughter,"
Coatsworth; "The Wind's In the
West," Williams; "Powder Val
ley Ambush," Field; "The Case
of the One-Eyed Witness," Gard
ner; "The Mystery Beyond the
Wall," Newcomb; "Roosevelt in
Retrospect," Gunther; Oregon
Trunk," Stevens;
Dates to remember: Dec. 8 -
Study meeting of Topic Club at
the Oscar Lundell home.
Dec. 12, Garden Club meeting
at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Fletch
Dec. 12, Defense meeting at
the Legion hall at 8 p. m.
Dec. 13, Marantha. meeting at
the E. M. Baker home. All day
Dec. 15, H. Ec. of Willows
Dec. 16, Regular grange meet
ing and Christmas program at 8
p. m.
Dec. 17, Christmas program at
Edward Rice and LaVerne Van
Marter Sr. are sojourning in New
York City after a more or less
eventful trip by rail through the
storm which swept over a large
part of the east the past week.
They expect to be back in Oregon
in another two weeks.
Mrs. John Lane and son Bob
by have returned to Heppner af
ter three months spent in Den
ver, Colo, where Bobby received
treatment in the Speers clinic.
Flatr's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalles Phone 2635
1U E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.An ytlme"
for all occasions
in season or special
Monday; December 1 1
You can see the Great, New
The most sensational car yet) a streamlined
beauty way ahead of the timesyet available
Farley Pontiac Company
Holidays Ahead!
Have Your Cleaning
Done Early!
Yuletide parties are just around the corner, and that
means it's time to bring your coats, suits and dresses to
Heppner Cleaners. Make it a spic 'n' span Christmas
with our quick, efficient service. Your finest party clothes
are handled safely and promptly, and you'll find our
prices just right.
tor k
We're pleased as punch to Announce--
Your Red and White
Grocery Has a
Brand New Home
We've moved can, counter, and
carton into a sparkling new store
in the Oddfellows building.
We wish to thank all our customers for their kind patron
age in the past, and invite everyone to drop in and see us
in our wonderful new location. You'll like it as well as we
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quackcnbush
the Cooperative Church at 7 p. m.