Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 7, 1950 Page 5 IT'S WERE! It's Terrific! THE NEW 1951 Sat'day Dec. Bring the Whole Family Corsages for the Ladies Favors for the Kiddies Yes, and some thing for Dad too The Most Excit ing Car Yet ! HOD Phone', ,403 Heppner, Oregon Lexington Voters Choose Mayor and New Town Council The town of Lexington had the regular election in the Cit Hall Tuesday night at 8 p. m. with the following people being put in office: Mervin Leonard, maor; Laverne Henderson, recorder; Herman Green, treasurer, and the following councilmen, Wil bur Steagall, Eldon Padberg, and Don Campbell. Miss Dona Barnett has been on the sick list this week. The Lexington Public school had installation o officers for the school patrol which was started last week at the school with directions coming from Cap tani Lansing's office at Salem. This was made possible by the P-TA and Lexington grange. The following boys were installed, with State patrolman William Labhart doing the job: Captain, George Hermann, with workers, Vern Nolan, Mike Winters, Paul Breeding, Donald Hunt and John Darnielle. At the same time the children and parents were for-J tunate to hear a few words from Judge Garnet Barrett and Sheriff Clarence Bauman. That after noon the football letters were awarded to the following high school bos, John Edwards, Earl Miller, Eugene Sawyer, Ronald Fahl, David Buchanan, Asa Way and Bill Steagall. The Three Links Club held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Cecil Jones, Tuesday after noon with seven members pres- OUR NEW TOPCOATS Make an Excellent Gift $32.50 to 52.50 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR 3 !3 3 Take a Tip from Santa General Electric's Astroliner Range Is Her Favorite! See its wonderful G. E. Triple Oven, Automatic Oven Timer, Thrift Cook er, and Fourth Raisable Surface Unit. Never before so many deluxe features at such low cost! $299.95 Heppner Hardware and Electric Company n & CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST R. J. McKowen, Pastor Sunday services: 9:45 a. m., Bible school, with classes for all; C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m., morning worship and communion. Evening worship with song service and evangel istic message, 7:30 o'clock. The oung people will meet at 6 p. m. for a social time before the devo tional meeting at 6:30. Leader this week, Bob Walker. Thursday night, choir practice at 7, followed by Bible study and prayer meeting at 8. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m. with special music by the choir. Oliver Creswick, direc tor. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. Oliver .Creswick, superin tendent. Youth Fellowship Class and Adult Bible Class. A class for everyone 3 years old and over. Choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Womans Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month at 8 p. m. Suzanna Wesley Circle of the Womans Society of Christian Service meets the third Wednes day of each month at 2 p. m. Christmas program will be Sunday evening, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves. We honor God most by believ ing in His word and obeying it. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Les- m f ! 1 1 'It'll HHIIi I I Mi Mill YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE . . .WHILE WE MAKE WAY FOR SANTAI THE ENTIRE STOCK WOMENS WINTER COATS $22 00 The entire group is interlined for warmth and are 100 wool coats . . . your choice of 1007o Worsted Gabardines, Wool Shark ties, Cross-dyed Gabardines, Sheen Coverts, Tweeds, Checks and Fleeces. Yes! Santa can bring you a new winter coat and you'll save money, too. GROUP NO. 2 18 Only MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS $2.00 Slip-over or Coat Styles. Not all Sizes GROUP NO. 3 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS 18 Pairs A J&0J Pair Yes! This price sounds ridiculous with to day's market prices, but we want to move them now! GROUP NO. 4 v 8 Pairs BOYS' WORK TYPE SHOES Not AU Sizes $2.00 P.., You had better check our stock quick and see if you can walk off with one of these real bargains. ent. After the business meeting refreshments were served. Mrs. Bernard Doherty and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Mark Rands spent the week-end in Portland where she took her children Marshall and Marsha after a week spent in Lexington visiting. Charles Buchanan was a Port land visitor last week. Earl Miller is visiting in La- Grande with his brother Donald who has just finished his boot training in the marines and is being sent to mechanic's school in South Carolina. Donald has been three months at San Diego. Wavne Papineau and Butch Sawyer also visited Donald Mil ler in LaGrande on Saturday. The Christian church has been fortunate to obtain Rev. Louis Wetzell of Heppner for preaching services Sunday evening in the local church until the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Claud White of Hardman attended the funeral of Lee Gilbreath at Dayton last week. At one time Mr. Gilbreath was the former Iona White. Also attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Neil White of Pilot Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald White of Hermiston, all brothers of Mrs. Gilbreath. The Lexington school is prac ticing on a Christmas program. Some of this program will be given at the O. E. A. dinner Mon da night with all of it being giv en Wednesday, Dec. 22 at the school auditorium. The executive board of the P-TA met at the Maurice Groves home Monday night. son topic, "Jesus Walks on the Water." 11 a. m. Worship hour. 7:15 p. m. Singspiration. 8 p. m. Evangelistic message. 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, Bible study and prayer meeting in lone. 7:45 p. m. Thursday, Bible stu dy and prayer meeting. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock. Week day services: Holy Com munion, Wednesday at 10; Fri day at 7:30. Choir practices: Girls choir Wednesday at 4; adult choir, Thursday evening at 8; boys meet on Friday at 3:30. Boy Scouts, Wednesday eve ning, 7:30 to 9. Tuesday evening, December 12, regular meeting of Bishop's committee at 8 o'clock. o A WORD OF APPRECIATION There were so many cards and messages received from friends during my recent hospitalization that I feel unable to thank each one in person, but I want all of you to know how much they were appreciated. Please accept my sincere thanks. Mrs. Noel K. Dobyns. o ELECTION FRIDAY NIGHT Election of officers will be the order of business Friday evening at Ruth Chapter No. 32, Order of the Eastern Star. It will also be the time for turning in gifts for the Masonic-Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. These are to be brought unwrapped. Tea towels for the Ruth chapter kitchen will also be in order at this time, states Mrs. Harley Anderson, worthy matron. ATTEND SYMPOSIUM Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunham re turned Sunday evening om Portland where the doctor at tended the Mid-Winter Chiro practic Symposium at Western States college. Dr. Joseph Janse, dean of the National College of Chiropractic in Chicago, 111. was the main speaker. Dr. Dunham is a member of the state chiro practic board. The Dunhams were accompanied by Mrs. Fay Bucknum who did some Christ mas stock shopping in the city. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year "Who cares whether ant eater or zebra is easiest to find In the book! It just takes a moment to look up any number and be sure you're right I" Memory often plays tricks... so look up numbers before you call. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. g Always DELICIOUS Pride of Oregon Ice Cream r Butter A taste treat for the whole family and a Morrow County Product! Morrow County Creamery ...cjf you fafCf yM4Z mm GERE EQUIPMENT to (tffoMwtcatf. Comes the time when you're hard at work in the field . . . rushing to beat the weather or finish the innumerable jobs piled up at the same time . . . and a breakdown occurs. It's then you'll really "kick yourself" for not having had your John Deere Equipment reconditioned before the busy season. Now . . . while your equipment is not in use, let us give it a thorough going over. Our skilled mechanics, trained in servicing methods recommended by John Deere will give your equipment a careful checkover. They'll tighten up all loose parts and, where necessary, replace worn parts with genuine John Deere Parts. They'll clean and repaint your equipment . . . put it in top condition for the work ahead. Remember our shop offers you trained mechanics, precision tools, and genuine John Deere' Parts. No other shop in this community offers all three! See us soon. Empire Machinery Company