Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 30, 1950 Page 5 Jim and Harvey Wright drove down from Pullman where they are students at Washington State college Wednesday of last week to spend the Thanksgiving holi day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whltmer Wright. With them was Miss Eileen Whall, also a student at WSC but whose home is in Kent, Wash. It was a family reunion for the William Kenagy's on Thanks giving day. Their two sons, Ed ward and Earl, an dtehir famil ies and their daughter, Mrs. Ho mer Rice and her family all ar rived in Heppner in time for a big turkey dinner. The following day Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lais of Mollala also arrived for a week end visit. It's Coming The Great New 1951 PONTIAC We are celebrating our Silver Anniversary with A Car (hats out of this world Yet within your reach Watch for our Announcement of the Date FARLEY PONTIAC CO. IB QUICK EASY ECONOMICAL Fir -Tex Interior Panels and Tile Build with Fir-Tex interior finish panels and tile! Unusually attractive rooms can be made so economically with this durable and handsome material. Fir-Tex Insulating boards available in Ivory, Wheat, and Green pastel colors . . . lend themselves to most any color scheme! Or if you want to add an extra room . . . trans form unused, dingy attic space into a bright, cheery bedroom or playroom with Fir-Tex! See Tum-A-Lum for suggestions and estimates ! Just $55.00 buys enough wallboard for walls and ceil ings of a 12x12 room! Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company 4 nnouncement ... MR. A. E- 6LIDEWELL Public Accountant and Tax Consultant Will beat Hotel Heppner (Lobby Office) every Thursday -9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Beginning Thursday, December 7 BUSINESS AND FARM ACCOUNTING INCOME AND PAYROLL TAXES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & AUDITING In establishing the Heppner office, it will enable us to render a more efficient and convenient ser vice to our clientele which we are already serving in the Heppner area. Representing FRITZKE ACCOUNTING SERVICE 244 Main St. Phone 6441 Hermiston, Oregon BOARDMAN ITEMS By FLOSSIE COATS Adolf Skoubo is a patient in the veterans hospital in Portland and will be there for several weeks. He had a minor operation and will have his teeth extracted before returning home. School again was in full force Monday after the Thanksgiving holidays. Several of the teachers were out of town while others en. tertained guests at home. Supt. and Mrs. W. E. Meidinger motor ed to Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner were guests of relatives in Aloha and Ham mond. Mrs. Ruth Studer was with her parents in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black had as their guests Mrs. Black's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Oveson and three daughters of Lostine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDaniel and Everett Hadley of Reed's Mill were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bill ings. Mr. and Mrs. John Partlow and family were dinner guests at the Willard Baker home, as were Mrs. Adeline Baker and son Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole mo tored to Portland for Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood returned Saturday from Kellogg, Ida. where they were Thanksgiv ing guests at the home of Mrs. Harwood's aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Mungers, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Churchill. Dinner guests Thursday at the Elvin Ely home were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davidson and Lois of Wenatchee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dottson, Roseburg, Bob Ekleber ry, Yakima, Mrs. Dean Ekleberry, and children Dick, Shirley and Cora; Mary and Jerry Ekleberry, Hermiston, and Mr. and Mrs. El don Lilly and son of La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson motored to Baker with their son Ted for the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo and son Dickie and Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo were dinner guests Thursday at the home of Mrs. Skoubo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Getchell in Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoubo and son David returned from Clarks ton, Wash, where they spent the holidays with relatives. Fred Smith returned Monday from St. Anthony's hospital where he was confined a few days re covering from chest injuries re ceived in a car wreck Friday. Guests Friday and Saturday at the R. B. Rands home were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roval Rands, Culver, his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Imperial, their three children. Randy, Robbin and Rebecca, of Cloverdale, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill returned home Friday from a three weeks vacation spent in California. Enroute home they were guests Thanksgiving at the home of their son and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Donald Tannehill. Keith Tannehill joined them for the Thanksgiving dinner in Port land, returning with his parents. Mrs. Charles Dillon left Satur day for Gateway to visit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Califf (Elnora Earwood) are moving Tuesday to Antelope where Califf will oper ate a farm. Walter Hayes left Monday for Pendleton to enter St. Anthony's hospital for a physical check-up. Brenda Billings, young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings left Monday with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDan iels and will remain for two weeks. The following officers were elected to serve the Greenfield grange the coming year; master, Hugh Brown; overseer, Ralph Skoubo; lecturer, Mrs. Mabel Forthman; steward, Frank Mar low; assistant steward, Nathan Thorpe; chaplain, Mrs. Leo Root; treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Brown; sec retary, Mrs. Frank Marlow; gate keeper, Bill Forthman; Ceres, Mrs. Arthur Allen; Pomona, Mrs. Clyde Tannehill; Flora, Mrs. Hal ley Williams; lady assistant steward, Mrs. I. Skoubo; execu tive committee, Clyde Tannehill, musician, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe. o GOVERNOR APPOINTS DELEGATES Governor Douglas McKay ap pointed 44 delegates to the mid century White House conference on children and youth at Wash ington, D. C, December 3-7. Thirty-two of the delegates met with the governor last week at the capitol. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar is chair man of the committee. o TAX LOAD MUSHROOMING Oregon's property tax bill with the three counties of Mal heur, Wheeler and Grant yet to report, is running 7.25 per cent higher than 1959, the state tax commission reported Monday. The state's property tax bill has nearly doubled since 1946. o PLEDGES ALPHA ZETA Walter Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bergstrom of lone, was pledged to Alpha Zota, Paci fic university fraternity, recently. Bergstrom, a freshman physical education major, graduated from lone high school where he was class president for his last three years, a member of the school paper staff, and played football, basketball, and baseball. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Whitbeck had as their guests 'for Thanksgiving Mrs. Whitbeck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barton and brothers and sister, John, Bob and Gladys, who came from Reedsport to visit over the week-end. PENDLETON IIEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ions EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rletmann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Freightways 723 for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If we don't know the answers we will find them for you. C. A. Ruggles Agency ... the letters start. Then many readers of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy this daily world-wide newspaper. Ti Monitor is the most (artfully edited news' paper in the V.S... 'Valuable in tescb ing , . "News that is complttt Slid fatT 9 Tie Monitor surely is m reader's necessity , 4 You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news , . . and as neces sary as your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription 26 ISSUES FOR ONLY $1- The Qirbdaa Science Monitor One, Nonrar St, Boston 1 J,Maa.,U.S.A. Pleas fend me aa Introductory tub tcriptloe to The Christian Science Monitor 16 bean. I enclose 11. 7 PB9 "aiireu)" '(tome) ED AKT E Saturday, December 9 Rhea Greek Grange Hall Old Time Dancing Modern Dancing 9:00-10:00 10:30-1:30 Rimrock Orchestra Admission, $1.00 Tax Inc. Supper served Now! S & H Green Stamps at Your . . . We're happy to announce that with every purchase, you'll now receive those va. luable S&H Green Stamps that add toward such valu able premiums. And it's time to start thinking about your holiday fable settings, tool We have lots of excit ing new suggestions and lovely holiday flowers. CONSULT US TODAYI You'll find just the right gift to tuck under the Christmas tree at Heppner Appliance . storel See our wonderful selection today I r Wv 1 ,-ft Percolators, Waffle Irons, Electric Mixers, Irons, Elec tric Blankets, Clocks, Toast ers,, Heaters, Steam Irons and Sandwich Grills. Frigidaire Ranges, Washers, Refrigerators, and Deep Freezes; Zenith Radios, and Duo -Therm Oil Heaters. HEPPNER APPLIANCE CO. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service STAR LID REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless specifically advertised to do otherwise Children I Est. Pries .17, Ted. Tax .03, TOTATj ftOoj Grade and High School Students 13 years and overt Est. Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, T0TA1 50c; Adults i Est. Price .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAXi 60c Every Child occupying; a seat must have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous from lpm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, Nov. 30-Dec. 1-2 Rocketship XM Lloyd Bridges, Osa Massen, John Emery, Noah Beery Jr., Hugh O'Brien, Morris Ankrum The most amazing story ever filmed...the screen's first story of man's conquest of space! Four men and a girl on an expe dition to the moon! Something new in screen thrills. PLUS Arizona Cowboy Rex Allen, Teala Loring, Gordon Jones From the plains of Arizona via the Na tional Barn Dance program, comes a new western star in a crackerjack western story. e e e It's time to do that Christmas shopping I For Christmas this year give hours of relaxation and fun. Give Gift Books of Admission Tickets to this Theater. In quire at the boxoffice. Sunday-Monday, Dec. 3-4 THREE LITTLE WORDS Red Skelton, Fred Astaire, Vera-Ellen, Arlene Dahl, Keenan Wynn, Gloria De Haven, Gale Robbing. Based on the Lives and Music of Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby. A solid story, talented cast, Technicolor photography and toe-tingling songs...all neatly blend ed into a wonderful musical! ADDED: Shooting Salmon (River) Rap ids, Bugs Bunny, Newsreel. Sunday shows: 1, 3:20, 5:40 and 8 p. m. Tuesday-Wednesday, Dec. 5-6 HAMLET by William Shakespeare Starring Laurence Olivier The Motion Picture of all time...for all time! Winner of 5 Academy Awards. No increase in prices. ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY. STARTING at 8 P. M. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Dec. 7-8-9 ROGUE RIVER Photographed in its entirety along Ore gon's own Rogue River, in color, starring Rory Calhoun and Guy Madison.. PLUS DYNAMITE PASS Another of Tim Holt's exciting adventures GIVE STAR THEATER SCRIP BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS $2.50