Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 30, 1950, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 30, 1950
Stops Oil Burner Filter Clogging!
Now you can have complete freedom from oil burner
filter clogging, a storage tank sealed against rust
plus quick-starting, clean-burning fuel performance
. . . thanks to "Thermisol," a new sludge-eliminating
chemical developed by Standard of California scien
tists and added to Improved
Standard Furnace Oil.
Enjoy the new benefits of
Improved Standard Furnace
Oil containing "Thermisol"
for the rest of the season.
Ask us about it.
A Standard Oil Compel
I Califaraia Prtdtcl
s h
J I w
r iu
If W 'V
1. Xkl
(sMere you headed ? Vi
To see the fc
hottest thing In town- v Aj
the NEW 1951 Chelei
Coming I
The Lexington school safety
patrol is being organized and
there will be an installation of
officers at 2 p. m. Friday in the
school auditorium. Bill Labhart,
state patrol, Sheriff C. J. D. Bau-
man and Judge Garnet Barratt
will act as installing team. The
Pudiic is urged to attend the
meeting. At the same time the
freshmen will put on a movie
ana mere will be other entertain
ment. The movie is scheduled for
1 p. m.
Lexington teachers' wherea
bouts during Thanksgiving vaca
tion: Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Balser
and daughters to Walla Walla,
Colfax and Spokane; Mr. and
Mrs. Marie Kands to Portland;
Mrs. Sorlien and Mrs. McClintock
to Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schwab spent Sautrday in Pen
dleton attending the football
game between Pilot Rock and
The town team held their first
basketball practice Monday eve
ning and are planning a full
schedule with lone, Echo, Hepp
ner, and Hermiston, making up a
proposed league.
P-iA was held Tuesday even
ing in the school auditorium with
Mrs. Wilbur Steagall presiding.
The program was a short skit on
the United Nations, with the fol
lowing women taking part: Mrs.
Wm. VanWinkle Jr. Mrs. Palmer
Sorlien, Mrs. George Irvin, Miss
Ida Buchanan and Miss Pat Ma
jeske. Others on the program in.
eluded piano solos bv Pat Mc
Millan, Charlene Jones, and three
musical numbers by Ida Bucha
nan and brother Charles, accom
panied by a trio of girls doing
the vocal, Phyllis and Beverley
Nolan and Shirley Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloods
worth spent the vacation at Enterprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Hara
spent the holidays with their dau
ghter and family, the Roy Dar
nielle's in The Dalles. Others pre.
sent were Jack O'Harra and wife
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner
and family of Portland and the
Clarence Hayes family of Corval
lis were guests at the Earl War
ner home over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Way of
Burns were holiday visitors at
the Dan Way home.
Miss Ida Buchanan, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchan
an, has gone to Capistrano, Calif,
where she will remain for some
Miss Edith Edwards of Spo
kane visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Edwards during the
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green
have as their guests the Joe
Green children of Pendleton while
the mother is recuperating at
home with the new baby.
Mr. and Mrs. Armin Wihlon
and family are vacationing In
The Lexington Campfire girls
(3) groups are having their an
nual vesper service at the Chris
tian church Dec. 6 with several
special numbers and some vocal.
The minister in charge will be
Rev. Sorlien of Heppner.
R. J. McKowen, Pastor
Sunday services: 9:45 a. m.,
Bible school, with classes for all.
C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11
a. m., morning worship and com
munion. Evening worship, with
song service and evangelistic
message, 7:30 o'clock.
The young people will meet at
5 p .m. this Sunday (the first of
the month) for their social ses
sion before the devotional meet
ing at 6:30.
Thursday night, choir practice
at 7, followed by Bible study and
prayer meeting at 8.
It has been decided to hold the
Bible school Christmas program
on Friday night, Dec. 22. Save the
A head-on collision at Board
man Sunday resulted in injuries
to four DPrsons. A 1950 Merriirv
sedan driven by Berkeley L. Da
is of Pendleton collided with a
water system
lal'i moke a data la dlxvtt ya
running wofar raqulramanU. A
pfcorw toll will bring t le yor
home-where we'll help yen chooM
Hm right MYERS Watar Syrian) far
your needi. Barter ttill, itop la and
taa oar fun ranga of MYERS facta
end Raclpraarlng Typa Watar Sya
tamt. Wa tarvka all rnako of pumpt.
New Myeei
"HN" fjeclo
Myers Statfow
Well (eciprocotlaa 1
Type I
Case FurnitureCompany
1910 Chrysler driven by Vollie B.
Sutton of Willits, Calif. Davis re
ceived a broken arm, Fern Sut
ton, a passenger in the Chrysler,
received bad foot injuries, and
both Vollie B. Sutton and Mar-
lene Lieuallen, a passenger with
Davis, received minor cuts and
Your Home Town Pa
per Only 3.00 a year
c4 yeu, fcftf ycuv
EQUIPMENT lout faAew...Au
Comes the time when you're hard at
work in the field . . . rushing to beat the
weather or finish the innumerable jobs
piled up at the same time . . . and a
breakdown occurs. It's then you'll really
"kick yourself" for not having had your
John Deere Equipment reconditioned
before the busy season.
Now . . . while your equipment is not
in use, let us give it a thorough going
over. Our skilled mechanics, trained in
servicing methods recommended by John
Deere will give your equipment a careful
checkover. They'll tighten up all loose
parts and, where necessary, replace
worn parts with genuine John Deere
Parts. They'll clean and repaint your
equipment . . . put it in top condition
for the work ahead.
Remember Our shop offers you trained
mechanics, precision tools, and genuine
John Deere Parts. No other shop in this
community offers all three! See us soon.
Empire Machinery Company
Hodge Chevrolet Co.
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Church school, 9:45 a. m.
Holy Communion and sermon,
11 o'clock. This Sunday being in
the advent season, marks the be
ginning of the church year.
In keeping with the importance
of the day, all members of the
congregation who can possibly
do so, are expected to make their
communion at one of the services.
Week day services: Holy Com
munion, Wednesday at 10 a. m.,
Friday at 7:30 a. m.
Choir practices: Girls choir on
Wednesday at 4; adult choir on
Thursday evening at 8; boys on
Friday at 4.
Boy Scouts Wednesday evening,
7:30 to 9.
Pastor Shelby E. .Graves
Most of our sorrows spring from
forgetfulness of God.
9:45 a. m. Bible school. Soul in
spiring lessons.
11 a. m. Worship hour.
7:15 p. m. Singspiration.
8 p. m. Evangelistic message.
7:45 p. m. Tuesday, Bible study
in lone Pentecostal church.
7:45 p. m. Thursday, Bible
study and prayer meeting.
We give you a hearty welcome
to attend these services.
e e
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 o'clock. Special music by
the choir, Oliver Creswick, direc
Sunday church school at 9:45
a. m. Oliver Creswick, superin
tendent. A class for every age,
beginning at three years old. Al.
so Youth Fellowship class and
adult Bible class.
Woman's Society of Christian
Service meets Wednesday, Dec. 6
at 8 p. m. at the Tress McClint
lock home. Mrs. McClintock and
Mrs. Carl Vincent, hostesses.
Suzanna Wesley Circle meets
the third Wednesday of each
month at 2 p. m.
Youth Fellowship rally at Her
We've been promised everything from
Both might be at the big
hrine Atactio:
Sat. Afternoon Dec. 2-1:30 pm.
Proceeds from every article sold will be given to the
Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children in Portland
Look at these!
2 Disc Drills -10 inch
spread and hitch
1 Automobile
1 Pickup
Canned Goods
Automobile Tires
Brand new 20-foot Steel Cattleguard !
Bob says: "We're always gone over the top on every
community drive and I am confident this first annual
Shrine benefit sale will be no exception. ..Cash donations
YvH be gratefully accepted from those who desire to help
and who have no articles they wish to give."
Livestock donors wishing transportation for gift stock
should contact Floyd Worden, Heppner 13-F-13, or Bill
Smethurst, Lexington 4812.
We have promise of an abundance of things to sell, all
we need now is LOTS of BUYERS
See you SATURDAY at the Morrow County Fair
Pavilion in Heppner
miston next Sunday, Dec. 3, 3 to
7 p. m.
Phone 403
Heppner, Oregon
Choir practice at 7:J0 p. m.