Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 30, 1950, Image 1

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PUBLIC A 'J 0 I T 0 R I U ! .1
P 0 ;. T I A -i D , 0 r. E .
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 30, 1950
Volume 67, Number 37
Christmas Lights
To Be Turned On
Saturday Evening
Santa Writes Kids
He Will Stop Here
On Way to N. Pole
There will be something of in
terest for young and old alike
Saturday evening when the
street decoration lights are turn
ed on heralding the holiday sea
son. The lights will be turned on
at 7 o'clock and at that time the
stores will reopen and remain
open until 8 or a little later, de
pending upon the whim of the
Of particular interest to the
kiddies will be the visit of San
ta Claus, who has sent word that
he will make a stop in Heppner
on his way back to the North
Pole for a fresh supply of toys
and other gifts. Jolly old Saint
Nick can't go back on the boys
and girls for he has written them
a letter which we are permitted
to reprint, and it is as follows:
Enroute to North Pole
Dear Boys and Girls:
I hope all you boys and girls
have been good these past weeks
for the Heppner Chamber of
Commerce has asked that I visit
you on December 2nd. I don't like
to spend my time visiting boys
and girls who haven't been good,
and, there are so many to visit.
I am on my way back to the
North Pole to get loaded up with
lots of toys and presents, if my
pickup holds out that long. It
has been hard to get enough toys
stored up to have enough for all
of you. I plan to be through
Heppner at about 7:30 Saturday
evening, December 2nd. I wish I
could see all of you and I am sa
ving up some goodies for you
that evening.
Be down town in Heppner on
Saturday evening, so I can talk
to all of you. If you haven't mail
ed your letter to me yet, bring it
along so I can pick it up. I'll be
seeing you.
His call will be brief and all
the good little boys and girls
must be on hand promptly if
they wish to see him.
Chairman Nels Anderson and
his committee still hope to put
the mail box to use and will do
so if it can be operated without
interfering with the regular por
tal service.
Enough volunteer help turned
out Friday evening at the fair
pavilion to assemble all of the
garland streamers for street dec
orations. The decorations were
put in place Sunday and by
Tuesday the lights were strung.
Everything is in readiness -for a
gala opening if the weather man
will just pull in his horns and
give the community a break.
Wheat Committees
To Meet December 4
At Court House
In preparation for the annual
meeting of the Oregon Wheat
Growers League, Morrow county
wheat growers will meet at Hep
pner on December 4 to formulate
their recommendations. These
will be incorporated into reports
of other wheat growing areas
and form the basis for committee
meetings of each of five groups
which will meet at The Dalles
December 7, 8 and 9.
Morrow county's committee
meetings will be started at 10 a.
m. Monday and will be held in
the county court room. Active
committees and chairmen of each
are Taxation and Legislation,
Henry Peterson; Federal Agricul
tural programs and Land Use,
Loyd Howton; Wheat Disposal
and Market Development, Oscar
Peterson; Production and Trans
portation, Kenneth Smouse, and
Youth Activities, Earl McKinney.
Recommendations will reflect
the thinking of our farmers in
each of the important matters,
for the betterment of the wheat
Ed Bell, administrator, Oregon
Wheat Commission, who is de
voting his time to new markets
and uses for wheat, reports that
Oregon wheat producers may find
thnmcolws in somewhat of a
predicament if wheat exports do
not pick up soon, lie reports mat
the United States is supplying
only that part of the world mar
ket that can't be supplied by
other countries. At present U. S.
nrlvic mlllnro nnH pxnnrters can
not compete with Canada, Aus
tralia nnH Argentine millers and
exporters. This may mean that
our farmers will need to provide
storage for more wheat as the
stnnknilf" erows lareer. as it is
bound to do at the present rate
of production, wnn tnese prop
lems facing the wheat farmer,
It la Imnnrtant that all take Dart
in programs to relieve the situa
tion of this commodity. One way
of doing tnis is Dy laKing an
nnHvn nart in discussion and SU2-
rnstlnfr stens to follow, believes
N. C. Anderson, Morrow county
agent. Farmers win nave me op
portunity to do so at these meet
ings on December 4.
Junior Class Play
Set for December 6-7
At Gym-Auditorium
All is readiness for presenta
tion of the play, "You Can't Take
It With You," junior class of
Heppner high school offering to
the public on the nights of De
cember 6 and 7 at the school au
ditorium. Tickets were put on
sale the first of this week and it
is anticipated that the hard work
the juniors have been putting in
will be amply rewarded.
"You Can't Take It With You"
is decidedly on the lighter side.
It might even be considered a
wee bit on the zany side, judging
from a paragraph submitted by
the juniors: "The junior class
play includes comedy, dancing
and several incidents which
make you think the people are a
bit peculiar. In the living room,
meals are eaten, snakes collect
ed, ballet steps practiced, xylo
phones played and printing
presses operated."
The cast includes Joanne
Bothwell as Penelope Syca
more; Eleanor Rice as Essie; Sal
ly Cohn as Rheba; Mickey Lan
ham as Paul Sycamore; Elwayne
Bergstrom as Mr. De Pinna; Ken
neth Turner as Ed; Allen Hughes
as Donald; Donald Blake as
Martin Vander-hof; Rieta Graves
as Alice; Roy Taylor as Hender
son; Jim Smith as Tony Kirby;
Albert Burkenbine as Boris Kol
enkov; Bernice Huston as Gay
Wellington; Jack Yeager as Mr.
Kirby; Gary Connor, Keith Con
nor and Jim Prock as Three Men,
and Nancy Adams as Olga.
School Flag Rites
Scouts' Daily Chore
Heppner Boy Scouts are as
sured of at least one "good scout"
turn each day of the school week.
With the assistance of Paul War
ren, school property custodian,
they raise and lower the school
flag each day.
The Scouts are making a cere
mony of the job. The flag cere
mony bugle notes are sounded
prior to the raising and repeated
when the flag is lowered.
0W6L Convention
Lists Impressive
Slate of Speakers
The 23rd annual convention of
the Oregon Wheat Growers
League at The Dalles, December
7 to 9 lists an impressive slate of
speakers. Highlight of the meet
ing will be a speech on "Man
made Weather" by Dr. Irving P.
Krick, president of the Water Re.
sources Development Corporation
of Pasadena, California. Dr.
Krick is under a rainmaking
contract to the wheat farmers of
Sherman, Morrow and Gilliam
counties. Two other top speakers
will be Herb Clutter of Holcomb,
Kansas, President of the Nation
al Association of Wheat Growers,
and F. E. Price, newly appointed
dean of agriculture at Oregon
State College, speaking on "Ser
vicing Oregon Agriculture."
The Conservation Man of the
Year will be chosen Saturday
morning, the last day. The ban
quet will be that night. All those
who plan to attend should write
Eldon Emerson, R. F. D. No. 3,
The Dalles, or The Dalles cham
ber of commerce for reservations.
The sessions will be held in
the City Auditorium in The
Dalles. The opening address will
be made Friday bv President
Henry Baker of lone. Other
speakers, outlined on the pro
gram by the executive committee
are Ronald E. Jones, president of
the Oregon State Farmers Union;
E. Harvey Miller, PMA state
chairman, speaking on Oregon's
part in the PMA program; b. P.
Swenson, dean of agriculture at
Washington State College on
Why We Should Teach Conser
vation"; Dr. O. A. Vogel, USDA
agronomist at WSC on "Work' of
Milling and Baking Laboratories
and Its Relation to Wheat Im
provement Work in Oregon;" E.
J. Bell, Oregon Wheat Commiss
ion administrator telling about
the Far East grain mission.
A panel discussion on use of
fertilizer for soil conservation
and wheat production will be led
the second day by Arthur S.
King, soil conservation special
ist at Oregon State college. Com.
mittees will meet the first day
and the general session will be
gin at 10:45 a. m. the second
day. Reports of the standing
committees will be heard, reso
lutions will be presented and
new officers and the three-man
yoting delegation to the NAWG
convention at Dodge City, Kan
sas, February 1-3 will be elected.
Present officers besides Baker
are Don McKinnis, Summerville,
vice president; Floyd Root, Was
co, second vice-president; Leroy
C. Wright, Baker, secretary-treasurer,
and Roscoe Roberts, The
Dalles, assistant secretary.
Each one of us can easily tell
The Shrine auctioneer knows
his onions....
The only thing he won't have
to sell
Is a style that's strictly Runnion's.
Stuff Coming In
For Shrine Auction
At Fair Pavilion -
People Displaying
Keen Interest In
Big Benefit Event
If the interest displayed by the
people all over the district repre
sented in the Morrow County
Shrine club is a criterion, the
fund for the Shrine hospital for
Crippled Children in Portland
will receive a big boost here Sat.
urday afternoon on the occasion
of the first annual Shrine benefit
sale. This is the report brought
back by Bob Runnion, general
chairman of the auction sale, af
ter a canvass of the district in
which he has driven upwards of
2500 mlies in the last two weeks.
"Everything from a tomcat to
a locomotive will be on sale,"
Runnion characteristically re
marked. Whether such articles
will be offered or not, the fact
remains that the people are re
sponding generously and Run
nion says his only worry is that
there may not be buyers enough
to take the stuff that will be of
feredall of it, that is.
Another gratifying condition is
the number of checks received in
lieu of articles. This side of the
sale will mount up to a consider
able sum in itself, Runnion says.
Many useful items will be on
the block. Livestock, poultry,
have been pledged. Farm mach
inery, an automobile, a truck,
eggs, potatoes and other edibles
household furniture and a long
list of lesser items will be offer
ed, but none of it will be given
away unless Runnion's voice
goes back on him'.
At least one brand new item
will be offered. Rod Wentworth,
down lone way, is, building a
steel cattle guard especially for
the sale.
Donors of cattle who are not
equipped to haul the animals
need only to contact Floyd Wor
den at Eight Mile, Phone Hepp
ner 13F13, or Bill Smethurst at
Lexington, Phone 4812 and they
will see that your stock is picked
If there is any question in your
mind about the need for this sale
or at least the pressing need for
funds by the Shriners, just re
member that 11 crippled children
from this jurisdiction have been
cared for in the Shrine hospital
since 1945. Some of the young
sters would not receive this care
were it not for the generosity and
activity of the Shriners in pro
viding it for them.
The dancing public is remind-
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Right up to the flower boxes
on the second story sills of Union j
Pacific's Wallula, Wash., depot
will go the water trapped behind
McNary dam. Station Agent It.
M. Van Slyck shows Assistant
Project Engineer Ross Eaton
how high the water will even
tually be. Before the water
swirls into Wallula's streets, the
station will be torn down and the
town abandoned.
Union Pacific Ag
Car Attracts Many
County Farmers
Appearance here of the Union
Pacific agricultural car Tuesday
and Wednesday attracted much
attention, according to officials
in charge of the car and N. C.
Anderson, Morrow county agri
cultural agent.
Spotted at the Union Pacific
depot in Heppner, educational
programs were given Tuesday
afternoon and Wednesday morn
ing, with an attendance of ap
proximately 75 for the two days.
This was considered satisfactory
by those responsible for the pro
gram and the improved attend
ance was credited to the more fa
vorable weather conditions in
contrast with the brand of wea
ther in force here last winter.
With a theme of "grain sanita.
tion", the various aspects of
keeping grain fit for food from
harvest until consumption were
discussed by leaders in this field
Robert Fletcher, secretary, Pacif
ic Northwest Crop Improvement
association; Rex Warren, farm
crops specialist; Robert Every,
extension entomologist, Oregon
State college; N. C. Aderson,
Morrow county agent. With Geo.
L. Penrose, Union Pacific agri
cultural agent in charge, taking
part in the discussions.
Films, "Vandals of the Night"
and "Crop Improvement", depict
ing rodent control and crop im
provement work of state colleges
were shown to the group.
Farmers commenting on the
meetings stated they enjoyed
them as the seats are comforta
ble, the talks are plainly audible
through the car's public address
system, and films plainly shown
from the car's self-contained pro
jection room.
The car was taken to Condon
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson
and Miss Esther Bergstrom re
turned Wednesday from St. Lou
is where they spent two weeks
visiting Mr. and Mrs,. Martin
Johnson, brother-in-law and sis
ter of Mr. Anderson. They were
glad to get home, although the
trip and visit were both enjoy
able. It was cold in Missouri but
that part, of the middle west did
not feel the force of the storm
that gripped so much of the east
ern part of the country.
Mrs. Burt Cason and Mrs. Har
vey Hogue were over from Lone
rock Monday,
td that there will be a dance at
the fair pavilion after the Christ
mas opening. Good music has
been retained for the occasion
and everybody is assured of get.
ting more than the price of ad
mission out of it.
This map shows the major
relocation and construction project
currently abuilding. Along the Columbia itself, the job is largely
one of moving the track to a higher level; although the water will
back up for many miles behind the dam, the lake will not be a
relatively wide one since the river in this area is contained by
high hills and bluffs.
If you are more than 20 feet in
height and possess web feet and
a water - repellent epidermis
you are perfectly free to make
your home in Wallula, Wash.,
five years hence.
Or if you have a gondola and
a sweet Venetian voice you can
cruise literally the streets of
that village as in the travelog
ues. Or if you have a diving bell
you can take the family for a
picnic of a Sunday afternoon on
the lower slopes of Washington's
forlorn Horse Heaven hills.
Or if you have a war surplus
LCI you can take members of
your luncheon club on a most
unusual scenic tour westward
from Wallula along the present
route of U. S. Highways No. 395
and 730
Organization Set
Up For March of
Dimes Campaign
Completion of the organiza
tion within the county for the
1951 annual March of Dimes
campaign has been announced
by Mrs. Joe Hughes, county di
rector, who says that every dist
rict in the county will have
workers by the time the drive
swings into action.
Jack Edmondson, Heppner,
commander of Post No. 87, Am
erican Legion, has been named
chairman of the chapter which
includes Henry Tetz as vice
chairman; Merle Becket, treas
urer; Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, secre
tary; Mrs. Henry Aiken, chair
man women's activities, and Mrs.
Joe Hughes, director.
On the executive committee
are Mrs. Rodgers, Charles Rug
gles, Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman,
Harry Duvall, Miss Margaret Gil-
us, ana Leonard Fate.
The medical advisory commit
tee includes Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
Miss Gillis, and Mrs. Clara B.
Gertson, and the publicity will
be handled by O. G. Crawford
and LaVerne Van Marter.
Postmasters in each town of
the county have been asked to
promote the campaign in their
respective communities and
while only one has responded
but it is expected the others will
accede to the request.
As a preliminary to the open
ing of the campaign in Oregon,
Basil O'Connor, national director
of the March of Dimes, will be
guest of honor at a luncheon giv
en by Dr. E. T. Hedlund, state
director, at 12:15 December 5 in
Portland. Mrs. Hughes and Miss
Gillis plan to attend the lunch
eon. Miss Gillis is personally ac
quainted with Mr. O'Connor hav
ing worked with him a number
of years ago in similar work.
With polio on the increase and
the value of the dollar going
down the March of Dimes organ,
izations have their work cut out
for them this year, the national
organization points out. As an
example, $1,171 raised per case
of polio in 1945-'46-'47 when
there were 50,000 cases, had a
purchasing power of $828. For
the 1948-'49-'50 period with 100,
000 cases of polio, the $802 per
case had a purchasing power of
$4bo per case. This includes dU,
000 plus cases in 1950. Purchas
ing power is compared to the
1939 dollar value ot 100 cents.
Mrs. Hughes reports that some
have volunteered to aid with the
campaign, notably Mrs. James
McRae, Irngon and Mrs. JNorma
Gwin of Boardman.
portion of the Union Pacific track
necessitated by McNary dam,
But if such is not the case,
then like Union Pacific Rail
road you must seek higher
ground. When the lake fully
forms behind the big McNary
dam, now under construction
across the Columbia river where
it divides Oregon and Washing
ton, Wallula will be under 20
feet of water.
Although the 8,725-foot long
McNary dam itself has grabbed
most of the headlines to date,
there is no shortage of problems
to be grappled with far upstream
along the shores of the mighty
Chief grappler is the Union
Pacific Railroad, whose main line
to Spokane skirts the south bank
of the river northeastward from
Umatilla, Ore., site of the dam,
More than 1,000 workmen are
Services were held at 2 o'clock
p. m. today at the Phelps Funeral
Home chapel for Mrs. Minnie
Laura Albert, who passed away
at the Pioneer Memorial hospital
Tuesday after an illness of five
weeks, Elvon L. Tull. vicar of
All Saints Memorial church, Epis
copal, read the service. Interment
was in the Heppner Masonic cem
etery beside the grave of her hus
band who passed away several
years ago.
Minnie Laura Hart was born
November 24, 1877 at Plymouth.
Iowa. She married Frederick Al
bert in 1916 at Lena, where he
was farming and she was the
postmaster. They continued their
residence at Lena for a number
of years and after disposing of
their farm moved to Heppner.
Mer nusband's health failing,
Mrs. Albert worked at different
lobs, continuing after his death
and until her health failed.
She had long been a member
of the Episcopal church.
surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. John P. Nolan of Mason City
Iowa and Mrs. Harriet Stowe of
Detroit, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs.
Claus Randall, Manly, Iowa; Mrs.
Harriet Frederick and Miss Beth
Hart of Plymouth, Iowa, and a
brother, John W. Hart of Los An
geles, Calif.
Services were held at 1 o'clock
p. m. Tuesday for Joseph Howell,
wno died suddenly about
3:45 p. m. Saturday in Pendle
ton. Rev. J. Palmer Somen con
ducted the service at the chapel
oi the Pheips Funeral Home and
the funeral cortege drove Imme
diately to the I. O. O. F. cemetery
in Hardman where the body was
laid to rest
Mr. Howell had come ud from
Portland Wednesday and was an
overnight guest at Hotel Hepp
ner Friday, leaving Saturday
afternoon for Pendleton. He en
gaged a room in a hotel there
and was returning downstairs
from taking his traveling gear to
the room when he fell. His neck
was broken in the fall.
"Joe" Howell was a native of
Hardman where he was born
April 13, 1880. He spent practic
ally his entire life in Hardman
and vicinity, leaving there last
spring for Portland to make his
hnmp urirh me rianfrhtor Mrc
'Gladys Corrigall. He was mar
ried August 25, 1904 to Maude
McDaniel and to this union were
born four children, one dying in
infancy. Surviving are his child
ren, Gladys Corrigall, Portland,
Raymond Howell, Heppner, and
Roger Howell of California; a
brother, Frank Howell of Top,
and two sisters, Ida Gunderson,
Portland and Tilda Potter, Castle
Rock, Wash.
Services were held at 10 o'clock
a. m. today for Eugene Doherty,
67, whose death occurred Novem
ber 16 at Fairbanks, Alaska. Fa
ther Thomas Cooney read the
service at St. Patrick's Catholic
church and the body was borne
to the Heppner Masonic ceme
tery for interment. Mr. Doherty
was a native of Ireland where he
was born December 31, 1883. He
came to Heppner in 1905 and af
ter two years here went to Alas
ka where he engaged in mining
for many years. He made visits
here in 1911, 1920, 1948 and 1949.
He was naturalized in Alaska in
1914. Prior to his death he had
been employed at one of the U.
S. airforce stations as a boiler
Surviving are three sisters,
Mrs. Catherine Doherty, Hepp
ner; Mrs. Margaret Creegan, Ren
ton, Wash., and Mrs. Rose Do
herty, lone; two brothers, John
of lone and Paul in Ireland, and
numerous nephews and nieces.
currently concerned with the fol
1. Eventual abandonment on
the Spokane main line of the
Wallula switching yard, which
serves branches to Yakima and
Walla Walla.
2. Construction of 25 miles of
track and necessary buildings
and facilities in a completely
new switching yard at Hinkle,
Ore., on the main line to Port
3. Construction of 17 miles of
new track from Hinkle north to
Juniper Point on the Columbia.
4. Relocation at a higher level
of 25Vi miles of U. P. track which
borders the river at an elevation
destined to become lake bottom.
5. Rebuild in new locations
steel and reinforced concrete
bridges spanning the Walla Wal
la river, Juniper Canyon and
Spring Gulch creek.
6. Raise 8 1-2 feet a steel girder
draw bridge 2,672 feet long over
the Columbia river.
7. Construction of one new rail
road bridge, three highway over
passes, two canal bridges and a
multiplate culvert pipe under a
67-foot embankment.
Construction on the approxi
mately $250,000,000 McNary pro
ject began in 1947, will be com
pleted in 1954 or later. Being
built for power, flood control and
irrigation, the dam will back
water 60 miles up the Solumbla
and lu miles up the snake rivers,
Heppner Business
Houses To Adopt
Trade Days Plan
20 or More Sign
Up With National
Trade Day Assn.
Seeking to pep up business,
Heppner business concerns to
the number of 20 at least, are
signing up this week for the ser.
vices of the National Trade Day
association through the con
cern's representative, C. P. Usher.
The workings of the plan were
explained by Usher at the cham
ber of commerce luncheon Mon
day noon and interest shown by
business men present, mostly
representing the retail trades,
was sufficient to induce him to
remain here and line up a local
organization. More details of the
plan of operation will be given
when the local branch is ready to
The National Trade Day asso
ciation was started in Texas in
1930 and soon spread to Oklaho
ma and other nearby states. In
the 20 years of its operation it
has spread to aH parts of the
Union, with branches in some
3600 towns. The plan has proved
so successful that some towns,
having used it for awhile and
abandoned it, have found them
selves rushing back to get on the
bandwagon, Usher said.
It is desirable to have one or
more of each type of business in
the community represented.
Several towns in the Blue
Mountain-Columbia river area
are using the plan with good re
sults, Usher stated. John Day,
Milton-Freewater, Pasco, and
Prosser were among the places
Discussion of the Christmas
opening program was taken up
for a few minutes and it was
found that the committee has ev
erything well in hand.
W. W. Bechdolt and son Adrian
were special guests of the cham
ber at Monday's luncheon. They
were introduced by N. C. Ander
son as Morrow county's bid for
state conservation man of the
year at the forthcoming annual
meeting of the Oregon Wheat
League at The Dalles. He praised
the work done by the Bechdolts
which caused them to be chosen
as the "Conservation Man of the
Year" in Morrow county. Adrian
Bechdolt responded and said
they appreciated the nice things
said about them and admitted
that they had worked hard in
their efforts to save the topsoil
and put their ranch into profit
able production but he felt that
much credit was due the conser
vation service and Tom Wilson
and his corps of conservation
workers. Wilson, in turn, said he
thought the credit had been giv
en where it was due and outlined
the program followed by the
Bechdolts as well as praising
them for their cooperative spirit.
Several new faces were seen at
the luncheon, including Gene
Wells of the Heppner Market,
John Shoemaker of Heppner Ba
kery, Pete McMurtry of Heppner
Auto Parts, Wm. Kenagy of the
Marshall-Wells store, Mrs. Pearl
Carter, representing Claudien's,
and Bill Blake ot Wilson s Men s
Exterior Lighting
Contest Scheduled
Prizes for the homes with the
best exterior decorations will ag.
ain be offered by the Jay-Cee
Ettes. Three judges will be sel
ected and the judging will be
done December 23 or 24. Those
who wish to have their decorat
ing considered in this contest
may leave their names at Gon
ty's Shoe Store any time prior to
December 23. Three prizes are
offered: first, ten dollars, second,
five dollars and third two-fifty.
The participation in the con
test last year was excellent and
it is hoped that this year even
more homes will be entered.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson
will leave December 5 for Nor
falk, Va. to be with their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kelly through the holiday
season. They plan to be gone six
weeks or longer and during ther
laDsence Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Schwarz and son Lenray will oc
cupy their residence on Hager
The Future Farmers of Ameri
ca having abandoned the prac
tice of furnishing Christmas
trees to the public of Heppner
and vicinity, the Boy Scouts will
take over, announces Jack Bai
ley, activities chairman for the
local troop. The boys will soon be
around to accept your orders.
They are trying to raise some of
the funds needed for carrying on
their activities the ensuing year.
. o
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsyth took
advantage of the Thanksgiving
holiday to visit their children in
Heppner. Mr. Forsythe is princi
pal of the high school at Cascade