Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 23, 1950, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 23, 1950
Noted Authority On
Latin America to
Lecture at lone
Dr. Roberto Hooker, professor
of languages and social science
at Pacific university, will be a
guest of the Gordon White's for
Thanksgiving and will speak at
the P-TA Monday evening. He
will also speak at the Cooperat
ive church Sunday morning at
11. Dr .Hooker is a native of Nic
auragua, is an accepted authority
on Latin America and is in much
demand as a lecturer on inter
national problems. This will be
a rare opportunity for the people
of this community to hear this
noted speaker. He will be accom
panied by his wife and family,
r Following the meeting Sunday
members and friends of the
church will hold one of their fel.
lowship potluck dinners.
The following officers were
elected at the Rebekah meeting
Thursday evening: Noble grand,
Mrs. Ernest McCabe; vice grand,
Mrs. Donald Ball; secretary, Mrs.
E. R. Lundell; treasurer, Mrs.
Mary Swanson. Past noble
grands were presented with cor
sages made - by Mrs. Wallace
Matthews after which each one
gave some experience they had
during their term of office. Mrs
Matthews gave a tribute to "the
PNG's and Mrs. Mary Swanson
gave a reading on Bible charac
ters. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Mrs.
Ernest Heliker and Mrs. Matthews.
Berl Akers was elected master
triuuwa giange at me regular
meeting Saturday -evening. Other
officers elected were: Overseer,
Mrs. Echo Palmateer; lecturer,
Mrs. Louis Halvorsen; Steward,
Wate Crawford; assistant Stew
ard, Walter Corley; chaplain,
Mrs. Wate Crawford; treasurer,
Mrs. Marian Palmer; secretary,
Mrs. Hershall Tdwnsend; gate
keeper, Paul O'Meara; lady as
sistant Steward, Mrs. Walter Cor
ley; Ceres, Mrs. James Lindsay;
Pomona, Mrs. Ed Buschke; Flora,
Mrs. Ernest Heliker. The execu
tive committee, Marian Palmer
Ed Buschke, and Fred Ely. A pot
luck dinner was served before
the meeting. The, grange decided
to do some remodeling in the din
ing room.
Guests at the Ralph Crum home
Sunday were Mrs. Crum's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Strahm
of The Dalles, her brothers and
families, Mr. and Mrs. Vern
sSwr!ht.--ttF iptSiS1 JW'.iti
the funeral of their uncle, Arthur
Foglesong, in Salem Monday.
The lone Garden club met at
the Congregational church par
lor Nov. 14. Mrs. Fannie Griffith
gave an article on "Planting for
the Passerby." Plans were made
to hold a flower show and winter
arrangement display and silver
some time early in December.
Mrs. Phil Griffin and Mrs. Lana
Padberg served refreshments.
Mrs. D. Akers of Portland is
visiting at the home of her dau
ghter, Mrs. James Lindsay.
A. A. McCabe of Adams and
Miss Mabel McCabe of Pocatello
were visitors here last week.
Louis Lyons caught George Tobin, commander of Pendleton Post No. 23, American Legion, in the
act of presenting a hospital bed to Commander Jack Edmondson of Heppner Post No. 87. The
veteran-sponsored ambulance, "White Angel," forms the proper background atmosphete for the
Earlier in the year the local Legion post endorsed a man and wife subscription team from the Pen
dleton post selling Crowell Publishing company productions. In appreciation of this cooperation,
the publishing company presented each post with a hospital bed. Heppner post will put the bed in
the Pioneer Memorial hospital for the use of veterans or any others needing it.
Strahm, Mr. and Mrs. Dutch
Strahm and Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Strahm of Arlington.
Byron Crum has gone to The
Dalles to spend the winter.
Mrs. John Garvey of Rhode.Isl
and who is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin of
Pendleton, was a recent guest at
trie uanand bwanson home.
The book, "The World's Great
est Christmas Stories" by Kredel,
has been purchased by the lone
public library.
Mrs. Florence Swanson of Port
land visited her aunt, Mrs. Delia
Corson over the week-end.
Mrs. George Mead of Seattle is
visiting at the home of her dau
ghter, Mrs. Phil Griffin.
Among those going to Tollgate
Sunda yto ski were Bob and Bill
Kietmann, Gene Rietmann and
Joel Engelman.
Friendship night observed bv
the Eastern Star at the Masonic
hall Tuesday evening, Nov. 14.
Will be at the Farra Building in Heppner
Tuesday, November 28
Call 2832 NOW for Your Appointment
Gilliam & Bisbee
Your Headquarters For
You never go wrong when you call us
for plumbing service and installation.
We gladly give estimates and you'll
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protect your insurance policies, tax records,
bills of sale, birth certificates, and other
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Safe Deposit Box today)
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Past worthy matrons and patrons
were presented with miniature
gavels. Guests were present from
Heppner. Refreshments were ser.
ved after the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McElli
gott are the parents of a daugh
ter, Cecelia Mareen, born Nov. 6
in Portland.
Gene Rietmann who is with
the U. S. army flew up from Fort
Ord, Calif. Tuesday of last week
and was met at Pendleton by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Riet
mann. Gene will leave the last
of the week for Georgia.
Mrs. Creston Black made a trip
to Portland and Aloha last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe
and daughter Pamela, Mrs. Wal
ter Corley, Mrs. E. W. Bristow and
Mrs. Pete Cannon made a trip to
Walla Walla Thursday.
Tommy Bristow was a recent
visitor to Coquille.
Gary Morgan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Morgan was ill last
Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford
are in Portland.
Rainfall recorded at Morgan
for October was 2.70 inches and
for November, up to the 18th, .96
High school students on the
honor roll for the past six weeks
were Duane Baker, Janet Howton,
Elise Bauernfeind, Fern Jones.
Leeta Linn. Ronald Baker and
John Bristow.
The Girls League of lone hish
school were hostesses at a Sadie
Hawkins party at the schoolhouse
Saturday evening. Dancing was
enjoyed and refrehsments were
The HEC of Willows grange
met at the hall Friday afternoon.
Nov. 10 and elected the following
officers: Chairman, Mrs. Marian
Palmer; vice chairman, Mrs. L.
Ball; secretary, Mrs . Hershall
Townsend, and treasurer, Mrs.
Lewis Halvorsen. The club de
cided to have the Christmas par
ty at the James Lindsay home on
tneir next meeting day. Mrs. M.
colter ana Mrs. Ed Buschke
served refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Hepp
ner are living in the Floyd Wiles
Mrs. Ernest Heliker states that
this part of the county is giving
script books to 12 veterans at the
hospital in Walla Walla for
Christmas. Different organiza
tions are donating money to be
used by the veterans for tele
phon calls.
A bridal shower was given in
nonor of Mrs. David Barnett of
Pendleton at the Legion hall Sat
urday afternoon. Mrs. Barnett re
ceived many appropriate gifts,
Hostesses were Mrs. Franklin
Lindstrom, Mrs. L. A. McCabe,
Mrs. Clifford McCabe and Mrs.
Earl McCabe. Refreshments were
served from tables decorated in
fall colors and flowers. Mr. and
Mrs. Barnett were week-end vis
itors here.
Mrs. Vela Eubanks of Portland
is visiting relatives here for a
lew days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woods of
Portland spent the week-end here
with relatives.
Carl Troedson returned home
triday from the Memorial hos
pital in Heppner where he was a
patient for eight days due to a
iooth infection.
The high school football team
was well supported at Weston
Friday. This was the last game of
the season. The team's record for
the season was: Won four, lost 5,
tied one. The team has shown
good sportsmanship all season.
The Cliff Cooleys recently
moved to Seattle. Mrs. Cooley op.
erated a beauty shop here.
The following were presented
with Bibles at the Cooperative
Sunday school for learning pass
ages of scripture through the
help of their teachers, Mrs. Omar
Rietmann and Mrs. E. M. Baker:
Clara Ann and Alecia Swales,
Sue and Annabelle Coleman, Bil
ly Seehafer, Bonny Crum, Kay
Sherer, Juliana Rietmann, Grace
McCabe, Louise Botts, Mardene
Baker, Barbara Sanders,, Berlie
Akers and Ronald McCabe.
Lowell Clark returned from the
veterans hospital in Portland last
week where he was a patient for
17 days.
Mrs. Henry Clark is home from
the Good Samaritan hospital in
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker
and Lowell Wetmore attended
A lariat, well handled, would "ground"
that steer in minutes. It's the right way to
do the job.
There's a right way to do the servicing
work on your John Deere Equipment. The
mechanic who is trained to service the
equipment the way the factory recom
mends . . . who has the right precision tools
with which to do the work . . . and who uses
genuine John Deere Parts as replacement
parts, is able to do the work quickly . . .
efficiently . . . economically.
Ours is the only shop in this community
that guarantees all three i . . trained me
chanics, precision working tools, and gen
uine John Deere Parts. This means your
John Deere Equipment will come back look
ing and running like new . . . ready to give
you dependable, efficient performance for
many months to come. See us for full details.
Empire Machinery Company
The Shrine Club Presents IVs ....
First Annual Benefit
For The Shrine Hospital For Crippled Children
O It's Fun
It's Worthwhile
O Everyone invited to bring something
It's Saturday December 2d
at 1:30 p. m.
At the Fair Ground Pavilion at Heppner
O All Proceeds Go to the Shrine Hospital
0 Lunch Will Be Served
O And it's followed by our
First Annual Benefit Dance
O Saturday, December 2, at 9 p. m.
O Fair Grounds Pavilion
Morrow County Shrine Club