Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 23, 1950, Image 1

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$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 23, 1950
Volume 67, Number 36
Funds From Sale
Will Aid Children
At Shrine Hospital
Shriners Choose
December 2 For
Big Local Event
Citizens of the community, the
county and neighboring counties
will be treated to something ex
traordinary in the way of sales
when the first annual auction
sponsored by the Morrow County
Shrine club is held the afternoon
of December 2 at the new county
fair pavilion. It will be a benefit
affair, the proceeds from which
will go to the Shrine Hospital for
Crippled Children in Portland.
At a meeting of the club Sat
urday evening, V. R, "Bob" Run-
nion was chosen as chairman of
a committee to stage the sale
and Runnion has been working
with characteristic energy and
drive to get it organized.
The sale will be public in all
phases. Anyone having some
thing to donate will find a com,
mitteeman in the vicinity to ac
cept it. If there is no article to
give, cash donations will be ac
cepted in the same thankful spi
rit. The idea is that the Shrine
club wants the entire district to
enter into the occasion either by
donating or buying or both.
"Even the kitchen sink will be
on the block," Runnion said in
announcing the big event. "We
are doing something for a wor
thy cause and know the generous
spirit of the people of Morrow,
Gilliam and Wheeler counties
will make the sale a huge suc
cess.' Runnion further emphasized
the fact that nothing will be re
fused that is salable from live
stock and farm implements down
to discarded clothing and knick.
knacks. The hospital's need for
funds is great and anything that
will bring from a few cents up
will be welcomed.
The Shrine Hospital for Crip
pled Children is a great human
itarian undertaking. It is for
your children should they need
the type of service given at the
hospital. Remember this fact and
give accordingly to a committee
man in your vicinity: W. R.
Went worth, lone; Mervyn Leon
ard, Lexington; W. C. Rosewall
or Robert Grabill, Heppner, Har
ley Anderson or Floyd Worden,
Eight Mile; George Dukek, Fos
sil; Clay Phillips, Kinzua; Scott
Neal, Condon. Arrangements will
, be made to collect articles which
cannot be delivered.'
Fair Board Thinks
In Terms of Black
Ink Nowadays
The Morrow county fair board
is rapidly drawing out of the red
and approaching the black side
of the ledger, thanks to the fine
cooperation of our Morrow coun
ty people, reports N. C. Ander
son, board secretarytreasurer.
With the November 4 calf sale
bringing in over $2,000, and num.
erous contributions, mainly of
premium checks, still coming in,
it now appears that the board
will be able to begin a new year
with a clear slate.
Contributions made recently
include (calves for calf sale):
Mankin-Bunch, Bill Doherty, E.
C. Dougherty and Gene Fergu
son, O. W. Cutsforth, Blake
Ranch, Delbert Emert, John
Graves, Sam Turner, H. A. Cohn,
Howard Cleveland, L. A. and
Kenneth Palmer, Lee Beckner,
Ralph Justus, Claude White, Earl
McKinney, Ray Wright, Wight
man Bros., Claude Graham, and
Walter Wright. Several buyers,
including Ray Ferguson, O. W.
Cutsforth and Harlan McCurdy,
purchased the Howard Cleveland
calf and donated it back to the
cause. H. L. Duvall, V. L. Carlson,
C. F. Bergstrom, and Ralph Bea
mer contributed amounts equal
to the value of a calf.
Other contributions of varying
amounts include: Bill Barratt,
Bonnie Barratt, Faye Ferguson,
Holmes Gabbert, The Lexington
grange, Kenneth Smouse, Ben
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Finch, Clara Gertson, Mrs. A. L.
twtorfioiH Mrs. KHris Lindstrom.
Hynd Brothers, Ralph Taylor,
Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. John
Graves, Kirk and Robinson Here
ford Ranch W. E. HUEheS. Ruth
McCabe, lone Clothing club, Bill
Davis, W. E. McMillan, jonn noi.
ton, Mrs. Al Troedson, Raymond
w-ffrht Mrs rhris Brown. Coun
ty Agent's office, Mrs. Arthur
Keene, Terrei uenge, Diyix n.ccuc,
O. W. Cutsforth, Newt O'Hara,
niro Plolnn rhnnpl and Mrs. Os-
car George. Early contributors
were Ray Dolven, Frank Ander
son, Floyd Worden, Ronald Baker,
Mrs. Harold Erwin, and Harold
Anderson says the fair board
members join in thanking each
an oiToru nno for the interest
shown in promoting the fair and
We bont Carry, Qun to Church c4ny Aiore
Against the savage wilderness the Pilgrims had to protect their "freedom of religion as indeed their freedom to live with firearms. Today father
may oil up his shotgun when the ducks begin to fly. But he doesn't carry it to church any more. No painted Indians flit like shadows from tree to tree in
our parks or dash with whoop and tomahawk across the quiet streets on Sunday morning. Nor does any king or civil governor prescribe the shape Of
our churches, the length of our sermons or the form of our prayers. We are free to worship when and as we please . . . and this right is one of our chief,
est if occasionally least appreciated, freedoms.
Our Founding Fathers planned better than they knew when they wrote, in the first Amendment to the Constitution: Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . "
For today the tremendous forces of Communist propaganda, utilizing all the tricks of modern psychology and spread instantaneously over modern com
munications, can act to clothe lies with truth and supplant the Truth with a gigantic lie. Naked aggression is called "peace-making", dictatorship is
termed "democracy", democracy itself is scorned as "capitalist imperialism." By using the very phraseology of free peoples the Communists have sought
to confuse the minds of logical persons everywhere . . . and in many parts of the world they have succeeded. In many lands, the established church,
where it has not heroically resisted, has been taken over lock, stock and barrel by the Communists for the dissemination of their evil creed.
The American tradition of a free practice of faith has bred in our people the ability to question, to weigh and to decide. It is not easy to twist the Tea
Commandments or the words of the Sermon on the Mount into Marxist theory in the mind of an American.
This free exercise of faith is its own best weapon against the sugar-coated doctrines of the Communist world. Religion in the U.S.A. our mighty
"strength in diversity" is stronger than gun, stronger even than atomic weapons, against the false prophets who would destroy us. Religion strengthens
our country and every community in it through the millions of actively faithful individuals who find comfort, inspiration and hope in their beliefs. Be one
of those Americans who are helping our nation and the world in this way. Enjoy the moral uplift spiritual satisfaction and many other personal bene
fits faith can bring by attending worship services with your family regularly and by taking a more active part in religious work.
Schaffeld - Adams
Vows Spoken At
Church Ceremony
In a setting of gold chrysantne
mums, Miss Betty Jane Adams,
daughter of the late Floyd Ad
ams and Mrs. Adams of Heppner,
became the bride of Mr. Ted Jos.
eph Schaffeld of Vale, at 4:dU p.
m. Wednesday, November 22, The
double-ring ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Francis McCor
mack at St. Patrick's Catholic
The bride wore a gown of
white lace trimmed in satin with
a net yoke and carried a white
satin muff covered with orchids
and bouvardia. Her full train was
held in place by a coronet trim
med in pearls, and her only or
nament was a string of pearls
given to her by her sister, Nancy.
Matron of honor was Mrs, John
Roscoe of Kellogg, Idaho, sister
of the bride, who wore a pale
salmon gown trimmed in gold.
Bridesmaids were Miss Nancy
Adams, the bride's sister, who
wore a blue taffeta dress with a
net yoke and bustle back, Miss
Judy Clark of Tigard, who wore a
similar blue dress witn a net
skirt, and Miss Adele Schaffeld,
sister of the groom, who wore a
light green dress. They all car
ried white satin muffs trimmed
in yellow and white chrysanthe
mums. The flower girls were lit
tle Sara-Mae Burnside, cousin of
the bride, and Shannon Mahoney.
who wore dresses of ruffled net
over taffeta with matching bon
nets in yellow and blue and car
ried white baskets.
Continued on pge lx
assures the people that contri
butions will not be asked for in
the future.
Civilian Defense For
County Set Up Here
Tuesday Evening
An organization for civilian de
fense in Morrow county was set
up here Tuesday evening when a
group of interested citizens from
the several towns of the county
met at the Heppner city hall at
the request of William E. Davis,
county coordinator. In attend
ance were Jack Harwood, from
Boardman; Garland Swanson,
Omar Rietmann, Jim Barnett anil
Ernie McCabe, lone; Judge Gar
net Barratt, Mayor Conley Lan
ham, Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman, J,
R. Huffman, L. E. Dick, Glen
Parsons, Kenneth Keeling, Wayne
West, C. A. Ruggles, Walter De-
puy, Rev. E. L. Tull and W. E.
The organization effected in
cludes the following officers:
W. E. Davis, county director;
administration, Henry Tetz; se
curity, C. J. D. Bauman; service,
J. R. Huffman; medical, Dr. R. J.
O'Shea; aid and welfare, L. E
Dick; There will be department
directors in each community.
The next meeting will be held
in the Legion hall at lone Dec. 12,
Word received from the Gro-shens-Troedson
party was that
they were in Ireland and enjoy
ing the country immensely. Gro
shens was planning to look up
former residents of Morrow coun.
ty there before leaving for Eng
Union Pacific Farm
Car Due Tuesday
At Local Station
With November 28-29 schedul
ed as stopping dates for Heppner,
tlie union racmc agricultural
improvement car expects to avoid
the bad weather conditions en
countered here last year. Sched
uled in January of 1950 blizzard
conditions cut attendance of last
year's program to practically
The car, equipped with 72
comfortable seats, built in public
address system and moving pic
ture projection room, offers a con
venient method oi agricultural
education for the farmers who
The program, according to N.
C. Anderson, Morrow county ag
ent, is prepared for adult attend.
anco on November 28, with 4-H,
FFA and other youth invited to
attend the morning program of
November 29. Appearing on the
program will be George L. Pen
rose, agricultural agent, Union
Pacific railroad; Boo Fletcher,
Pacific Northwest Crop Improve
ment association; Robert Every,
entomologist, Oregon State col
lege; Rex Warren, agronomist,
Oregon State college, and N. C.
Anderson, Morrow county agent.
Grain sanitation, fumigation,
disinfecting, rodent control, as
well as general field crop pro
duction will be discussed by the
The discussion car will be spot,
ted near the depot in Heppner
and programs will start at 1:30
on the 28th, 8:30 a. m. on the
Football Schedule
Ends, Basketball
Practice Begins
With a week's rest between
football and basketball, Coach
Whitbeck threw out. the first ball
to begin practice for the 1950-51
hoop season Monday. Preparation
for the first game is limited to
two weeks of practice and Hepp
ner high's hoop aspirants are
buckling down to training and
conditioning in earnest.
Only four lettermen are left to
form the core of the 1950-1951
squad, Whitbeck reports. These
are Gary Connor and Phil
Smith, forwards; Melvin Piper,
center, and Marion Green, guard.
Other promising members are
Jim Prock, Jim Smith, Keith Con
nor, Elwayne Bergstrom, Junior
btout, Roy Taylor, Wesley Mar
latt, Jack Sumner, Roland Tay
lor, John Mollahan, Wendell Con
nor, Roger Palmer, Jim Green,
Bob Buschke, Bill Hughes, Jim
MeClintock and Jerry Buschke.
From this group Coach Whit
beck hopes to find a suitable
combination, but as yet the field
is wide open and no one player
has nailed down a starting berth.
When the courthouse clock
dove off the roof,
It wasn't a great surprise.
We just considered it further
That indeed, my friend, time
Contract Awarded
For lone's New Dial
Telephone Building
The contract for lone's new dial
telephone building has been let
to the McCormack Construction
company, Pendleton, and work
is scheduled to get underway
some time next week, according
to Telephone Manager D. A.
Barring unforeseen circum
stances, the new 12x16 foot frame
structure, to be located on the
northeast corner of 2nd and Birch
streets, is expected to be ready
for installation of the dial switch
ing equipment by February, with
the tentative in-service date set
for March, 1951.
As previously announced, the
new lone dial office will be fully
automatic, with Arlington as the
control center for long distance
Wednesday evening, Novem
ber 29 will be a big night for the
members of Willows lodge I. O,
O. F. and other chapters of the
district. It is the date chosen by
Grand Master A. C. Holmes for
making his official visit and he
has asked the local lodge to in
vite the Hardman, lone, Lexing
ton and Morgan lodges to parti
A delegation from Eureka
lodge No. 32, Pendleton, will be
present to assist with degfee
work, and there will be refresh
C. of C. Chooses
December 2 For
Holiday Opening
Decorations Due
To Go Up; Santa
Coming For Visit
Santa Claus, the mythical char
acter impersonated by fond pa
pas and other suitable figures
throughout this vale of tears
during the Christmas holiday
season, is scheduled to make his
initial appearance in Heppner
the evening of December 2. That
is the time selected by the Hepp
ner chamber of commerce for op
ening the season and efforts are
being directed toward having ev.
erything in readiness for making
it a gala occasion.
A call lor volunteers to help in
preparing the street decorations
and getting them strung was
made at Monday's meeting of the
chamber of commerce. The work
of preparing garlands will be
done at the county fair pavilion
this week-end (provided there
are enough volunteers) and the
stringing will be done by the
end of next week.
In choosing December 2 for
the opening, the chamber of com
merce had in mind the Shrine
club's big auction sale and dance
program. The sale will be held in
the afternoon and the dance will
not open until 9:30 or 10 that
evening. With cooperation of the
business houses the opening will
De neid between 6 and 7 p. m.
Uienn Parsons, acting chair
man at Monday's meeting, ap
pointed N. C. Anderson as chair
man of a committee to outline
the program and set things in
motion. Anderson called his com
mittee together Monday evening
and mind this kiddies contact
was established with Santa. That
worthy assured the- committee
that he would gladly re-route his
trip to include Heppner, which
will work into his trip to the
North Pole for a fresh stockpile
of toys and goodies for the good
little boys and girls. He also re
minded the group that he would
be glad to pick up any letters to
him from boys and girls and ask
ed to have a special mailbox set
on the street in front of the post
office. This mailbox will be rea
dy to receive letters from the
kids on November 28. Santa as
sured the committee that he
would write a special letter to all
the boys and girls which would
appear in next week's issue of
the Heppner Gazette Times, giv
ing them the time he would ar
rive. He hinted that there may
De a goody or two for those who
are good between now and his
visit on December 2.
To welcome Santa to town the
entertainment committee is work
ing out plans for several choral
groups to sing Christmas carols
and for stores to remain open
that week between 6 and 7 as
open house.
Ranger Glenn Parsons and his
foresters went into the mountains
Wednesday to cut garlands and
other greenery to be used for
street decorations. The usual
Christmas trees will not be in
cluded in this year's decorations.
Five Men Called For
December 5 Induction
Five voune men from this area
have received notice to appear
for induction into the armed
forces December 5, according to
word received from the district
office at Condon. Included in the
group are Wayne LeRov Convers.
Boardman; Merl Gene Helms,
Mltcnell; Robert Cleo Drake,
lone; Billie George Jolliss, (reg
istered at Blalock), Fahlequa,
Oklahoma, and Eugene Edward
Warmuth, Heppner..
Nineteen men have been in
ducted from the area so far, three
in September, 11 in October and
five in December. There are 45
men listed in the 19-25 age group
who are voluntary enlistments
or active reservists called into
Four Injured When
Cars Collide on
Riverside Avenue
One person was hospitalized
and three others received minor
cuts and abrasions in an acci
dent that occurred on Riverside
avenue November 19.
A 1931 Chevrolet truck driven
by George Mead of Heppner col.
lided with a 1950 sedan driven by
Delvin O. Matteson, also of Hep
pner, at approximately 11 p. m.
Pete Christopherson, a passen
ger with Mead, received head in
juries and he is still in the hos
pital where his condition is re
ported critical.
Mead, Matteson, and Celia
Matteson, his sister-in-law, who
was a passenger in the sedan, all
were treated at the hospital for
their minor injuries.
George Mead was cited for
driving without an operator's li
cense. Both cars were badly damaged.